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are whites superior?

does anyone deny that whites are intellectually superior than negroes, chinese, africans, etc? this is proven through history, but liberalist teachings want to hide it in their revisionism. there are no white countries where the natives live in huts or igloos or caves or in tree huts. white people got to the moon. white men invented calculus. white men found america. white men invented computers. why do liberals want to mess with this great race by allowing race mixing? why de-evolve the most inventive race on the planet?

what species are you?

but what about singing and dancing ...when it comes to that we are intellectually inferior and need the brothers for inspiration..can you imagine the living hell of a world of polkas and waltz's...no thank you


im pretty sure a lot of early americains lived in huts and shelters of a wide varity of materials and construction and im pretty sure they where not to versed in calclus


its called evolution dude ..its supposed to happen this way ..the mixing of the genes into one higher evolved race of jive talkin ,,singing and dancing,.pimpin ..computer science and aerospace engineer motherfuckers...my ******

eots (rather sloppily I might add) "but what about singing and dancing ...when it comes to that we are intellectually inferior and need the brothers for inspiration. can you imagine the living hell of a world of polkas and waltz's...no thank you"

Apparently you didn't study music history. Percussion, rhythm and so on is not the sole creations of brown skinned folks from Africa. Before I tackle this I would like to provide a quote from another person who posted on this thread as I will be covering what this person wrote at the same time.

AVG-JOE wrote “Here is another thought - it has been genetically proven that everyone can trace their family back to Africa and Mankind left there a mere 2000 generations ago.”

And so now I will continue. I freely accept the genetic link to Africa and I even take pride in it. To deny ones origins is to deny on the gift of a deeper understanding of ones self. Sure, we did originate in Africa but as time moved forward so to did the human race (obviously). We spread out into the world from Africa. Mother Africa does not belong to African Americans as they would like to have the world believe. Quite literally Africa belongs to all of us. And going by the “we all came from Africa” logic I would like to add that the “whites” that went back to Africa to tame it and to make worth while advancements there didn’t invade a foreign land. They simply went back home and so all of this nonsense of “whites are ruining Africa so get them out” crap is out the window. Of the branches of the human family Caucasians have been the ones that have been truly on the move. We spread out into the world seeking out new territories and such and in the process we brought with us the sounds of the Caucasians that had come before and added to those sounds the new sounds of that we collected along the way. We accumulate and assimilate things that interest us into our societies as we revolve. All peoples do this. It is not a magical talent or a divine skill that is the sole property of the Caucasian peoples. What makes us different is our approach to new things. In this case music is the subject at hand. Rhythmic dancing and tribal music is not wholly African. Sure its roots are there because all of humanity comes from there but as the human race spread outward into the world the rhythms and the dances became more complex. There are tribal dances and rhythmic styles music that come from Caucasian peoples from the ancient past that are equal to and in some cases surpass the levels of African tribal dances and rhythmic styles.

Caucasians were able to strip away drums and the wilder dance to get down to a deeper core of the music. Eventually a much more complex and a much deeper expression of dance and music evolved and so we get classical music and waltzes. While Africans were (and still are) pounding away at their drums we too are pounding away at our drums but we are also experimenting with new forms of music. Rap music is almost always credited to the African American community. In fact the music itself comes primarily from Caucasian influences. I want you to do you research and so i will not go deeply into this unless it is requested but one need only do some entry level research on the web to see that what i have written here is true. And no, my dear reader, I am not referring to Rapture by Blondie. I am going much deeper. Further more if one were to look at the origins of rhythmic speech as art they would find that it in fact did not originate in Africa. Now, all of this said I am not trying to get you to see that African Americans aren’t worth while and aren’t notable in the history of modern music. They influenced in greatly and credit must be given. Aretha Franklin, Jimi Hendrix, Nina Simone, Little Richard, Prince Billie Holiday and many others are among my favorite music artists of all time and I am placing them in the huge global and historically music scene. They were innovators and in some cases some of them were even originators but in the process of noting them and classifying them we tend to forget those talents of the fairer skin that have influenced the music styles suggested above.

What I want to say would fit better into a long chapter in a book. This is a thread and so I will stop here. I feel that the most elemental parts of what I wanted to write have been written. I am open to discussion and I do have an open mind. Lets interact on this issue.
does anyone deny that whites are intellectually superior than negroes, chinese, africans, etc? this is proven through history, but liberalist teachings want to hide it in their revisionism. there are no white countries where the natives live in huts or igloos or caves or in tree huts. white people got to the moon. white men invented calculus. white men found america. white men invented computers. why do liberals want to mess with this great race by allowing race mixing? why de-evolve the most inventive race on the planet?

I am a Black person, and I will tell you whites are not intellectually superior to
Blacks. On the Contrary Whites suffer from many Genetic defects in their Genes. White skin being one of the most obvious.But the White race carries
over 289 genetic defects and defective genes that cause many deadly or debilitating diseases. So before you start preaching white superiority, try to repair all the Genetic defects that white people carry in their Genes.
Mentality their is no superiority, Physically their are many problems with the
White Race.

Oh yes, There are many Blacks that don't believe in mixing their Genes with Whites.Not just white conservatives.
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does anyone deny that whites are intellectually superior than negroes, chinese, africans, etc? this is proven through history, but liberalist teachings want to hide it in their revisionism. there are no white countries where the natives live in huts or igloos or caves or in tree huts. white people got to the moon. white men invented calculus. white men found america. white men invented computers. why do liberals want to mess with this great race by allowing race mixing? why de-evolve the most inventive race on the planet?

I see you're STILL addicted to those stupid pills .....:eusa_eh:
I am a Black person, and I will tell you whites are not intellectually superior to
Blacks. On the Contrary Whites suffer from many Genetic defects in their Genes. White skin being one of the most obvious.But the White race carries
over 289 genetic defects and defective genes that cause many deadly or debilitating diseases. So before you start preaching white superiority, try to repair all the Genetic defects that white people carry in their Genes.
Mentality their is no superiority, Physically their are many problems with the
White Race.

Oh yes, There are many Blacks that don't believe in mixing their Genes with Whites.Not just white conservatives.

Interesting. Now, go and Google the word geneticists and click on images. Have a look at who the geneticists are. While you are at it do a Google search on African art and keep that window open. Minimize it and then open a new window to do a Google search on European art. When you look at the African art you'll notice that it has not evolved much. It is till pretty much cartoon like tribal art. When you look at European art you’ll see that European art has evolved greatly. You’ll also notice the realism and the advanced artistic technique. What the heck. While you are at it Google south American art. At least there has been some great advancements in south American art but good old African art remains primitive and outdated by hundreds of years. They haven’t quite gotten to where Caucasians were centuries ago but they sure enough are moving forward. And as for the genetics that you rambled on about I have this to say. Sure we may have some work to do but at least we have the wit and wisdom to do it. Did you Google the word geneticists yet? Interesting huh. Very interesting. Poor kid. You must be scrambling for a reply that will seem educated and well thought out. LOL. You are simply reading from your black propaganda books and regurgitating what you have taken in. Idiot. I really wish that black folks would come up with some original replies. Some of these replies that they come up with are decades old already and more often than not they are repeated almost word for word.

Oh, and as for blacks mixing with whites I have this to say. Lighter skin is prized and has been for centuries even in “American African” communities. Also, if you look at the majority of historically significant black folks in the area of advancing the human race you’ll find that they are most often mixed with a different race. It does not cancel out the black cures of perpetual ignorance but it does allow for them to be genetically enhanced enough to advance themselves.
Interesting. Now, go and Google the word geneticists and click on images. Have a look at who the geneticists are. While you are at it do a Google search on African art and keep that window open. Minimize it and then open a new window to do a Google search on European art. When you look at the African art you'll notice that it has not evolved much. It is till pretty much cartoon like tribal art. When you look at European art you’ll see that European art has evolved greatly. You’ll also notice the realism and the advanced artistic technique. What the heck. While you are at it Google south American art. At least there has been some great advancements in south American art but good old African art remains primitive and outdated by hundreds of years. They haven’t quite gotten to where Caucasians were centuries ago but they sure enough are moving forward. And as for the genetics that you rambled on about I have this to say. Sure we may have some work to do but at least we have the wit and wisdom to do it. Did you Google the word geneticists yet? Interesting huh. Very interesting. Poor kid. You must be scrambling for a reply that will seem educated and well thought out. LOL. You are simply reading from your black propaganda books and regurgitating what you have taken in. Idiot. I really wish that black folks would come up with some original replies. Some of these replies that they come up with are decades old already and more often than not they are repeated almost word for word.

Oh, and as for blacks mixing with whites I have this to say. Lighter skin is prized and has been for centuries even in “American African” communities. Also, if you look at the majority of historically significant black folks in the area of advancing the human race you’ll find that they are most often mixed with a different race. It does not cancel out the black cures of perpetual ignorance but it does allow for them to be genetically enhanced enough to advance themselves.

So you think Europeans are smarter because they draw prettier pictures? Have to admit, that's a new one on me.

Your last sentence though i shardly new. It's under "blind ignorant hatred" in the dictionary.

How do you know that black blood you're probably sporting didn't enhance YOU?
Interesting. Now, go and Google the word geneticists and click on images. Have a look at who the geneticists are. While you are at it do a Google search on African art and keep that window open. Minimize it and then open a new window to do a Google search on European art. When you look at the African art you'll notice that it has not evolved much. It is till pretty much cartoon like tribal art. When you look at European art you’ll see that European art has evolved greatly. You’ll also notice the realism and the advanced artistic technique. What the heck. While you are at it Google south American art. At least there has been some great advancements in south American art but good old African art remains primitive and outdated by hundreds of years. They haven’t quite gotten to where Caucasians were centuries ago but they sure enough are moving forward. And as for the genetics that you rambled on about I have this to say. Sure we may have some work to do but at least we have the wit and wisdom to do it. Did you Google the word geneticists yet? Interesting huh. Very interesting. Poor kid. You must be scrambling for a reply that will seem educated and well thought out. LOL. You are simply reading from your black propaganda books and regurgitating what you have taken in. Idiot. I really wish that black folks would come up with some original replies. Some of these replies that they come up with are decades old already and more often than not they are repeated almost word for word.

Oh, and as for blacks mixing with whites I have this to say. Lighter skin is prized and has been for centuries even in “American African” communities. Also, if you look at the majority of historically significant black folks in the area of advancing the human race you’ll find that they are most often mixed with a different race. It does not cancel out the black cures of perpetual ignorance but it does allow for them to be genetically enhanced enough to advance themselves.

So you think Europeans are smarter because they draw prettier pictures? Have to admit, that's a new one on me.

Your last sentence though i shardly new. It's under "blind ignorant hatred" in the dictionary.

How do you know that black blood you're probably sporting didn't enhance YOU?
Interesting. Now, go and Google the word geneticists and click on images. Have a look at who the geneticists are. While you are at it do a Google search on African art and keep that window open. Minimize it and then open a new window to do a Google search on European art. When you look at the African art you'll notice that it has not evolved much. It is till pretty much cartoon like tribal art. When you look at European art you’ll see that European art has evolved greatly. You’ll also notice the realism and the advanced artistic technique. What the heck. While you are at it Google south American art. At least there has been some great advancements in south American art but good old African art remains primitive and outdated by hundreds of years. They haven’t quite gotten to where Caucasians were centuries ago but they sure enough are moving forward. And as for the genetics that you rambled on about I have this to say. Sure we may have some work to do but at least we have the wit and wisdom to do it. Did you Google the word geneticists yet? Interesting huh. Very interesting. Poor kid. You must be scrambling for a reply that will seem educated and well thought out. LOL. You are simply reading from your black propaganda books and regurgitating what you have taken in. Idiot. I really wish that black folks would come up with some original replies. Some of these replies that they come up with are decades old already and more often than not they are repeated almost word for word.

Oh, and as for blacks mixing with whites I have this to say. Lighter skin is prized and has been for centuries even in “American African” communities. Also, if you look at the majority of historically significant black folks in the area of advancing the human race you’ll find that they are most often mixed with a different race. It does not cancel out the black cures of perpetual ignorance but it does allow for them to be genetically enhanced enough to advance themselves.

So you think Europeans are smarter because they draw prettier pictures? Have to admit, that's a new one on me.

Your last sentence though i shardly new. It's under "blind ignorant hatred" in the dictionary.

How do you know that black blood you're probably sporting didn't enhance YOU?
So you think Europeans are smarter because they draw prettier pictures? Have to admit, that's a new one on me.

Your last sentence though i shardly new. It's under "blind ignorant hatred" in the dictionary.

How do you know that black blood you're probably sporting didn't enhance YOU?

:clap2: bravo Gunny!

sometimes the ignorance that exists is shocking... the scary thing is you'll probably pass your ignorance onto your children...polluting the next generation. it's sad.
eots (rather sloppily I might add) "but what about singing and dancing ...when it comes to that we are intellectually inferior and need the brothers for inspiration. can you imagine the living hell of a world of polkas and waltz's...no thank you"

Apparently you didn't study music history. Percussion, rhythm and so on is not the sole creations of brown skinned folks from Africa. Before I tackle this I would like to provide a quote from another person who posted on this thread as I will be covering what this person wrote at the same time.

AVG-JOE wrote “Here is another thought - it has been genetically proven that everyone can trace their family back to Africa and Mankind left there a mere 2000 generations ago.”

And so now I will continue. I freely accept the genetic link to Africa and I even take pride in it. To deny ones origins is to deny on the gift of a deeper understanding of ones self. Sure, we did originate in Africa but as time moved forward so to did the human race (obviously). We spread out into the world from Africa. Mother Africa does not belong to African Americans as they would like to have the world believe. Quite literally Africa belongs to all of us. And going by the “we all came from Africa” logic I would like to add that the “whites” that went back to Africa to tame it and to make worth while advancements there didn’t invade a foreign land. They simply went back home and so all of this nonsense of “whites are ruining Africa so get them out” crap is out the window. Of the branches of the human family Caucasians have been the ones that have been truly on the move. We spread out into the world seeking out new territories and such and in the process we brought with us the sounds of the Caucasians that had come before and added to those sounds the new sounds of that we collected along the way. We accumulate and assimilate things that interest us into our societies as we revolve. All peoples do this. It is not a magical talent or a divine skill that is the sole property of the Caucasian peoples. What makes us different is our approach to new things. In this case music is the subject at hand. Rhythmic dancing and tribal music is not wholly African. Sure its roots are there because all of humanity comes from there but as the human race spread outward into the world the rhythms and the dances became more complex. There are tribal dances and rhythmic styles music that come from Caucasian peoples from the ancient past that are equal to and in some cases surpass the levels of African tribal dances and rhythmic styles.

Caucasians were able to strip away drums and the wilder dance to get down to a deeper core of the music. Eventually a much more complex and a much deeper expression of dance and music evolved and so we get classical music and waltzes. While Africans were (and still are) pounding away at their drums we too are pounding away at our drums but we are also experimenting with new forms of music. Rap music is almost always credited to the African American community. In fact the music itself comes primarily from Caucasian influences. I want you to do you research and so i will not go deeply into this unless it is requested but one need only do some entry level research on the web to see that what i have written here is true. And no, my dear reader, I am not referring to Rapture by Blondie. I am going much deeper. Further more if one were to look at the origins of rhythmic speech as art they would find that it in fact did not originate in Africa. Now, all of this said I am not trying to get you to see that African Americans aren’t worth while and aren’t notable in the history of modern music. They influenced in greatly and credit must be given. Aretha Franklin, Jimi Hendrix, Nina Simone, Little Richard, Prince Billie Holiday and many others are among my favorite music artists of all time and I am placing them in the huge global and historically music scene. They were innovators and in some cases some of them were even originators but in the process of noting them and classifying them we tend to forget those talents of the fairer skin that have influenced the music styles suggested above.

What I want to say would fit better into a long chapter in a book. This is a thread and so I will stop here. I feel that the most elemental parts of what I wanted to write have been written. I am open to discussion and I do have an open mind. Lets interact on this issue.

next you will telling me whitey can run fast and jump high...lol
exactly and when the procreate for peace movement takes off...we will do even better we will...we will run to those jets faster ...jump into the seat quicker.. adjust well hung selves..and go USA !! I would like to see tax incentives for mix raced unions that produce children

and aliens !
Interesting. Now, go and Google the word geneticists and click on images. Have a look at who the geneticists are. While you are at it do a Google search on African art and keep that window open. Minimize it and then open a new window to do a Google search on European art. When you look at the African art you'll notice that it has not evolved much. It is till pretty much cartoon like tribal art. When you look at European art you’ll see that European art has evolved greatly. You’ll also notice the realism and the advanced artistic technique. What the heck. While you are at it Google south American art. At least there has been some great advancements in south American art but good old African art remains primitive and outdated by hundreds of years. They haven’t quite gotten to where Caucasians were centuries ago but they sure enough are moving forward. And as for the genetics that you rambled on about I have this to say. Sure we may have some work to do but at least we have the wit and wisdom to do it. Did you Google the word geneticists yet? Interesting huh. Very interesting. Poor kid. You must be scrambling for a reply that will seem educated and well thought out. LOL. You are simply reading from your black propaganda books and regurgitating what you have taken in. Idiot. I really wish that black folks would come up with some original replies. Some of these replies that they come up with are decades old already and more often than not they are repeated almost word for word.

Oh, and as for blacks mixing with whites I have this to say. Lighter skin is prized and has been for centuries even in “American African” communities. Also, if you look at the majority of historically significant black folks in the area of advancing the human race you’ll find that they are most often mixed with a different race. It does not cancel out the black cures of perpetual ignorance but it does allow for them to be genetically enhanced enough to advance themselves.

Well, all I have to say is you can not put a price tag on Human health and well being. So, before you sarcastically dismiss the genetic facts of life, how ever unpleasant they may be for many Whites to accept. But you correaltion to African Art, which by the way , was copied and ripped off by many European modern artist of the early 20th century ie,Picasso, and Max Enrst, to name a few, does not seem to make any sense. Like I said in an earlier post, the White race carries a lot of degenerative defective Genes within their Chromosomes.So, I don't even think that all this genetic engineering will
be able to correct many of the genectic defects in the "White Superior Race"?
gene pool.And this is not Black propoganda, as you stated, but scientific facts.
Well, all I have to say is you can not put a price tag on Human health and well being. So, before you sarcastically dismiss the genetic facts of life, how ever unpleasant they may be for many Whites to accept. But you correaltion to African Art, which by the way , was copied and ripped off by many European modern artist of the early 20th century ie,Picasso, and Max Enrst, to name a few, does not seem to make any sense. Like I said in an earlier post, the White race carries a lot of degenerative defective Genes within their Chromosomes.So, I don't even think that all this genetic engineering will
be able to correct many of the genectic defects in the "White Superior Race"?
gene pool.And this is not Black propoganda, as you stated, but scientific facts.

no the only thing that will save us is evolution and the natural mixing of the gene pool...lets fuck this race thing out of existence ...bring on the bubble butt sistas !..I STAND READY TO DO MY PART FOR HUMANITY
no the only thing that will save us is evolution and the natural mixing of the gene pool...lets fuck this race thing out of existence ...bring on the bubble butt sistas !..I STAND READY TO DO MY PART FOR HUMANITY

What exactly do you mean "natural mixing of the gene pool"?, and "Bring on the Bubble butt sistas", I hope you are not trying to infer that you white boys
are going to try to acquier our Black Women to correct your Genetic deficiencies?.Let me tell you now, stop your dreaming.
What exactly do you mean "natural mixing of the gene pool"?, and "Bring on the Bubble butt sistas", I hope you are not trying to infer that you white boys
are going to try to acquier our Black Women to correct your Genetic deficiencies?.Let me tell you now, stop your dreaming.

that's exactly what I am saying...but the bonus us you get to do our woman!!!...and it ain't no dream brother...EOTS..doesnt try to acquire woman..he acquires them..I Think its to do with a instinctual recognition of good breeding stalk..that crosses all racial boundaries

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