Are women's rights a distraction from "important" issues?

On Wednesday, Trump said during a forum on MSNBC that women who undergo abortions, if there were a ban on the procedure, should be punished. He later walked back his comment in a statement, but the remark drew backlash from leaders in both parties.

He (Bernie Sanders) then referred to it as “another stupid remark” by Trump that, Sanders suggested, is a distraction from “serious issues facing America.”

Clinton Knocks Sanders Over Response to Trump’s Abortion Comments

John Kasich prompts firestorm after telling female student not to 'go to parties where there's a lot of alcohol'

A first-year student at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York, asked the Ohio governor during a Watertown, New York, town-hall event how he'd help her "feel safer and more secure regarding sexual violence, harassment, and rape" should he be elected president.

Kasich responded with what he called a "bit of advice."

"Don't go to parties where there's a lot of alcohol. OK? Don't do that," he said, as some in the audience applauded.


You would expect Republicans to ignore minority issues because they are 90% white. It was only a year ago that USMB Republicans were saying there was no more discrimination in their party. Now they go to kill the gays rallies and call Mexicans Rapists. So clearly, they are not "over it".

But even Bernie Sanders sees women's issues as "distracting". Do women feel their issues are just a distraction?
The abortion fight isn't over, so we have to keep it in our sights, but overall women's issues in this country aren't a primary concern. I saw the entirety of Kasich's response to the college student asking how to stay safe on campus. He was on point, and that last bit of fatherly advice is being unfairly twisted to seem unfair to women, imo.
Clearly he was blaming women for being attacked.
Well, you focused on the soundbite. Not the entire exchange. Your knee jerk reaction is typical lib.
Your first reaction is "she has the right...".....Actually no, she doesn't have "the right"...That would indicate no need for an invitation into a private residence. Just walk right in.
Now, that aside. Let's just say a woman decides to attend an event to which she has been invited.
Before going, one of her friends, lets her know that this is going to be a wild affair, lots of booze and mostly guys. Now ,as a responsible person, the woman should stop to consider the potential consequences of attending such an event. That was Kasich's message. Nothing more. Nothing less.
How you can make this great leap to "blaming the victim" when there hasn't been a victim is a mystery.
Kasich nor anyone else stated women "cannot" go to these parties. The question is "should" they go to these events....
Just because someone can do something does not necessarily mean they should do something.
This is common sense. This is also what separates us from the animals. The ability to analyze and reason.
So women shouldn't go to parties because if they do, they could get raped and it will be their fault.

Is that how Republicans raise their sons? To be threats? It's her fault for going?

You wouldnt let your daughter go to a party in the chicago hood.
On Wednesday, Trump said during a forum on MSNBC that women who undergo abortions, if there were a ban on the procedure, should be punished. He later walked back his comment in a statement, but the remark drew backlash from leaders in both parties.

He (Bernie Sanders) then referred to it as “another stupid remark” by Trump that, Sanders suggested, is a distraction from “serious issues facing America.”

Clinton Knocks Sanders Over Response to Trump’s Abortion Comments

John Kasich prompts firestorm after telling female student not to 'go to parties where there's a lot of alcohol'

A first-year student at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York, asked the Ohio governor during a Watertown, New York, town-hall event how he'd help her "feel safer and more secure regarding sexual violence, harassment, and rape" should he be elected president.

Kasich responded with what he called a "bit of advice."

"Don't go to parties where there's a lot of alcohol. OK? Don't do that," he said, as some in the audience applauded.


You would expect Republicans to ignore minority issues because they are 90% white. It was only a year ago that USMB Republicans were saying there was no more discrimination in their party. Now they go to kill the gays rallies and call Mexicans Rapists. So clearly, they are not "over it".

But even Bernie Sanders sees women's issues as "distracting". Do women feel their issues are just a distraction?
Abortion is murder of a human being. Try worrying about REAL women's rights. Like equal pay for equal work.

You really need to inform yourself instead of chugging down the Progressive Cool Aid! As you know too, women's pay is but a nickel or less lower than that of men.
Actually women earn 78 cents for every dollar men earn. Not even close to being a progressive but when things DIRECTLY affect you or those you love then you pay attention to them.
On Wednesday, Trump said during a forum on MSNBC that women who undergo abortions, if there were a ban on the procedure, should be punished. He later walked back his comment in a statement, but the remark drew backlash from leaders in both parties.

He (Bernie Sanders) then referred to it as “another stupid remark” by Trump that, Sanders suggested, is a distraction from “serious issues facing America.”

Clinton Knocks Sanders Over Response to Trump’s Abortion Comments

John Kasich prompts firestorm after telling female student not to 'go to parties where there's a lot of alcohol'

A first-year student at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York, asked the Ohio governor during a Watertown, New York, town-hall event how he'd help her "feel safer and more secure regarding sexual violence, harassment, and rape" should he be elected president.

Kasich responded with what he called a "bit of advice."

"Don't go to parties where there's a lot of alcohol. OK? Don't do that," he said, as some in the audience applauded.


You would expect Republicans to ignore minority issues because they are 90% white. It was only a year ago that USMB Republicans were saying there was no more discrimination in their party. Now they go to kill the gays rallies and call Mexicans Rapists. So clearly, they are not "over it".

But even Bernie Sanders sees women's issues as "distracting". Do women feel their issues are just a distraction?
Abortion is murder of a human being. Try worrying about REAL women's rights. Like equal pay for equal work.

You really need to inform yourself instead of chugging down the Progressive Cool Aid! As you know too, women's pay is but a nickel or less lower than that of men.
Actually women earn 78 cents for every dollar men earn. Not even close to being a progressive but when things DIRECTLY affect you or those you love then you pay attention to them.

When you adjust for experience and education, the difference goes away. Women in the workforce is newer and older men were better educated but now younger women are. More women work and have careers for the young than the older as well. The so called problem is going away on it's own
On Wednesday, Trump said during a forum on MSNBC that women who undergo abortions, if there were a ban on the procedure, should be punished. He later walked back his comment in a statement, but the remark drew backlash from leaders in both parties.

He (Bernie Sanders) then referred to it as “another stupid remark” by Trump that, Sanders suggested, is a distraction from “serious issues facing America.”

Clinton Knocks Sanders Over Response to Trump’s Abortion Comments

John Kasich prompts firestorm after telling female student not to 'go to parties where there's a lot of alcohol'

A first-year student at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York, asked the Ohio governor during a Watertown, New York, town-hall event how he'd help her "feel safer and more secure regarding sexual violence, harassment, and rape" should he be elected president.

Kasich responded with what he called a "bit of advice."

"Don't go to parties where there's a lot of alcohol. OK? Don't do that," he said, as some in the audience applauded.


You would expect Republicans to ignore minority issues because they are 90% white. It was only a year ago that USMB Republicans were saying there was no more discrimination in their party. Now they go to kill the gays rallies and call Mexicans Rapists. So clearly, they are not "over it".

But even Bernie Sanders sees women's issues as "distracting". Do women feel their issues are just a distraction?
The abortion fight isn't over, so we have to keep it in our sights, but overall women's issues in this country aren't a primary concern. I saw the entirety of Kasich's response to the college student asking how to stay safe on campus. He was on point, and that last bit of fatherly advice is being unfairly twisted to seem unfair to women, imo.
Clearly he was blaming women for being attacked.
Well, you focused on the soundbite. Not the entire exchange. Your knee jerk reaction is typical lib.
Your first reaction is "she has the right...".....Actually no, she doesn't have "the right"...That would indicate no need for an invitation into a private residence. Just walk right in.
Now, that aside. Let's just say a woman decides to attend an event to which she has been invited.
Before going, one of her friends, lets her know that this is going to be a wild affair, lots of booze and mostly guys. Now ,as a responsible person, the woman should stop to consider the potential consequences of attending such an event. That was Kasich's message. Nothing more. Nothing less.
How you can make this great leap to "blaming the victim" when there hasn't been a victim is a mystery.
Kasich nor anyone else stated women "cannot" go to these parties. The question is "should" they go to these events....
Just because someone can do something does not necessarily mean they should do something.
This is common sense. This is also what separates us from the animals. The ability to analyze and reason.
So women shouldn't go to parties because if they do, they could get raped and it will be their fault.

Is that how Republicans raise their sons? To be threats? It's her fault for going?

You wouldnt let your daughter go to a party in the chicago hood.
Very few Chicago hood's are on a college campus.
And Democrats feel they have the right to take other peoples money.
Ronald Reagan raised taxes 7 times in 8 years.

Bush put two wars on a credit card. Took away the wealthy's responsibility of taking care of the country where they were able to get rich.

Help send millions of American jobs to China while closing over 42,000 factories in this country.

Republicans destroyed our economy, and ruined the future of our children and then have the nerve and the sheer gall of saying "Democrats feel they have the right to take other peoples money". Republicans prove every day what traitorous assholes they are. Worse, they are proud of it.

As proud as you are being a liar?

Bush nor the Republicans had anything to do with sending jobs overseas or closing factories. Republicans don't do such things--Democrats do those things.

Democrats do those things by creating more intrusive laws against businesses like Commie Care. Democrats do such things by taxation which is why all the roll-your-own cigarette shops across America had to close. Democrats do such things by supporting their union thugs who make labor cost so much that businesses cannot afford to produce in this country. Democrats do such things by increasing the minimum wage.
Don't be such a stupid fuck. I've tried to educate your kind but for some of you, it obviously doesn't "take".

Whitehouse says companies get a tax break for moving jobs overseas

There is little debate that the current system allows companies to get a tax break for their expenses when they send jobs outside the U.S.

We rate Whitehouse's statement True.

That was right at the end of George Bush's presidency. Millions of jobs lost. Over 42,000 factories closed.

The US Chamber gives to Republicans 10 to 1 over Democrats for a reason. Those stats have been posted at the USMB many times.


The Chamber’s CEO, Tom Donohue, frequently defends outsourcing: for example, in 2004, he said “there are legitimate values in outsourcing — not only jobs, but work.” Recently, the Chamber came out against a Senate bill that would have discouraged outsourcing. As Campaign Money Watch report found that more than 1.4 million jobs were outsourced since 1994 in the nine states in which the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is spending significant money.


An invitation to teach business how to move to China.

U.S. Chamber of Commerce receives direct foreign donations to the same 501(c)(6) political account the Chamber is using to run an unprecedented $75 million attack ad campaign against progressives.

‘US’ Chamber Of Commerce Hosts Seminars With Chinese Gov Officials To Teach American Firms How To Outsource

Custom Sheet Metal Fabrication, Sheet Metal Fab China

The Chamber has been taking money from foreign corporations and holding clinics on how to outsource American jobs, such as one sponsored by billionaire Sheldon Adelson “inviting local businesses in Florida to come to Jacksonville and learn about outsourcing from Chinese government officials like Li Haiyan, the Counselor for Economic Affairs for the People’s Republic of China, U.S. Chamber lobbyist Joseph Fawkner, and BChinaB.”

USW President: U.S. Chamber Has Become ‘A Consulting Firm To Teach Companies’ About Outsourcing


And you have the nerve to blame this on Democrats. Chinese workers live 5 to a room, eat in cafeterias and make $172 a month. And you blame that on US Government regulations????????? Ignorant bitch.

GOP, U.S. Chamber Of Commerce Beat Back Bill To Combat Outsourcing

Senate Republicans beat back an effort by Democrats Tuesday to end tax breaks for companies who send jobs offshore only to import products back into the United States.

In 2004, Chamber head Tom Donohue made the case that outsourcing shouldn’t be a concern because only “two, maybe three million jobs, maybe four” would be lost. “American companies employ 140 million Americans,” Donohue said in a CNN interview that Chamber opponents are happy to remind him of. “They provide health care for 160 million Americans. They provide training in terms of 40 billion a year. The outsourcing deal over three or four or five years and the two or three sets of numbers are only going to be, you know, maybe two, maybe three million jobs, maybe four.”

The bill included a payroll tax holiday for companies that bring jobs back from overseas, ended tax breaks for plants that shut down to go elsewhere, and blocked companies from deferring their tax bill year to year by keeping money out of the U.S.

“The question is this: Do Republicans think that middle class families should pay through their tax subsidies for plants to close up and the cost of shipping jobs overseas to be on their back?”

Once again, from


It’s true that Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have associated the transfer of U.S. jobs overseas with tax breaks, or loopholes, for companies that practice off-shoring:

Obama, Nov. 3, 2007: When I am president, I will end the tax giveaways to companies that ship our jobs overseas, and I will put the money in the pockets of working Americans, and seniors, and homeowners who deserve a break.

Clinton, Nov. 19, 2007: And we are going to finally close the tax loopholes and stop giving tax breaks to companies that ship jobs overseas. Enough with outsourcing American jobs using taxpayer dollars.

Both candidates are referring to a feature of the U.S. tax code that allows domestic companies to defer taxes on “unrepatriated income.” In other words, revenue that companies earn through their overseas subsidiaries goes untaxed by the IRS as long as it stays off the company’s U.S. books.

But economists, including left-leaning ones, do not agree that eliminating this provision will bring an end to off-shoring. And here’s why: In the U.S., companies are taxed 35 percent on earnings of $10 million to $15 million or on all earnings over $18.3 million. That’s one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world, making an overseas move somewhat attractive to companies that wish to avoid the U.S. tax rate. But that’s not the leading reason companies send jobs overseas. According to a 2005 report by the Government Accountability Office, global technological advancement, increased openness of countries such as China and India, the higher education level of foreign workers in technological fields, and the reduced cost per foreign worker are all contributing factors to off-shoring.

We first addressed this popular theme in 2004, when we reported on a John Kerry campaign ad in which he blamed President George W. Bush for providing tax incentives to companies “outsourcing” jobs overseas. At the time we found that such tax breaks, which do exist, pre-dated the Bush administration and that even Democratic-leaning economists did not support the idea that changing the corporate tax code would end the movement of jobs overseas.

Three years later, in Dec. 2007, we reported on an ad launched by a labor group in support of John Edwards. The ad implied that corporate tax breaks were responsible for the shipment of jobs overseas from an Iowa Maytag plant. We found that the jobs were actually sent to Ohio and that, again, eliminating such tax breaks would not go far in stanching the flow of jobs overseas.

Oil and Gas Company Tax Breaks

Yeah, huge tax breaks. The only deductions businesses are allowed is to deduct moving expenses which is not all that much and certainly no reason to move a company from the US to another country:


Do companies get a tax break for shipping U.S. jobs overseas? Several readers asked us that question after it came up during the first debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney.

Obama claimed that “companies that are shipping jobs overseas” get tax breaks, saying that they “can actually take a deduction for moving a plant overseas.” But Mitt Romney said that he had “no idea” what the president was talking about, adding that “the idea that you get a break for shipping jobs overseas is simply not the case.” And both men are right, in a way.

There is no specific tax break for the sole purpose of relocating a U.S. job to another country, as Romney said. But the tax code does allow companies to deduct business expenses when calculating their tax liability. And those expenses can include the costs of moving a job to another state or even to another country, according to tax experts with whom we spoke. The White House confirmed in an email that that is what Obama was referring to in the debate.

“Firms can generally deduct business expenses,” said Kimberly Clausing, the Thormund A. Miller and Walter Mintz Professor of Economics at Reed College. “Thus, of course, if firms incurred expenses in moving abroad, they would be able to deduct those expenses.”

“My interpretation is that the President’s statement was accurate,” she said in an email to

William McBride, chief economist for the pro-business Tax Foundation, agreed with her point about the ability of companies to deduct moving costs as a business expense.

“There are no special tax provisions that provide incentives to move overseas, but, of course, in general, the IRS allows companies to deduct business expenses, one of which is moving expenses, whether within the U.S. or abroad,” he said.

Obama has called for Congress to change current law so that firms can no longer reduce their tax payments by deducting costs associated with moving their operations outside of the country.

Talking Tax Breaks for Offshoring
But the tax code does allow companies to deduct business expenses when calculating their tax liability. And those expenses can include the costs of moving a job to another state or even to another country,

Thanks for proving what I said.

Republicans, under Bush were able to use reconciliation three times. You can only use it once a year, but that means they had total control of the government for over three years. They could have passed just about anything. So did they pass anything substantial that would help the majority of Americans? No, of course not. Anything to protect jobs. No, of course not. Anything that would stop medical bills from being the number on cause of bankruptcy? No, of course not.
What exactly was it they did do?
Perhaps you should spend some time to find out.

What I proved is exactly opposite of what you claimed. There are no special tax breaks for people that move jobs overseas. It doesn't matter if you move your business from here to India or if you moved it from Texas to Kansas, all you get to deduct is moving expenses, and nobody is going to move one job overseas so they can deduct a moving expense.

They could have passed just about anything. So did they pass anything substantial that would help the majority of Americans? No, of course not. Anything to protect jobs. No, of course not. Anything that would stop medical bills from being the number on cause of bankruptcy? No, of course not.
What exactly was it they did do?

Why don't you ask the same about an all Democrat government when they passed Commie Care? If they can pass Commie Care, they could have passed anything you listed above.
Interesting article, Ray from Cleveland, however I don't like your gun pointing at my face. One thing that leaped out at me was the statement that Indian and Chinese workers were better educated technologically than Americans. Why don't we promote technical education here, and I don't mean the phony trade schools that offer an expensive diploma or certificate in nine months? I always feel that American students are being shortchanged, especially when tuition is so high. I see my grandkids with high student debt. They could have bought a house!

My niece and nephew are in the same boat. My sister will be paying for their education until she retires.

Right now we have too many people in college, so it created a supply & demand problem. Too much demand and not enough supply sends prices skyrocketing. In fact, the average profit for a US college is close to 20%. They are making a killing.

Our primary education makes it nearly impossible for our college kids to take up courses that can compete against educated foreigners. Kids today will take up the simpler courses and pursue a career in something that isn't too hard.
What rights don't women have?

Women are not equal under the law. Period. The Constitution Amendment failed to pass. It shameful.

Women are more than equal under our law when it comes to employment. That's why when you pass a road construction site, the men are sweating under the sun and the women are holding a "SLOW" sign; something a five dollar pole holder can do. But what other job are they capable of in construction? You are forced to hire them so you have to give them something to do.
On Wednesday, Trump said during a forum on MSNBC that women who undergo abortions, if there were a ban on the procedure, should be punished. He later walked back his comment in a statement, but the remark drew backlash from leaders in both parties.

He (Bernie Sanders) then referred to it as “another stupid remark” by Trump that, Sanders suggested, is a distraction from “serious issues facing America.”

Clinton Knocks Sanders Over Response to Trump’s Abortion Comments

John Kasich prompts firestorm after telling female student not to 'go to parties where there's a lot of alcohol'

A first-year student at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York, asked the Ohio governor during a Watertown, New York, town-hall event how he'd help her "feel safer and more secure regarding sexual violence, harassment, and rape" should he be elected president.

Kasich responded with what he called a "bit of advice."

"Don't go to parties where there's a lot of alcohol. OK? Don't do that," he said, as some in the audience applauded.


You would expect Republicans to ignore minority issues because they are 90% white. It was only a year ago that USMB Republicans were saying there was no more discrimination in their party. Now they go to kill the gays rallies and call Mexicans Rapists. So clearly, they are not "over it".

But even Bernie Sanders sees women's issues as "distracting". Do women feel their issues are just a distraction?

What the hell. If there is a ban on abortions of course there will have to be a punishment on abortions. Do you know how the all loving libby government works? Laws are not recommendations.

And yes, women issues are a distraction, no one can take the feminist bullshit seriously. Women have all the rights that men do and then some more to boot.
On Wednesday, Trump said during a forum on MSNBC that women who undergo abortions, if there were a ban on the procedure, should be punished. He later walked back his comment in a statement, but the remark drew backlash from leaders in both parties.

He (Bernie Sanders) then referred to it as “another stupid remark” by Trump that, Sanders suggested, is a distraction from “serious issues facing America.”

Clinton Knocks Sanders Over Response to Trump’s Abortion Comments

John Kasich prompts firestorm after telling female student not to 'go to parties where there's a lot of alcohol'

A first-year student at St. Lawrence University in Canton, New York, asked the Ohio governor during a Watertown, New York, town-hall event how he'd help her "feel safer and more secure regarding sexual violence, harassment, and rape" should he be elected president.

Kasich responded with what he called a "bit of advice."

"Don't go to parties where there's a lot of alcohol. OK? Don't do that," he said, as some in the audience applauded.


You would expect Republicans to ignore minority issues because they are 90% white. It was only a year ago that USMB Republicans were saying there was no more discrimination in their party. Now they go to kill the gays rallies and call Mexicans Rapists. So clearly, they are not "over it".

But even Bernie Sanders sees women's issues as "distracting". Do women feel their issues are just a distraction?
Abortion is murder of a human being. Try worrying about REAL women's rights. Like equal pay for equal work.

You really need to inform yourself instead of chugging down the Progressive Cool Aid! As you know too, women's pay is but a nickel or less lower than that of men.
Actually women earn 78 cents for every dollar men earn. Not even close to being a progressive but when things DIRECTLY affect you or those you love then you pay attention to them.
That's a load of crap.
Interesting article, Ray from Cleveland, however I don't like your gun pointing at my face. One thing that leaped out at me was the statement that Indian and Chinese workers were better educated technologically than Americans. Why don't we promote technical education here, and I don't mean the phony trade schools that offer an expensive diploma or certificate in nine months? I always feel that American students are being shortchanged, especially when tuition is so high. I see my grandkids with high student debt. They could have bought a house!
One, our politicians don't understand technology, and two, Republicans fight education. A double whammy.
"republicans fight education"....
Ok....How so?....
Facts only with links. Not your opinions or speculation
What rights don't women have?

Women are not equal under the law. Period. The Constitution Amendment failed to pass. It shameful.
Oh please.
This is simply not true.

What part of this is not true? Nowhere in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights, does it say that women are equal under the law. The Equal Rights Amendment failed to pass the required number of states within the time limit stipulated (how many other proposed Amendments had time limits for passage?), and the Amendment died. Republican men said "Trust us, ladies. We'll take care of you". They lied.
Interesting article, Ray from Cleveland, however I don't like your gun pointing at my face. One thing that leaped out at me was the statement that Indian and Chinese workers were better educated technologically than Americans. Why don't we promote technical education here, and I don't mean the phony trade schools that offer an expensive diploma or certificate in nine months? I always feel that American students are being shortchanged, especially when tuition is so high. I see my grandkids with high student debt. They could have bought a house!
One, our politicians don't understand technology, and two, Republicans fight education. A double whammy.
"republicans fight education"....
Ok....How so?....
Facts only with links. Not your opinions or speculation

Means we resist dumping huge amounts of tax money into teachers' union bank accounts, and we don't like the idea of "educating" children to be liberals.
What rights don't women have?

Women are not equal under the law. Period. The Constitution Amendment failed to pass. It shameful.
Oh please.
This is simply not true.

What part of this is not true? Nowhere in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights, does it say that women are equal under the law. The Equal Rights Amendment failed to pass the required number of states within the time limit stipulated (how many other proposed Amendments had time limits for passage?), and the Amendment died. Republican men said "Trust us, ladies. We'll take care of you". They lied.
The reasons why the ERA never passed are many.
The bottom line is such an amendment is not needed.
There are literally thousands of laws which outlaw discrimination based on gender. Biological gender.
And do not be so lazy as to lay the blame at the feet of one political party. Newsflash there cupcake, for a Constitutional Amendment to pass the state legislatures of 38 states must agree to ratify.
And if you want to trot out that Lily Ledbetter thing,.....That was a nice try. Trial attorneys specializing in employment discrimination suits were literally drooling at the thought of all those new opportunities to file piles of lawsuits. And the law turns juris prudence on its head by its wording. That the defendant in the suit had the burden of proof that no pay discrimination took place. It's horse shit.
Look, if all you have on which to hang your feminist hat is an Amendment that did not pass 30 years ago, you are indeed a left over Gloria Steinem disciple. In other words, nobody cares.
Interesting article, Ray from Cleveland, however I don't like your gun pointing at my face. One thing that leaped out at me was the statement that Indian and Chinese workers were better educated technologically than Americans. Why don't we promote technical education here, and I don't mean the phony trade schools that offer an expensive diploma or certificate in nine months? I always feel that American students are being shortchanged, especially when tuition is so high. I see my grandkids with high student debt. They could have bought a house!
One, our politicians don't understand technology, and two, Republicans fight education. A double whammy.
"republicans fight education"....
Ok....How so?....
Facts only with links. Not your opinions or speculation

Means we resist dumping huge amounts of tax money into teachers' union bank accounts, and we don't like the idea of "educating" children to be liberals.
Bingo...A very astute observation.
For it is the loud voices of teacher's unions that scream the loudest when education funding is discussed.
What rights don't women have?

Women are not equal under the law. Period. The Constitution Amendment failed to pass. It shameful.
Oh please.
This is simply not true.

What part of this is not true? Nowhere in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights, does it say that women are equal under the law. The Equal Rights Amendment failed to pass the required number of states within the time limit stipulated (how many other proposed Amendments had time limits for passage?), and the Amendment died. Republican men said "Trust us, ladies. We'll take care of you". They lied.

It's called equal protection under the law which is in the constitution. And just where are women not treated equal to men?
What rights don't women have?

Women are not equal under the law. Period. The Constitution Amendment failed to pass. It shameful.
Oh please.
This is simply not true.

What part of this is not true? Nowhere in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights, does it say that women are equal under the law. The Equal Rights Amendment failed to pass the required number of states within the time limit stipulated (how many other proposed Amendments had time limits for passage?), and the Amendment died. Republican men said "Trust us, ladies. We'll take care of you". They lied.

It's called equal protection under the law which is in the constitution. And just where are women not treated equal to men?

True. There are no Constitutional rights which I, as a woman, am not afforded, simply because the Constitution simply extends them to "citizens", "people", etc. rather than mentioning women explicitly.

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