Are we or Are we not in a recession?

i would be happy to argue the effect of reagons policy's on the economy. the economy recovered, but it was not because of what he did

Of course it is.

But continue to ignore facts, if you'd rather. You guys have been dead set on a recession to blame on Republicans since Carter. And if one doesn't exist, why, just make one up!
As our Senator Gramm said, this "recession" is a mental thing with the lazy whining bums who want to avoid work at all costs. Some of these lazy fat*sses should look to Senator Gramm as an example of a self-made man who worked his fingers to the bone to get where he is today, just like our President and Vice President did. I'm tired of hearing these whining crybabies. Rush is absolutely right on this one.
Actually, I think it's created by whiny, elitist jerks who feel guilty about the fact that they and their parents have done so well.
Yes, I get all my information from wiki.

STOP being an idiot and you obviously CAN'T READ or comprehend what you read allie...of course, INTENTIONALLY so you can be the wise guy I suppose... or to blow smoke in mirrors....

I SPECIFICALLY mentioned the Links to follow once there on wiki....but noooooooooo, you gotta be the smart ass and act as if yur smart by criticizing Wiki without ever going there or to the links provided for the information....

it is called STAGflation, which in a way is WORSE than a recession becasue there are no moves that can be taken to safely pull us out of it without causing major inflation....please read the wiki link provided above on it and follow the links and articles on it....

What in the world makes people like you, that makes you comment this way all the time to different things discussed here on this site?

I truely do not understand it all....? :(

Is it this the "one uppity thing", "I am smarter than you are...nanny nanny boo hoo?" Or is it just being cynical and I am misreading it all, which i honestly haven't ruled out....?
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Okay, take a deep breath and start over. Your incoherent sputtering isn't terribly effective.
Of course it is.

But continue to ignore facts, if you'd rather. You guys have been dead set on a recession to blame on Republicans since Carter. And if one doesn't exist, why, just make one up!

you guys? who is you guys? moderately minded people who actually studied economics in college? cause that would be me.
"You guys" = liberals who insist there's a recession when all the evidence clearly shows otherwise. Is that you?
"You guys" = liberals who insist there's a recession when all the evidence clearly shows otherwise. Is that you?

all the evidence? record foreclosures, rising unemployment, low auto and home sales, declining stocks, bank failings. you must admit there is SOME evidence of a recession. doesnt prove their is one, but there is evidence
:disagree: with the "flame baiters" (your know who you are) , on this topic. Heck! I have even descided to quit "quoting" them .... all they want to do is spread their "propaganda" trying to make people think they know what they are talking about! :blahblah:

Ain't it great to Live in America were we can have different opinions :confused:

I love it! Cheers! :beer:
The technical Defintion of a recession is 2 consecutive quaters of Negative growth, or shriking.

So what are the numbers? well in the last 3 quaters they are:

Ending Dec 07 - Neg .02%
Ending Mar 08 - Pos .09%
Ending June 08 - Pos 1.9%

1.9% is actually less than expected but the pattern is over the last 3 months, an upward one.

While clearly things are not wonderful, I would have to say we are by no means in a recession. Despite what Both Obama and McCain are saying.

In fact I would say that in the face of the Housing Crisis, the Energy Crisis, and the Credit crunch. 1.9% growth is actually pretty amazing.

I would also point out that in the month of June the Dollar actually gained on many other currencies for the first time in a long while.

I am by no means trying to say that we are doing honky dory, only that things are clearly not as bad as some would have you think.

If we could only get deficit spending in check, and address the Energy crisis, we could start to see some real growth of the economy, and start our way out of this shaky economy.

Jobs data, GDP stoke debate over recession - Eye on the Economy -

Spending got a sizable boost after the government handed out $100 billion worth of tax rebate checks. That money provided an artificial — and temporary — lift to consumer spending, which accounts for about 70 percent of GDP.
I love it when one idiot speaks in behalf of another idiot. By editing the original "quote". :lol:

And you, Granny, you just make a bunch of noise. And that's my f*cking job around here bitch!
And still not evidence of a recession.


And you, Granny, you just make a bunch of noise.

[QUOTEOriginally Posted by busara
all the evidence? record foreclosures, rising unemployment, low auto and home sales, declining stocks, bank failings. you must admit there is SOME evidence of a recession. doesnt prove their is one, but there is evidence

Here's more:

Market Dispatches - MSN Money]

Didn't he say "doesn't prove their is one?"

Why, oh why, must you call people names when you're so clueless yourself!?

As for Granny, I thought grannies (aren't you one too) were supposed to get along!

Jobs data, GDP stoke debate over recession - Eye on the Economy -

Spending got a sizable boost after the government handed out $100 billion worth of tax rebate checks. That money provided an artificial — and temporary — lift to consumer spending, which accounts for about 70 percent of GDP.

This is correct. And that money wasn't our money anyway, it was borrowed.

Using any of that new consumption to say we've had "growth" would be the same as saying a loan you got from the bank increased your overall worth.

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