Are Trump supporters dumb enough to believe that Trump genuinely cares about veterans?

Are Trump supporters dumb enough to believe that Trump genuinely cares about veterans?

I don't know. Are DumBama supporters dumb enough to believe that he really cares whether you have healthcare insurance or not? Are DumBama supporters really dumb enough to believe he cares about your environment?
But she is..Asslips!
The FLOTUS isnt running either you cave chimp.

NOT YET!!!! But who would vote for a Wookie with a very low IQ?

  • Michelle Obama shoots off her mouth in embarrassing tirade
    americanthinker ^ | Jun. 1, 2016 | Thomas Lifson
    First ladies generally are allowed considerable immunity from criticism, because they generally stick to feel-good issues, like literacy, roadside beautification, and other subjects most people can agree on. But not Michelle Obama, who has enjoyed some of the most unrealistic flattery in the history of first ladies, such as the concerted effort to convince the public she is a fashion icon.After becoming the national food and exercise scold, provoking vast waste and mass starvation as public school students discard the unappetizing and skimpy lunches she has forced on school cafeterias, she has now turned toward outright slander of those who...
  • An Unforgettable Day with Michelle Obama at Santa Fe Indian School
    Today Media ^ | 5/27/2016 | Frances Madison
    First Lady Michelle Obama came to listen to the 2016 graduating class of the Santa Fe Indian School. And then she spoke from her heart.(snip) Mrs. Obama was welcomed to the podium as “the mother of our nation,” and she addressed the graduates as a mother might speak to her children, saying over and over how proud she was of them, as they beamed that pride back at her. While she adhered pretty rigorously to her prepared remarks, sometimes she deviated from the script. “I wish I could spend a whole week with you,” she declared. “I love you all...
  • Michelle Obama gets her way on nutrition labels
    politico ^ | May 20, 2016 | HELENA BOTTEMILLER EVICH
    First lady Michelle Obama will unveil Friday the country's first update to nutrition labels in more than two decades — a move that helps cement her campaign to encourage Americans to eat healthier. The new Nutrition Facts labels, which will take effect in two years and appear on billions of food packages, for the first time require food companies to list how much sugar they add to their products and suggest a limit for how much added sugar people should consume — two changes vehemently opposed by many food companies. The impact of the rule is difficult to overstate —...
  • Study Shows Michelle O’s Anti-Obesity Campaign Is Failing To Make Kids Any Less Obese ^ | April 27, 2016 | Chuck Ross
    It’s been more than six years since Michelle Obama kicked off her “Let’s Move!” initiative to fight against childhood obesity, and children are as overweight as ever before. That’s according to a new study published Tuesday in the journal Obesity. A team led by Duke University scientist Asheley Skinner studied data from the CDC’s National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and found that the percentage of overweight and obese children between 2 and 19 years old has increased across the board since 1999. That comes as bad news for the Obama administration, which has sought to force children to...
  • Michelle Obama Wreaks Havoc By Repeatedly Rescheduling Historically Black College Graduation Speech ^ | April 13, 2016 | Eric Owens
    It’s commencement season, America, and you know what that means: Michelle Obama is screwing up a bunch of ordinary people’s lives again. This year, the first lady has caused hassle and hardship for many families of seniors graduating from Jackson State University, reports local ABC affiliate WAPT-TV. To accommodate Obama’s schedule, officials at the historically black school in the capital of Mississippi have rescheduled the graduation ceremony from April 30 to April 23. They’ve also moved the time — twice, angry parents say.
Not yet? if not yet then why are you bringing the most beautiful FLOTUS on record into the conversation you cave chimp?

Sorry Asslips..yo beens beats again!
Putins wife is a mail order bride bearing her tits in order to draw attention away from her ugly mug. Sorry cave chimp.

Sorry Porch monkey, but the Obomanations wife is the MISSING LINK between monkeys and THUG blacks!
Trump: The American Fascist -
Godwin's is sometimes appropriate this is one of those times.
Of course its appropriate for liberal fascist who hate America like Obama who is sorry for America and Michelle "ashamed of America." They were ashamed of America because they feel blacks, illegals and Muslims were treated unfairly. He "Changed" it into a fascist nation. Fascist bash America. Fuck off!
Tantrum alert!
Before this magical 6 million he has been going on and on about, Trump gave more to the Clintons than he did veterans. Now that he is running for president, he doesn't shut the fuck up about them. Are you people really this dense? I mean this is a guy who makes up fake Bible verses just to pander.
It's far more plausible than the Democrat belief that Hillary cares about women or black people.
Why? Because you wish him to be .
Btw here's the definition of plausible
the definition of plausible
Only use words that you know.
Why, WHY is this thread still active? Politicians of all stripes play games with our emotions. They lie, they pander, they misrepresent shit, they do everything they can to get what THEY WANT OR DEEM APPROPRIATE.

So again, why single out Trump? I would bet my life that neither Trump nor Hillary give two shits about our soldiers beyond getting their voted.

This thread is RETARDED
But no one does it better than Trump! Republican douche baggery at its finest.
Fake propaganda is fake propaganda no matter how you slice it up. Stop being such a useful tool
There is no such thing as fake propaganda .
By its very nature it's false information .
To say it's fake is to say it's a fake of a fake.
Thus making your discription false.
Great deflection but not only is he not running he is already the POTUS.

But she is..Asslips!
The FLOTUS isnt running either you cave chimp.

NOT YET!!!! But who would vote for a Wookie with a very low IQ?

  • Michelle Obama shoots off her mouth in embarrassing tirade
    americanthinker ^ | Jun. 1, 2016 | Thomas Lifson
    First ladies generally are allowed considerable immunity from criticism, because they generally stick to feel-good issues, like literacy, roadside beautification, and other subjects most people can agree on. But not Michelle Obama, who has enjoyed some of the most unrealistic flattery in the history of first ladies, such as the concerted effort to convince the public she is a fashion icon.After becoming the national food and exercise scold, provoking vast waste and mass starvation as public school students discard the unappetizing and skimpy lunches she has forced on school cafeterias, she has now turned toward outright slander of those who...
  • An Unforgettable Day with Michelle Obama at Santa Fe Indian School
    Today Media ^ | 5/27/2016 | Frances Madison
    First Lady Michelle Obama came to listen to the 2016 graduating class of the Santa Fe Indian School. And then she spoke from her heart.(snip) Mrs. Obama was welcomed to the podium as “the mother of our nation,” and she addressed the graduates as a mother might speak to her children, saying over and over how proud she was of them, as they beamed that pride back at her. While she adhered pretty rigorously to her prepared remarks, sometimes she deviated from the script. “I wish I could spend a whole week with you,” she declared. “I love you all...
  • Michelle Obama gets her way on nutrition labels
    politico ^ | May 20, 2016 | HELENA BOTTEMILLER EVICH
    First lady Michelle Obama will unveil Friday the country's first update to nutrition labels in more than two decades — a move that helps cement her campaign to encourage Americans to eat healthier. The new Nutrition Facts labels, which will take effect in two years and appear on billions of food packages, for the first time require food companies to list how much sugar they add to their products and suggest a limit for how much added sugar people should consume — two changes vehemently opposed by many food companies. The impact of the rule is difficult to overstate —...
  • Study Shows Michelle O’s Anti-Obesity Campaign Is Failing To Make Kids Any Less Obese ^ | April 27, 2016 | Chuck Ross
    It’s been more than six years since Michelle Obama kicked off her “Let’s Move!” initiative to fight against childhood obesity, and children are as overweight as ever before. That’s according to a new study published Tuesday in the journal Obesity. A team led by Duke University scientist Asheley Skinner studied data from the CDC’s National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and found that the percentage of overweight and obese children between 2 and 19 years old has increased across the board since 1999. That comes as bad news for the Obama administration, which has sought to force children to...
  • Michelle Obama Wreaks Havoc By Repeatedly Rescheduling Historically Black College Graduation Speech ^ | April 13, 2016 | Eric Owens
    It’s commencement season, America, and you know what that means: Michelle Obama is screwing up a bunch of ordinary people’s lives again. This year, the first lady has caused hassle and hardship for many families of seniors graduating from Jackson State University, reports local ABC affiliate WAPT-TV. To accommodate Obama’s schedule, officials at the historically black school in the capital of Mississippi have rescheduled the graduation ceremony from April 30 to April 23. They’ve also moved the time — twice, angry parents say.
Biased not credible source.
Great deflection but not only is he not running he is already the POTUS.

But she is..Asslips!
The FLOTUS isnt running either you cave chimp.

NOT YET!!!! But who would vote for a Wookie with a very low IQ?

  • Michelle Obama shoots off her mouth in embarrassing tirade
    americanthinker ^ | Jun. 1, 2016 | Thomas Lifson
    First ladies generally are allowed considerable immunity from criticism, because they generally stick to feel-good issues, like literacy, roadside beautification, and other subjects most people can agree on. But not Michelle Obama, who has enjoyed some of the most unrealistic flattery in the history of first ladies, such as the concerted effort to convince the public she is a fashion icon.After becoming the national food and exercise scold, provoking vast waste and mass starvation as public school students discard the unappetizing and skimpy lunches she has forced on school cafeterias, she has now turned toward outright slander of those who...
  • An Unforgettable Day with Michelle Obama at Santa Fe Indian School
    Today Media ^ | 5/27/2016 | Frances Madison
    First Lady Michelle Obama came to listen to the 2016 graduating class of the Santa Fe Indian School. And then she spoke from her heart.(snip) Mrs. Obama was welcomed to the podium as “the mother of our nation,” and she addressed the graduates as a mother might speak to her children, saying over and over how proud she was of them, as they beamed that pride back at her. While she adhered pretty rigorously to her prepared remarks, sometimes she deviated from the script. “I wish I could spend a whole week with you,” she declared. “I love you all...
  • Michelle Obama gets her way on nutrition labels
    politico ^ | May 20, 2016 | HELENA BOTTEMILLER EVICH
    First lady Michelle Obama will unveil Friday the country's first update to nutrition labels in more than two decades — a move that helps cement her campaign to encourage Americans to eat healthier. The new Nutrition Facts labels, which will take effect in two years and appear on billions of food packages, for the first time require food companies to list how much sugar they add to their products and suggest a limit for how much added sugar people should consume — two changes vehemently opposed by many food companies. The impact of the rule is difficult to overstate —...
  • Study Shows Michelle O’s Anti-Obesity Campaign Is Failing To Make Kids Any Less Obese ^ | April 27, 2016 | Chuck Ross
    It’s been more than six years since Michelle Obama kicked off her “Let’s Move!” initiative to fight against childhood obesity, and children are as overweight as ever before. That’s according to a new study published Tuesday in the journal Obesity. A team led by Duke University scientist Asheley Skinner studied data from the CDC’s National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and found that the percentage of overweight and obese children between 2 and 19 years old has increased across the board since 1999. That comes as bad news for the Obama administration, which has sought to force children to...
  • Michelle Obama Wreaks Havoc By Repeatedly Rescheduling Historically Black College Graduation Speech ^ | April 13, 2016 | Eric Owens
    It’s commencement season, America, and you know what that means: Michelle Obama is screwing up a bunch of ordinary people’s lives again. This year, the first lady has caused hassle and hardship for many families of seniors graduating from Jackson State University, reports local ABC affiliate WAPT-TV. To accommodate Obama’s schedule, officials at the historically black school in the capital of Mississippi have rescheduled the graduation ceremony from April 30 to April 23. They’ve also moved the time — twice, angry parents say.
Biased not credible source.

Posted by an :ahole-1:...definitely NOT a credible source!
Great deflection but not only is he not running he is already the POTUS.

But she is..Asslips!
The FLOTUS isnt running either you cave chimp.

NOT YET!!!! But who would vote for a Wookie with a very low IQ?

  • Michelle Obama shoots off her mouth in embarrassing tirade
    americanthinker ^ | Jun. 1, 2016 | Thomas Lifson
    First ladies generally are allowed considerable immunity from criticism, because they generally stick to feel-good issues, like literacy, roadside beautification, and other subjects most people can agree on. But not Michelle Obama, who has enjoyed some of the most unrealistic flattery in the history of first ladies, such as the concerted effort to convince the public she is a fashion icon.After becoming the national food and exercise scold, provoking vast waste and mass starvation as public school students discard the unappetizing and skimpy lunches she has forced on school cafeterias, she has now turned toward outright slander of those who...
  • An Unforgettable Day with Michelle Obama at Santa Fe Indian School
    Today Media ^ | 5/27/2016 | Frances Madison
    First Lady Michelle Obama came to listen to the 2016 graduating class of the Santa Fe Indian School. And then she spoke from her heart.(snip) Mrs. Obama was welcomed to the podium as “the mother of our nation,” and she addressed the graduates as a mother might speak to her children, saying over and over how proud she was of them, as they beamed that pride back at her. While she adhered pretty rigorously to her prepared remarks, sometimes she deviated from the script. “I wish I could spend a whole week with you,” she declared. “I love you all...
  • Michelle Obama gets her way on nutrition labels
    politico ^ | May 20, 2016 | HELENA BOTTEMILLER EVICH
    First lady Michelle Obama will unveil Friday the country's first update to nutrition labels in more than two decades — a move that helps cement her campaign to encourage Americans to eat healthier. The new Nutrition Facts labels, which will take effect in two years and appear on billions of food packages, for the first time require food companies to list how much sugar they add to their products and suggest a limit for how much added sugar people should consume — two changes vehemently opposed by many food companies. The impact of the rule is difficult to overstate —...
  • Study Shows Michelle O’s Anti-Obesity Campaign Is Failing To Make Kids Any Less Obese ^ | April 27, 2016 | Chuck Ross
    It’s been more than six years since Michelle Obama kicked off her “Let’s Move!” initiative to fight against childhood obesity, and children are as overweight as ever before. That’s according to a new study published Tuesday in the journal Obesity. A team led by Duke University scientist Asheley Skinner studied data from the CDC’s National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) and found that the percentage of overweight and obese children between 2 and 19 years old has increased across the board since 1999. That comes as bad news for the Obama administration, which has sought to force children to...
  • Michelle Obama Wreaks Havoc By Repeatedly Rescheduling Historically Black College Graduation Speech ^ | April 13, 2016 | Eric Owens
    It’s commencement season, America, and you know what that means: Michelle Obama is screwing up a bunch of ordinary people’s lives again. This year, the first lady has caused hassle and hardship for many families of seniors graduating from Jackson State University, reports local ABC affiliate WAPT-TV. To accommodate Obama’s schedule, officials at the historically black school in the capital of Mississippi have rescheduled the graduation ceremony from April 30 to April 23. They’ve also moved the time — twice, angry parents say.
Biased not credible source.

Posted by an :ahole-1:...definitely NOT a credible source!
That must have been tough for you to admit you're an asshole.
Both Clinton's are hawks.

Bill made regime change in Iraq a policy in 1998. Hillary supported the Iraq War; and she never met a military intervention she didn't like.

As senator she supported generous funding for veteran services.

What did Senator Clinton accomplish while in office?

Four dead Americans and a ME set ablaze?

Uhm, four American didn't die and the ME is all kumbaya?
Both Clinton's are hawks.

Bill made regime change in Iraq a policy in 1998. Hillary supported the Iraq War; and she never met a military intervention she didn't like.

As senator she supported generous funding for veteran services.

What did Senator Clinton accomplish while in office?

Four dead Americans and a ME set ablaze?

Uhm, four American didn't die and the ME is all kumbaya?
Cost of doing business.
Besides they knew the job was dangerous when they took it.
Trump is toxic ..he was caught trying to rip off veterans and with now also a huge Trump U scandal on his plate

Intel CEO Brian Krzanich moved quickly Wednesday night to quell a firestorm of criticism he received after news leaked that he was holding a fundraiser at his home for presumed Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

The event, which was scheduled for Thursday evening, was abruptly cancelled on Wednesday afternoon after an inquiry from the New York Times. But that didn’t stop a host of negative articles questioning why the CEO of one of the largest tech companies--and one co-founded and run for decades by proud immigrant Andy Grove--would be backing Trump

Trump raised money for vets and just cut a personal check for $1 million to VAs.....


A Secretary of State who helped send the US military into the middle of a a Libyan civil war to help Al Qaeida - perpetrators of 9/11/01 - and a dictator AND who abandoned 3 ex-Navy SEALs to needlessly die in order to help protect her fellow democrat's re-election.....

Yeah, I'll stick with Trump.

Trump raised money for vets and just cut a personal check for $1 million to VAs.....


A Secretary of State who helped send the US military into the middle of a a Libyan civil war to help Al Qaeida - perpetrators of 9/11/01 - and a dictator AND who abandoned 3 ex-Navy SEALs to needlessly die in order to help protect her fellow democrat's re-election.....

Yeah, I'll stick with Trump.
All losers do.
Both Clinton's are hawks.

Bill made regime change in Iraq a policy in 1998. Hillary supported the Iraq War; and she never met a military intervention she didn't like.

As senator she supported generous funding for veteran services.

What did Senator Clinton accomplish while in office?

Four dead Americans and a ME set ablaze?

Uhm, four American didn't die and the ME is all kumbaya?

I guess you missed the part where Hillary went to Congress and asked for more money for security for people in the ME and they refused to increase spending.

I guess you also missed the part where the ambassador was told to come back to the main embassy, but he refused, saying that he didn't want to appear weak.

And finally, the attack lasted a grand total of 4 hours, and we didn't find out they were under attack until 45 min into the attack. Since we had zero assets in the area for a rescue, the nearest base that help could have come from was all the way up in Sicily, and would be about a 3 hour flight to get there (assuming they already had a rescue team on the tarmac ready to go), meaning that even if they had been able to launch a rescue attempt, they would have shown up for the last 15 min of the fight, and the people who died would have already been dead.

If you want to blame anyone for Bengazi, blame the GOP Congress that refused increased spending for security over there.

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