Are We Supposed To Harden Walmarts and Grocery Stores, Too?

Back in the day we had no military like we have today. Today when you join the military, the state provides you with weapons. Back in the day they didn't for a militia. If you were called to duty, you not only had to bring your own gun, but your own ammo as well. What good would a militia be if the government was permitted to disarm the entire society?

Believe it or not, people back then didn't have police departments, cell phones or Walmart to buy food. They had bad guys just like we do today, and had to defend themselves against bad guys or hostile Indian tribes. They had to hunt for their own meat to feed themselves and their family. The government being able to disarm everybody outside a militia would have meant sure death for many of them.

The founders (and their writings) demonstrate their amendment was not just for militia members. How would a widow stop coyotes, foxes or wolves from killing their chickens without firearms?
While there was an active militia system in each colony by 1670, those militias were laughably inept by the end of the French and Indian wars. We might not have had a police department, but we did have British soldiers garrisoned throughout the colonies and it was upon them that the colonists depended on for defense against native Americans and to keep the peace. Not until the stamp act did that begin to change. And while you are right, the militiaman was expected to provide both his weapon, his gunpowder, and his ammunition, for the most part, those weapons were not kept in the home, they were kept in the Armory, which was the destination of the British forces during the battles of Lexington and Concord.

Regarding the effectiveness of the militia, this quote from George Washington.

If I was called upon to declare upon Oath, whether the Militia have been most serviceable or hurtful upon the whole; I should subscribe to the latter. – George Washington, September 1776

Albeit from 1776, he may have changed his mind by 1782. But you also have an exaggerated belief concerning hunting during the colonial period, as well as the widow yielding a shotgun to defend her chickens. Gun ownership was nowhere near as prevalent as you want to believe. They were expensive, most of them were very inaccurate, and they were difficult to maintain.

Hundreds of people lived in this valley in 1700. You could count the people living in this valley in 1750 on your hands. It was called the Indian Wars. And during those times there was basically one gun in the valley. Henry Weidner, who spoke German and Cherokee, and hunted throughout the Appalachian area. He was deadly accurate, a Pennsylvania long rifle, and his reputation was known throughout the local Indian tribes. It was that same rifle, yielded by his son, that took Fergunson off his horse at King's Mountain.
There were no cops present at either location when those shootings began.

If the buildings had been secure the shooters would have never made it in without meeting resistance and armed resistance would have had a chance to intercede before either became a mass shooting if there had been armed security in either building.

School shootings and public mass shootings are completely different events and have to be dealt with differently.

Laws severely restrict who may lawfully be armed on school campuses, that's not the case in the other locations.

They answer is the same, immediate armed intervention is proven to be the most effective solution and deterrent but there has to be a "good guy" present who is willing to interdict them.
Incorrect, there was an armed police officer, I think they call them "resource officers", at both locations when the shooter first arrived.
There are only a handful of them pandering to the public. Taking a gun away from a psycho won't stop him from being a psycho. Guns don't make people into psychos. And a psycho murderer won't let the legal sales of a firearm stop him from killing. He can use cars like that black guy in Wisconsin to kill as many white people as he could.
You mean the guy who only killed 6 people as opposed to the guy who killed 21 people? That guy?

Of course guns don't make people into psychos. The idea is to keep the guns out of the hands of the psychos so that they don't do as much damage as possible.

Why do you want psychos to be armed?
Of course they're connected because they are both constitutional rights. If we can make different ages for various constitutional rights, why not a right we would like to see an age limit on? Oh, that's right, manipulating age requirements is only for things leftists feel are important.
Explain your stupid opinion to Florida then.

Because once again, Florida allows 18-year-olds to vote and doesn't allow 18-year-olds to purchase AR-15s. You know, something sensible. They don't believe in your stupid belief that the two have to be connected, because they don't need to be.

And by the way, Florida is hardly leftist.
Post #300 you moron. You idiot. You dumbass.

Now why did you run away from the clean debate zone discussion we were having? You ran like a little bitch.

Didn't run away....I'm here, you I can be free to address you properly.....
You mean the guy who only killed 6 people as opposed to the guy who killed 21 people? That guy?

Of course guns don't make people into psychos. The idea is to keep the guns out of the hands of the psychos so that they don't do as much damage as possible.

Why do you want psychos to be armed?

No....the guy who killed 86 with a rental truck, more than all of the mass public shootings with a gun....

The government has failed to keep guns out of the hands of nuts, over and over again...which is why armed security, and/or some staff being armed is a good idea.....

Government had the tools to disarm the two recent nuts....they failed....innocent gun owners had nothing to do with that.
No....the guy who killed 86 with a rental truck, more than all of the mass public shootings with a gun....

The government has failed to keep guns out of the hands of nuts, over and over again...which is why armed security, and/or some staff being armed is a good idea.....

Government had the tools to disarm the two recent nuts....they failed....innocent gun owners had nothing to do with that.
We've been through this. The data shows that Americans are far more effective at killing with guns than with vehicles.

We both know this. That's why you ran away from that discussion like the little coward bitch you are.
We've been through this. The data shows that Americans are far more effective at killing with guns than with vehicles.

We both know this. That's why you ran away from that discussion like the little coward bitch you are.

The data shows that a rental truck was used to murder more people....86 than each mass public shooting in the U.S.......and more than the total murdered in all but two years of mass public shootings since 1982....

That means, dimwit...that a rental truck is deadlier than guns in a mass public attack......and it isn't even close...

muslim terrorist truck attack...86 killed....

Total killed in each year of mass public shootings in the U.S....

Deer kill 200 people a year.....

Lawn mowers between 90-100 people a year....

Ladders 300 people a year....

bathtubs 350 people a year...

Cars killed over 39,000 people in 2019...

Total number of people killed in mass public shootings by year...



2014..... 9
2013..... 36
2012..... 72
2011..... 19
2002...not listed by mother jones
1985...(none listed)
1983 (none listed)

The data shows that a rental truck was used to murder more people....86 than each mass public shooting in the U.S.......and more than the total murdered in all but two years of mass public shootings since 1982....
Not in America. And that's an anomaly.

What's the matter you little bitch? You keep running away from answering what I ask you. Why is that? :)
Not in America. And that's an anomaly.

What's the matter you little bitch? You keep running away from answering what I ask you. Why is that? :)

No......vehicles are used in attacks and kill, on average, as many people as in mass public shootings, and in Nice, France, killed more people than all of the mass public shootings in this country....including the total for all but two years...

We need to ban and confiscate trucks.
No......vehicles are used in attacks and kill, on average, as many people as in mass public shootings, and in Nice, France...
In France. Not in America.

You know, like I said. And like you don't want to admit. Why do you keep running away from that one? :)
We cannot harden every grocery story, Wal-Mart, mall, or other gathering places.


Course not. Each shopping cart now need to come complete with a bullet proof shield (we sell those btw). This will augment the bullet proof clothing citizens should be wearing this fall. Parishioners should be offered ones as they enter their particular Temples too. (We have denominational shields and non-denominational ones as well) Shoppers and worshipers should demand it. At ALDI of course you'll have to rent one!
That's not the point. The point is making restrictions on constitutional rights. Either we can or we can't, and if we can, then why not on a right we would like to raise the age on?
Even SCOTUS says you can set age limits on firearms purchases
i can't negotiate with someone who starts off NO AUTOMATIC WEAPONS!!!

oh. those are already illegal.


oh. no military uses them


oh. a ruger 10/22 fires the same rate?


the more the "liberals" learn about guns it's painfully obvious there is no negotiation from them, just regulating and taking them away.

then biden is out there saying 9mm's are evil and must go, so handguns are next OF WHICH are semi-automatic a lot also.

so til the left cuts that shit out and focuses on the topic and the issues AS THEY ARE, fuck 'em.
Thus, we MUST assume that they want to ban and confiscate EVERYTHING.

Thus, we must demand complete restoration of all rights....meaning all federal gun laws are repealed or WAR.
While there was an active militia system in each colony by 1670, those militias were laughably inept by the end of the French and Indian wars. We might not have had a police department, but we did have British soldiers garrisoned throughout the colonies and it was upon them that the colonists depended on for defense against native Americans and to keep the peace. Not until the stamp act did that begin to change. And while you are right, the militiaman was expected to provide both his weapon, his gunpowder, and his ammunition, for the most part, those weapons were not kept in the home, they were kept in the Armory, which was the destination of the British forces during the battles of Lexington and Concord.

Regarding the effectiveness of the militia, this quote from George Washington.

If I was called upon to declare upon Oath, whether the Militia have been most serviceable or hurtful upon the whole; I should subscribe to the latter. – George Washington, September 1776

Albeit from 1776, he may have changed his mind by 1782. But you also have an exaggerated belief concerning hunting during the colonial period, as well as the widow yielding a shotgun to defend her chickens. Gun ownership was nowhere near as prevalent as you want to believe. They were expensive, most of them were very inaccurate, and they were difficult to maintain.

Hundreds of people lived in this valley in 1700. You could count the people living in this valley in 1750 on your hands. It was called the Indian Wars. And during those times there was basically one gun in the valley. Henry Weidner, who spoke German and Cherokee, and hunted throughout the Appalachian area. He was deadly accurate, a Pennsylvania long rifle, and his reputation was known throughout the local Indian tribes. It was that same rifle, yielded by his son, that took Fergunson off his horse at King's Mountain.
Who cares?

The right of the people....

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