Are we upholding the goals of the founding fathers?

Those who are holding our country back from within are those who think our Constitution is "dead", as Scalia said. It cannot be changed except by ammendment.
Trump and MAGA are attacking our constitution from the outside. They are trying to destroy the basic principles put down by the founding fathers.
I think the process to change the constitution is pretty antiquated at this stage.. The US is one of the oldest moden democracies and it needs upgrading..

This is just natural, EU is having similar issues as they enlarge and they will eventually suspend Hungry due to Orban very corrupt actions. His Ukraine veto is becoming the last straw.

The simple US vote of the people with simple majority (with a min turnout of 50% ish)...

  • Larger more defined Constitution to include Social Issues (take them off Politicians hands)
  • Proportional Representation
  • Multi-seat Districts
  • Far stricter lobby laws (might need change in constitution but we solved that)
All the founding fathers. The founding fathers had varying positions on many issues.
They realized the only way they could build a nation, all would have to compromise.
And they did. The compromise resulted in The Declaration of Independence, U.S. Constitution, and Bill of Rights.
What I quoted was were the goals and conclusions the founding fathers compromise that resulted on our nation..

Our nation could not have been formed with out compromise and will not exist without compromise.
Too many do not believe in compromise in today's world. If they win out, our nation disppears.

Did you ever take a US History class?

The cult controls your mind.

You will be defeated in the elections and osterized by society. No need to send you to camps.

Same shit, different day.

Also, learn to spell dipshit.
There was no JFK cult. There were many that admired JFK, but those people did not let JFK define their world. JFK brought people into his staff that disagreed with him. He felt that helped him make better decisions. Trump, as cult leaders do, eliminates those who disagree with him. Trump fears those who disagree with him are a threat and needs to eliminate them. Like Putin, Like Xi, Like Kin Jong un.
That was a Dancing Answer. He would ditch what you have become.
Same shit, different day.

Also, learn to spell dipshit.
Very few have a grasp of the english language like you.
And your ability to spell and punctuate makes you one of the most intelligent in the MAGA cult
Are we upholding the goals of the founding fathers?

The first goal was to create a more perfect union, or promote national unity. The second goal was to establish justice, or equality before the law. The third goal was to ensure domestic tranquility, or peace at home.

The Founding Fathers wanted to make it difficult for one person, party, or group to get control of the government. To achieve these goals, the Founding Fathers proposed a national government where power was divided between three separate branches of government: the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judiciary.
The answer is no, we’ve strayed far away from the goals of our founding fathers and the recent thread I put up about the cotus is a testament that many on the left simply don’t like it and wish it were gone.

Every empire falls at some point…I’d say we’re getting close to our fall.
The answer is no, we’ve strayed far away from the goals of our founding fathers and the recent thread I put up about the cotus is a testament that many on the left simply don’t like it and wish it were gone.

Every empire falls at some point…I’d say we’re getting close to our fall.
The problem is the extreme left and the extreme right. We need to have compromise on the many issues of the day, just like our founding fathers did in creating our country.

The far right says the problem is everyone on the left. The far left says the problem is everyone on the right.

The real problem is the far right and far left. They spend all their time blaming others and do nothing. Our government is in grid lock as a result.
The framers of our constitution created a system of checks and balances.

We are currently ruled by a party that represents globalist interests, and is attempting to create one party rule by weaponizing government against any opposition to their agenda.

This is not what our forefathers sought.
The framers of our constitution created a system of checks and balances.

We are currently ruled by a party that represents globalist interests, and is attempting to create one party rule by weaponizing government against any opposition to their agenda.

This is not what our forefathers sought.
The founding fathers built a system that included safeguards to protect from an individual or a group to overthrow the system they built. The key is seperation of powers and a secure and trustworthy election process so the will of the citizens will be kept within the structure of our democratic reoublic.

Those safeguards are being tested in our current political climate.
Examples of our system working is the two impeachments of Donald Trump. The process was followed, Trump was impeached (indicted) and tried before the Senate. He was found innocent both times. The accusers moved on.
An example of the system not working is the 2020 election. The election was implemented like the system mandates. Trump and his supporter felt there was cheating and the election was robbed from them. The system includes multiple ways to challenge the validity of an election. Trump utilized all of them. Over 40 lawsuits, challenges to state administration. The even hired their own auditor to go to states and do their own audit. They can provide the results to the government if the audit provided information of irregularities. ALL OF THE LEGAL ATTEMPTS TO PROVE A RIGGED ELECTION FAILED. THEN TRUMP WENT OUTSIDE THE SYSTEM BUILT BY THE FOUNDING FATHERS FOR HIS OWN SOLUTION. HE AND HIS FOLLOWERS TRIED TO STOP GOVERNMENT FROM VALIDATING THE ELECT.
Going outside the system is failure. Staying in the system is what will save our country.

Our sytem allows an impeachment attempt by his opponents. If impeached he has a right to defend himself. If he is found guilty, he and his supporters must accept the decision and move on.
The 2016 election was close and there were accusations of irregularities. Democrats used the the tools in the system to contest the election. All attempts failed. The Democrats accepted, Hillary Clinton conceded and we moved on. That is the system working.

You and MAGA is what the founding fathers were concerned about.
The founding fathers built a system that included safeguards to protect from an individual or a group to overthrow the system they built. The key is seperation of powers and a secure and trustworthy election process so the will of the citizens will be kept within the structure of our democratic reoublic.

Those safeguards are being tested in our current political climate.
Examples of our system working is the two impeachments of Donald Trump. The process was followed, Trump was impeached (indicted) and tried before the Senate. He was found innocent both times. The accusers moved on.
An example of the system not working is the 2020 election. The election was implemented like the system mandates. Trump and his supporter felt there was cheating and the election was robbed from them. The system includes multiple ways to challenge the validity of an election. Trump utilized all of them. Over 40 lawsuits, challenges to state administration. The even hired their own auditor to go to states and do their own audit. They can provide the results to the government if the audit provided information of irregularities. ALL OF THE LEGAL ATTEMPTS TO PROVE A RIGGED ELECTION FAILED. THEN TRUMP WENT OUTSIDE THE SYSTEM BUILT BY THE FOUNDING FATHERS FOR HIS OWN SOLUTION. HE AND HIS FOLLOWERS TRIED TO STOP GOVERNMENT FROM VALIDATING THE ELECT.
Going outside the system is failure. Staying in the system is what will save our country.

Our sytem allows an impeachment attempt by his opponents. If impeached he has a right to defend himself. If he is found guilty, he and his supporters must accept the decision and move on.
The 2016 election was close and there were accusations of irregularities. Democrats used the the tools in the system to contest the election. All attempts failed. The Democrats accepted, Hillary Clinton conceded and we moved on. That is the system working.

You and MAGA is what the founding fathers were concerned about.
My goodness, I had NO idea the founding fathers were concerned with me!

I rather imagined they were more concerned with ridiculous hyper-partisan hyperbole, instead.
Are we upholding the goals of the founding fathers?

The first goal was to create a more perfect union, or promote national unity. The second goal was to establish justice, or equality before the law. The third goal was to ensure domestic tranquility, or peace at home.

The Founding Fathers wanted to make it difficult for one person, party, or group to get control of the government. To achieve these goals, the Founding Fathers proposed a national government where power was divided between three separate branches of government: the Executive, the Legislative, and the Judiciary.

As long as I get my reparations because Italians were treated badly when we first legally immigrated, I'm cool
My goodness, I had NO idea the founding fathers were concerned with me!

I rather imagined they were more concerned with ridiculous hyper-partisan hyperbole, instead.
I realize educating you on the system our founding fathers built, 250 years ago, and then try to educate you on how the happenings, today, relate to the system they built is way more than you can comprehend.

Those with limited thinking ability tend to vote for Trump. He creates a "fake" world that stupid people feel they can comprehend but it is just Trump's con.

Unfortunately, those with limited thinking ability are taken advantage of by con men more often than the average citizen.
I realize educating you on the system our founding fathers built, 250 years ago, and then try to educate you on how the happenings, today, relate to the system they built is way more than you can comprehend.

Those with limited thinking ability tend to vote for Trump. He creates a "fake" world that stupid people feel they can comprehend but it is just Trump's con.

Unfortunately, those with limited thinking ability are taken advantage of by con men more often than the average citizen.
Your delusions of adequacy are off the charts, child.
Yet women did quite well.
which women were those? the ones left out at the plantation while sugar daddy boffed his placage girl in new orleans or atlanta? if you want to "make america antebellum again" stop thinking "gone with the wind" and at least try "of human bondage" or better yet any of the "slave narratives."
which women were those? the ones left out at the plantation while sugar daddy boffed his placage girl in new orleans or atlanta? if you want to "make america antebellum again" stop thinking "gone with the wind" and at least try "of human bondage" or better yet any of the "slave narratives."
Nahhhhh... slavery wasn't much of a daily issue for most White Folk in ante bellum America...
You and MAGA is what the founding fathers were concerned about.
You want to uphold the goals of a bunch of white slavers.

Good for you.

You want to uphold the goals of a bunch of white authoritarian dictators. At least the slavers had higher standards in mind than the absolutely control and subjugation of the population. Trump promises to declare himself dictator the day after he's sworn in, and he'll call out the army to shoot anyone who protests.

How stupid are you???

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