Zone1 Are Thread Starters allowed to list posters they prohibit?

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What thread is this about?
Oops….misread your question. It’s the one in which OP tells of a historical wrong against blacks and asks how people can deal with it. I and a number of posters the OP knows will point out her erroneous - and even harmful - approach were listed in her first post as being banished from the thread.
What I hate is the personal attack that have nothing to do with the topic. And some of our posters seem to think that is debate.

Wow ... You got it lucky ... That's only about half the members.

I get aggravated with stupid people that have the silly idea that whatever they may think is brilliant ...
And that spouting absolute nonsense is a suitable substitute for worthwhile debate.

But I guess it evens out ... I don't need to hate them ... They just suck.
So ... I invite everyone to debate ... Even Zinc.


Wow ... You got it lucky ... That's only about half the members.

I get aggravated with stupid people that have the silly idea that whatever they may think is brilliant ...
And that spouting absolute nonsense is a suitable substitute for worthwhile debate.

But I guess it evens out ... I don't need to hate them ... They just suck.
So ... I invite everyone to debate ... Even Zinc.


Why are you centering your text?
It makes it harder to read.
Oops….misread your question. It’s the one in which OP tells of a historical wrong against blacks and asks how people can deal with it. I and a number of posters the OP knows will point out her erroneous - and even harmful - approach were listed in her first post as being banished from the thread.
Gotcha. Is there a link...
We have a few threads...
People being blocked simply disagree with the poster and/or are pointing out what they see as the error in her position. Democrats have adopted this as their new approach - silence those who disagree - and now it’s made it’s way into this forum.
Start a similar thread with the opposing point of view and list the people you're "prohibiting.". I'm serious. Let's see expose the double standard.
Oops….misread your question. It’s the one in which OP tells of a historical wrong against blacks and asks how people can deal with it. I and a number of posters the OP knows will point out her erroneous - and even harmful - approach were listed in her first post as being banished from the thread.
Take it as a badge of honor. She listed the hos she fears
Start a similar thread with the opposing point of view and list the people you're "prohibiting.". I'm serious. Let's see expose the double standard.
I would just love to post a thread and announce I'm prohibiting the posters Zinc, Coyote, Katsteve, Flac, Aye, Tazme, Meister and White6.
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