Are you a slave to God or is God your slave the way he should be?

Then you are foolish as you cannot help but follow your God given nature and sin. As you have just admitted you do.

If we all sin then that is our normal activity and how we are created.

If your God continues to create us as sinners while expecting a different result then he is insane.

I put this up to go into more detail. Please have a look and opine there instead of derailing here.


Well friend, I have never claimed to be Christ and I make no such claim here, now.

Christianity is not about being free of sin.

Christianity is about recognizing that you are NOT free of sin, and that there is no HOPE that you will EVER BE FREE OF SIN. And to not rationalize that because I sinned, "sin is OK", in hopes that that may help me feel better about my sad self. To humble myself before God, admit my mistakes, seek contrition in myself and to ask forgiveness for my having been weak and foolish and, recognizing that only through the grace of Christ, will I ever know fellowship with the Father.

If there were any CHANCE of living a life free of sin, God, who knows what is possible, would not have given his only begotten son, so that man shall not perish and have everlasting life.

If you truly believe that you are without sin, then you are delusional.

Now how do I know this? The Bible tells me so. And I believe it. At first I believed it purely on faith. Then as half a century of contemplation passed, I came to understand that it served reason perfectly, therefore it must be of God. (See how that works?)

Do we understand one another? You are claiming to be free of sin. Thus you're either a fool in the extreme, or you're a person animated by evil, doing their level best to draw humanity from fellowship with the Father.

I honestly don't care which one ya are. As you and your beliefs are meaningless to me, except for that which you set forward here, for my consideration.

But I would encourage you to stop reading anti-theist boilerplate and actually read the scriptures and, to do so with others who can help you better discern context. Otherwise, you're good and screwed.


I understand that you could not refute my view and decided to be a prick like your genocidal son murdering God.



Would you care to offer up for consideration, the specific element of your view, which you feel has not been refuted?

Having considered and now reviewed the discussion, I find no element of your position which remains standing.

Should you fail to respond, offering a specific example of some remaining element(s) of your point of view, which you erroneously feel has gone unanswered, I will reasonably conclude that the post to which I am responding here, is an attempt on your part to deceive, through fraudulent means, in a feckless attempt to influence the reader who, having turned to the last page, landing here on this post, would be ignorant of the details of our discussion and as a result, your subsequent failure to sustain your reasoning, and that your subsequent failure to respond is your default admission that you have no remaining points of view which are capable of withstanding soundly reasoned scrutiny.
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god would exist even if we didn't. We came from him. Not him from us.

And the lord of the bible doesn't ask us to be his slaves. Nor does he offer us himself as a slave. He comes to us as a friend and a father. He offers freedom to the captive, liberty to those who are bound and oppressed.

for one thing, the bible cannot speak. The bible can't ask us any questions. The prophets who wrote the prophecies and the saints who wrote to learn about who we are in the mind of our creator and to be used to read the prophecies for our creator to interpret, knew that their writings could not speak. They are only testaments that god had them write to learn his invisible language that no man can see.

Anyone who can't obey the commandments of god will not understand our writings. While they read them, their flesh will interpret them incorrectly to deceive them of the truth. The flesh of man is the deceiver that has to perish during this age because it cannot obey the commandments of god.

Galations 5:
19: Now the works of the flesh are plain: Fornication, impurity, licentiousness,
20: Idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, selfishness, dissension, party spirit,
21: Envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the like. I warn you, as i warned you before, that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of god.

The flesh of us saints become obedient to our creator and cannot be used to deceive us anymore.

1 john 2:
3: And by this we may be sure that we know him, if we keep his commandments.

1 john 5:
2: By this we know that we love the children of god, when we love god and obey his commandments.
3: For this is the love of god, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome.
18: we know that any one born of god does not sin, but he who was born of god keeps him, and the evil one does not touch him.

Christians cannot obey god's commandments because they do not know him. This is why they admit to being sinners. They can't obey his commandments. They keep on sinning and all sinners are liars.

1 john 2:
4: he who says "i know him" but disobeys his commandments is a liar, and the truth is not in him;

1 john 3:
4: every one who commits sin is guilty of lawlessness; sin is lawlessness.

6: No one who abides in him sins; no one who sins has either seen him or known him.

8: he who commits sin is of the devil; for the devil has sinned from the beginning. The reason the son of god appeared was to destroy the works of the devil.

What kind of excuses ( lies ) are you going to use to not believe these scriptures?

nailed it!

You are the first person I've ever seen say that theword has nailed something. Kudos for being the first.
Are you a slave to God or is God your slave the way he should be?

God, behold the only thing greater than yourself, ---- should be the caption and words in this clip.

Behold The Only Thing Greater Than Yourself - YouTube

Without mankind to recognize the idea of a God, God would not exist. This is an obvious truth.

Only you can make you voluntarily do anything. This also is an obvious truth.

That all important capability shows that men and women and their wills are greater than God and his will. This is what Jesus taught. Paraphrase, the Sabbath was created for man, not man for the Sabbath. Man is to rule religion and not religion rule man.

Alan Watts - On The Book of Eli - YouTube

Only man’s will is being expressed here on earth and man need not kowtow to the man-made idols and religions we have invented.

That is the message Jesus tried to convey and that Rome corrupted because sheep are easier to control than goats.
The Sabbath was made for man. Not man for the Sabbath. We can do as we choose.

Which God do you idolize instead of stepping up yourself to recognizing that you are greater than God?

Or do you recognize that you are greater than any God?

Are you a slave to God or is God your slave the way he should be?


If a tree falls in the forest and there is no one around, does it make a sound?:eusa_whistle:
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First of all God is a She, not a He.

She is the non-God. The anti-God, if you will.

"God created" at a moment.

The rest of it evolved.
Hey H! Here's praying that Harvey continues to do well. I am curious, what makes you think God is a she? The One that knows Him best always called Him, He.

Things on earth adapt to their environment, but a monkey will never give birth to a human, nor will a jellyfish turn into a watermelon, or a mouse into a lion, no matter how much time we give them. And single celled amoebas are still single celled amoebas. There are no examples of or fossils of 2,3, or 4 celled amoebas.

And while they still exist and as we watch them reproduce, they still have never "evolved' into anything other than single celled amoebas.
And those early trilobites, did you know that even from their humble beginning, their eyes have had the most sophisticated lenses ever seen in nature? The complexity and acuity of their lenses have never been equaled. Not to mention their complex DNA from the git go.
Even Darwin didn't believe his own crap.
Nice to see you though. :)
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Well friend, I have never claimed to be Christ and I make no such claim here, now.

Christianity is not about being free of sin.

Christianity is about recognizing that you are NOT free of sin, and that there is no HOPE that you will EVER BE FREE OF SIN. And to not rationalize that because I sinned, "sin is OK", in hopes that that may help me feel better about my sad self. To humble myself before God, admit my mistakes, seek contrition in myself and to ask forgiveness for my having been weak and foolish and, recognizing that only through the grace of Christ, will I ever know fellowship with the Father.

If there were any CHANCE of living a life free of sin, God, who knows what is possible, would not have given his only begotten son, so that man shall not perish and have everlasting life.

If you truly believe that you are without sin, then you are delusional.

Now how do I know this? The Bible tells me so. And I believe it. At first I believed it purely on faith. Then as half a century of contemplation passed, I came to understand that it served reason perfectly, therefore it must be of God. (See how that works?)

Do we understand one another? You are claiming to be free of sin. Thus you're either a fool in the extreme, or you're a person animated by evil, doing their level best to draw humanity from fellowship with the Father.

I honestly don't care which one ya are. As you and your beliefs are meaningless to me, except for that which you set forward here, for my consideration.

But I would encourage you to stop reading anti-theist boilerplate and actually read the scriptures and, to do so with others who can help you better discern context. Otherwise, you're good and screwed.


I understand that you could not refute my view and decided to be a prick like your genocidal son murdering God.



Would you care to offer up for consideration, the specific element of your view, which you feel has not been refuted?

Having considered and now reviewed the discussion, I find no element of your position which remains standing.

Should you fail to respond, offering a specific example of some remaining element(s) of your point of view, which you erroneously feel has gone unanswered, I will reasonably conclude that the post to which I am responding here, is an attempt on your part to deceive, through fraudulent means, in a feckless attempt to influence the reader who, having turned to the last page, landing here on this post, would be ignorant of the details of our discussion and as a result, your subsequent failure to sustain your reasoning, and that your subsequent failure to respond is your default admission that you have no remaining points of view which are capable of withstanding soundly reasoned scrutiny.

What did you say?

Yet your God keeps creating us ill while demanding we be well.
You keep referring to God in the second person as your God, while attributing your own concept of God to others. The God of one's understanding is entirely subjective. Your 'image'(ination) or concept of God, judging from the ongoing threads you post, is that of an angry murderous invisible sky god, a prick, a dick, etc. etc. all the expletives you repeatedly recycle and regurgitate. This is not how most Christians perceive God. Your image of God is your own.

God is a concept of mind. Man is not a slave to God but is enslaved to the ideology of God. I totally agree with your statement, 'without mankind to recognize the idea of a God, god would not exist'. As such, God is a delusion...not a real entity...and your question as to whether one is a slave to God is contradictory/redundant and your constant trashing of a non-existent god is delusional.
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Yet your God keeps creating us ill while demanding we be well.
You keep referring to God in the second person as your God, while attributing your own concept of God to others. The God of one's understanding is entirely subjective. Your 'image'(ination) or concept of God, judging from the ongoing threads you post, is that of an angry murderous invisible sky god, a prick, a dick, etc. etc. all the expletives you repeatedly recycle and regurgitate. This is not how most Christians perceive God. Your image of God is your own.

God is a concept of mind. Man is not a slave to God but is enslaved to the ideology of God. I totally agree with your statement, 'without mankind to recognize the idea of a God, god would not exist'. As such, God is a delusion...not a real entity...and your question as to whether one is a slave to God is contradictory/redundant and your constant trashing of a non-existent god is delusional.


Or I have a worthy target for well placed hate. I was quite old when I learned to hate and I need to make up for it.

It is my view that all right wing literalists and fundamentals hurt all of us who are moral religionists, --- as well as those who do not believe. Literalists hurt their parent religions --- and everyone else, be he a believer or not. Literalists and the right wing of religions make us all into laughing stocks. Their God of talking animals, genocidal floods and retribution has got to go. So must beliefs in fantasy, miracles and magic. These are all evil.

[ame=]Religulous [part 1] - YouTube[/ame]

They also do much harm to their own.

African witches and Jesus
[ame=]In The name Of Jesus: Child Witches (1 of 2) - YouTube[/ame]

Jesus Camp 1of 3 - Jesus Camp - Part 1 (3)

Death to Gays.
[ame=]Rachel Maddow interviews David Bahati - Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]

For evil to grow my friends, all good people need do is nothing.
Fight them when you can. It is your duty to our fellow man.

If you believe God is your slave, you are bound to be painfully disappointed.

Then I will accept your fate. Not before he forces me to my knees though as compared to you dropping to slavery with a fools smile on your lips. :cuckoo:

Are you a slave to God or is God your slave the way he should be?

God, behold the only thing greater than yourself, ---- should be the caption and words in this clip.

Behold The Only Thing Greater Than Yourself - YouTube

Without mankind to recognize the idea of a God, God would not exist. This is an obvious truth.

Only you can make you voluntarily do anything. This also is an obvious truth.

That all important capability shows that men and women and their wills are greater than God and his will. This is what Jesus taught. Paraphrase, the Sabbath was created for man, not man for the Sabbath. Man is to rule religion and not religion rule man.

Alan Watts - On The Book of Eli - YouTube

Only man’s will is being expressed here on earth and man need not kowtow to the man-made idols and religions we have invented.

That is the message Jesus tried to convey and that Rome corrupted because sheep are easier to control than goats.
The Sabbath was made for man. Not man for the Sabbath. We can do as we choose.

Which God do you idolize instead of stepping up yourself to recognizing that you are greater than God?

Or do you recognize that you are greater than any God?

Are you a slave to God or is God your slave the way he should be?

Your stupidity and ignorance is an obvious truth.
Are you a slave to God or is God your slave the way he should be?

God, behold the only thing greater than yourself, ---- should be the caption and words in this clip.

Behold The Only Thing Greater Than Yourself - YouTube

Without mankind to recognize the idea of a God, God would not exist. This is an obvious truth.

Only you can make you voluntarily do anything. This also is an obvious truth.

That all important capability shows that men and women and their wills are greater than God and his will. This is what Jesus taught. Paraphrase, the Sabbath was created for man, not man for the Sabbath. Man is to rule religion and not religion rule man.

Alan Watts - On The Book of Eli - YouTube

Only man’s will is being expressed here on earth and man need not kowtow to the man-made idols and religions we have invented.

That is the message Jesus tried to convey and that Rome corrupted because sheep are easier to control than goats.
The Sabbath was made for man. Not man for the Sabbath. We can do as we choose.

Which God do you idolize instead of stepping up yourself to recognizing that you are greater than God?

Or do you recognize that you are greater than any God?

Are you a slave to God or is God your slave the way he should be?

Your stupidity and ignorance is an obvious truth.

Ah. Another Christian who knows how to refute a premise.

Thanks for showing your Christian intelligence.


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