Are there same-sex marriages in the United States?

Genetics and hormones? Really. That's interesting. Most bigots vehemently deny any genetic involvement, or any biological connection at all. Doesnt admitting that it is innate take some of the bluster out of your ability to marginalize gays as having made a frivolous choice?

Better check in with your handlers at Proud Boys Hq. You might be spreading an unauthorized message.
Of course, this does not always come down to a natural disposition, but it's stupid to deny it, it's objective.
This is obvious, since many do not feel aversion to contact with men and some feel pleasure from stimulation of the rectum
Of course, this does not always come down to a natural disposition, but it's stupid to deny it, it's objective.
This is obvious, since many do not feel aversion to contact with men and some feel pleasure from stimulation of the rectum

There are nerve endings in the rectum that respond to stimulation. You can be averse to the idea and dislike it from that perspective. But the pleasure is there for everyone.
" Attempts To Understand Individualism "

* Equal Protection Versus Unequal Endowment *

Where did you suck this "meaning"? Out of a faggot's dick? According to your classification, the crown of nature is amoebas and bacteria, they do it better

A consideration arose based on individualism which extrapolates beyond all men being created equal to where all individuals are considered equal .

That led to a consideration for whether a state , in recognizing a social civil agreement between two individuals , would then be able to discern between individual entitlements base on a discerning factor such as genetic identity or racial clad , of which a corporate business model was brought into consideration .

As negative liberties are to be equally protected , while positive liberties may not be equally endowed , and as a social civil contract between one or more individuals can be established as a matter of principle by negative liberties , and having a particular style of social civil contract recognized for either negative liberties of protection , or especially for positive liberties of endowment is a different issue , so how would social civil agreements , as different styles of civil union , differ from a social civil agreement say with the establishment of a corporation based the nature of its business plan ?

* Fight Or Flight Response And Male Phallus Is Not My Thing *

Any interest of mine in pornography are exclusively for female masturbation .

Males kissing and homosexual pornography is very unappealing to me .

Perhaps an instinct for hierarchy is ingrained , but heterosexual pornography also invokes hostility towards the male ; and , males are not attractive to me in any way .

Neither horror genre , nor torture , nor sadomasochism are of interest to me .

Companies that promote miscegenation through their advertising are avoided where possible .

My interests are in natural sciences and comedy when it is not over the edge in ethnocentric arrogance or political nonsense .

Having had sex numerous times with a woman menstruating , the consequent smell of urine leads me to wonder why any would want to ram feces into their bladder and unprotected anal sex is by far the leading cause of colon cancer due to hpv .
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You shit yourself, as expected
Read and try to learn something

I read it, it's not there. This is fucking bullshit
You did not read shit! You are to intellectually lazy and deficient to read anything or comprehend it if you did. You have nothing to say about post 113? Not surprised. Thank you for confirming my assessment of your level of functioning
You did not read shit! You are to intellectually lazy and deficient to read anything or comprehend it if you did. You have nothing to say about post 113? Not surprised. Thank you for confirming my assessment of your level of functioning
Show me it or fuck off

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