Are We Supposed To Harden Walmarts and Grocery Stores, Too?

Wow, look at the dissembling, the gaslighting, the red herrings, the strawmen, which amount to calling people stupid, always the telltale sign of leftism.

Obviously, you're the gun grabber.
I see. "Which amounts to...", your conclusion, in your mind only.

So, provide example of me wanting to take away your guns, please.

And when you don't/can't do it, I won't expect an apology. People like you have no honor.
I have no problem with that, except that such prohibitions should exempt trained and vetted military personnel. The developmental concerns are real, and prohibiting purchase is not prohibiting use.
That's exactly what Florida did. Military personnel are exempt from this.

Seems perfectly reasonable to me.
Kavanaugh will have to decide second amendment cases

Hard to justify when he demands armed guards instead of protecting his own family
You’re just being an asshole now you idiot. One of yours listened to Schumer and now you have to act like an asshole and try to deflect.
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I see. "Which amounts to...", your conclusion, in your mind only.

So, provide example of me wanting to take away your guns, please.

And when you don't/can't do it, I won't expect an apology. People like you have no honor.
So what do you think about the freedom option?

That being:

let those who want to carry do so freely.

let those who want to be meat targets die in helpless pathetic fashion as they choose.

See. That is a position you should accept.
You’re just being an asshole now you idiot. One of yours listened to Schumer and now you have to act like an asshole and try to deflect.
Why should Supreme Court Justices receive special protection?

The Constitution never mentions it
Why should Supreme Court Justices receive special protection?

The Constitution never mentions it

Oh, they'd all get it if the Supreme Court was all liberal-leaning.

You really don't think conservative justices deserve any protection.

Go on, do tell us all how you wish that assassination attempt against Kavanaugh would have been successful without really telling us.
They should get a battalion of soldiers. Armor.......drones..........

Anything to stop the left from trying to steal the court back by killing them. The left would be overjoyed if that happened.

I put nothing past these viruses.............
I see. "Which amounts to...", your conclusion, in your mind only.

So, provide example of me wanting to take away your guns, please.

And when you don't/can't do it, I won't expect an apology. People like you have no honor.
What are you talking about, you gaslighting gun grabber?

You decry the violence in schools and public spaces.

You deny the efficacy of the unfettered self-defense of law-abiding citizens and hardened school security. You stupidly characterize these things as the stuff of paranoia in the face of a very real, on-going threat.

So what are you proposing we do?
Oh, they'd all get it if the Supreme Court was all liberal-leaning.

You really don't think conservative justices deserve any protection.

Go on, do tell us all how you wish that assassination attempt against Kavanaugh would have been successful without really telling us.
The controltards seem to think the answers are universal background checks but what do they cover current background checks don't ban so called assault weapons never mind the ban in the 90s did little to nothing to curb gun violence or mass shootings raise the age to leagally buy a semit automatic rifle from 18 to 21 sure because not being able to buy the rifle legally will stop someone who is willing to committ mass murder. The type of gun you can buy and at what age you can buy it is not the problem we have been able to buy guns for pretty much as long as we have been a nation and for a very, very, long time far easier than we can today yet we rarely had mass shootings. There has been a very big change in our society that is driving people especially youn men to committ these acts we can keep going back and fourth over bans, background checks and at what age you can buy a specific type of gun but until but unti the issue of what is driving people do this is addressed it will continue.
The controltards seem to think the answers are universal background checks but what do they cover current background checks don't ban so called assault weapons never mind the ban in the 90s did little to nothing to curb gun violence or mass shootings raise the age to leagally buy a semit automatic rifle from 18 to 21 sure because not being able to buy the rifle legally will stop someone who is willing to committ mass murder. The type of gun you can buy and at what age you can buy it is not the problem we have been able to buy guns for pretty much as long as we have been a nation and for a very, very, long time far easier than we can today yet we rarely had mass shootings. There has been a very big change in our society that is driving people especially youn men to committ these acts we can keep going back and fourth over bans, background checks and at what age you can buy a specific type of gun but until but unti the issue of what is driving people do this is addressed it will continue.
Without Universal Background Checks there is no registration of who owns what.

Pretty hard to confiscate guns without a record of what you have.
Do you know the only thing that is keeping this current administration at bay to even this small a degree is the fact that WE HAVE GUNS. I don't have it for hunting.....but i have hunted and will do so again. I don't have it totally for protection.....haven't really had to use it for that but ..better safe than sorry. oh. no...the biggest reason i have A GUN is for protection from an over reaching tyrannical gov't. that's the biggest reason and the one that was on the minds of the Founders when they penned our constitution. And don't you forget it.

You're not going to get my gun(S). I don't care what the house does or the senate. YOU shall not take them.
The guntards seem to think the solution to mass shootings has something to do with doors and putting cops in schools.

Well, the cops completely failed at Parkland and Uvalde. In fact, the cop who fucked up at Parkland was fired, but then he sued and got his job back...with back pay.

So much for "the only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun".

The guntards are also ignoring the fact that just a few days before the Uvalde, a white replacement bleever mass shooter took out a bunch of black people at a grocery store.

They also ignore the fact a white replacement bleever traveled hours to kill a bunch of Mexicans at a Wal-mart in El Paso.

We cannot harden every grocery story, Wal-Mart, mall, or other gathering places.


Obviously, we easily can.
In fact, since there were essentially no police before 1900, that is exactly the way it used to be.
Every place with cash or possessions to steal, had at least one gun.

But no matter what, trying to pass gun control laws is insane.
Only the honest people will then be unarmed, and the dishonest will just buy an illegal firearm.

What people should be asking is why so many people are committing suicide at schools?
Seems to me, schools must be making lots of people angry and should change.
And it also seems that if we had more opportunities for people to be happy, they would not be so suicidal.
This is not gun problem, but instead a lot very unhappy people, seems almost universal.
In fact the US has one of the lowest satisfaction ratings in the world.
Could be there are lots of things we could work on, that will actually work, unlike gun control, which is bound to only make things worse.
I see. "Which amounts to...", your conclusion, in your mind only.

So, provide example of me wanting to take away your guns, please.

And when you don't/can't do it, I won't expect an apology. People like you have no honor.

Many are simultaneously talking about registration and assault weapons bans, so the logical conclusion is they want to first make all guns registered, so that they can then more easily confiscate later.

And yes, the "assault rifle" ban is essentially wanting to take away ALL firearms.
Because if you knew anything about firearms, you would know that the .223 of ARs is about the single weakest bullet used in any rifle.
If you can ban that, then you can and will ban all firearms.
Pistols I can almost see banning because they are so easy conceal.
But there is no excuse for ever banning any rifle, ever.

People should be glad that these school shooters are using assault rifles instead of explosives, arson, toxins, etc., that could easily kill 10 times as many, and not even get caught.

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