Are you educated through the public education system? Just a simple answer (YES) or (NO).

Were you educated through the public education system and feel they did a good job?

  • Yes, 1 + 1 is 3 because it just feels right and the teachers didnt correct me.

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • No, 1 + 1 is 2 because it is right, and i had to learn it the right way.

    Votes: 8 66.7%

  • Total voters
I think if more female teachers would give Billy Madison type tutoring test scores would go up.

Ad Hominem Alert ^^^

BTW, common core is an educational initiative in the United States that details what K–12 students should know in English language arts and mathematics at the end of each grade.

It was once labeled "back to basics" before being politicized by the Right Wing.

Except it was not back to basics at all.

Really, what evidence do you have to support this very broad opinion? Emphasis in the schools my kids attended focused on reading, computation and writing. As early as the third grade my son's were doing book reports, silent reading periods and learning math not by rote but by application.
That's not true.
Please explain what isn't true? In my statement I had talked about a few events, which ones aren't true?

"Many don't know how to write."
I didn't say all, I said many don't know how to write, all they know how to do is thumb keys on their phones. That isn't writing but spell check and grammar check, but even those have problems at time.

Provide proof that people who text are incapable of writing on paper.
Opinion | Why Americans can’t write
It’s no secret that many Americans are lousy writers. Just ask any college professor or employer, including those at prestigious institutions. With the advent of e-mail, writing ability has become more important than ever, and writing deficiencies have become increasingly apparent.

Surely one reason so many Americans lack writing skills is that, for decades, most U.S. schools haven’t taught them. In 2011, a nationwide test found that only 24 percent of students in eighth and 12th grades were proficient in writing, and just 3 percent were advanced.
Noticed how I highlighted and underlined "MANY". Not all but many are lousy writers. How can someone be proficient at writing when machines do all their thinking?

Most colleges and universities require a Reading and Composition set of courses (English 101 & 102) for incoming freshman which are designed to provide a solid foundation in reading, writing and critical thinking. Passing them is a prerequisite for continued matriculation.
I took Latin my freshman year in HS...but there were only 6 of us in the class so they dropped it the next year and I had to start my foreign language requirements again. Still have some of it after all these decades. And yes, it was a public school...small rural district at the time.

Latin class is not the measure of intellectual achievement.

No, but it could be the gateway to learning French, Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese with relative ease.


No wonder conservatives are trying to tear it down

More empty hyper-partisanship.

I disagree. The appointment of the new Sect. of Education and the Republican effort to do away with that Dept., the attacks on Common Core, and the efforts to pack local school boards with political partisans seems to be an effort to achieve power and control over the minds and hearts of students.

No wonder conservatives are trying to tear it down

More empty hyper-partisanship. is Conservatives who want to tear down our public school educatoion. Conservatives who oppose funding higher education. conservatives cutting school budgets around the country

Disingenuous on every point, and you know it.

Show me anywhere in the country where conservatives tried to raise the education budget and liberals opposed them

Typical liberal, can't see outside the blinders. Just throwing more money has NEVER been the solution to educational issues.

But not providing the proper physical environment, guidance counseling, sufficient numbers of teachers to reduce class size, books for each student, and in some places a lack of HVAC and security, all and more handicap students and could be remedied by funding.
Yes, but I was educated in the public schools before they were destroyed by liberalism.

For example we were required to study the Constitution, American History, learn cursive, and even have a test on the Bill of Rights.

Further the 10 commandments was in every class room, and we started our class day with prayer.

Compare that to what kids learn today.
You should read this article before you go pointing fingers. You are mentioned in it.
the deliberate dumbing down of america

Anti-Intellectualism and the "Dumbing Down" of America
There is a growing and disturbing trend of anti-intellectual elitism in American culture. It’s the dismissal of science, the arts, and humanities and their replacement by entertainment, self-righteousness, ignorance, and deliberate gullibility.
Are you proud of your education, or did you seek more.
My brother went to public school and he's a VP of a fortune 500 company. He also went to MSU. Isn't that a public university?

I went to public school in the Bronx when we read Dickens and Dante.

The only purpose served by today's Public schools is to manufacture the latest generation of uneducated, uninformed, unemployable, government dependent Democrat voter. And at that they've been a phenomenal success
You should read the article. You are mentioned.

No wonder conservatives are trying to tear it down

More empty hyper-partisanship.

I disagree. The appointment of the new Sect. of Education and the Republican effort to do away with that Dept., the attacks on Common Core, and the efforts to pack local school boards with political partisans seems to be an effort to achieve power and control over the minds and hearts of students.

No wonder conservatives are trying to tear it down

More empty hyper-partisanship.

I disagree. The appointment of the new Sect. of Education and the Republican effort to do away with that Dept., the attacks on Common Core, and the efforts to pack local school boards with political partisans seems to be an effort to achieve power and control over the minds and hearts of students.

No wonder conservatives are trying to tear it down

More empty hyper-partisanship.

I disagree. The appointment of the new Sect. of Education and the Republican effort to do away with that Dept., the attacks on Common Core, and the efforts to pack local school boards with political partisans seems to be an effort to achieve power and control over the minds and hearts of students.

False premise. Proposing to change the funding, structure, and/or administration of a system that is not working up expectations does not equate to a desire to "destroy" it. One does not propose ways to improve a system one wishes to destroy.
Yes, but I was educated in the public schools before they were destroyed by liberalism.

For example we were required to study the Constitution, American History, learn cursive, and even have a test on the Bill of Rights.

Further the 10 commandments was in every class room, and we started our class day with prayer.

Compare that to what kids learn today.
You should read this article before you go pointing fingers. You are mentioned in it.
It's hard to discuss the honest truth with cons because they can't think beyond the talking points.

Truth is the difference between public and private school are the parents and kids, not the teachers.

If public school parents and kids are slackers and don't care, how is that the schools fault.

Republicans may be right. Maybe if people pay for school they tend to care more about what they are getting.

This might also discourage poor people from having kids they can't afford. Public school is free daycare for poor Americans.

I went to public school in the Bronx when we read Dickens and Dante.

The only purpose served by today's Public schools is to manufacture the latest generation of uneducated, uninformed, unemployable, government dependent Democrat voter. And at that they've been a phenomenal success
You should read the article. You are mentioned.

The Democrat Party is the only entity that benefits from "anti-Intellectualism".

The only way your brand of Fascism functions is by thriving on people who don't understand government, taxation or freedom and Liberties; you convince them that being uneducated and government dependant is a blessing.

USMB has completely demolished the notion that the Modern Left is even in the same Universe as "Intellectual"
Yes, but I was educated in the public schools before they were destroyed by liberalism.

For example we were required to study the Constitution, American History, learn cursive, and even have a test on the Bill of Rights.

Further the 10 commandments was in every class room, and we started our class day with prayer.

Compare that to what kids learn today.
You should read this article before you go pointing fingers. You are mentioned in it.
It's hard to discuss the honest truth with cons because they can't think beyond the talking points.

Truth is the difference between public and private school are the parents and kids, not the teachers.

If public school parents and kids are slackers and don't care, how is that the schools fault.

Republicans may be right. Maybe if people pay for school they tend to care more about what they are getting.

This might also discourage poor people from having kids they can't afford. Public school is free daycare for poor Americans.

What you get is the sum of what you pay for plus how much you're willing to put into it
Yes, but I was educated in the public schools before they were destroyed by liberalism.

For example we were required to study the Constitution, American History, learn cursive, and even have a test on the Bill of Rights.

Further the 10 commandments was in every class room, and we started our class day with prayer.

Compare that to what kids learn today.
You should read this article before you go pointing fingers. You are mentioned in it.
It's hard to discuss the honest truth with cons because they can't think beyond the talking points.

Truth is the difference between public and private school are the parents and kids, not the teachers.

If public school parents and kids are slackers and don't care, how is that the schools fault.

Republicans may be right. Maybe if people pay for school they tend to care more about what they are getting.

This might also discourage poor people from having kids they can't afford. Public school is free daycare for poor Americans.

What you get is the sum of what you pay for plus how much you're willing to put into it
I would love nothing more than to see parents and kids be held accountable. Maybe Betsy devos will force the truth out and we end up with a much more intelligent citizens.

Look at what public schools produce. Trump supporters. Blue collar. The poorly educated.

When we slam public schools what we are really calling out are poor white trash white parents in Kentucky Arkansas Texas Pennsylvania Michigan etc. Don't blame the schools so many of us suck.

I went to public school in the Bronx when we read Dickens and Dante.

The only purpose served by today's Public schools is to manufacture the latest generation of uneducated, uninformed, unemployable, government dependent Democrat voter. And at that they've been a phenomenal success
You should read the article. You are mentioned.

The Democrat Party is the only entity that benefits from "anti-Intellectualism".

The only way your brand of Fascism functions is by thriving on people who don't understand government, taxation or freedom and Liberties; you convince them that being uneducated and government dependant is a blessing.

USMB has completely demolished the notion that the Modern Left is even in the same Universe as "Intellectual"
Anti-intellectualism and anti-liberalism go hand in hand.

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