Are we all in agreement that America leans left?

Center-right here. Regardless of how I feel about issues, I think the general American population leans left. Anyone agree/disagree?

I don't lean either direction. Because I don't march lockstep with the right it's assumed by the right I support or "lean" left. Personally, I remove all labels and vote for the candidate, not the party.
The Democrat Party is a coalition of all the greedy despicable special interest groups in America and they can put together a plurality of enough votes to win a national election but that doesn't mean we are a Left Leaning nation.

That filthy coalition consist of:

97% of Blacks that vote their race and welfare check

Welfare Queens


Union pukes


Anti Gun Nuts

Environmental Wackos


Confused college kids and their idiotic college professors


Welfare Queens

Illegal Aliens

The Democrat Party is a coalition of all the greedy despicable special interest groups in America and they can put together a plurality of enough votes to win a national election but that doesn't mean we are a Left Leaning nation.

That filthy coalition consist of:

97% of Blacks that vote their race and welfare check

Welfare Queens


Union pukes


Anti Gun Nuts

Environmental Wackos


Confused college kids and their idiotic college professors


Welfare Queens

Illegal Aliens

You forgot Nazis and KKK are part of democrats in America too.
Americans do not lean left. For the most part they don't lean anywhere, they simply do not care. The natural state of a bureaucracy is to grow and expand influence and power though so that is what ours does.

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