Are you curious about Trump's Taxes?

I'm curious but its not that big of an issue compared to the things I'm concerned about with Trump.
Good grief man...let it go. After you guys beat Romney over the head with his 100% legal tax returns just to score some political points, it wouldn't surprise me a bit if no one ever released their tax returns again...and you only have yourselves to blame.
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Goof grief man...let it go. After you guys beat Romney over the head with his 100% legal tax returns just to score some political points, it wouldn't surprise me a bit if no one ever released their tax returns again...and you only have yourselves to blame.

Left was pretty shameless in that regard. And the media was effective in using it to make out Romney to be some sort of robber baron. Trump was smart to not give them the opportunity.
Both Dems and Repubs should be worried about fixing the flaws in their electoral systems, which are clearly geared towards advancing crony insiders. Neither seem to be taking the opportunity to do so. Get rid of the super delegates and sh** like that and allow for the public to favor honorable "outsiders".
I hope Trump paid as little in taxes as I want to.

I had to laugh. When I read the title, I thought it was curiosity about Trump tax policy. I was thinking, yeah of course I'm curious.

Of course, no it's some idiot trying to find out what Trump paid in taxes. Good grief. What an idiot. This is like a gossipy old maid, wanting to peep in others windows to find out the next rumor.

Man, grow up. Seriously. How childish.
I hope Trump paid as little in taxes as I want to.

I had to laugh. When I read the title, I thought it was curiosity about Trump tax policy. I was thinking, yeah of course I'm curious.

Of course, no it's some idiot trying to find out what Trump paid in taxes. Good grief. What an idiot. This is like a gossipy old maid, wanting to peep in others windows to find out the next rumor.

Man, grow up. Seriously. How childish.

The left was clearly unconcerned with Hillarys' pay for play.
I've seriously never cared at all about a candidate for president's tax returns.
This is one of those issues that is a huge yawner IMO.
Why? Is it a requirement to hold office? Like a birth certificate to show age & citizenship?

If it's not required, I don't think it's anyones business.
More interesting than the taxes themselves is that he said he would do one thing and has done another.
If so, sign the petition

NO. I literally could not care any less about Donald J Trump's taxes, unless the IRS can show that he cheated on them.

Even then, I don't care about it until the IRS has conducted the proper lawsuits, Leinster, etc.... against the elitist Liberals who have owed back taxes for years without any significant pressure being applied to them.

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