Are we supposed to regret obama's latest screw up?

Our stated mission is to destroy ISIS strongholds, not take out government forces loyal to Assad. That would probably require a new authorization act from congress and frankly they would probably not authorize use of force against anyone because Obama.
Then why do we support Syrian Rebels who want to kill Assad?
Because they also oppose ISIS. Syria is a strategic clusterfuck, not really anyone there that can be called "the good guys".
Yeah, a cluster fuck this administration cannot figure out for the life of it
I suppose you and Trump have it all figured out? Please explain in detail what we should be doing?
First step is saying goodbye to Obama....and fuck off to PIAPS ...
The first step of what? Useless escalation? This conflict will continue until they get tired of killing each other in spite of what the rest of the world wants or does. Keeping the fighting confined to the area and doing what we can for refugees really is all the west can do.
Then why do we support Syrian Rebels who want to kill Assad?
Because they also oppose ISIS. Syria is a strategic clusterfuck, not really anyone there that can be called "the good guys".
Yeah, a cluster fuck this administration cannot figure out for the life of it
I suppose you and Trump have it all figured out? Please explain in detail what we should be doing?
First step is saying goodbye to Obama....and fuck off to PIAPS ...
The first step of what? Useless escalation? This conflict will continue until they get tired of killing each other in spite of what the rest of the world wants or does. Keeping the fighting confined to the area and doing what we can for refugees really is all the west can do.
First step toward killing them to a degree we get their attention. Fuck the refugees....they are Muslims who never tire of killing each you point out. Why do we want the motherfuckers here, among us?
Because they also oppose ISIS. Syria is a strategic clusterfuck, not really anyone there that can be called "the good guys".
Yeah, a cluster fuck this administration cannot figure out for the life of it
I suppose you and Trump have it all figured out? Please explain in detail what we should be doing?
First step is saying goodbye to Obama....and fuck off to PIAPS ...
The first step of what? Useless escalation? This conflict will continue until they get tired of killing each other in spite of what the rest of the world wants or does. Keeping the fighting confined to the area and doing what we can for refugees really is all the west can do.
First step toward killing them to a degree we get their attention. Fuck the refugees....they are Muslims who never tire of killing each you point out. Why do we want the motherfuckers here, among us?
We don't want them but they are coming anyway, you think you could make things so unpleasant for refugees that they will would rather stay in a war zone? Not a chance. They are coming and we have a choice, be as monstrous as the people they are fleeing or stay true to our values as the supposed good, kind, generous people of the world amid an unprecedented crisis. We cannot let this situation turn us into the cruel monsters that ISIS propaganda makes us out to be.
Yeah, a cluster fuck this administration cannot figure out for the life of it
I suppose you and Trump have it all figured out? Please explain in detail what we should be doing?
First step is saying goodbye to Obama....and fuck off to PIAPS ...
The first step of what? Useless escalation? This conflict will continue until they get tired of killing each other in spite of what the rest of the world wants or does. Keeping the fighting confined to the area and doing what we can for refugees really is all the west can do.
First step toward killing them to a degree we get their attention. Fuck the refugees....they are Muslims who never tire of killing each you point out. Why do we want the motherfuckers here, among us?
We don't want them but they are coming anyway, you think you could make things so unpleasant for refugees that they will would rather stay in a war zone? Not a chance. They are coming and we have a choice, be as monstrous as the people they are fleeing or stay true to our values as the supposed good, kind, generous people of the world amid an unprecedented crisis. We cannot let this situation turn us into the cruel monsters that ISIS propaganda makes us out to be.
Just look at the thugs that streamed into Europe...give them guns and they would happily kill their brothers rather than flee. They have no intention of becoming civilized more than they intend to become patriotic Americans who stand for the playing of the national anthem.
I have a real life analogy. I was in our detached garage and noticed about 3 snake skins all about 5 foot long. Could be the same snake or there are a few in there. I was moving some boards and a 8-12 inch snake was under the boards. It startled me because I don't like snakes. It wasn't real aggressive so I weighed my options. One was to leave it be, again not sure what kind it is but more than likely a black rat snake. Two, dispose of it and not have to worry about being startled again. Three, move it to the woods.

As i said, I don't know positive what kind it was so I moved it to the woods where it belongs. No use in trying to tell the difference, snakes are snakes. The other snakes I do see from time to time but I let them be. Not sure why this little one bothered me.
I suppose you and Trump have it all figured out? Please explain in detail what we should be doing?
First step is saying goodbye to Obama....and fuck off to PIAPS ...
The first step of what? Useless escalation? This conflict will continue until they get tired of killing each other in spite of what the rest of the world wants or does. Keeping the fighting confined to the area and doing what we can for refugees really is all the west can do.
First step toward killing them to a degree we get their attention. Fuck the refugees....they are Muslims who never tire of killing each you point out. Why do we want the motherfuckers here, among us?
We don't want them but they are coming anyway, you think you could make things so unpleasant for refugees that they will would rather stay in a war zone? Not a chance. They are coming and we have a choice, be as monstrous as the people they are fleeing or stay true to our values as the supposed good, kind, generous people of the world amid an unprecedented crisis. We cannot let this situation turn us into the cruel monsters that ISIS propaganda makes us out to be.
Just look at the thugs that streamed into Europe...give them guns and they would happily kill their brothers rather than flee. They have no intention of becoming civilized more than they intend to become patriotic Americans who stand for the playing of the national anthem.
There are certainly problems integrating a refugee population but demonizing them in their entirety is not the answer to anything. This kind of thing is nothing new for us but Europe is having problems mostly because they have little experience in cultural integration.
First step is saying goodbye to Obama....and fuck off to PIAPS ...
The first step of what? Useless escalation? This conflict will continue until they get tired of killing each other in spite of what the rest of the world wants or does. Keeping the fighting confined to the area and doing what we can for refugees really is all the west can do.
First step toward killing them to a degree we get their attention. Fuck the refugees....they are Muslims who never tire of killing each you point out. Why do we want the motherfuckers here, among us?
We don't want them but they are coming anyway, you think you could make things so unpleasant for refugees that they will would rather stay in a war zone? Not a chance. They are coming and we have a choice, be as monstrous as the people they are fleeing or stay true to our values as the supposed good, kind, generous people of the world amid an unprecedented crisis. We cannot let this situation turn us into the cruel monsters that ISIS propaganda makes us out to be.
Just look at the thugs that streamed into Europe...give them guns and they would happily kill their brothers rather than flee. They have no intention of becoming civilized more than they intend to become patriotic Americans who stand for the playing of the national anthem.
There are certainly problems integrating a refugee population but demonizing them in their entirety is not the answer to anything. This kind of thing is nothing new for us but Europe is having problems mostly because they have little experience in cultural integration.
My answer is to kill those responsible for the situation that creates refugees. We are the super power. Why infect our population with Muslims who have killed each other with abandon for 600 years?
Our stated mission is to destroy ISIS strongholds, not take out government forces loyal to Assad. That would probably require a new authorization act from congress and frankly they would probably not authorize use of force against anyone because Obama.
When has Obama asked Congress for war?
Our stated mission is to destroy ISIS strongholds, not take out government forces loyal to Assad. That would probably require a new authorization act from congress and frankly they would probably not authorize use of force against anyone because Obama.
Then why do we support Syrian Rebels who want to kill Assad?
Because they also oppose ISIS. Syria is a strategic clusterfuck, not really anyone there that can be called "the good guys".
Yeah, a cluster fuck this administration cannot figure out for the life of it
I suppose you and Trump have it all figured out? Please explain in detail what we should be doing?
The administration is way over its head. The whole situation is a cluster fuck made worse by commander asshat
Like everything else Obama and his toads get involved in this is just another clusterfuck. There is no way Obama is ever going to one up Putin, that isn't going happen. Putin won't let it happen

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