Are women's rights a distraction from "important" issues?

Funny that you guys don't comprehend the difference between a natural / absolute Constitutional right (like the right to life) and a qualified right. . Like the right to vote.

The mother has the right to liberty as well. The Constitution doesn't weight them.

And why can the Federal government make it illegal for a 14 year old to buy a gun from a gun dealer if they have Constitutional rights? That isn't a "qualified" right in the Constitution

I owned several guns at 14. The constitution says we have a right to keep and bear them. That doesn't mean the right can not have any qualifications or regulations at all. So, I think that is what must be confusing for some.

Evading the question. You are arguing a fetus has full Constitutional rights. How then can based on age government deprive you of your right when you are arguing you have full Constitutional rights regardless of your age?

Quote the post where I have ever declared that a child in the womb has FULL RIGHTS that include the right to vote or to buy guns while in the womb.

You can't do it because I have never said anything close to that.

Constitutional rights are something every PERSON is entitled to. . . Regardless of age. . . But some of those constitutional rights (like voting) have an age requirement before they can be exercised.

I already conceded the voting one. It does have an age. Where in the second amendment is age mentioned

The 2nd Amendment secures the right of the people to form Militias.

Article 1, Section 8 gives the government the right to make laws "To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;"

You can argue that age requirements are an infringement or a violation of a child's right to purchase guns if you like. However, as I myself had several guns (inherited) before I could buy any on my own. . . I don't see how the age requirement is really an infringement at all.

I don't see what any of that has to do with the Constitutional right to the Equal protections of our laws.... but there you are.
The mother has the right to liberty as well. The Constitution doesn't weight them.

And why can the Federal government make it illegal for a 14 year old to buy a gun from a gun dealer if they have Constitutional rights? That isn't a "qualified" right in the Constitution

I owned several guns at 14. The constitution says we have a right to keep and bear them. That doesn't mean the right can not have any qualifications or regulations at all. So, I think that is what must be confusing for some.

Evading the question. You are arguing a fetus has full Constitutional rights. How then can based on age government deprive you of your right when you are arguing you have full Constitutional rights regardless of your age?

Quote the post where I have ever declared that a child in the womb has FULL RIGHTS that include the right to vote or to buy guns while in the womb.

You can't do it because I have never said anything close to that.

Constitutional rights are something every PERSON is entitled to. . . Regardless of age. . . But some of those constitutional rights (like voting) have an age requirement before they can be exercised.

I already conceded the voting one. It does have an age. Where in the second amendment is age mentioned

The 2nd Amendment secures the right of the people to form Militias.

Article 1, Section 8 gives the government the right to make laws "To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States, reserving to the states respectively, the appointment of the officers, and the authority of training the militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;"

You can argue that age requirements are an infringement or a violation of a child's right to purchase guns if you like. However, as I myself had several guns (inherited) before I could buy any on my own. . . I don't see how the age requirement is really an infringement at all.

I don't see what any of that has to do with the Constitutional right to the Equal protections of our laws.... but there you are.

I know you don't. But you thought my point was that children should be able to buy guns, so you're not keeping up at all, are you?
Womens' "rights" are the rights to make our own decisions about our bodies and our health. Womens' "rights" are the rights to make as much money as men in the same postition. Womens' "rights" are the rights to be taken seriously when it comes to making policy decisions in this country. We are half of the population and over half of the voters. Men who want to treat us as if we're still "the little woman" in the kitchen are in for a rude awakening. Jobs, the economy, military defense, all these things affect our lives, too. As for Kasich's remark, once again, the onus is on the woman to be vigilant against the man who may be a predator. Why isn't the man taught from birth that women are not his to abuse as he likes? Why are we fair game? If you're around alcohol, out after dark,dressed a certain way, or with a man in general, you're "asking for it".

Nobody that I know says a women is asking for it. Youve been watching too much sports pop culture thug talk.

99% of the crap Americans argue over is not important

Russia is buzzing our naval ships, but let's argue about a man using the girl's restroom....

WE can't do anything about Russia buzzing our ships; that's up to our sissy President. But we can do something about legalizing weirdos in women's bathrooms.
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Babies and children don't have constitutional rights.


If what you say is true, then what is the basis for the charge of MURDER under any of our Fetal Homicide laws?

Not having constitutional rights does not mean we can't chose to give them the rights we chose to give them, it just means they aren't automatically entitled to them.

If a child in the womb is a 'person' they are automatically Constitutionally entitled to the equal protections of our laws.

True or False?

If they had Constitutional rights, think about it, can a 10 year old vote? If they have Constitutional rights, it would be illegal to deny them the vote.

Ummmm, not all rights are the same. Are they?

The right to vote is a 'qualified' vote. It's still a Constitutional right but you have to first meet the age and other 'qualifications.'

The ONLY legal qualification for 'personhood' is that you be a living Human Being and a "human being" even in the womb MEETS that legal definition.

Think about how many other things they can't do. You can't pick and choose where the Constitution applies. We can pick and chose which ones we decide to grant them.

You clearly don't understand the difference between a qualified right (like the right to vote) and an unqualified right (like the right to the protections of our laws.)

You are picking and choosing here. No, a fetus nor a child has constitutional rights. A 10 year old does not have the right to bear arms. If a school calls the police to search a kids locker because he was acting suspicious, they do not need to obtain a warrant and the child cannot sue the city for a violation of his Forth Amendment rights. He or she doesn't have any rights.

Funny that you guys don't comprehend the difference between a natural / absolute Constitutional right (like the right to life) and a qualified right. . Like the right to vote.

Again, YOU are picking rights out of the Constitution that fits your argument--not simply addressing that children have Constitutional rights or they don't. You want to look at our list of rights as American citizens and say "this one here applies to children" and the rest don't. Where did you get that authority anyway?

A child has a right to life, but not the pursuit of happiness or liberty? That is granted by his or her parents--not the government. A child has no rights until they become an adult.
If a child in the womb is a 'person' they are automatically Constitutionally entitled to the equal protections of our laws.

True or False?

Ummmm, not all rights are the same. Are they?

The right to vote is a 'qualified' vote. It's still a Constitutional right but you have to first meet the age and other 'qualifications.'

The ONLY legal qualification for 'personhood' is that you be a living Human Being and a "human being" even in the womb MEETS that legal definition.

You clearly don't understand the difference between a qualified right (like the right to vote) and an unqualified right (like the right to the protections of our laws.)

You are picking and choosing here. No, a fetus nor a child has constitutional rights. A 10 year old does not have the right to bear arms. If a school calls the police to search a kids locker because he was acting suspicious, they do not need to obtain a warrant and the child cannot sue the city for a violation of his Forth Amendment rights. He or she doesn't have any rights.

Funny that you guys don't comprehend the difference between a natural / absolute Constitutional right (like the right to life) and a qualified right. . Like the right to vote.

The mother has the right to liberty as well. The Constitution doesn't weight them.

And why can the Federal government make it illegal for a 14 year old to buy a gun from a gun dealer if they have Constitutional rights? That isn't a "qualified" right in the Constitution

I owned several guns at 14. The constitution says we have a right to keep and bear them. That doesn't mean the right can not have any qualifications or regulations at all. So, I think that is what must be confusing for some.

Evading the question. You are arguing a fetus has full Constitutional rights. How then can based on age government deprive you of your right when you are arguing you have full Constitutional rights regardless of your age?

This was the question, Chuz
You are picking and choosing here. No, a fetus nor a child has constitutional rights. A 10 year old does not have the right to bear arms. If a school calls the police to search a kids locker because he was acting suspicious, they do not need to obtain a warrant and the child cannot sue the city for a violation of his Forth Amendment rights. He or she doesn't have any rights.

Funny that you guys don't comprehend the difference between a natural / absolute Constitutional right (like the right to life) and a qualified right. . Like the right to vote.

The mother has the right to liberty as well. The Constitution doesn't weight them.

And why can the Federal government make it illegal for a 14 year old to buy a gun from a gun dealer if they have Constitutional rights? That isn't a "qualified" right in the Constitution

I owned several guns at 14. The constitution says we have a right to keep and bear them. That doesn't mean the right can not have any qualifications or regulations at all. So, I think that is what must be confusing for some.

Evading the question. You are arguing a fetus has full Constitutional rights. How then can based on age government deprive you of your right when you are arguing you have full Constitutional rights regardless of your age?

This was the question, Chuz

Wtf is a "based on age" government?
Funny that you guys don't comprehend the difference between a natural / absolute Constitutional right (like the right to life) and a qualified right. . Like the right to vote.

The mother has the right to liberty as well. The Constitution doesn't weight them.

And why can the Federal government make it illegal for a 14 year old to buy a gun from a gun dealer if they have Constitutional rights? That isn't a "qualified" right in the Constitution

I owned several guns at 14. The constitution says we have a right to keep and bear them. That doesn't mean the right can not have any qualifications or regulations at all. So, I think that is what must be confusing for some.

Evading the question. You are arguing a fetus has full Constitutional rights. How then can based on age government deprive you of your right when you are arguing you have full Constitutional rights regardless of your age?

This was the question, Chuz

Wtf is a "based on age" government?

You're just dancing. Again, I brought up voter and you said age was in the amendment. You were right. So bripat and I brought up better examples like gun rights, illegal search and seizure and due process that are not aged based. You keep going back to voting.

Either you have Constitutional rights or you don't. You can't pick and choose, which is what you are trying to do
The mother has the right to liberty as well. The Constitution doesn't weight them.

And why can the Federal government make it illegal for a 14 year old to buy a gun from a gun dealer if they have Constitutional rights? That isn't a "qualified" right in the Constitution

I owned several guns at 14. The constitution says we have a right to keep and bear them. That doesn't mean the right can not have any qualifications or regulations at all. So, I think that is what must be confusing for some.

Evading the question. You are arguing a fetus has full Constitutional rights. How then can based on age government deprive you of your right when you are arguing you have full Constitutional rights regardless of your age?

This was the question, Chuz

Wtf is a "based on age" government?

You're just dancing. Again, I brought up voter and you said age was in the amendment. You were right. So bripat and I brought up better examples like gun rights, illegal search and seizure and due process that are not aged based. You keep going back to voting.

Either you have Constitutional rights or you don't. You can't pick and choose, which is what you are trying to do

You are the ones who are dancing around the point not me.

The constitution says that all persons have a right to their life, to due process and to the EQUAL protections of our laws.

Children are persons. . .

So, do the math.
I owned several guns at 14. The constitution says we have a right to keep and bear them. That doesn't mean the right can not have any qualifications or regulations at all. So, I think that is what must be confusing for some.

Evading the question. You are arguing a fetus has full Constitutional rights. How then can based on age government deprive you of your right when you are arguing you have full Constitutional rights regardless of your age?

This was the question, Chuz

Wtf is a "based on age" government?

You're just dancing. Again, I brought up voter and you said age was in the amendment. You were right. So bripat and I brought up better examples like gun rights, illegal search and seizure and due process that are not aged based. You keep going back to voting.

Either you have Constitutional rights or you don't. You can't pick and choose, which is what you are trying to do

You are the ones who are dancing around the point not me.

The constitution says that all persons have a right to their life, to due process and to the EQUAL protections of our laws.

Children are persons. . .

So, do the math.

So it's a violation of a 14 year old's right to not be able to buy a gun in a gun shop where a 34 year old an buy a gun? Juvenile courts are a violation of equal protection? Not giving drivers licenses to 10 year olds is a violation of equal protection?

You can't pick and choose. None of those give an age like voting does. So are they rights or not?

And again, you don't even understand the right to life, it's a limit on government, not a power of government
Evading the question. You are arguing a fetus has full Constitutional rights. How then can based on age government deprive you of your right when you are arguing you have full Constitutional rights regardless of your age?

This was the question, Chuz

Wtf is a "based on age" government?

You're just dancing. Again, I brought up voter and you said age was in the amendment. You were right. So bripat and I brought up better examples like gun rights, illegal search and seizure and due process that are not aged based. You keep going back to voting.

Either you have Constitutional rights or you don't. You can't pick and choose, which is what you are trying to do

You are the ones who are dancing around the point not me.

The constitution says that all persons have a right to their life, to due process and to the EQUAL protections of our laws.

Children are persons. . .

So, do the math.

So it's a violation of a 14 year old's right to not be able to buy a gun in a gun shop where a 34 year old an buy a gun? Juvenile courts are a violation of equal protection? Not giving drivers licenses to 10 year olds is a violation of equal protection?

You can't pick and choose. None of those give an age like voting does. So are they rights or not?

And again, you don't even understand the right to life, it's a limit on government, not a power of government

The 2nd amendment secures the right to keep and bear arms. . . It does not secure the right to buy them at Any age.

Driving is a privilege and not a constitutional right. . . So, who knows where you were going with that.

As far as the right to life? I understand it perfectly well. . . Yhe government has no right to define as class of human beings as anything less than a person. . . In an attempt to deny them their right to their life.
The 2nd amendment secures the right to keep and bear arms. . . It does not secure the right to buy them at Any age

I can't take someone seriously who would say that. Sorry man. You're full of it. With word parsing, you can clearly end every Constitutional right. And this is from the guy who wants a broad interpretation of Constitutional rights
The 2nd amendment secures the right to keep and bear arms. . . It does not secure the right to buy them at Any age

I can't take someone seriously who would say that. Sorry man. You're full of it. With word parsing, you can clearly end every Constitutional right. And this is from the guy who wants a broad interpretation of Constitutional rights

That's rich. . . especially when it is coming from someone who parses words to deny even the most basic of rights to children in the womb.
The 2nd amendment secures the right to keep and bear arms. . . It does not secure the right to buy them at Any age

I can't take someone seriously who would say that. Sorry man. You're full of it. With word parsing, you can clearly end every Constitutional right. And this is from the guy who wants a broad interpretation of Constitutional rights

That's rich. . . especially when it is coming from someone who parses words to deny even the most basic of rights to children in the womb.

Um...what words did I parse, Holmes? Abortion isn't in the Constitution. I even said that because it's not in the Constitution, the Federal government has no say in abortion and therefore Roe v. Wade is a Constitutional abomination. I'm pro-choice, but I'm against made up Constitutional rights.

You on the other had said the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed doesn't include the right to buy guns. :wtf:

clearly the word parsing is being done by ... you ...

You can't even make your position on the Constitution clear. Do minors have Constitutional rights? Your answer so far is to pick and choose
The 2nd amendment secures the right to keep and bear arms. . . It does not secure the right to buy them at Any age

I can't take someone seriously who would say that. Sorry man. You're full of it. With word parsing, you can clearly end every Constitutional right. And this is from the guy who wants a broad interpretation of Constitutional rights

That's rich. . . especially when it is coming from someone who parses words to deny even the most basic of rights to children in the womb.

Um...what words did I parse, Holmes? Abortion isn't in the Constitution. I even said that because it's not in the Constitution, the Federal government has no say in abortion and therefore Roe v. Wade is a Constitutional abomination. I'm pro-choice, but I'm against made up Constitutional rights.

You on the other had said the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed doesn't include the right to buy guns. :wtf:

clearly the word parsing is being done by ... you ...

You can't even make your position on the Constitution clear. Do minors have Constitutional rights? Your answer so far is to pick and choose

Uhgmmm Holmes...

The Constitution says that ALL persons are entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws and they can not be deprived of their right to their life without Due Process.

Legalized abortions DEPRIVE children in the womb of their rights AND due process.

YOU support that shit, Home Slice.

Own it.
The 2nd amendment secures the right to keep and bear arms. . . It does not secure the right to buy them at Any age

I can't take someone seriously who would say that. Sorry man. You're full of it. With word parsing, you can clearly end every Constitutional right. And this is from the guy who wants a broad interpretation of Constitutional rights

That's rich. . . especially when it is coming from someone who parses words to deny even the most basic of rights to children in the womb.

Um...what words did I parse, Holmes? Abortion isn't in the Constitution. I even said that because it's not in the Constitution, the Federal government has no say in abortion and therefore Roe v. Wade is a Constitutional abomination. I'm pro-choice, but I'm against made up Constitutional rights.

You on the other had said the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed doesn't include the right to buy guns. :wtf:

clearly the word parsing is being done by ... you ...

You can't even make your position on the Constitution clear. Do minors have Constitutional rights? Your answer so far is to pick and choose

Uhgmmm Holmes...

The Constitution says that ALL persons are entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws and they can not be deprived of their right to their life without Due Process.

Legalized abortions DEPRIVE children in the womb of their rights AND due process.

YOU support that shit, Home Slice.

Own it.

It's sad how Americans graduate high school not understanding how the basic document that defines our government and legal system work. Another sad product of the American education system.

Again, that is a limit on government, not a power of government. Government, cannot take your life without due process of law. That's what the 5th amendment says. It's not a power of government to go force other people to share their body with you. It just isn't and there's no way to read it that way and not be wrong. That fundamentally isn't how the Constitution works.

Just like the right to liberty and property are not powers of government to go take other people's liberty and property. Don't you want your children to get a better education than the crappy government education you got that you don't understand how the Constitution even works?
The 2nd amendment secures the right to keep and bear arms. . . It does not secure the right to buy them at Any age

I can't take someone seriously who would say that. Sorry man. You're full of it. With word parsing, you can clearly end every Constitutional right. And this is from the guy who wants a broad interpretation of Constitutional rights

That's rich. . . especially when it is coming from someone who parses words to deny even the most basic of rights to children in the womb.

Um...what words did I parse, Holmes? Abortion isn't in the Constitution. I even said that because it's not in the Constitution, the Federal government has no say in abortion and therefore Roe v. Wade is a Constitutional abomination. I'm pro-choice, but I'm against made up Constitutional rights.

You on the other had said the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed doesn't include the right to buy guns. :wtf:

clearly the word parsing is being done by ... you ...

You can't even make your position on the Constitution clear. Do minors have Constitutional rights? Your answer so far is to pick and choose

Uhgmmm Holmes...

The Constitution says that ALL persons are entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws and they can not be deprived of their right to their life without Due Process.

Legalized abortions DEPRIVE children in the womb of their rights AND due process.

YOU support that shit, Home Slice.

Own it.

It's sad how Americans graduate high school not understanding how the basic document that defines our government and legal system work. Another sad product of the American education system.

Again, that is a limit on government, not a power of government. Government, cannot take your life without due process of law. That's what the 5th amendment says. It's not a power of government to go force other people to share their body with you. It just isn't and there's no way to read it that way and not be wrong. That fundamentally isn't how the Constitution works.

Just like the right to liberty and property are not powers of government to go take other people's liberty and property. Don't you want your children to get a better education than the crappy government education you got that you don't understand how the Constitution even works?

I wonder what other groups of human beings there are that you and the rest of your ilk would like to deny personhood and Constitutional protections to.
I can't take someone seriously who would say that. Sorry man. You're full of it. With word parsing, you can clearly end every Constitutional right. And this is from the guy who wants a broad interpretation of Constitutional rights

That's rich. . . especially when it is coming from someone who parses words to deny even the most basic of rights to children in the womb.

Um...what words did I parse, Holmes? Abortion isn't in the Constitution. I even said that because it's not in the Constitution, the Federal government has no say in abortion and therefore Roe v. Wade is a Constitutional abomination. I'm pro-choice, but I'm against made up Constitutional rights.

You on the other had said the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed doesn't include the right to buy guns. :wtf:

clearly the word parsing is being done by ... you ...

You can't even make your position on the Constitution clear. Do minors have Constitutional rights? Your answer so far is to pick and choose

Uhgmmm Holmes...

The Constitution says that ALL persons are entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws and they can not be deprived of their right to their life without Due Process.

Legalized abortions DEPRIVE children in the womb of their rights AND due process.

YOU support that shit, Home Slice.

Own it.

It's sad how Americans graduate high school not understanding how the basic document that defines our government and legal system work. Another sad product of the American education system.

Again, that is a limit on government, not a power of government. Government, cannot take your life without due process of law. That's what the 5th amendment says. It's not a power of government to go force other people to share their body with you. It just isn't and there's no way to read it that way and not be wrong. That fundamentally isn't how the Constitution works.

Just like the right to liberty and property are not powers of government to go take other people's liberty and property. Don't you want your children to get a better education than the crappy government education you got that you don't understand how the Constitution even works?

I wonder what other groups of human beings there are that you and the rest of your ilk would like to deny personhood and Constitutional protections to.

What does denying parenthood mean?

Constitutional protections automatically protect all adult American citizens in the United States from the American government.

We generally try to provide them to Americans abroad (limit is we don't have jurisdiction), foreigners in the United States and those less than 18, but they aren't automatic, they get what is practical and reasonable. And Constitutional rights are by definition limits on government. They are not powers of government to coerce it's citizens in dealings with each other.

For example, you have the right to free speech. That means government can't limit your speech. It does not mean your boss can't shit can you for it or your wife can't make you sleep on the couch.

Seems like a pretty clear standard, what is it you have to wonder about? Your government education that you don't know how the basic structure of the laws in your own country work is really sad though
That's rich. . . especially when it is coming from someone who parses words to deny even the most basic of rights to children in the womb.

Um...what words did I parse, Holmes? Abortion isn't in the Constitution. I even said that because it's not in the Constitution, the Federal government has no say in abortion and therefore Roe v. Wade is a Constitutional abomination. I'm pro-choice, but I'm against made up Constitutional rights.

You on the other had said the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed doesn't include the right to buy guns. :wtf:

clearly the word parsing is being done by ... you ...

You can't even make your position on the Constitution clear. Do minors have Constitutional rights? Your answer so far is to pick and choose

Uhgmmm Holmes...

The Constitution says that ALL persons are entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws and they can not be deprived of their right to their life without Due Process.

Legalized abortions DEPRIVE children in the womb of their rights AND due process.

YOU support that shit, Home Slice.

Own it.

It's sad how Americans graduate high school not understanding how the basic document that defines our government and legal system work. Another sad product of the American education system.

Again, that is a limit on government, not a power of government. Government, cannot take your life without due process of law. That's what the 5th amendment says. It's not a power of government to go force other people to share their body with you. It just isn't and there's no way to read it that way and not be wrong. That fundamentally isn't how the Constitution works.

Just like the right to liberty and property are not powers of government to go take other people's liberty and property. Don't you want your children to get a better education than the crappy government education you got that you don't understand how the Constitution even works?

I wonder what other groups of human beings there are that you and the rest of your ilk would like to deny personhood and Constitutional protections to.

What does denying parenthood mean?

I don't know.

Why do you ask?

Constitutional protections automatically protect all adult American citizens in the United States from the American government.

I understand how that is your interpretation and your opinion. However, the actual wording of the Constitution says "all persons" have Constitutional rights and all persons are entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws.

We generally try to provide them to Americans abroad (limit is we don't have jurisdiction), foreigners in the United States and those less than 18, but they aren't automatic, they get what is practical and reasonable. And Constitutional rights are by definition limits on government. They are not powers of government to coerce it's citizens in dealings with each other.

Does the government have the Constitutional authority to define "persons" as it sees fit to deny an entire class of human beings their basic human and Constitutional rights?

Yes or No?

For example, you have the right to free speech. That means government can't limit your speech. It does not mean your boss can't shit can you for it or your wife can't make you sleep on the couch.

Same question as above.

Inquiring minds want to know.

Seems like a pretty clear standard, what is it you have to wonder about? Your government education that you don't know how the basic structure of the laws in your own country work is really sad though

You seem to think this is about ME.

That's cute.
Um...what words did I parse, Holmes? Abortion isn't in the Constitution. I even said that because it's not in the Constitution, the Federal government has no say in abortion and therefore Roe v. Wade is a Constitutional abomination. I'm pro-choice, but I'm against made up Constitutional rights.

You on the other had said the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed doesn't include the right to buy guns. :wtf:

clearly the word parsing is being done by ... you ...

You can't even make your position on the Constitution clear. Do minors have Constitutional rights? Your answer so far is to pick and choose

Uhgmmm Holmes...

The Constitution says that ALL persons are entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws and they can not be deprived of their right to their life without Due Process.

Legalized abortions DEPRIVE children in the womb of their rights AND due process.

YOU support that shit, Home Slice.

Own it.

It's sad how Americans graduate high school not understanding how the basic document that defines our government and legal system work. Another sad product of the American education system.

Again, that is a limit on government, not a power of government. Government, cannot take your life without due process of law. That's what the 5th amendment says. It's not a power of government to go force other people to share their body with you. It just isn't and there's no way to read it that way and not be wrong. That fundamentally isn't how the Constitution works.

Just like the right to liberty and property are not powers of government to go take other people's liberty and property. Don't you want your children to get a better education than the crappy government education you got that you don't understand how the Constitution even works?

I wonder what other groups of human beings there are that you and the rest of your ilk would like to deny personhood and Constitutional protections to.

What does denying parenthood mean?

I don't know.

Why do you ask?

Constitutional protections automatically protect all adult American citizens in the United States from the American government.

I understand how that is your interpretation and your opinion. However, the actual wording of the Constitution says "all persons" have Constitutional rights and all persons are entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws.

We generally try to provide them to Americans abroad (limit is we don't have jurisdiction), foreigners in the United States and those less than 18, but they aren't automatic, they get what is practical and reasonable. And Constitutional rights are by definition limits on government. They are not powers of government to coerce it's citizens in dealings with each other.

Does the government have the Constitutional authority to define "persons" as it sees fit to deny an entire class of human beings their basic human and Constitutional rights?

Yes or No?

For example, you have the right to free speech. That means government can't limit your speech. It does not mean your boss can't shit can you for it or your wife can't make you sleep on the couch.

Same question as above.

Inquiring minds want to know.

Seems like a pretty clear standard, what is it you have to wonder about? Your government education that you don't know how the basic structure of the laws in your own country work is really sad though

You seem to think this is about ME.

That's cute.

To answer those questions, you have to answer two questions you keep evading.

1) Explain how government can deny 10 year olds the right to buy guns, why they can force them to go to school (violating their liberty, no adult is forced to anything comparable), why we can have juvenile courts that have different rules for them then other courts (violating equal protection) and other Constitutional rights children don't get. I've been asking you this, no answer. You can't selectively give Constitutional rights

2) Explain how government has the right to control it's citizens by an amendment that is constructed only to restrict government from taking life without due process. How did a restriction on government power become a government power?

You keep ducking these because if you actually, honestly answered them, it would answer the questions you ask me. The Federal government doesn't have any say in abortions either way. It's up to the States. Again, I may be pro-choice, but Roe v. Wade is a Constitutional abomination for the same reason
The 2nd amendment secures the right to keep and bear arms. . . It does not secure the right to buy them at Any age

I can't take someone seriously who would say that. Sorry man. You're full of it. With word parsing, you can clearly end every Constitutional right. And this is from the guy who wants a broad interpretation of Constitutional rights

That's rich. . . especially when it is coming from someone who parses words to deny even the most basic of rights to children in the womb.

Um...what words did I parse, Holmes? Abortion isn't in the Constitution. I even said that because it's not in the Constitution, the Federal government has no say in abortion and therefore Roe v. Wade is a Constitutional abomination. I'm pro-choice, but I'm against made up Constitutional rights.

You on the other had said the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed doesn't include the right to buy guns. :wtf:

clearly the word parsing is being done by ... you ...

You can't even make your position on the Constitution clear. Do minors have Constitutional rights? Your answer so far is to pick and choose

Uhgmmm Holmes...

The Constitution says that ALL persons are entitled to the EQUAL protections of our laws and they can not be deprived of their right to their life without Due Process.

Legalized abortions DEPRIVE children in the womb of their rights AND due process.

YOU support that shit, Home Slice.

Own it.

"Cannot be deprived of their life without due process" means THE GOVERNMENT cannot deprive them of their lives, ie. cannot execute them, without due process. The clues are 1) the use of the phrase "without due process of law", and 2) the fact that the Constitution is about limiting the power of GOVERNMENT, not individuals.

Abortion, like homicide, should be an issue to be defined and dealt with at the state level. It has no business being a federal issue.

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