Are Trump supporters dumb enough to believe that Trump genuinely cares about veterans?

Both Clinton's are hawks.

Bill made regime change in Iraq a policy in 1998. Hillary supported the Iraq War; and she never met a military intervention she didn't like.

As senator she supported generous funding for veteran services.

What did Senator Clinton accomplish while in office?

Four dead Americans and a ME set ablaze?

Uhm, four American didn't die and the ME is all kumbaya?

I guess you missed the part where Hillary went to Congress and asked for more money for security for people in the ME and they refused to increase spending.

I guess you also missed the part where the ambassador was told to come back to the main embassy, but he refused, saying that he didn't want to appear weak.

And finally, the attack lasted a grand total of 4 hours, and we didn't find out they were under attack until 45 min into the attack. Since we had zero assets in the area for a rescue, the nearest base that help could have come from was all the way up in Sicily, and would be about a 3 hour flight to get there (assuming they already had a rescue team on the tarmac ready to go), meaning that even if they had been able to launch a rescue attempt, they would have shown up for the last 15 min of the fight, and the people who died would have already been dead.

If you want to blame anyone for Bengazi, blame the GOP Congress that refused increased spending for security over there.
The RWNJS conveniently forget get that.
I guess you missed the part where Hillary went to Congress and asked for more money for security for people in the ME and they refused to increase spending.

I guess you also missed the part where the ambassador was told to come back to the main embassy, but he refused, saying that he didn't want to appear weak.

And finally, the attack lasted a grand total of 4 hours, and we didn't find out they were under attack until 45 min into the attack. Since we had zero assets in the area for a rescue, the nearest base that help could have come from was all the way up in Sicily, and would be about a 3 hour flight to get there (assuming they already had a rescue team on the tarmac ready to go), meaning that even if they had been able to launch a rescue attempt, they would have shown up for the last 15 min of the fight, and the people who died would have already been dead.

If you want to blame anyone for Bengazi, blame the GOP Congress that refused increased spending for security over there.

You need to get away from those lying MSM people that you listen to.

If you knew anything about it, you would understand that the spending bill was about new construction and added security. It was up to the White House on how to divide it. Congress just gave them one check. Furthermore, it was not a spending cut, it was a lower amount than DumBama requested which is quite normal in negotiations; you ask for more than you really need because you know it's going to be negotiated down.
I guess you missed the part where Hillary went to Congress and asked for more money for security for people in the ME and they refused to increase spending.

I guess you also missed the part where the ambassador was told to come back to the main embassy, but he refused, saying that he didn't want to appear weak.

And finally, the attack lasted a grand total of 4 hours, and we didn't find out they were under attack until 45 min into the attack. Since we had zero assets in the area for a rescue, the nearest base that help could have come from was all the way up in Sicily, and would be about a 3 hour flight to get there (assuming they already had a rescue team on the tarmac ready to go), meaning that even if they had been able to launch a rescue attempt, they would have shown up for the last 15 min of the fight, and the people who died would have already been dead.

If you want to blame anyone for Bengazi, blame the GOP Congress that refused increased spending for security over there.

You need to get away from those lying MSM people that you listen to.

If you knew anything about it, you would understand that the spending bill was about new construction and added security. It was up to the White House on how to divide it. Congress just gave them one check. Furthermore, it was not a spending cut, it was a lower amount than DumBama requested which is quite normal in negotiations; you ask for more than you really need because you know it's going to be negotiated down.

Doesn't change the fact that Hillary asked for the money and was turned down.

Also doesn't change the fact that we had zero assets in the area that could have gotten to them in time. Even if they had a full team ready to go and sitting on the tarmac, because the nearest base that could have done that mission was all the way up in Sigonella, because Naples was too far away, and it still would have been a 3 hour flight to get there, and the attack only lasted 4 hours, and we didn't find out they were under attack until 45 min. after it started.

And, there is also the fact that the ambassador didn't want to go back to the main embassy when he was told to, because he didn't want to appear weak.
Why, WHY is this thread still active? Politicians of all stripes play games with our emotions. They lie, they pander, they misrepresent shit, they do everything they can to get what THEY WANT OR DEEM APPROPRIATE.

So again, why single out Trump? I would bet my life that neither Trump nor Hillary give two shits about our soldiers beyond getting their voted.

This thread is RETARDED
But no one does it better than Trump! Republican douche baggery at its finest.
Fake propaganda is fake propaganda no matter how you slice it up. Stop being such a useful tool
There is no such thing as fake propaganda .
By its very nature it's false information .
To say it's fake is to say it's a fake of a fake.
Thus making your discription false.
Except when it's true.
Why, WHY is this thread still active? Politicians of all stripes play games with our emotions. They lie, they pander, they misrepresent shit, they do everything they can to get what THEY WANT OR DEEM APPROPRIATE.

So again, why single out Trump? I would bet my life that neither Trump nor Hillary give two shits about our soldiers beyond getting their voted.

This thread is RETARDED
But no one does it better than Trump! Republican douche baggery at its finest.
Fake propaganda is fake propaganda no matter how you slice it up. Stop being such a useful tool
There is no such thing as fake propaganda .
By its very nature it's false information .
To say it's fake is to say it's a fake of a fake.
Thus making your discription false.
Except when it's true.
As I said before propaganda can never be true .
If it was it would not be propaganda.
Thanks for playing!
Before this magical 6 million he has been going on and on about, Trump gave more to the Clintons than he did veterans. Now that he is running for president, he doesn't shut the fuck up about them. Are you people really this dense? I mean this is a guy who makes up fake Bible verses just to pander.

Well, since Hillary has always activity hated anyone in uniform, it's easy to look better in comparison.
Doesn't change the fact that Hillary asked for the money and was turned down.

Also doesn't change the fact that we had zero assets in the area that could have gotten to them in time. Even if they had a full team ready to go and sitting on the tarmac, because the nearest base that could have done that mission was all the way up in Sigonella, because Naples was too far away, and it still would have been a 3 hour flight to get there, and the attack only lasted 4 hours, and we didn't find out they were under attack until 45 min. after it started.

And, there is also the fact that the ambassador didn't want to go back to the main embassy when he was told to, because he didn't want to appear weak.

Oh please. Hilarious had nothing to do with the money going to security or mostly--the construction. That was DumBama. Secondly, the ambassador did ask for increase security which Hillary rejected. That was a part of her job.
Doesn't change the fact that Hillary asked for the money and was turned down.

Also doesn't change the fact that we had zero assets in the area that could have gotten to them in time. Even if they had a full team ready to go and sitting on the tarmac, because the nearest base that could have done that mission was all the way up in Sigonella, because Naples was too far away, and it still would have been a 3 hour flight to get there, and the attack only lasted 4 hours, and we didn't find out they were under attack until 45 min. after it started.

And, there is also the fact that the ambassador didn't want to go back to the main embassy when he was told to, because he didn't want to appear weak.

Oh please. Hilarious had nothing to do with the money going to security or mostly--the construction. That was DumBama. Secondly, the ambassador did ask for increase security which Hillary rejected. That was a part of her job.

Hillary asked for more money to increase security. Congress rejected her request, not Obama.

And no, it wasn't Hillary that rejected the request for increased security, it was Congress that refused to fund it.
I don't think it's a matter of caring or not caring. EVERYONE cares about veterans, it's just that Trump supports Republican policies that are wrongheaded concerning veterans. Like, one day he says he's all about taking care of them, but by the next day he thinks the best way to take care of them is by forcing them into the private insurance market, which would jack up their healthcare costs in a way that veterans and their families would see personal household debt dramatically rise.

Trump and the Republicans don't see it that way. They sincerely believe that private insurance competition will magically, one day, some day, bring overall healthcare costs down. This has never happened since capitalism just doesn't work that way on a matter like healthcare, but they continue to cling to that fallacy like it's religion.

The Democratic plan is that if the country can afford $625 billion in defense every year, then surely we can find the money in there to reallocate to the VA and to Medicare/Medicaid programs that vets count on and need. In budget battles you can watch on CSPAN, Republicans actively try to decrease spending on veterans and on people like 9/11 first responders, but never think twice about raising every other part of the defense budget, not because they don't care about veterans, but because they think gov't is only good enough for contracting out for planes, tanks, ships and bombs but not people who need healthcare, who will be better served in the private market.

It's totally wrong and it'll make veterans' lives worse off, but Republicans just don't get it, and it's too bad, because their heart is in the right place even though their policies suck ass.
Before this magical 6 million he has been going on and on about, Trump gave more to the Clintons than he did veterans. Now that he is running for president, he doesn't shut the fuck up about them. Are you people really this dense? I mean this is a guy who makes up fake Bible verses just to pander.

He gave a million dollars to them.

Democrats such as crooked Hillary at best have given them broken legs and lead poisoning.
Trump donated to attorneys general who dropped Trump U. inquiries: report
Source: The Hill With Direct Link to AP Report

Attorneys general in Florida and Texas who declined to pursue lawsuits against the now-defunct Trump University received political contributions from Donald Trump, according to an Associated Press report.

Trump donated $35,000 to the successful gubernatorial campaign of then-Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott after a probe into the university’s "possibly deceptive trade practices" was dropped by his office.

And a political fundraising committee supporting Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi received a $25,000 donation from the Donald J. Trump foundation just days after her office had announced that it was looking into joining a multi-state lawsuit against Trump University. Her office later dropped the inquiry, citing a lack of evidence.

Read more: Trump donated to attorneys general who dropped Trump U. inquiries: report
Before this magical 6 million he has been going on and on about, Trump gave more to the Clintons than he did veterans. Now that he is running for president, he doesn't shut the fuck up about them. Are you people really this dense? I mean this is a guy who makes up fake Bible verses just to pander.
If you people think that any politician cares about anything but themselves then you're all idiots
veterans are forgotten by both parties and all americans.....just plain ass fucking lip service on memorial day with your made in china fucking flags.....and think you are just great people with your chinese flag..remembering vets one mother fucking day of the year....o pay lip service on the other bbq days too.....
Well the libs sure as hell don't so....

Evidently Hillaary uses posers for photo ops?


you should be embarrassed.
Hillary asked for more money to increase security. Congress rejected her request, not Obama.

And no, it wasn't Hillary that rejected the request for increased security, it was Congress that refused to fund it.


Biden’s Libya Claims

Biden claimed that Ryan “cut embassy security in his budget $300 million below what we asked for.” That’s an exaggeration. The fiscal year 2012 funding was $264 million less than the administration had requested, and the funding isn’t only for security. It covers construction and maintenance as well.

The Obama administration requested $1.801 billion for embassy security, construction and maintenance for the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, according to The Hill newspaper. And House Republicans came back with a proposal to cut spending to $1.425 billion. Ultimately, the Republican-controlled House agreed to increase funding to $1.537 billion after negotiations with the Senate.

Biden also claimed that the administration wasn’t aware of security concerns among U.S. officials in Libya before the attack on the consulate in Benghazi that killed four Americans. The vice president said: “[W]e weren’t told they wanted more security there. We did not know they wanted more security again.”

We can’t say whether requests for more security — which were denied — reached the top. But American officials who worked in Libya over the summer placed the blame on a deputy assistant secretary of state — not top administration officials — when testifying before Congress this week.

Eric Nordstrom, the top regional security officer in Libya over the summer, said: “All of us at post were in sync that we wanted these resources.”

Andrew Wood, a Utah National Guardsman who was leading a security team, testified: “We felt great frustration that those requests were ignored or just never met.”

They placed the blame squarely on Charlene Lamb, deputy assistant secretary of state for international programs, according to Foreign Policy magazine.

Veep Debate Violations
Trump apology tours!

Just as pressure is mounting on Republican elected officials to fall in line behind Trump, Sens. Joni Ernst of Iowa, Cory Gardner of Colorado and Dan Sullivan of Alaska are in South Korea undercutting Trump's bluster with assurances that the U.S. is not about to renege on trade agreements or demand its allies pay more to support American forces on Korean soil.
veterans are forgotten by both parties and all americans.....just plain ass fucking lip service on memorial day with your made in china fucking flags.....and think you are just great people with your chinese flag..remembering vets one mother fucking day of the year....o pay lip service on the other bbq days too.....

And who the fuck are you again?
Before this magical 6 million he has been going on and on about, Trump gave more to the Clintons than he did veterans. Now that he is running for president, he doesn't shut the fuck up about them. Are you people really this dense? I mean this is a guy who makes up fake Bible verses just to pander.

Wow Billy Baloney, you sure hit that on the head, didn't you-)

Seems to me he has done wonders for the veterans of this country.

And NOW everyone reading these past threads should realize, when some of us post in these threads, each and EVERY time we do, we insert the word...…..PROPAGANDA!

People like Billy-e-Baloney can not ever tell the truth, for if he/they did, NOBODY would EVER vote for their side, lolol!
People with military service voted 61% to 34% for trump in the 2016 presidential !!!!

Trump has the real power !!!!

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