Are we too far gone?

I think we are. This country is on a downward slide, and there is nothing that can be done to stop it.

The division is so bad now, I don't think we will ever come together again. Perhaps we need to stop worrying about changing the country and start managing the fall.

We are nearly to the point of civil war. All it will take is the right catalyst to start.

This country is not like it was 10 years ago. Obama's pledge to radically transform the country did indeed happen, perhaps not in the way he envisioned, but we are changed.

We are vicious, divided, hate filled people. I just think this country is done. Her best days gone.

They say history repeats itself, and most empires don't last. I think our empire has run its course. It's only a matter if time before we destroy ourselves from within, or another country invades and takes us over.

Yes, this country IS over and there is nothing that can realistically be done to stop that. With that in mind, we need to determine the best way to deal with the endgame; just like a corporation does when it gets bankrupt.

We could go down the road of a civil war, with one side winning and the other being exterminated.

We could split the country into two or more smaller nations m.

Lastly we could simply reboot the existing nation from an updated version of the original operating system.

I’m a far bigger fan of either of the first two options over the third.

We could go down the road of a civil war, with one side winning and the other being exterminated.

We could split the country into two or more smaller nations m.

Lastly we could simply reboot the existing nation from an updated version of the original operating system.

I’m a far bigger fan of either of the first two options over the third."

So which side do you want to slaughter? the left or the right?

I prefer the third option; rewrite the constitution so it can NOT be open for interpretation.

make it specific.

Minimize the vagaries.

ex: ALL American citizens have the same rights.


no re-interpreting this to mean "by American citizens we mean conservative christians only and we definitely do NOT include gays or atheists or non-christians.
I debated whether or not to post on this thread. And decided listen to Glen Beck too much.

He's Back! Glenn Beck Says Obama Will Throw Opponents in Internment Camps
We are Germany 1930. You can deny it all you want,” he said. “But the socialist revolution is here.”
Actually, I dont listen to beck much anymore. When I listen to conservative radio, I may tune in to beck, but I actually prefer his show now when he is not there, and pat and stu run the show.

Mostly I listen to wilkow on the right, and signorile and obiedalah on the left.

This is just the way I'm feeling these days. It's just hard for me to ignore. You see the fighting here on usmb, and other forums and the stark division in our government. Nobody is getting along, and nobody wants to get along.

We cant continue on this path. It will destroy us in the end.

Your listening habits are part of your problem.
How so? I listen to both sides. It's amazing that when you listen to two sides of a topic how utterly divided the two parties are. Its simply amazing how you can take any topic, have left and right talk shows discuss it, and their opinions could not be more opposite.

It's almost like its staged that way. In my opinion, there are very few topics where two different ideologies cant at least find some common ground. Not the case these days. Listen to the right talk about a topic, then turn to a left leaning station and listen to them talk about the exact same topic, and have completely different views. It's almost as if it is scripted.

Again, this is just how "I" see things. Yes, I probably listen to more talk radio than I should, but it has allowed me to see how utterly divided we are. Its quite uncanny.

"It's amazing that when you listen to two sides of a topic how utterly divided the two parties are. Its simply amazing how you can take any topic, have left and right talk shows discuss it, and their opinions could not be more opposite."

My impression is that liberals will discuss the issue, the data and the facts (on any topic) while conservatives merely bash, mock and ridicule liberals for believing (what ever the topic is)
Actually, from my observances, it's the exact opposite.

Take any right wing talk show and listen, you will find them using the constitution as the measuring stick, they are all about personal liberty and adhering to the rule of law and constitution. Yes, they both the left, and poke fun at them, I will agree, but they generally are talking in regards to the issues and their policy and ideology.

Now turn to left leaning talk radio and you will find that they are outwardly harsh, name calling, and attacking the person themselves along with their policies. Especially on SiriusXM, the left talk shows are full of cursing and fbombs, and ridicule of the other side. The conservative shows are at least family friendly, you won't hear them using vulgarities to get their point across, and their bashing of the left is about their policies but not necessarily about the person themselves.

I've laid this out before. I challenge anyone to spend a day listening to wilkow and hannity, the spend a day listening to signorile and obiedalah, and come back and tell me what you find. I think you will find the same thing I just described above.

And no, i dont care if they use the foul language, I was merely pointing out how each of those talk hosts mentioned, had a different approach to their commentary.

There are other hosts like Hartman who dont resort to harshness of some of the other talk show hosts, but their viewpoints are every bit as opposite.

"Take any right wing talk show and listen, you will find them using the constitution as the measuring stick, they are all about personal liberty"

but they support the war on pot, they openly state they want THEIR bible to be used as the law of the land, the vote for people who STATE they want to criminalize gays. How is any of THAT "personal liberty"?

"personal liberty" means you do NOT force YOUR religious beliefs on everybody. You do NOT wage war on pot smokers. You do NOT deny gays and atheists rights simply for being gay and atheist.
So which side do you want to slaughter? the left or the right?

I prefer the third option; rewrite the constitution so it can NOT be open for interpretation. make it specific. Minimize the vagaries.

ex: ALL American citizens have the same rights. period. no re-interpreting this to mean "by American citizens we mean conservative christians only and we definitely do NOT include gays or atheists or non-christians.

As an ultr-Conservative, neither party represents me. My preference is for an Ultra-Conservative Constitutional Autovracy. Basically a Government set up by an All-Powerful and uneducable Constitution that lays out the basis for the entire society.

With that in mind either of the first two options works for me. In Option One I’m either in a country I love or dead. In the second option I move to whichever new nation is closest to my beliefs.

The third option simply takes us back to where we are now. It just resets the click back 50-60 years until the morons find new ways to bypass the document.
^ "truly conservative" anathema endorses husbands physically punishing their wives. :cuckoo:
So which side do you want to slaughter? the left or the right?

I prefer the third option; rewrite the constitution so it can NOT be open for interpretation. make it specific. Minimize the vagaries.

ex: ALL American citizens have the same rights. period. no re-interpreting this to mean "by American citizens we mean conservative christians only and we definitely do NOT include gays or atheists or non-christians.

As an ultr-Conservative, neither party represents me. My preference is for an Ultra-Conservative Constitutional Autovracy. Basically a Government set up by an All-Powerful and uneducable Constitution that lays out the basis for the entire society.

With that in mind either of the first two options works for me. In Option One I’m either in a country I love or dead. In the second option I move to whichever new nation is closest to my beliefs.

The third option simply takes us back to where we are now. It just resets the click back 50-60 years until the morons find new ways to bypass the document.

So your first choice is to ELIMINATE (slaughter/murder) all NON-conservatives?
We are too far gone for anything but the most violent upheaval to correct.

Ben Franklin was correct when he said the constitutional government would work for a course of years. Then it would be replaced by a despotic form of government the people too corrupt to accept any other.

The left is looking forward to the elimination of people who believe in liberty. The entire momentum of the democrats is population replacement. Then they will have the totalitarian utopia they envision.
Fucking Trumpers (if they are actually Americans...) WANT bloodshed.

I debated whether or not to post on this thread. And decided listen to Glen Beck too much.

He's Back! Glenn Beck Says Obama Will Throw Opponents in Internment Camps
We are Germany 1930. You can deny it all you want,” he said. “But the socialist revolution is here.”
Actually, I dont listen to beck much anymore. When I listen to conservative radio, I may tune in to beck, but I actually prefer his show now when he is not there, and pat and stu run the show.

Mostly I listen to wilkow on the right, and signorile and obiedalah on the left.

This is just the way I'm feeling these days. It's just hard for me to ignore. You see the fighting here on usmb, and other forums and the stark division in our government. Nobody is getting along, and nobody wants to get along.

We cant continue on this path. It will destroy us in the end.

Your listening habits are part of your problem.
How so? I listen to both sides. It's amazing that when you listen to two sides of a topic how utterly divided the two parties are. Its simply amazing how you can take any topic, have left and right talk shows discuss it, and their opinions could not be more opposite.

It's almost like its staged that way. In my opinion, there are very few topics where two different ideologies cant at least find some common ground. Not the case these days. Listen to the right talk about a topic, then turn to a left leaning station and listen to them talk about the exact same topic, and have completely different views. It's almost as if it is scripted.

Again, this is just how "I" see things. Yes, I probably listen to more talk radio than I should, but it has allowed me to see how utterly divided we are. Its quite uncanny.

"It's amazing that when you listen to two sides of a topic how utterly divided the two parties are. Its simply amazing how you can take any topic, have left and right talk shows discuss it, and their opinions could not be more opposite."

My impression is that liberals will discuss the issue, the data and the facts (on any topic) while conservatives merely bash, mock and ridicule liberals for believing (what ever the topic is)
Actually, from my observances, it's the exact opposite.

Take any right wing talk show and listen, you will find them using the constitution as the measuring stick, they are all about personal liberty and adhering to the rule of law and constitution. Yes, they both the left, and poke fun at them, I will agree, but they generally are talking in regards to the issues and their policy and ideology.

Now turn to left leaning talk radio and you will find that they are outwardly harsh, name calling, and attacking the person themselves along with their policies. Especially on SiriusXM, the left talk shows are full of cursing and fbombs, and ridicule of the other side. The conservative shows are at least family friendly, you won't hear them using vulgarities to get their point across, and their bashing of the left is about their policies but not necessarily about the person themselves.

I've laid this out before. I challenge anyone to spend a day listening to wilkow and hannity, the spend a day listening to signorile and obiedalah, and come back and tell me what you find. I think you will find the same thing I just described above.

And no, i dont care if they use the foul language, I was merely pointing out how each of those talk hosts mentioned, had a different approach to their commentary.

There are other hosts like Hartman who dont resort to harshness of some of the other talk show hosts, but their viewpoints are every bit as opposite.

You're part of the problem.

"I'm right. Their wrong. End of story!"

Fuck off.
I debated whether or not to post on this thread. And decided listen to Glen Beck too much.

He's Back! Glenn Beck Says Obama Will Throw Opponents in Internment Camps
We are Germany 1930. You can deny it all you want,” he said. “But the socialist revolution is here.”
Actually, I dont listen to beck much anymore. When I listen to conservative radio, I may tune in to beck, but I actually prefer his show now when he is not there, and pat and stu run the show.

Mostly I listen to wilkow on the right, and signorile and obiedalah on the left.

This is just the way I'm feeling these days. It's just hard for me to ignore. You see the fighting here on usmb, and other forums and the stark division in our government. Nobody is getting along, and nobody wants to get along.

We cant continue on this path. It will destroy us in the end.

Your listening habits are part of your problem.
How so? I listen to both sides. It's amazing that when you listen to two sides of a topic how utterly divided the two parties are. Its simply amazing how you can take any topic, have left and right talk shows discuss it, and their opinions could not be more opposite.

It's almost like its staged that way. In my opinion, there are very few topics where two different ideologies cant at least find some common ground. Not the case these days. Listen to the right talk about a topic, then turn to a left leaning station and listen to them talk about the exact same topic, and have completely different views. It's almost as if it is scripted.

Again, this is just how "I" see things. Yes, I probably listen to more talk radio than I should, but it has allowed me to see how utterly divided we are. Its quite uncanny.
There is supposed to be opposition parties. That is OUR COUNTRY. We are not supposed to have a ONE PARTY SYSTEM, which is what "bipartisanship" is. Another bullshit word designed to change our paradigm.

Trump is not buying into the globalists. Trying to obliterate the middle class. He does not buy into the left wing narrative that America is RACIST. Supposed to have an opposition party system.

The whole notion that our country was ever anything else is another attempt to rewrite history by the globalists.

They are quite successful at doing that. Most shit we have learned or believe is actually quite false. From how truth about the CRUSADES to how the Trans Atlantic slave trade began. All of it.

Our country is done because of what I mentioned already.

The mainstream media, hollywood and the educational system. All run by globalists pushing left wing propaganda in order to enslave our minds.

Uh,yikes ....
You are such an ignorant brainwashed little pet for the globalist leaders.
We could go down the road of a civil war, with one side winning and the other being exterminated.
We could split the country into two or more smaller nations m.
Lastly we could simply reboot the existing nation from an updated version of the original operating system.
I strongly suspect that the last possibility you offer is the way it will go, and that it has been the goal of many in the first place, given what they think of this country.

Why MUST you always opine about what OTHER people think?
We are too far gone for anything but the most violent upheaval to correct.

Ben Franklin was correct when he said the constitutional government would work for a course of years. Then it would be replaced by a despotic form of government the people too corrupt to accept any other.

The left is looking forward to the elimination of people who believe in liberty. The entire momentum of the democrats is population replacement. Then they will have the totalitarian utopia they envision.
Fucking Trumpers (if they are actually Americans...) WANT bloodshed.


Until they get it. Then they clutch pearls.
^ "truly conservative" anathema endorses husbands physically punishing their wives.

Realize that Fundamentalist Islam is closer to True Conservatism than nainline Christianity.

American conservatism means conserving our nation's founding constitutional principles.

deliberately separating ourselves from uber religious authoritarianism was our catalyst in creating a constitutional republic.

face it, your ideals are more in line with the taliban. :itsok:
I debated whether or not to post on this thread. And decided listen to Glen Beck too much.

He's Back! Glenn Beck Says Obama Will Throw Opponents in Internment Camps
We are Germany 1930. You can deny it all you want,” he said. “But the socialist revolution is here.”
Actually, I dont listen to beck much anymore. When I listen to conservative radio, I may tune in to beck, but I actually prefer his show now when he is not there, and pat and stu run the show.

Mostly I listen to wilkow on the right, and signorile and obiedalah on the left.

This is just the way I'm feeling these days. It's just hard for me to ignore. You see the fighting here on usmb, and other forums and the stark division in our government. Nobody is getting along, and nobody wants to get along.

We cant continue on this path. It will destroy us in the end.

Your listening habits are part of your problem.
How so? I listen to both sides. It's amazing that when you listen to two sides of a topic how utterly divided the two parties are. Its simply amazing how you can take any topic, have left and right talk shows discuss it, and their opinions could not be more opposite.

It's almost like its staged that way. In my opinion, there are very few topics where two different ideologies cant at least find some common ground. Not the case these days. Listen to the right talk about a topic, then turn to a left leaning station and listen to them talk about the exact same topic, and have completely different views. It's almost as if it is scripted.

Again, this is just how "I" see things. Yes, I probably listen to more talk radio than I should, but it has allowed me to see how utterly divided we are. Its quite uncanny.

You listen to people who profit from that division.

Of course, one of those three is way worse than the other two.
Also, all of those talk show hosts profit from stirring the pot. Its how they get their ratings, and ratings equal money.

There are no.ratings on SXM.
I think we are. This country is on a downward slide, and there is nothing that can be done to stop it.

The division is so bad now, I don't think we will ever come together again. Perhaps we need to stop worrying about changing the country and start managing the fall.

We are nearly to the point of civil war. All it will take is the right catalyst to start.

This country is not like it was 10 years ago. Obama's pledge to radically transform the country did indeed happen, perhaps not in the way he envisioned, but we are changed.

We are vicious, divided, hate filled people. I just think this country is done. Her best days gone.

They say history repeats itself, and most empires don't last. I think our empire has run its course. It's only a matter if time before we destroy ourselves from within, or another country invades and takes us over.

Yes, this country IS over and there is nothing that can realistically be done to stop that. With that in mind, we need to determine the best way to deal with the endgame; just like a corporation does when it gets bankrupt.

We could go down the road of a civil war, with one side winning and the other being exterminated.

We could split the country into two or more smaller nations m.

Lastly we could simply reboot the existing nation from an updated version of the original operating system.

I’m a far bigger fan of either of the first two options over the third.

We could go down the road of a civil war, with one side winning and the other being exterminated.

We could split the country into two or more smaller nations m.

Lastly we could simply reboot the existing nation from an updated version of the original operating system.

I’m a far bigger fan of either of the first two options over the third."

So which side do you want to slaughter? the left or the right?

I prefer the third option; rewrite the constitution so it can NOT be open for interpretation.

make it specific.

Minimize the vagaries.

ex: ALL American citizens have the same rights.


no re-interpreting this to mean "by American citizens we mean conservative christians only and we definitely do NOT include gays or atheists or non-christians.
Actually, I dont listen to beck much anymore. When I listen to conservative radio, I may tune in to beck, but I actually prefer his show now when he is not there, and pat and stu run the show.

Mostly I listen to wilkow on the right, and signorile and obiedalah on the left.

This is just the way I'm feeling these days. It's just hard for me to ignore. You see the fighting here on usmb, and other forums and the stark division in our government. Nobody is getting along, and nobody wants to get along.

We cant continue on this path. It will destroy us in the end.

Your listening habits are part of your problem.
How so? I listen to both sides. It's amazing that when you listen to two sides of a topic how utterly divided the two parties are. Its simply amazing how you can take any topic, have left and right talk shows discuss it, and their opinions could not be more opposite.

It's almost like its staged that way. In my opinion, there are very few topics where two different ideologies cant at least find some common ground. Not the case these days. Listen to the right talk about a topic, then turn to a left leaning station and listen to them talk about the exact same topic, and have completely different views. It's almost as if it is scripted.

Again, this is just how "I" see things. Yes, I probably listen to more talk radio than I should, but it has allowed me to see how utterly divided we are. Its quite uncanny.

"It's amazing that when you listen to two sides of a topic how utterly divided the two parties are. Its simply amazing how you can take any topic, have left and right talk shows discuss it, and their opinions could not be more opposite."

My impression is that liberals will discuss the issue, the data and the facts (on any topic) while conservatives merely bash, mock and ridicule liberals for believing (what ever the topic is)
Actually, from my observances, it's the exact opposite.

Take any right wing talk show and listen, you will find them using the constitution as the measuring stick, they are all about personal liberty and adhering to the rule of law and constitution. Yes, they both the left, and poke fun at them, I will agree, but they generally are talking in regards to the issues and their policy and ideology.

Now turn to left leaning talk radio and you will find that they are outwardly harsh, name calling, and attacking the person themselves along with their policies. Especially on SiriusXM, the left talk shows are full of cursing and fbombs, and ridicule of the other side. The conservative shows are at least family friendly, you won't hear them using vulgarities to get their point across, and their bashing of the left is about their policies but not necessarily about the person themselves.

I've laid this out before. I challenge anyone to spend a day listening to wilkow and hannity, the spend a day listening to signorile and obiedalah, and come back and tell me what you find. I think you will find the same thing I just described above.

And no, i dont care if they use the foul language, I was merely pointing out how each of those talk hosts mentioned, had a different approach to their commentary.

There are other hosts like Hartman who dont resort to harshness of some of the other talk show hosts, but their viewpoints are every bit as opposite.

"Take any right wing talk show and listen, you will find them using the constitution as the measuring stick, they are all about personal liberty"

but they support the war on pot, they openly state they want THEIR bible to be used as the law of the land, the vote for people who STATE they want to criminalize gays. How is any of THAT "personal liberty"?

"personal liberty" means you do NOT force YOUR religious beliefs on everybody. You do NOT wage war on pot smokers. You do NOT deny gays and atheists rights simply for being gay and atheist.
I have yet to hear any right wing talk radio, at least the ones I listen to, come across as anti gay or anti Muslim. They all pretty much want people to live as they choose.

The problem is, those left leaning talk shows I mentioned will twist the story to make it appear that the right is against all of those things., and they do this daily, all day long.

Just because the right supported a ban on people from Muslim countries doesnt make them anti Muslim, no matter how much the left wing talkers try to twist it. They simply supported banning muslims coming from the countries that were most likely to be hotbeds of terrorism. If they were banning muslims because of their religion, they would have just made the ban for ALL Muslim countries, but they didnt.

And, because the right supported a bakery exercising their right to refuse service to a gay couple in no way makes them anti gay. They just wanted the bakery to be able to exercise their personal liberty to practice their religion as they see fit. It had nothing to do with the gay couple, but everything to do with the Baker to exercise HIS own religious beliefs.

And, because they want to have traditional marriage protected in no way makes them anti gay either. That is just how they believe. It is interesting that when Christian's want to exercise their belief on gay marriage, people scold them, but when it comes to Islam, a religion that openly kills gay people, the left is ok with that.

Why is that?
So your first choice is to ELIMINATE (slaughter/murder) all NON-conservatives?

Yes. Especially since that’s pretty much where either of the first two options end up in the next 50-80 years. I have no use for Nin-Conservatives except as landfill or firewood.

so you would kill everyone who doesn't embrace YOUR opinions.

but you can't stop there.

Now you need to enforce YOUR beliefs in media, entertainment, schools, books.


and then
after you've killed everyone who doesn't agree with you

and censored ALL the information

you will finally be free and have all of your rights.

Q: how many rights will the dead liberals have?

how much free speech will they have after you've killed them all?

do you seriously believe, after admitting you want to slaughter MILLIONS of people with different opinions, that you are NOT a fascist murderer?
Not even close, in another few presidential cycles the aging RWNJs will be mostly gone and things will level out.

What you consider RWNJ's are people that value, and respect the Constitution as written. If they do go away, and don't get replaced, the U.S. won't be a country that people want to come to anymore, legally, nor illegally. If it is turned into a Liberal/Progressive Utopia it will be just another socialist, third world HELL HOLE.

Fortunately, many younger people are reevaluating their Politically Correct Liberalism as they enter the work force, see their paycheck eaten by taxes, and want a strong economic future, not more rainbows and unicorn Democrat promises.
Actually, I dont listen to beck much anymore. When I listen to conservative radio, I may tune in to beck, but I actually prefer his show now when he is not there, and pat and stu run the show.

Mostly I listen to wilkow on the right, and signorile and obiedalah on the left.

This is just the way I'm feeling these days. It's just hard for me to ignore. You see the fighting here on usmb, and other forums and the stark division in our government. Nobody is getting along, and nobody wants to get along.

We cant continue on this path. It will destroy us in the end.

Your listening habits are part of your problem.
How so? I listen to both sides. It's amazing that when you listen to two sides of a topic how utterly divided the two parties are. Its simply amazing how you can take any topic, have left and right talk shows discuss it, and their opinions could not be more opposite.

It's almost like its staged that way. In my opinion, there are very few topics where two different ideologies cant at least find some common ground. Not the case these days. Listen to the right talk about a topic, then turn to a left leaning station and listen to them talk about the exact same topic, and have completely different views. It's almost as if it is scripted.

Again, this is just how "I" see things. Yes, I probably listen to more talk radio than I should, but it has allowed me to see how utterly divided we are. Its quite uncanny.

"It's amazing that when you listen to two sides of a topic how utterly divided the two parties are. Its simply amazing how you can take any topic, have left and right talk shows discuss it, and their opinions could not be more opposite."

My impression is that liberals will discuss the issue, the data and the facts (on any topic) while conservatives merely bash, mock and ridicule liberals for believing (what ever the topic is)
Actually, from my observances, it's the exact opposite.

Take any right wing talk show and listen, you will find them using the constitution as the measuring stick, they are all about personal liberty and adhering to the rule of law and constitution. Yes, they both the left, and poke fun at them, I will agree, but they generally are talking in regards to the issues and their policy and ideology.

Now turn to left leaning talk radio and you will find that they are outwardly harsh, name calling, and attacking the person themselves along with their policies. Especially on SiriusXM, the left talk shows are full of cursing and fbombs, and ridicule of the other side. The conservative shows are at least family friendly, you won't hear them using vulgarities to get their point across, and their bashing of the left is about their policies but not necessarily about the person themselves.

I've laid this out before. I challenge anyone to spend a day listening to wilkow and hannity, the spend a day listening to signorile and obiedalah, and come back and tell me what you find. I think you will find the same thing I just described above.

And no, i dont care if they use the foul language, I was merely pointing out how each of those talk hosts mentioned, had a different approach to their commentary.

There are other hosts like Hartman who dont resort to harshness of some of the other talk show hosts, but their viewpoints are every bit as opposite.

You're part of the problem.

"I'm right. Their wrong. End of story!"

Fuck off.
Uhhh... at no point in any of my post did I say anyone was right or wrong. I was merely pointing out how each sides talking heads conducted themselves on their respective talk shows.
We are greatly divided, but there will be no revolution, nor civil war. As long as people's little daily bubbles aren't popped they will continue this march towards mediocrity, and decline.
We are nearly too the point of civil war.

No, we're not.
I think we are. Politically, we're pretty much the already. The people are not quite ready to be violent, but can't you feel it? Surely you can.

The rhetoric is so bad now, people are starting to lose patience with opposing viewpoint and ideology.

Tick tick tick
I wish you were correct about the people not yet being violent. Violent people have been in the news constantly since the democrats were defeated in 2016, apparently financed by the liberal left (like George Soros) but many voluntarily so.

Locally, I see violent people at every turn. Law enforcement can't begin to keep up with them, all ages and all races and all socioeconomic levels. People have been raised to be thugs and criminally minded for generations and the current crop are, in the majority, foul mouthed, amoral delinquents whose idea of a good time is to commit evil acts against others. Local law enforcement has chosen to ignore most of the crimes committed by anyone not yet old enough to drink and the crime rate is at a all time high. The jails and prisons are full of those drinking age and older and those younger who take it all the way to attempted murder and murder. Nationally, crime has risen steadily since the liberal politicians and attorneys wrangled things away from capital punishment and actually standing behind the sentences the courts did apply.

People who want their children to grow into good, law-abiding, moral adults have to start at conception. I am a man of faith and don't believe it's ever completely too late to make things better, but it requires us, the human beings of this world, to make it so. With God's help, we can do this.
American conservatism means conserving our nation's founding constitutional principles.

deliberately separating ourselves from uber religious authoritarianism was our catalyst in creating a constitutional republic.

face it, your ideals are more in line with the taliban. :itsok:

Yes they are. I never claimed to be an American Conservative. They have no real Conservative credentials. I am a True Conservative; seeking to preserve the true and proper Society of all mankind as undersiby our ancient ancestors before religion got in the way.

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