Are We Witnessing The End Of The Democrat Party

We're witnessing the transformation for America into russia.

And end to a free press
And end to democracy
And end to human rights

You right wingers are disgusting pieces of shit and I hope you all burn in hell.

Should have elected Hillary, dude. That's where ya screwed up.
If you look back over the history of the Democratic Party, their slavery, their Jim Crow laws, their KKK, their devastation of Black families, their riots, their police and political opponent assassinations, their support for communism, their baby killing policies, their fraudulent elections, their PC intolerance, their lack of patriotism, their lack of humanity or faith, their free entitlement robberies etc., etc. etc. you do kinda wonder why they're still around...
IN 2018 and 2020 CNN is going to hang around the Democrats' neck like a rotting Albatross. Yes it is that important because CNN is what is in front of America's face night after night. CNN and the Democratic Party is joined at the hip.
If you look back over the history of the Democratic Party, their slavery, their Jim Crow laws, their KKK, their devastation of Black families, their riots, their police and political opponent assassinations, their support for communism, their baby killing policies, their fraudulent elections, their PC intolerance, their lack of patriotism, their lack of humanity or faith, their free entitlement robberies etc., etc. etc. you do kinda wonder why they're still around...

It might have something to do with they get their energy from Satan, they turned their back on God a very, very long time ago and their political programme is everything that is the opposite of what God instructs for His people.

In Russia the very first thing the Bolsheviks did was ban Christianity and start dismantling the Churches and murdering priests and nuns.

If you look at Spain, this is also what the Republicans started to do, the Republicans aka Communists, the brutal assault on Christianity, they also used to dig up the rotting corpses of nuns and display them in the streets.



^ This is Communism, this is the Profound Evil of Marxist Philosophy, a vile and God Hating and God Less nightmare of soul less and demonic people.

Spain would have become the next victim of International Communism, as instructed by Lenin, when he said for them to infest every nation across the world to spread International Communism.

Spain would have fallen were it not for Francisco Franco, he saved Spain from Communism, just like Augusto Pinochet saved Chile from becoming a Communist crap hole like Cuba and Jorge Videla saved Argentina from becoming a Communist crap hole like Cuba.
If you look back over the history of the Democratic Party, their slavery, their Jim Crow laws, their KKK, their devastation of Black families, their riots, their police and political opponent assassinations, their support for communism, their baby killing policies, their fraudulent elections, their PC intolerance, their lack of patriotism, their lack of humanity or faith, their free entitlement robberies etc., etc. etc. you do kinda wonder why they're still around...

It might have something to do with they get their energy from Satan, they turned their back on God a very, very long time ago and their political programme is everything that is the opposite of what God instructs for His people.

In Russia the very first thing the Bolsheviks did was ban Christianity and start dismantling the Churches and murdering priests and nuns.

If you look at Spain, this is also what the Republicans started to do, the Republicans aka Communists, the brutal assault on Christianity, they also used to dig up the rotting corpses of nuns and display them in the streets.

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^ This is Communism, this is the Profound Evil of Marxist Philosophy, a vile and God Hating and God Less nightmare of soul less and demonic people.

Spain would have become the next victim of International Communism, as instructed by Lenin, when he said for them to infest every nation across the world to spread International Communism.

Spain would have fallen were it not for Francisco Franco, he saved Spain from Communism, just like Augusto Pinochet saved Chile from becoming a Communist crap hole like Cuba and Jorge Videla saved Argentina from becoming a Communist crap hole like Cuba.


Comintern = Communism International.


International Socialism to lead to International Communism. Socialism is water down version of Communism, it's therefore two sides of the same coin.




We're witnessing the transformation for America into russia.

And end to a free press
And end to democracy
And end to human rights

You right wingers are disgusting pieces of shit and I hope you all burn in hell.

We sure are. As for women who don't cook, clean and do the naughty, we're going after them first.

Ya should have told him to make you a sammich.....
Although it would probably turn him on.
What you bastards don't get is the press can have its own opinion...Your side has Fox news and all of AM radio doing exactly that. How the fuck can you point fingers??? Oh'yess, you want to wipe out the other side.
I think "the other side" is wiping themselves out.
If you look back over the history of the Democratic Party, their slavery, their Jim Crow laws, their KKK, their devastation of Black families, their riots, their police and political opponent assassinations, their support for communism, their baby killing policies, their fraudulent elections, their PC intolerance, their lack of patriotism, their lack of humanity or faith, their free entitlement robberies etc., etc. etc. you do kinda wonder why they're still around...

It might have something to do with they get their energy from Satan, they turned their back on God a very, very long time ago and their political programme is everything that is the opposite of what God instructs for His people.

In Russia the very first thing the Bolsheviks did was ban Christianity and start dismantling the Churches and murdering priests and nuns.

If you look at Spain, this is also what the Republicans started to do, the Republicans aka Communists, the brutal assault on Christianity, they also used to dig up the rotting corpses of nuns and display them in the streets.

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View attachment 137610

^ This is Communism, this is the Profound Evil of Marxist Philosophy, a vile and God Hating and God Less nightmare of soul less and demonic people.

Spain would have become the next victim of International Communism, as instructed by Lenin, when he said for them to infest every nation across the world to spread International Communism.

Spain would have fallen were it not for Francisco Franco, he saved Spain from Communism, just like Augusto Pinochet saved Chile from becoming a Communist crap hole like Cuba and Jorge Videla saved Argentina from becoming a Communist crap hole like Cuba.


Comintern = Communism International.


International Socialism to lead to International Communism. Socialism is water down version of Communism, it's therefore two sides of the same coin.



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^ Just say No to Socialism aka Leftism aka Communism.

There is nothing Liberal about Socialism.

What you bastards don't get is the press can have its own opinion...Your side has Fox news and all of AM radio doing exactly that. How the fuck can you point fingers??? Oh'yess, you want to wipe out the other side.
I think "the other side" is wiping themselves out.

Well yes they are in literal fashion, this because they are by CHOICE not breeding, Leftists will either limit themselves to one or two children, but most Leftists have no children, this is the Leftist Radical Militant Feminist Philosophy in action, telling Leftist women that having children is detrimental to their lifestyle and also it's bad for the planet ie. Global Footprints and if you get pregnant to use Abortion as a means of Contraception.

The other situation with Leftists is the heavy promotion of the Homosexual Lifestyle and the Transgenderism Is Normal Agenda, neither of these groupings the Homosexuals including Homosexual women or the Transgenders are able to breed naturally, they have to rely on the weirdo format of Surrogates and there are not enough Surrogates to produce a viable Next Generation of babies.

So Leftists are literally wiping themselves out via self-genocide, when 80% of the Leftists on this planet now die, their DNA dies with them, there is going to be no Next Generation.

However Right-Wingers do breed and want a Traditional Nuclear Family with more than two children, and with that many future Generations carrying the DNA into the next Century and beyond.
Socialism intentionally denies examination because it is irrational. There is no formal defined dogma of socialism. Instead there is only a vague, rosy notion of something good, noble and just: the advent of these things will bring instant euphoria and a social order beyond reproach. Socialism seeks equality through uniformity and communal ownership Socialism has an extraordinary ability to incite and inflame its adherents and inspire social movements. Socialists dismiss their defeats and ignore their incongruities. They desire big government and use big government to implement their morally relativistic social policies. Socialism is a religion. The religious nature of socialism explains their hostility towards traditional religions which is that of one rival religion over another. Their dogma is based on materialism, primitive instincts, atheism and the deification of man. They see no distinction between good and evil, no morality or any other kind of value, save pleasure. They practice moral relativity, indiscriminate indiscriminateness, multiculturalism, cultural Marxism and normalization of deviance. They worship science but are the first to reject it when it suits their purposes. They can be identified by an external locus of control. Their religious doctrine is abolition of private property, abolition of family, abolition of religion and equality via uniformity and communal ownership. They practice critical theory which is the Cultural Marxist theory to criticize what they do not believe to arrive at what they do believe without ever having to examine what they believe. They confuse critical theory for critical thinking. Critical thinking is the practice of challenging what one does believe to test its validity. Something they never do.
It is becoming clearer by the day the Democrat party is imploding into a bunch of splinter groups with no clear leadership. The Socialists are suing the DNC for hosing them. The fringe is demanding more Socialism and there's no money to pacify them.

They have cornered themselves in to vertical plantations on the coasts which was a massive mistake eliminating their opportunity to leverage the population. This was in their infinite wisdom of providing subsidized housing.

They lost their war on oil and gas and we drilled our way to lower gas prices which they can do nothing about. The cat is out of the bag.

Their attempt at identity politics and class war is pitting them against those who elected over 1000 Republicans to office over the last 8 years.

Their media war on Conservatives is getting bizarre as they run out of conspiracy theories and the desperation is making them the laughing stock of the patriot engine which runs this country.

So it looks to me like we'll just end up with a bunch of butthurt crybabies pointing the fingers at each other for their lack of relevance.

Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of petunias.

Similar thing is happening to the GOP. Trump has splintered off the GOP into several groups, the internal conflict within the Republican party grows every day. No one has come up with a viable solution to Obamacare because none of them expected the orange shitlord to actually win. You've got a bizarre infiltration of far right nutjobs in the Trump administration that literally want to destroy the establishment. Many Republicans were divided over this election. That division continues to grow every day as Donald Trump's incompetency, arrogance and poor decision making skills tear the party apart. This fucking guy is already on the verge of either impeachment or having the 25th ammendment of the constitution invoked and having his destructive ass removed from office. Multiple investigations into him and administration already is unprecedented.
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