Are we atheists really that annoying??

atheists have got to have a cowardly streak in them. I'd like to see an atheist group saying that it's impossible for mohammed to launch to paradise riding a horse with the head of a beautiful woman. They won't. In fact, atheist attacks are against christians. They aren't non believers, just christian bashers. Let's have some equality and bus advertisements saying that allah doesn't exist and muslims are fools.

Where are the billboards saying "don't believe in allah, you are not alone". Mohammed is a useless prophet. Allah is sadistic. An open invitation to muslims to embrace atheism won't be found. Why? Atheism has nothing to do with freedom from religion. It's all about opposing christianity.

View attachment $crying.bmp
Atheists have got to have a cowardly streak in them.
How bravely asserted from your keyboard.

I'd like to see an atheist group saying that it's impossible for mohammed to launch to paradise riding a horse with the head of a beautiful woman.
Why would you like to see that?

They won't.

In fact, atheist attacks are against Christians. They aren't non believers, just Christian bashers.
Christians are so ripe, and deserving of bashing.

Let's have some equality and bus advertisements saying that allah doesn't exist and muslims are fools.


Where are the billboards saying "Don't believe in allah, you are not alone". mohammed is a useless prophet. allah is sadistic. An open invitation to muslims to embrace atheism won't be found. Why?
Because Muslims are no more morally or intellectually honest than Christians.


Atheism has nothing to do with freedom from religion.
Except for being free from religion where religion is not a tool of government; where there isn't a constant effort to to institute (as a law) permanently by enactment or agreement; to make firm or stable; to make firm or stable; to bring into existence; to put on a firm basis; to put into a favorable position; or to gain full recognition or acceptance of religion in government.

When none of that is going on, atheism has nothing to do with freedom from religion.

It's all about opposing Christianity.
It's all about opposing Christianity too.

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Hey all--your favorite non-believer here. Ok, maybe not your favorite.

After reading an article by an atheist, there seems to b some criticism about atheists on the internet. The author claims that atheist are the most annoying people on the internet!!

So, to all of you non-atheist(I guess that means theist, right?), do you find the atheist on this board annoying?

OH, by the way, a little gift to my fellow annoying atheist.

Only the ones that try to tell everyone else that they are stupid for believing. Of course, the same can be said about any class of people. There is a certain set of extremists on both sides of the political spectrum that are also annoying when they try to tell everyone on the other side or in the middle that they are __________________ (fill in the blank with whatever you want) for supporting that other party.

Believe or don't believe, but don't be so arrogant as to think that you are smarter than everyone else because you do or do not believe.


Let's look at one big fact which proves that this "Christian Nation" is dead wrong:

We have military forces located in 167 countries in this world and our government would shit nails if any country moved a submarine within 12 miles of our shores. The "Christian" deal has not changed from the times of the crusades and anyone who believes it has needs to pull their head out of their ass and get a few breaths of fresh air.
Hey all--your favorite non-believer here. Ok, maybe not your favorite.

After reading an article by an atheist, there seems to b some criticism about atheists on the internet. The author claims that atheist are the most annoying people on the internet!!

So, to all of you non-atheist(I guess that means theist, right?), do you find the atheist on this board annoying?

OH, by the way, a little gift to my fellow annoying atheist.

I go out of my way to annoy the self rightious bastards whose holier than thou attitude makes my rectum want to suck a lime. Nothing makes my day more than a couple of the thumpers to show up at my door with a Jesus periodical and tell them to just keep my copy that I'm not superstitious. Then if necessary I explain the meaning of superstition..."A belief for which there is no material evidence" The only way to prove the bible is to refer to the bible.


Tell me, when was the last time you annoyed a Jihadist??

I bet never--or else you would not have your head!!
If athiests would just be athiest and shut the fuck up, I'd be totally cool with that. Many, and probably most, do. I understand. The OP is talking about the annoying ones.


How is shutting the F**K up being an atheist?

Jews can state their opinions whenever they feel like it.
Christians get to state their opinions and convert people.
Muslims get to state their opinions, convert people, and behead those that don't convert.

Why is it that we Atheists got to get the short end of the stick? That is just so unfair!!:tongue:
Hey all--your favorite non-believer here. Ok, maybe not your favorite.

After reading an article by an atheist, there seems to b some criticism about atheists on the internet. The author claims that atheist are the most annoying people on the internet!!

So, to all of you non-atheist(I guess that means theist, right?), do you find the atheist on this board annoying?

OH, by the way, a little gift to my fellow annoying atheist.

Only the ones that try to tell everyone else that they are stupid for believing. Of course, the same can be said about any class of people. There is a certain set of extremists on both sides of the political spectrum that are also annoying when they try to tell everyone on the other side or in the middle that they are __________________ (fill in the blank with whatever you want) for supporting that other party.

Believe or don't believe, but don't be so arrogant as to think that you are smarter than everyone else because you do or do not believe.


Common sense is not an extreme position.

No--common sense is not an extreme position.

But taking it upon yourself to educate everyone--well, that can be considered a bit assholish!

So far, it seems that the best policy is the following.
1)Teach when asked(of course, you have to know what you are teaching)
2)Asked questions if you don't know, not sure, or if it could be a touchy subject!!

Of course, I am not good at following this policy myself, but I am trying!
One word, secularism. Ever never break this one rule, rest will be all fine. If you break it, it will not be only atheists suffering, it will be the whole society. Look at those islamic countries. Those people would give their everything to be able to get a glimpse of secularism you have into their societies. There was only one man who was brave enough to do it in the islamic world, and now he is the enemy of islam. You had plenty of those people. They did transform religion being sole purpose of life, to being a tool for happiness. Embrace what they have done for you, don't fucking ruin it.
Athiest mind set....Christians = evil.....Islam= victims of evil Christians.


My mind set is the following

Christians--People that can't stop praising Jesus
Muslims--People that can't stop praising Allah and thanking Muhammed.
Atheists--People that can't help stop telling you to shut up about Jesus and Muhammed!!
(I think that is why we Atheists are so damn annoying!!:tongue:)

There is one good point about Christians. When they get mad, they say they will pray for you. Don't know if they actually do or what is in the content of those prayers, but they say they will.

Now about muslims--well we don't have to talk about that now do we? :eusa_whistle:
Athiest mind set....Christians = evil.....Islam= victims of evil Christians.


My mind set is the following

Christians--People that can't stop praising Jesus
Muslims--People that can't stop praising Allah and thanking Muhammed.
Atheists--People that can't help stop telling you to shut up about Jesus and Muhammed!!
(I think that is why we Atheists are so damn annoying!!:tongue:)

There is one good point about Christians. When they get mad, they say they will pray for you. Don't know if they actually do or what is in the content of those prayers, but they say they will.

Now about muslims--well we don't have to talk about that now do we? :eusa_whistle:
Must suck for you we have freedom of religion.
Atheists fall into the same category as Vegans. I don't care if you are one. I just don't want you telling me about it every fucking chance you get while telling everyone how wrong they are.
Atheists fall into the same category as Vegans. I don't care if you are one. I just don't want you telling me about it every fucking chance you get while telling everyone how wrong they are.

Yeah. That's how wrong you are. :lol:
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Hey all--your favorite non-believer here. Ok, maybe not your favorite.

After reading an article by an atheist, there seems to b some criticism about atheists on the internet. The author claims that atheist are the most annoying people on the internet!!

So, to all of you non-atheist(I guess that means theist, right?), do you find the atheist on this board annoying?

OH, by the way, a little gift to my fellow annoying atheist.

Nothing is more annoying to me than a Christian coming up to you on a bus or where ever and trying to force a religious tract into your possession unless it is some guy beating his chest yelling and screaming that God does not exist and condemns those that do believe in God. I believe in God. However, all things in moderation. I don't care if you believe in God or not but your right to not believe is no more of a right than mine to believe. Also, a "pushy" Christian is quite annoying also. Can't everybody seem to meet somewhere in the middle? Also, believers, and non-believers alike, should keep their big yaps shut.
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"Are we atheists really that annoying??"

NOOO, but your activists are.....
Hey all--your favorite non-believer here. Ok, maybe not your favorite.

After reading an article by an atheist, there seems to b some criticism about atheists on the internet. The author claims that atheist are the most annoying people on the internet!!

So, to all of you non-atheist(I guess that means theist, right?), do you find the atheist on this board annoying?

OH, by the way, a little gift to my fellow annoying atheist.

Nothing is more annoying to me than a Christian coming up to you on a bus or where ever and trying to force a religious tract into your possession...
This happens everywhere, all the time.

... unless it is some guy beating his chest yelling and screaming that God does not exist and condemns those that do believe in God.
You're telling us that some random dude is on a street corner, or at a bus stop near you, beating his chest yelling and screaming that God does not exist and condemns those that do believe in God.

I' have got to know where you are; because I've been around (NYC, Boston, D.C., Atlanta, Tampa, NO, Houston, Chicago, Las Vegas, LA, San Francisco, & Portland, to name a few), and that doesn't happen ANYWHERE.

But I must see it ... for the :lol: LOLZ! :lol:
So christians complain how atheists are loud about, being an atheist...???

Do you know what happens to people "whispering"(let alone being loud about it) that they are atheists, in some countries on this same planet you are living on? Their heads gets chopped off.

Isn't this great, people can talk about anything. Personally, I find this fascinating. I love it when someone comes to me and tells me about what he/she believes. I just watch him/her with my whole appreciation, my heart beats faster, I enjoy every bit of that moment. I speak to missionaries all the time. I enjoy to do so.

Once I was listening to this guy, he was telling me about his god, which was living on a mountain in himalayas somewhere and doing some daily stuff, I guess he was in human form or something. It was really weird. But I didn't care. Here is a guy, standing right in front of me, telling me all about what he believes. That was all alone by itself was fascinating to me. And more fascinating than that, I could have just told whatever I believe or not believe, what my ideas are around "life", right there, out in the open, not worrying about anything at all.

This whole thing is just so adorable for me, I don't even understand what the fuck you guys are arguing about...

My christian friends; tell us all about your jesus, atheists; tell us how the idea of god is just stupid, buddhists; tell us all about your buddha. Just speak up people, thats great, don't you see?

You are like bunch of people bitching about how hot the weather is, but you forget something, you are at the best fucking beach of the world...

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