Are voter ID laws inherently racist? Let's ask!

the problem exist in less than 5% of the state and you want the whole state to change ,,,so you are fucking with 95% of us for no reason

Once again, how does it affect you in any way? How are you harmed by a nurse that works from 6:30 AM to 7PM being able to vote a day or two early?

it cost money to do that
ALL voter ID laws provide for easily-obtainable state ID cards, for those who lack a driver's license or other identifying documents. All of them also permit a wide variety of documents as acceptable alternatives to a driver's license.

The reason why Voter ID laws are "controversial" is because Leftists have chosen to call them racist and discriminatory. Once the slanders start, any data produced becomes irrelevant.

If I were emperor, only a U.S passport would be acceptable voter ID, and elections would be held between noon and 4pm on a Sunday. Period. Only those voting in that period or standing in line at the end of it can vote.

That’s just stupid, there are roughly 250 million citizens of voting age in this country and you want to limit voting to 4 hours? I guess those that work and can’t leave are just fucked in your world.

Voting should be a multi day event to give everyone the equal opportunity to vote.

People take time off from work to:
stand in line for the new I phone
get a haircut or mani-pedi
watch the last episode of GOT
take their dog to the vet
go to opening day
get botox treatments
"day of the month"

I could go on and on.

Voting is one of the most important things we do. We should be making it easier, not harder.

Repubs have always been about restricting voter turnout.
can you prove that???

Is this thread not proof enough?
thats why I said focus on the problem areas by getting more locations and booths,,,Missouri is a big state and there are only a few problem spots,,,why fuck with everybody when you dont need to

How does adding days to vote “fuck with” anyone? How does that cause you harm?

the problem exist in less than 5% of the state and you want the whole state to change ,,,so you are fucking with 95% of us for no reason

Once again, how does it affect you in any way? How are you harmed by a nurse that works from 6:30 AM to 7PM being able to vote a day or two early?

it cost money to do that
cause no one has any money.
How does adding days to vote “fuck with” anyone? How does that cause you harm?

the problem exist in less than 5% of the state and you want the whole state to change ,,,so you are fucking with 95% of us for no reason

Once again, how does it affect you in any way? How are you harmed by a nurse that works from 6:30 AM to 7PM being able to vote a day or two early?

it cost money to do that
ALL voter ID laws provide for easily-obtainable state ID cards, for those who lack a driver's license or other identifying documents. All of them also permit a wide variety of documents as acceptable alternatives to a driver's license.

The reason why Voter ID laws are "controversial" is because Leftists have chosen to call them racist and discriminatory. Once the slanders start, any data produced becomes irrelevant.

If I were emperor, only a U.S passport would be acceptable voter ID, and elections would be held between noon and 4pm on a Sunday. Period. Only those voting in that period or standing in line at the end of it can vote.

That’s just stupid, there are roughly 250 million citizens of voting age in this country and you want to limit voting to 4 hours? I guess those that work and can’t leave are just fucked in your world.

Voting should be a multi day event to give everyone the equal opportunity to vote.

People take time off from work to:
stand in line for the new I phone
get a haircut or mani-pedi
watch the last episode of GOT
take their dog to the vet
go to opening day
get botox treatments
"day of the month"

I could go on and on.

Voting is one of the most important things we do. We should be making it easier, not harder.

harder is a matter of perspective,,,for me its a simple thing,,, but for some even an hour every 4 yrs is like slavery,,,those are the whiners though,

like I said if its a problem be area specific and fix it,,,dont punish everyone because you are impatient,,,

Nobody is being punished by someone voting a day early.
Once again, how does it affect you in any way? How are you harmed by a nurse that works from 6:30 AM to 7PM being able to vote a day or two early?

it cost money to do that
That’s just stupid, there are roughly 250 million citizens of voting age in this country and you want to limit voting to 4 hours? I guess those that work and can’t leave are just fucked in your world.

Voting should be a multi day event to give everyone the equal opportunity to vote.

People take time off from work to:
stand in line for the new I phone
get a haircut or mani-pedi
watch the last episode of GOT
take their dog to the vet
go to opening day
get botox treatments
"day of the month"

I could go on and on.

Voting is one of the most important things we do. We should be making it easier, not harder.

Repubs have always been about restricting voter turnout.
can you prove that???

Is this thread not proof enough?
its about the integrity of the vote, not the restricting of it,,repubes know anyone is smart enough to get an ID, dems not so much
the problem exist in less than 5% of the state and you want the whole state to change ,,,so you are fucking with 95% of us for no reason

Once again, how does it affect you in any way? How are you harmed by a nurse that works from 6:30 AM to 7PM being able to vote a day or two early?

it cost money to do that
ALL voter ID laws provide for easily-obtainable state ID cards, for those who lack a driver's license or other identifying documents. All of them also permit a wide variety of documents as acceptable alternatives to a driver's license.

The reason why Voter ID laws are "controversial" is because Leftists have chosen to call them racist and discriminatory. Once the slanders start, any data produced becomes irrelevant.

If I were emperor, only a U.S passport would be acceptable voter ID, and elections would be held between noon and 4pm on a Sunday. Period. Only those voting in that period or standing in line at the end of it can vote.

That’s just stupid, there are roughly 250 million citizens of voting age in this country and you want to limit voting to 4 hours? I guess those that work and can’t leave are just fucked in your world.

Voting should be a multi day event to give everyone the equal opportunity to vote.

People take time off from work to:
stand in line for the new I phone
get a haircut or mani-pedi
watch the last episode of GOT
take their dog to the vet
go to opening day
get botox treatments
"day of the month"

I could go on and on.

Voting is one of the most important things we do. We should be making it easier, not harder.

harder is a matter of perspective,,,for me its a simple thing,,, but for some even an hour every 4 yrs is like slavery,,,those are the whiners though,

like I said if its a problem be area specific and fix it,,,dont punish everyone because you are impatient,,,

Nobody is being punished by someone voting a day early.

so you have talked to 340 million people and they all told you that???
How does adding days to vote “fuck with” anyone? How does that cause you harm?

the problem exist in less than 5% of the state and you want the whole state to change ,,,so you are fucking with 95% of us for no reason

Once again, how does it affect you in any way? How are you harmed by a nurse that works from 6:30 AM to 7PM being able to vote a day or two early?

it cost money to do that
ALL voter ID laws provide for easily-obtainable state ID cards, for those who lack a driver's license or other identifying documents. All of them also permit a wide variety of documents as acceptable alternatives to a driver's license.

The reason why Voter ID laws are "controversial" is because Leftists have chosen to call them racist and discriminatory. Once the slanders start, any data produced becomes irrelevant.

If I were emperor, only a U.S passport would be acceptable voter ID, and elections would be held between noon and 4pm on a Sunday. Period. Only those voting in that period or standing in line at the end of it can vote.

That’s just stupid, there are roughly 250 million citizens of voting age in this country and you want to limit voting to 4 hours? I guess those that work and can’t leave are just fucked in your world.

Voting should be a multi day event to give everyone the equal opportunity to vote.

People take time off from work to:
stand in line for the new I phone
get a haircut or mani-pedi
watch the last episode of GOT
take their dog to the vet
go to opening day
get botox treatments
"day of the month"

I could go on and on.

Voting is one of the most important things we do. We should be making it easier, not harder.

harder is a matter of perspective,,,for me its a simple thing,,, but for some even an hour every 4 yrs is like slavery,,,those are the whiners though,

like I said if its a problem be area specific and fix it,,,dont punish everyone because you are impatient,,,

LOL, nobody is being "punished" because we have expanded the time you can vote.
it cost money to do that
People take time off from work to:
stand in line for the new I phone
get a haircut or mani-pedi
watch the last episode of GOT
take their dog to the vet
go to opening day
get botox treatments
"day of the month"

I could go on and on.

Voting is one of the most important things we do. We should be making it easier, not harder.

Repubs have always been about restricting voter turnout.
can you prove that???

Is this thread not proof enough?
its about the integrity of the vote, not the restricting of it,,repubes know anyone is smart enough to get an ID, dems not so much

How does allowing for multiple days to vote affect the integrity of the vote?
Once again, how does it affect you in any way? How are you harmed by a nurse that works from 6:30 AM to 7PM being able to vote a day or two early?

it cost money to do that
That’s just stupid, there are roughly 250 million citizens of voting age in this country and you want to limit voting to 4 hours? I guess those that work and can’t leave are just fucked in your world.

Voting should be a multi day event to give everyone the equal opportunity to vote.

People take time off from work to:
stand in line for the new I phone
get a haircut or mani-pedi
watch the last episode of GOT
take their dog to the vet
go to opening day
get botox treatments
"day of the month"

I could go on and on.

Voting is one of the most important things we do. We should be making it easier, not harder.

harder is a matter of perspective,,,for me its a simple thing,,, but for some even an hour every 4 yrs is like slavery,,,those are the whiners though,

like I said if its a problem be area specific and fix it,,,dont punish everyone because you are impatient,,,

Nobody is being punished by someone voting a day early.

so you have talked to 340 million people and they all told you that???

Unnecessary. Somethings are just logically obvious

The condescending remarks in this video are quite astounding.

OK. 30 seconds was all I could take of those cupcakes.
  • SHOW ME one person who carries no ID.
  • You need ID to do most anything.
  • You can't even drive without ID.
Voter ID does not say Black Voter ID, so how is it divided upon racial lines? Are these kids admitting there are significant numbers of Black people too stupid and lazy to even have one form of picture ID that would actually vote otherwise?

How would they get to the polling place? Walk?

So basically, these "college grads" who all think in lockstep would rather have untold violations of illegal and fraudulent voting than risk one poor black man somewhere denied the ability to vote because in the FOUR FUCKING YEARS between elections, he couldn't somehow get some form of picture ID?
the problem exist in less than 5% of the state and you want the whole state to change ,,,so you are fucking with 95% of us for no reason

Once again, how does it affect you in any way? How are you harmed by a nurse that works from 6:30 AM to 7PM being able to vote a day or two early?

it cost money to do that
ALL voter ID laws provide for easily-obtainable state ID cards, for those who lack a driver's license or other identifying documents. All of them also permit a wide variety of documents as acceptable alternatives to a driver's license.

The reason why Voter ID laws are "controversial" is because Leftists have chosen to call them racist and discriminatory. Once the slanders start, any data produced becomes irrelevant.

If I were emperor, only a U.S passport would be acceptable voter ID, and elections would be held between noon and 4pm on a Sunday. Period. Only those voting in that period or standing in line at the end of it can vote.

That’s just stupid, there are roughly 250 million citizens of voting age in this country and you want to limit voting to 4 hours? I guess those that work and can’t leave are just fucked in your world.

Voting should be a multi day event to give everyone the equal opportunity to vote.

People take time off from work to:
stand in line for the new I phone
get a haircut or mani-pedi
watch the last episode of GOT
take their dog to the vet
go to opening day
get botox treatments
"day of the month"

I could go on and on.

Voting is one of the most important things we do. We should be making it easier, not harder.

harder is a matter of perspective,,,for me its a simple thing,,, but for some even an hour every 4 yrs is like slavery,,,those are the whiners though,

like I said if its a problem be area specific and fix it,,,dont punish everyone because you are impatient,,,

LOL, nobody is being "punished" because we have expanded the time you can vote.

OK problem solved,,,
Voting is one of the most important things we do. We should be making it easier, not harder.

Repubs have always been about restricting voter turnout.
can you prove that???

Is this thread not proof enough?
its about the integrity of the vote, not the restricting of it,,repubes know anyone is smart enough to get an ID, dems not so much

How does allowing for multiple days to vote affect the integrity of the vote?
I never said it did,,,

try reading the stream before you comment back,, it seems like you are losing your place
And now a message from the Department of Fatherland Security:

Secure driver's licenses and identification documents are a vital component of a holistic national security strategy. Law enforcement must be able to rely on government-issued identification documents and know that the bearer of such a document is who he or she claims to be.

Papers! Papers, please, comrade! Vee need to tr-r-r-r-ack your moof-ments!

And now a message from the Department of Fatherland Security:

Secure driver's licenses and identification documents are a vital component of a holistic national security strategy. Law enforcement must be able to rely on government-issued identification documents and know that the bearer of such a document is who he or she claims to be.

Papers! Papers, please, comrade! Vee need to tr-r-r-r-ack your moof-ments!


thanks for stopping by and showing your ignorance on the topic,,,
"Voter ID" does not accomplish what Fatherland supporters claim it is supposed to accomplish, vis à vis "preventing voter fraud".

Every single time, and I mean EVERY single time a Fatherland supporter has linked to a case of vote fraud on this forum, it is always a type of fraud which cannot be prevented by "Voter ID", and in almost every case, the fraud took place in a state which already has "Voter ID".

Since [air quote]Voter ID[/air quote] does not prevent the types of voter fraud which occur, then getting you to carry national identity papers clearly has another purpose entirely, comrades!

Again you are wrong. Not every state works like yours does. My state does provisional ballots if you do not have ID. There is no same day registration. If you are not on the rolls, you don't vote period.

Which seems you are saying your system is pretty secure. IMO a person should be able to still provide a provisional in cases of errors. But as I noted, they are not counted unless necessary and they are investigated first.

Pretty secure either way. What's the complaint?

I am not complaining other than that you seem to think everywhere does it like your area does it. I support voter ID laws. If for no other reason, it is because they encourage people to get ID's that are essential to normal life.

and you were complaining that you worked 12 hr shift and couldnt get there to vote,,,that is not true

I said working 12 hour shifts, waiting in line for an hour would indeed be a problem.
god forbid you take an hour every 4 yrs for your country,,,
You only vote every four years?
How does adding days to vote “fuck with” anyone? How does that cause you harm?

the problem exist in less than 5% of the state and you want the whole state to change ,,,so you are fucking with 95% of us for no reason

Once again, how does it affect you in any way? How are you harmed by a nurse that works from 6:30 AM to 7PM being able to vote a day or two early?

it cost money to do that
ALL voter ID laws provide for easily-obtainable state ID cards, for those who lack a driver's license or other identifying documents. All of them also permit a wide variety of documents as acceptable alternatives to a driver's license.

The reason why Voter ID laws are "controversial" is because Leftists have chosen to call them racist and discriminatory. Once the slanders start, any data produced becomes irrelevant.

If I were emperor, only a U.S passport would be acceptable voter ID, and elections would be held between noon and 4pm on a Sunday. Period. Only those voting in that period or standing in line at the end of it can vote.

That’s just stupid, there are roughly 250 million citizens of voting age in this country and you want to limit voting to 4 hours? I guess those that work and can’t leave are just fucked in your world.

Voting should be a multi day event to give everyone the equal opportunity to vote.

People take time off from work to:
stand in line for the new I phone
get a haircut or mani-pedi
watch the last episode of GOT
take their dog to the vet
go to opening day
get botox treatments
"day of the month"

I could go on and on.

Voting is one of the most important things we do. We should be making it easier, not harder.

Repubs have always been about restricting voter turnout.
They realize they can’t win without it
Which seems you are saying your system is pretty secure. IMO a person should be able to still provide a provisional in cases of errors. But as I noted, they are not counted unless necessary and they are investigated first.

Pretty secure either way. What's the complaint?

I am not complaining other than that you seem to think everywhere does it like your area does it. I support voter ID laws. If for no other reason, it is because they encourage people to get ID's that are essential to normal life.

and you were complaining that you worked 12 hr shift and couldnt get there to vote,,,that is not true

I said working 12 hour shifts, waiting in line for an hour would indeed be a problem.
god forbid you take an hour every 4 yrs for your country,,,
You only vote every four years?

for PoTUS
the problem exist in less than 5% of the state and you want the whole state to change ,,,so you are fucking with 95% of us for no reason

Once again, how does it affect you in any way? How are you harmed by a nurse that works from 6:30 AM to 7PM being able to vote a day or two early?

it cost money to do that
ALL voter ID laws provide for easily-obtainable state ID cards, for those who lack a driver's license or other identifying documents. All of them also permit a wide variety of documents as acceptable alternatives to a driver's license.

The reason why Voter ID laws are "controversial" is because Leftists have chosen to call them racist and discriminatory. Once the slanders start, any data produced becomes irrelevant.

If I were emperor, only a U.S passport would be acceptable voter ID, and elections would be held between noon and 4pm on a Sunday. Period. Only those voting in that period or standing in line at the end of it can vote.

That’s just stupid, there are roughly 250 million citizens of voting age in this country and you want to limit voting to 4 hours? I guess those that work and can’t leave are just fucked in your world.

Voting should be a multi day event to give everyone the equal opportunity to vote.

People take time off from work to:
stand in line for the new I phone
get a haircut or mani-pedi
watch the last episode of GOT
take their dog to the vet
go to opening day
get botox treatments
"day of the month"

I could go on and on.

Voting is one of the most important things we do. We should be making it easier, not harder.

Repubs have always been about restricting voter turnout.
They realize they can’t win without it

what would stop a repube from going around to different districts and voting republican several times???

they are republicans and we all know they are not honest,, it protects both sides,,,

unless you trust repubes??,, I sure dont,,
Once again, how does it affect you in any way? How are you harmed by a nurse that works from 6:30 AM to 7PM being able to vote a day or two early?

it cost money to do that
That’s just stupid, there are roughly 250 million citizens of voting age in this country and you want to limit voting to 4 hours? I guess those that work and can’t leave are just fucked in your world.

Voting should be a multi day event to give everyone the equal opportunity to vote.

People take time off from work to:
stand in line for the new I phone
get a haircut or mani-pedi
watch the last episode of GOT
take their dog to the vet
go to opening day
get botox treatments
"day of the month"

I could go on and on.

Voting is one of the most important things we do. We should be making it easier, not harder.

Repubs have always been about restricting voter turnout.
They realize they can’t win without it

what would stop a repube from going around to different districts and voting republican several times???

they are republicans and we all know they are not honest,, it protects both sides,,,

unless you trust repubes??,, I sure dont,,

You already have to provide I.D. to vote.
It's amazing how so-called conservatives are perfectly okay with the government spying on them. Tracking their every movement, listening to their phone calls, reading their emails.

And now they kowtow to Fatherland Security and demand we all carry national identity papers.

These are not conservatives. These are national socialists who go along with this shit.

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