Are we witnessing the collapse of the Democratic Party?

Meanwhile president Trump is waging a hostile takeover of the Dem base. :muahaha: President Trump is no George Bush he has Dems flailing in all directions. :21:
The socialist party is a big part of the Party now it will be the party in name the day after the election.
Angry Voters Will “Never Vote Democrat Again” After Pelosi’s Temper Tantrum
PJ Media reported:

It turns out that most Americans think you should stand up and clap for the good things that happen in America instead of sulk and pout on your butt like a spoiled child.

C-SPAN asked people to call in and give their opinions on the SOTU. What happened after that was brilliant. “I’m a Democrat, but I no longer will vote Democrat,” said one caller. “I think it’s outrageous that they sat there when all these good things are happening to our country and how much we love our country. And they looked like they hated our country…It’s outrageous and I will never vote Democrat again.”

She went on to say that all her family voted for Hillary last time but this time they will never vote for a Democrat again.

But she wasn’t the only one. A man called in and said, “Let me put it this way, I’ve been a Democrat for 70-some years and what I saw tonight was appalling to me…it was very disrespectful to this president and I didn’t vote for him…but that man is the president and we should respect him.”

He continued, “What I’ve seen tonight of the Democrat party, I am changing my mind…I’ll probably stay home. I’m embarrassed being a God-danged Democrat for what they did in the House today.”
Watch: “Our Party Has Been Stolen By Communists” Angry Dems Respond To Pelosi’s Tantrum

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