Are there same-sex marriages in the United States?

I am afraid to look at this decline. I see the traditional American culture, where there were cowboys, supermen, I saw a great country, great people who were leaders in all the advanced technologies of the 20th century, and had the greatest volunteer army, and now I see some idiots who are confused in the elementary things and are ready to sacrifice their children for a bunch of pathetic fags and scammers.
" Unimpressed By Deviants Wanting Validation "

* Minding My Own Business And Avoidance *

fucking in the ass
Is there a difference in tax base or public policy between a corporation with a business plan of pornography versus one that is not ?

The meaning of an after life is to pass on ones genetic identity through ones offspring and that is a success criteria of nature irrespective of how deviants perceive an entitlement to their own behavior .

* Threads Setup To Help And Inform *
Should cannibalism also be protected? Where do so many degenerates in the USA
As a matter of technicality , one would first need to create a prearranged agreement to make their own dead body available to another looking to engage in cannibalism .

# 21
Allow local options on whether to allow it in each jurisdiction.

Outlawing Gay Divorce- if libs really believe that Almighty God has put 2 guys together, let no man put them asunder.

Renaming the event to"Civil unions" and calling the participants "bum buddies" so that Gay and normal marriage can be legally distinguished
Thank you for once again affirming your love and respect for the constitution and all of your fellow Americans. God bless you Princess
in addition, formally, a faggot can seduce any person who has reached the age of majority. But what kind of parents would want a motherfucker to fuck their 18-year-old son even with his consent?

And this is your fear? LMAO!!
Why should we allow faggots? Who needs it except the faggots themselves? What's the point of that?
We allow them to live among us, and instead of gratitude, they seduce and rape children and shout about their special privileges at every corner. Tomorrow they will say that we violate their rights because not suck their dicks when they want.

What gives anyone the right to deny these people their rights? You especially.

And no, gays will not protest because they don't get their dicks sucks when they want. You are thinking of INCELs. And that would be YOUR social group.
I am afraid to look at this decline. I see the traditional American culture, where there were cowboys, supermen, I saw a great country, great people who were leaders in all the advanced technologies of the 20th century, and had the greatest volunteer army, and now I see some idiots who are confused in the elementary things and are ready to sacrifice their children for a bunch of pathetic fags and scammers.
"cowboys, supermen"? :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg:
I am afraid to look at this decline. I see the traditional American culture, where there were cowboys, supermen, I saw a great country, great people who were leaders in all the advanced technologies of the 20th century, and had the greatest volunteer army, and now I see some idiots who are confused in the elementary things and are ready to sacrifice their children for a bunch of pathetic fags and scammers.
We're off to see the Wizzard. The wonderful Wkizzard of Oz
To do this, need to change the federal law. Federal law applies in all states, unless an explicit exception is provided.

But the decisions of the Courts are de facto illegal, because they were engaged in fraud, pretending that there is a legal concept of "same-sex marriage" in the United States
Partly from customs, it also depends on genetics and hormones. In northern Europe, remnants of this have been preserved. In fact, this abomination comes from the North German and Baltic cultures, and partly from the Near East. These are cultures that have been embraced by the matriarchy
Genetics and hormones? Really. That's interesting. Most bigots vehemently deny any genetic involvement, or any biological connection at all. Doesnt admitting that it is innate take some of the bluster out of your ability to marginalize gays as having made a frivolous choice?

Better check in with your handlers at Proud Boys Hq. You might be spreading an unauthorized message.
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They do. They corrupt society and ruin the younger generation, just like hippie pigs and feminists. In addition, they show aggression, rape citizens and pretend that they are not perverts
Lol, the heterosexual does all the above also. They don't effect you so don't worry about them.. You just wanna be able to tell people how to live. Mean while you're a moron and have no business being in charge of any body. Oh, ya yes you are afraid of the gays. Lol afraid of getting raped aren't ya. Hilarious
I am afraid to look at this decline. I see the traditional American culture, where there were cowboys, supermen, I saw a great country, great people who were leaders in all the advanced technologies of the 20th century, and had the greatest volunteer army, and now I see some idiots who are confused in the elementary things and are ready to sacrifice their children for a bunch of pathetic fags and scammers.

You really are an ignorant fool aren’t you?

American Technology was nearly the death of our auto industry. We had to adapt to Foreign techniques and technology to survive. We did a better job of that than the British Car Industry though. They failed to adapt and died out.

Much of that technology was mandated by the Government. Higher CAFE standards required the development of fuel injection and efficient engines as one example. The same is true of most of the great technology you are lauding. It was the result of Government Mandates in nearly every case. Flat screen TV’s met the new efficiency requirements. Low flow toilets. Washing machines and dishwashers that used less water.

I’m now going to point out what is remembered by us older folks. Every single thing was opposed by loud regressive idiots. Like you.

The all voluntary Military didn’t exist until the 1970’s when Carter ended the Draft. Carter also mandated drug and alcohol screenings for troops.

I know about the Army. I joined the Army. I was a Combat Engineer Paratrooper assigned to the 82nd Airborne. I was in when Reagan was President. I was in when HW Bush was President. I was in when Don’t Ask Don’t Tell was the policy. We had gays in the units. And we didn’t give a fuck. Because I don’t care who pulls my wounded ass out of the line of fire when I’m wounded. I don’t care if he is a White Protestant, a Black Baptist, Brown, Red, Gay, or whatever. All soldiers were green. Period.

That is probably why you didn’t join. Too many undesirable types whom you would have to take orders from.

I was lucky. I had the easy wars. Oh we lost some people. Some friends of mine got very dead. Some others got wounded. But Just Cause and Desert Shield/Storm were easy compared to wars before and after. We didn’t know that going in. We didn’t know that until it was all over. We were expecting 10% casualties.

The world wasn’t what you imagine it to be. It was very different. And if you want to listen. Some of us old timers will tell you about gas rationing that took place under Ford.
Is there a difference in tax base or public policy between a corporation with a business plan of pornography versus one that is not ?

The meaning of an after life is to pass on ones genetic identity through ones offspring and that is a success criteria of nature irrespective of how deviants perceive an entitlement to their own behavior
Where did you suck this "meaning"? Out of a faggot's dick? According to your classification, the crown of nature is amoebas and bacteria, they do it better

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