Are we headed to another civil war?


Platinum Member
Nov 8, 2013
Kansas City, Missouri
Freedom, liberty, and property rights vs social welfare, government rule, and anarchy.
It's here. The line has been firmly drawn between conservatives and liberals. And it ain't going away anytime soon.
Our country is at war with itself.

The Civil War is Here
The apathetic, low information constituency far, far outnumber the partisans like us here on this USMB right now and shown in repeating loops by the MSM. The reality is that unlike the Civil war of the past, there are no geographic sides. It would be more reminiscent of gorilla warfare village to village, lol. I the metropolitan city areas the conservatives would get an ass whooping and in the country the libs would, but probably the libs would then be invited over by the rural conservatives that whooped up on them, for dinner, cus that's just how it's done in the country. Lol, I hope your being facetious here, cus I'm just joshing with you... musing for the heck of it... lol :)
Extreme hate on both sides. I don't see no going back to the days of FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, or yes, Reagan. There is no way in hell we can be the leader of the free world with this kind of division.
Extreme hate on both sides. I don't see no going back to the days of FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, or yes, Reagan. There is no way in hell we can be the leader of the free world with this kind of division.

How do you figure? Two paltry groups of idiots calling each other names, acting like children, while most of us focus on our own lives and don't have intense feelings about politics one way or the other. That's a more accurate description.
Extreme hate on both sides. I don't see no going back to the days of FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, or yes, Reagan. There is no way in hell we can be the leader of the free world with this kind of division.

How do you figure? Two paltry groups of idiots calling each other names, acting like children, while most of us focus on our own lives and don't have intense feelings about politics one way or the other. That's a more accurate description.
I have to disagree. Socialism has taken over our public school system and the media. If you have children, it definitely effects you and your family.
Freedom, liberty, and property rights vs social welfare, government rule, and anarchy.
It's here. The line has been firmly drawn between conservatives and liberals. And it ain't going away anytime soon.
Our country is at war with itself.

The Civil War is Here

Sure hope so, I'm sick and tired of this BS.
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So dramatic. The problem with these little civil war fantasies is that most of the people pushing them believe they are going to be the generals and pens of the war. You’re going to have 10,000 generals and 5 grunts.
So dramatic. The problem with these little civil war fantasies is that most of the people pushing them believe they are going to be the generals and pens of the war. You’re going to have 10,000 generals and 5 grunts.

Plus they’re mostly old guys who watch Fox News all day, and would be shouting at kids to get off their lawns if there were any around.

The far leftists whom they think are super-duper scary because right wing media tells them so are mostly just rabble rousers who work at the organic food co-op and couldn’t organize a piss up in a brewery.
Freedom, liberty, and property rights vs social welfare, government rule, and anarchy.
It's here. The line has been firmly drawn between conservatives and liberals. And it ain't going away anytime soon.
Our country is at war with itself.

The Civil War is Here

No. The country is at war with an internal enemy arising from the political Left.
So dramatic. The problem with these little civil war fantasies is that most of the people pushing them believe they are going to be the generals and pens of the war. You’re going to have 10,000 generals and 5 grunts.
I'm not pushing anything. I just look out the window and see what I see. Government leaders spewing hate is a tell tale sign.
A lazy checked out populace?

Half the country doesn't participate in elections, or pay attention to the hysterics of opposing sides. Most live hurried, but comfortable lives and prefer to have nothing upset their daily routine.
Right after Dancing with the Stars
Pretty much sums it up.
Sane Americans regardless of party affiliation have no use or wish for complete civil and societal breakdown.
Those that fantasize that scenario are sociopaths and it has been expressed by individuals from both sides here.
Freedom, liberty, and property rights vs social welfare, government rule, and anarchy.
It's here. The line has been firmly drawn between conservatives and liberals. And it ain't going away anytime soon.
Our country is at war with itself.

The Civil War is Here

I would only change that to say that America is NOT at war with itself, but with another nation of people NOT Americans that have infiltrated and grown up throughout the tapestry of our country interwoven hating America for many things and at many levels. If they were across some ocean, they'd be seen as a great threat. They see "their" America never having existed as having been lost. We see our America badly damaged and trying to heal and right itself as starting to get it back. This time, the borders are not so clear cut as to be drawn along geographical lines of "North" and "South" and by tolerance left gone to extremes far too long, we now have a nation of national terrorists and anarchists fighting us along the very ideological lines upon which this nation was founded!

The enemy is no longer just over the hill, but in many major cities, in the universities, in the news media and other buttresses with the Democratic Party as their fortress from which their Socialist-Anarchist generals give the commands for the next stage of their attack. They are attacking us with hoards of illegals, attacking us with frivolous lawsuits and court decisions, attacking us with fake news, attacking us with mobs of radical protests. Little by little, they are starting to attack us with real violence, riots, shootings and threats. They have made it clear they don't accept the President as leader of "their" country" and their intentions to remove him are quite real, as soon as they get their chance.

I give them about 4-5 years at most before formal war breaks out. If Trump gets reelected to a second term, that will be the signal. Unfortunately, the Right and the legal system are far too slow to recognize the threat much less do anything until it is too late. The time to stop this was at least 30-40 years ago when they started out by declaring the Pledge of Allegiance had no place in schools and that all signs of faith, morality and religion be utterly banned and removed from all schools and government institutions. That was the sign right there.

I'm sure Stalin and Lenin are smiling in their graves. McCarthy was right all along.
So dramatic. The problem with these little civil war fantasies is that most of the people pushing them believe they are going to be the generals and pens of the war. You’re going to have 10,000 generals and 5 grunts.

Plus they’re mostly old guys who watch Fox News all day, and would be shouting at kids to get off their lawns if there were any around.

The far leftists whom they think are super-duper scary because right wing media tells them so are mostly just rabble rousers who work at the organic food co-op and couldn’t organize a piss up in a brewery.

Yup, not everyone want's to get their news from Fakebook....dumbass.

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