Are you better off than you were four years ago?

Are you better off than you were four years ago?​

That question takes on a different dimension in the wake of the error of Trump. It typically refers to our own financial situations. But now it includes consideration of whether the prez is a criminal and a traitor. Whether he defends an enemy despot over our intel agencies. Whether he defrauded voters by paying hush money to a porn star to buy her silence right before the election. Whether he is an inveterate liar. Whether he is willing to orchestrate a coup to maintain power.
Specifically, how did your finances change under Trump?

And specifically, how did they suddenly change under Biden?
You didn’t answer my question
For the first time in forty years, I have zero kids to support and raise, my health issues kept me from working a full-time job from 2011 until 2022, in 2019 I was getting over one major surgery to have yet another in 2021. I have since gone back to full-time employment. If you need a president to live better then you have no hope of ever doing better.
Inflation has been terrible. It was also inevitable, given what happened: Historic inflationary stimulus/Fed intervention + decades of deficit spending + massive demand due to the stimulus + global supply chain collapse + late action by the Fed to address the resulting inflation.

Unfortunately, many are choosing not to understand what happened. Politics soils everything it touches.

So the additional massive deficit spending done by the xiden regime has nothing to do with inflation? Give me a fucking break.

So the additional massive deficit spending done by the xiden regime has nothing to do with inflation? Give me a fucking break.

I explained it clearly.

Global inflation exploded three months into Biden's term. Tell me, exactly how much new money had been spent and circulated through our economy to cause that global inflation, in three months?

Tell me. You must know.
This report says it's more than 8,400 per year.


Very dishonest article.

It starts with.. The average American is shelling out an extra $717 a month

Then later it says it is costing the average American household $717
The latter of course being the truth.

Then also, there is no link to the new analysis from the Joint Economic Committee Republicans, so we do not know if the data is actually valid or not.
I explained it clearly.

Global inflation exploded three months into Biden's term. Tell me, exactly how much new money had been spent and circulated through our economy to cause that global inflation, in three months?

Tell me. You must know.

Supply chain problems caused the initial surge in prices, then massive govt spending was just the icing on the cake, xiden continuing that over spending has just made things worse. Now 7.5 million illegals, and counting thousands more daily, competing for goods and services is making it even worse. Yeah, there's plenty of blame to go around, but continuing the massive govt spending isn't helping remedy the situation.

Very dishonest article.

It starts with.. The average American is shelling out an extra $717 a month

Then later it says it is costing the average American household $717
The latter of course being the truth.

Then also, there is no link to the new analysis from the Joint Economic Committee Republicans, so we do not know if the data is actually valid or not.

BTW dummy, you don't shell out more if thing don't cost more, duh.

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are you drunk? What the fuck was that supposed to mean?

yes things cost more, but no where near as much more as the income the wife and I have added

Ignorant fuck, both statements you highlighted are true, your little twist on semantics notwithstanding.

And good for you on the additional income, enjoy the higher taxes that go along with it.

Ignorant fuck, both statements you highlighted are true, your little twist on semantics notwithstanding.

They are not both true, they both cannot be true.

If each individual is paying $717 a month extra than a family 3.3 (the average size) would be paying $2366 extra a month.

And good for you on the additional income, enjoy the higher taxes that go along with it.

It is worth it, trust me. One would have to be total moron to make less money just to avoid paying more taxes.
If each individual is paying $717 a month extra than a family 3.3 (the average size) would be paying $2366 extra a month.

It is worth it, trust me. One would have to be total moron to make less money just to avoid paying more taxes.

Children don't pay their own way.

Shelling out money to cover that cost isn't a responsibility of the kid.


the parents shell out extra money for each kid, aka each individual in the family.

No matter how you spin it the cost cannot be the same for the average family and for an individual

If the math is too hard for you find a 4th grader to explain it to you
the parents shell out extra money for each kid, aka each individual in the family.

No matter how you spin it the cost cannot be the same for the average family and for an individual

If the math is too hard for you find a 4th grader to explain it to you

Sorry you're too ignorant to understand that a family is considered a single unit. You're semantics games are just pathetic.

Sorry you're too ignorant to understand that a family is considered a single unit. You're semantics games are just pathetic.


Yes, a family is considered a single unit, they they are called the Household

What they are not considered is an individual.
I liked the good old days of 3 years ago when almost everyone could afford it.
Alas, those days are gone.
Really, you can't afford stuff anymore, so you're Cutting Back. I see.
Are you OK but just showing your Fake Empathy for the Poor.
Really, you can't afford stuff anymore, so you're Cutting Back. I see.
Are you OK but just showing your Fake Empathy for the Poor.
Outside of the nonessential’s of Food, energy, and housing inflation is under control. I think Joes $6 gas and tripling heating bills has really helped the poor!

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