Zone1 Are Thread Starters allowed to list posters they prohibit?

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It seems quite disingenuous for an opinionated poster to start a thread under the idea that she wants a debate - and then list posters who are “prohibited” because she knows they will disagree with her narrative?

And then can a mod work in concert with her to delete the posts of the people the thread starter declared ”prohibited”? Seems that disallowing those who disagree with her, or point out the erroneous thinking of her position, is not a real debate.
Bull ring?
Apparently, an OP can prohibit (censor) any poster they desire from participating in a thread and this can be done after an opposing opinion is posted, which in turn gets the opposing opinion removed from the thread. There was less censorship in Pravda and Tass. I am pissed.
Pravada has a message board?
Here, we have the majority of posters who are moderate to conservative, yet this nasty black racist shit is what we get.
LMAO, I am being LYNCHED on this board. I posted a thread and first I am not allowed to reply to it. Second, I get a notification that it has been moved and then when I searched for it, I am told that it does not exist. This is a gross injustice and I want REPARATIONS from whoever is responsible! LMAO
Excellent point. When we are censored by the OP, she is not merely blocking our response to her, but she prevents others from hearing the opposing side, or considering other approaches to the topic.
Jesus. Can you whine any harder? There's nothing stopping you starting a thread giving your side of whatever you want.
While I dislike the idea of cencorship, I can understand the appeal of being able to block certain people from a thread.

I welcome differing opinions. What I hate is the personal attack that have nothing to do with the topic. And some of our posters seem to think that is debate.
Jesus. Can you whine any harder? There's nothing stopping you starting a thread giving your side of whatever you want.
So you‘re in favor of threads in which the OP states her opinion, in order to further her agenda, and then lists posters she prohibits from responding? Then this is no longer a discussion board, but an echo chamber.

Besides, the OP in question violated the rules. These type of threads are not allowed, and it should be deleted. Let that black racist start a new thread, inviting the other black racists, and their enablers, to participate.
While I dislike the idea of cencorship, I can understand the appeal of being able to block certain people from a thread.

I welcome differing opinions. What I hate is the personal attack that have nothing to do with the topic. And some of our posters seem to think that is debate.
People being blocked simply disagree with the poster and/or are pointing out what they see as the error in her position. Democrats have adopted this as their new approach - silence those who disagree - and now it’s made it’s way into this forum.
While I dislike the idea of cencorship, I can understand the appeal of being able to block certain people from a thread.

I welcome differing opinions. What I hate is the personal attack that have nothing to do with the topic. And some of our posters seem to think that is debate.
Announcing a list of people blocked from a thread is an obvious call-out.

The only difference between that and the usual call-out thread is that those being called out cannot respond.

Couple that with this particular poster's penchant for announcing that she is tattling on posters, and the intent is anything but an honest desire to debate.

Didn't we all get enough of these manipulative teacher's pet types back in the 5th grade?
Announcing a list of people blocked from a thread is an obvious call-out.

The only difference between that and the usual call-out thread is that those being called out cannot respond.

Couple that with this particular poster's penchant for announcing that she is tattling on posters, and the intent is anything but an honest desire to debate.

Didn't we all get enough of these manipulative teacher's pet types back in the 5th grade?
Yes, absolutely. She comes up with a list of prohibited posters - which is not allowed - and then tattles when they point out that she has silenced them, by name.

Basically, she has said: You whites who won’t go along with my racist position will be silenced, and you better shut up about it and take it.
Yes, absolutely. She comes up with a list of prohibited posters - which is not allowed - and then tattles when they point out that she has silenced them, by name.

Basically, she has said: You whites who won’t go along with my racist position will be silenced, and you better shut up about it and take it.
It is all about intimidation with these race haters.
It is all about intimidation with these race haters.
Yup. Look at how they burned and looted and murdered their way across America when that cop killed the black ex-con.

In the meantime, where’s the coverage of the cops who put a White man in a freezer overnight, and he froze to death? This just happened last week.
So you‘re in favor of threads in which the OP states her opinion, in order to further her agenda, and then lists posters she prohibits from responding? Then this is no longer a discussion board, but an echo chamber.

Besides, the OP in question violated the rules. These type of threads are not allowed, and it should be deleted. Let that black racist start a new thread, inviting the other black racists, and their enablers, to participate.
And the race card is out...the only card in her deck.
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