Are We Supposed To Harden Walmarts and Grocery Stores, Too?

Why should Supreme Court Justices receive special protection?

The Constitution never mentions it

If your corrupt DOJ did their job, arrest the people at the homes of these justices as the law requires, there would be little need for special protection. But as we know, Democrats are Nazis that believe the federal agencies and bureaucracies only work for them.
If your corrupt DOJ did their job, arrest the people at the homes of these justices as the law requires, there would be little need for special protection. But as we know, Democrats are Nazis that believe the federal agencies and bureaucracies only work for them.
Garland is too busy going after parents at school board meetings to bother actually enforcing the law.
America needs a second Memorial Day for all of the innocent civilians who have made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our 2 amd rights.
A national day of thoughts and prayers.

Or to honor them because they lived in liberal ran cities that do nothing about the violence on a daily basis. In fact they promote violence when they put in clowns like Gascon and Foxx. Chicago police have complained about arresting a person with an illegal firearm and seeing them out on the street the next day. Even leftists have realized the problem which is why a 90% Democrat majority city got rid of Boudin.
Kavanaugh will have to decide second amendment cases

Hard to justify when he demands armed guards instead of protecting his own family

Armed guards have the training to protect other people. All your elitists have them. Yes, those Hollywood commies preach that nobody should have a gun , but wouldn't dream of going to a public bathroom without their armed guards. Think Democrat politicians don't have the same? Does Dementia who is against gun ownership go anywhere without armed security? If he's so against people getting guns, why doesn't he make an example of his drug addict son who lied on a federal firearms application to get a gun, then let his girlfriend throw it in a dumpster near a school? Oh, but it's Hunter. Not even a slap on the hand yet alone a fine or face jail time.

Democrats. Every single one a hypocrite.
You're free to walk around in a state of constant paranoia, suspicion and victimhood, and you're free to spread that constant paranoia, suspicion and victimhood to your family.

I'm free to choose other ways of going through life.

Freedom. Yay.

That's right. Everybody is free to do as they choose to your chagrin.
Obviously we need to provide an individual armed guard for all shoppers, all children at school, and anyone who works at those places.

And hospitals. And malls. And restaurants. And nightclubs.

There. Easy peasy. Freedom.

Any private establishment is capable and allowed to hire all the security they want. But a public school is not private. They are funded by taxpayer dollars, and if they want to spend those taxpaying dollars on school security, they are free to do so as well.
The Buffalo Tops super market that the white supremacist decided to shoot up did have an armed security guard.

That wasn’t enough when we allow 18-year-old psychopaths to legally purchase AR-15 rifles.

It had nothing to do with an AR. The guard did shoot the gunman but his bullets couldn't penetrate through his armor that he wore.
Where I live, we have already hardened places by removing most restrictions on carrying guns.
You go someplace with evil intentions here, you'll find yourself facing multiple armed civilians willing & able to respond.
Gun free zones are just juicy targets for crazed psychos.
It's not our fault you all disarmed yourselves in extremely violent Dem controlled areas.
If I took off my clothes & went out in a blizzard, I wouldn't blame my coat when I got pneumonia

After we passed our CCW laws about ten or fifteen years ago, many vendors had those "no guns allowed' signs in their window. When people quit shopping there, they all removed them. Today you'd be hell bent to find a store that restricts carrying a firearm.
The guntards seem to think the solution to mass shootings has something to do with doors and putting cops in schools.

Well, the cops completely failed at Parkland and Uvalde. In fact, the cop who fucked up at Parkland was fired, but then he sued and got his job back...with back pay.

So much for "the only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun".

The guntards are also ignoring the fact that just a few days before the Uvalde, a white replacement bleever mass shooter took out a bunch of black people at a grocery store.

They also ignore the fact a white replacement bleever traveled hours to kill a bunch of Mexicans at a Wal-mart in El Paso.

We cannot harden every grocery story, Wal-Mart, mall, or other gathering places.


Yep. Online only. No more putting your nasty finger nail print in the tomatoes. You get what they give you when you pick up your box.

That is the Republican Plan


Shopping Malls
Movie Theaters
Ball Fields

Anywhere a shooter may pick


And they will bitch about it when implimented.

Don't forget "red flag" laws. That is when they can prevent certain people from attaining a firearm. You know, like the mentally ill, convicted felons--oh wait, scratch that, Amy Coney Barret shot that down. Those convicted of domestic violence, transgender, gay, and transexuals. You know, kind of like Hitler did. Republicans will prevent their enemies from attaining firearms legally first, and then they will round them up and send them to work camps.

Swimming pools, automobile dealerships, post offices…

Such is the insanity of the indifferent, irresponsible right.

Yea. And then he shot him. With his AR.

Even a hard target isn’t good enough when we allow 18-year-old psychopaths to get body armor and AR-15 rifles.
Hahahaha…you got the America you Leftards have manifested and fostered.
Good luck surviving in this leftist hellhole.
“Our diversity is our strength”
Actually, our diversity is our demise.
The guntards seem to think the solution to mass shootings has something to do with doors and putting cops in schools.

Well, the cops completely failed at Parkland and Uvalde. In fact, the cop who fucked up at Parkland was fired, but then he sued and got his job back...with back pay.

So much for "the only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun".

The guntards are also ignoring the fact that just a few days before the Uvalde, a white replacement bleever mass shooter took out a bunch of black people at a grocery store.

They also ignore the fact a white replacement bleever traveled hours to kill a bunch of Mexicans at a Wal-mart in El Paso.

We cannot harden every grocery story, Wal-Mart, mall, or other gathering places.


It's a business decision to "harden" a store, not the public.

An expert in this field was interviewed on evil right-wing radio. According to him, not one student in any of these attacks were ever harmed or killed when behind a locked door, so there goes your door theory unless you can prove him wrong.

A good guy with a gun stopped every mass shooting. That doesn't mean it's full proof, but statistics show that Americans use their firearms between 1 and 4 million times a year to defend themselves, stop a crime, or defend others, in most cases without firing one shot. The mere presence of a law abiding citizen legally allowed to use his or her firearm usually stops the aggressor in their tracks or makes them run away.

To those who think making firearms illegal for law abiding citizens is the best we can do, then let's use that on recreational narcotics first and show us how well that works before we extrapolate that theory to guns.
Lets fix the schools first... there is so much to do to make schools more safe lets stick to them first....
There're about 140,000 of them. However it is not just schools but retail establishments, churches, and just about every public place. Turning everyplace people gather into a fortress is not the answer because we can not protect ourselves from ourselves.
Garland is too busy going after parents at school board meetings to bother actually enforcing the law.

That's leftists policy for you. Dementia used the Defense Production Act to speed up solar panels, but didn't even think about it for baby formula for American mothers. Oh, the babies of illegals are just fine; well stocked shelves of formula for them.
If two people are shooting at each other and one has armor and the other one doesn't, it matters not if he had an AR or a .22 handgun. The unarmored shooter is going to lose.
Ok. So what are you suggesting? It's not enough for us to have hardened targets, but now they need to have body armor and AR-15s as well?

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