Are we upholding the goals of the founding fathers?

Trump did not create the secret, shadowy Deep State

Obama did and trump was a victim of it
Not Bill Clinton? Not George Bush?

Remember Trump praised Clinton and said Pelosi should have impeached Bush for lying us into Iraq. And then you voted for him. Weird huh?
If we were following the tenets of the constitution, the current shadow govt running this country would be put down. We have allowed this corrupt madness to fester and now has become a behemoth that will stop at nothing to preserve its powers for itself and not the people. It is the govt, for the govt, of the govt.
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Not Bill Clinton? Not George Bush?

Remember Trump praised Clinton and said Pelosi should have impeached Bush for lying us into Iraq. And then you voted for him. Weird huh?
I’m not sure we can have a reasonable conversation after your NAZI smear of trump voters

You seem to have calmed down slightly but maybe only a little

We’ll see how long you can keep it together this time

The Deep State goes back a long way but was never so public or so leftwing partisan before obama came along
Are we upholding the goals of the founding fathers?

The first goal was to create a more perfect union, or promote national unity. The second goal was to establish justice, or equality before the law. The third goal was to ensure domestic tranquility, or peace at home.

The Founding Fathers wanted to make it difficult for one person, party, or group to get control of the government. To achieve these goals, the Founding Fathers proposed a national government where power was divided between three separate branches of government: the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judiciary.
Not seeing a point of discussion.
I’m not sure we can have a reasonable conversation after your NAZI smear of trump voters

You seem to have calmed down slightly but maybe only a little

We’ll see how long you can keep it together this time

The Deep State goes back a long way but was never so public or so leftwing partisan before obama came along
Anyone who still believes the 2020 election was stolen from Trump, after all the evidence, after Rudy is ruined for all his lies, after Trump is on trial for trying to steal the election, and with Fox News found guilty lying about Dominion. If after all that you are voting for Trump, I now see how hitler did it. Trump must have read mein komph. Or listened to it on books on tape. You know he don't read books.

Seriously, even my relatives are nazis. I still love them. I'm sure liberal jews love their conservative nazi relatives and try to block out the fact they did what they did to Jews.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

It doesn't have to be Jews. You can change Jews to Mexicans, Asians or Arabs.
How can anyone not see how Trump is making every attempt to eliminate seperation of powers. Even while he is out of office.
As part of his arguments against the federal case against him for his actions leading up to the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, the former president continues to claim that commanders-in-chief can never be charged for anything they do as part of their official duties.

How is he trying to eliminate separation of powers?
Are we upholding the goals of the founding fathers?

The first goal was to create a more perfect union, or promote national unity. The second goal was to establish justice, or equality before the law. The third goal was to ensure domestic tranquility, or peace at home.

The Founding Fathers wanted to make it difficult for one person, party, or group to get control of the government. To achieve these goals, the Founding Fathers proposed a national government where power was divided between three separate branches of government: the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judiciary.
Here is a bit of Honest advice...

Founding Fathers were a bunch of mainly farmers who with the best intentions wrote a documents which they clearly believed should be changed in the future. They aren't some god like figures who need to be worshiped as having some form of superior intellect that could see into the future.

There general intention was that the US constitution should be changed in the future to reflect changing views in society.
Jefferson believed in the principle that “the earth belongs to the living and not to the dead” which meant that previous generations could not bind the current generation to pay their debts, or require them to work in their father’s occupation, or to accept the laws and constitution drawn up by their ancestors.

They thought that they created a framework that would allow future generations to have the mechanism to change the constitution. In this case they couldn't foreseen how wrong that was. the US constitution is 234 years old. It hasn't had a change in over 50 years proposed and completed in over 50 years. That is over 20% of the time US has had a constitution in an even faster changing society with views changing at a more increasing pace.

Just give you an example, Ireland (I know smaller but has a constitution) changes its constitution by referendum. It has had 25 amedments since then. Yep that is one every 18 months on average.. Ireland has a pretty restrictive constitutions i.e. Abortion, Divorce, Death Penalty, EU membership,.... are all enshrined in the constitution... It takes a vote of the people to change, generally Irish don't politicians deciding these things, they should stay at other stuff like running the country...

US is a prisoner of the past and needs to grow up like Thomas Jefferson said above..
It doesn't have to be Jews. You can change Jews to Mexicans, Asians or Arabs.
More crazy talk from you

I cant speak for everyone but all the MAGAs I know support Israel

Hell, I even support biden when he supports Israel

Its true that I do want to deport migrants of any race who show up at our border demanding entry

If you had any sense you would deport them too
Here is a bit of Honest advice...

Founding Fathers were a bunch of mainly farmers who with the best intentions wrote a documents which they clearly believed should be changed in the future. They aren't some god like figures who need to be worshiped as having some form of superior intellect that could see into the future.

There general intention was that the US constitution should be changed in the future to reflect changing views in society.

They thought that they created a framework that would allow future generations to have the mechanism to change the constitution. In this case they couldn't foreseen how wrong that was. the US constitution is 234 years old. It hasn't had a change in over 50 years proposed and completed in over 50 years. That is over 20% of the time US has had a constitution in an even faster changing society with views changing at a more increasing pace.

Just give you an example, Ireland (I know smaller but has a constitution) changes its constitution by referendum. It has had 25 amedments since then. Yep that is one every 18 months on average.. Ireland has a pretty restrictive constitutions i.e. Abortion, Divorce, Death Penalty, EU membership,.... are all enshrined in the constitution... It takes a vote of the people to change, generally Irish don't politicians deciding these things, they should stay at other stuff like running the country...

US is a prisoner of the past and needs to grow up like Thomas Jefferson said above..

I believe if you gave a list of issues to Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Obama, Bush, Trump and Biden and Nikki Haley and Chris Christie and Ron D and asked them if what happened was or wasn't constitutional, you'd get 8 different opinions. And the liberals on the Supreme's may think something is unconstitutional but the righties say it's not. Seems like what is and isn't constitutional is debatable.

Donald swore to uphold the constitution. Are the 4 crimes he committed unconstitutional?

For example The Trump administration violated the separation of powers in March 2018, when it issued a 25 percent steel tariff under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act (TEA).
I believe if you gave a list of issues to Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, Obama, Bush, Trump and Biden and Nikki Haley and Chris Christie and Ron D and asked them if what happened was or wasn't constitutional, you'd get 8 different opinions. And the liberals on the Supreme's may think something is unconstitutional but the righties say it's not. Seems like what is and isn't constitutional is debatable.

Donald swore to uphold the constitution. Are the 4 crimes he committed unconstitutional?

For example The Trump administration violated the separation of powers in March 2018, when it issued a 25 percent steel tariff under Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act (TEA).
All very true...

I will keep with my example in Ireland...

Just for information
US Constitution length = 4,543 words
Irish Constitution length = 16,000 words (approx)
EU Constitution length = 70,000 words (approx)
More words, less ambiguity equals less interpretation.

The Irish Supreme Court in a few of those Amendments said that the constitution is unclear or contradictory... This causes a 'constitutional crisis'... No worries, a bunch of lawyers sit around and with a few polls draws up the language of a referendum that would match the wishes of the people. Then we have a referendum (usually thrown in with another vote)...
If the amendment is ratified, then it goes to parliament and becomes law... Any screwing around by parliment and the Suprem Court will strike down the law and the people get pissed with them quickly...

So Politicians are mainly bypassed and most love the idea... We don't know the views on Abortion(or other social issues) of our main politicians, it is none of our business and everyone is happier for it.. You get the odd one who is very pro or against but the main stay of politicians say nothing as it only alienates people...
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By having proper elected officials who are interested in improving the country.

You only get this with a system like Proportional Representation. Because people have to stand for something REAL, and not the fake rubbish the Reps and Dems come up with.
Again here we see the problem. Both parties are not the problem but I generally agree with your second sentence, although making paid lobbying illegal might help.
By having proper elected officials who are interested in improving the country.

You only get this with a system like Proportional Representation. Because people have to stand for something REAL, and not the fake rubbish the Reps and Dems come up with.
Government is reactionary. We have a border crisis. So they have to fix it. We didn't always have a border crisis. That started on Reagan's watch. He signaled to employers he would not go after illegal employers.

Clinton went after 400 illegal employers in 1999. Bush went after 4 in 2002.

And yes, today Democrats stick up for illegal immigrants because Republicans created a system where corporations use them to maximize profits. Now Trump and the racist side of the Republican party wants to go around rounding up illegals? Harass people who have accents?

But notice they won't go after illegal employers. If they did Trump Co would have been raided.
As part of his arguments against the federal case against him for his actions leading up to the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection, the former president continues to claim that commanders-in-chief can never be charged for anything they do as part of their official duties.

You tell me.
LOL. I see we didn't even make it to post #2 without the TDS'rs bringing up Trump.
LOL. I see we didn't even make it to post #2 without the TDS'rs bringing up Trump.

He's a constitutional crisis.

Trump said in 2016 that a president under indictment would “cripple the operations of our government” and create an “unprecedented constitutional crisis” – years before he himself was indicted on federal charges while running for a second term as president.

Trump made the comments nearly seven years ago about Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign.

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