Are you for school choice, or do you want to brain wash other people's children?

Home school, private, public etc should always be choices. There should be a reduction in property taxes if one opts for home school.
No, parents should receive a voucher for the entire cost of a child's education. You don't just pay taxes while your kids are in school. You pay taxes your entire life.
The right isn't doing a thing to education. Progs are the ones who have been fucking it for the last 50 years.

The community can also vote for vouchers. Tough shit if you don't like it. That's my idea of true change.

Democracy sucks, doesn't it?

But as I already said in this thread if a private school takes vouchers they are going to have to take a certain percentage of kids they currently reject. Look I'm a public school teacher in favor of school choice. But maybe before we lose our ever-loving minds and burn the whole system down like "defund the police" we should take one step back.

Or not. Let it burn.
School choice of course! The Left hasn't a leg to stand on logically, to be against it. All they have is a narrative that is easily debunked.
You are right. Make the choice yourself.
But you all get the free education but simultaneously bellow about communist teachers and curriculum errors.
Send them to private schools where they bash god into them.

Dont be hypocrites. Put your money where your mouth is.
But as I already said in this thread if a private school takes vouchers they are going to have to take a certain percentage of kids they currently reject.
Says who? Have you got any proof that they are being rejected? In Wisconsin public schools rejected all the problem cases.

Look I'm a public school teacher in favor of school choice. But maybe before we lose our ever-loving minds and burn the whole system down like "defund the police" we should take one step back.

Or not. Let it burn.
I say let it burn. There's nothing there worth saving.
You are right. Make the choice yourself.
But you all get the free education but simultaneously bellow about communist teachers and curriculum errors.
Send them to private schools where they bash god into them.

Dont be hypocrites. Put your money where your mouth is.
We're taking our money with us, turd.

Tough shit if you don't like it.
The Right is doing to education what you folks did to the police.

Maybe you could tell them honestly how that REALLY worked out for you--in the real world--with crime, and politically. I am trying but they have the glassy-eyed fervor of A Cause about them.
Except that didn't happen on the whole everywhere. It was talked about. Even done in a few places. But most communities as well as most on the left...knew it was silly and impractical to begin with. And even those places that did it..are coming
to find out it wasn't a great idea. In other words, cooler heads prevailed. That's not the case with the education zealots. They will forge ahead because their beliefs aren't rooted in social justice or worry about getting shot without cause, they're rooted
in base religious belief and decades of right wing foaming at the mouth talk about how public education is the end of "free" society as we know it. They will continue to work to defund and undermine public education (as they've done for decades).

See the difference? One side sees it's a bad idea and gives it up. The other? Doubles down. :)
Without being yelled at and being called a Moron, how about you adresss the feasibility

You have asked why it is not feasible and posters have tried to explain

3 schools. A,B ,C

50% of parents want to use their vouchers from both A and C, and they choose to send them to B. B has no parents wishing to choose a different school.

Can you answer how you believe this ^^^^^ is feasible?
I don't follow your argument. What does it mean to use their vouchers from A and C? You don't get vouchers from a school. You get them from the government and then use them at the school you choose. If none of the parents choose B, then it goes out of business. Where's the problem?
Did you think that through
Dumbest idea typed today.
That sounds like a great idea to me.

No, they want the tax dollars they pay for their children's education to go to the school they choose to send their children to.
And people make that choice when they buy property.

Why should the money be tied to my property? When I buy a car, the ones I can buy don't depend on where I live.
Except that didn't happen on the whole everywhere. It was talked about. Even done in a few places. But most communities as well as most on the left...knew it was silly and impractical to begin with. And even those places that did it..are coming
to find out it wasn't a great idea. In other words, cooler heads prevailed. That's not the case with the education zealots. They will forge ahead because their beliefs aren't rooted in social justice or worry about getting shot without cause, they're rooted
in base religious belief and decades of right wing foaming at the mouth talk about how public education is the end of "free" society as we know it. They will continue to work to defund and undermine public education (as they've done for decades).

See the difference? One side sees it's a bad idea and gives it up. The other? Doubles down. :)
The idea has never really been tried because the education lobby won't allow it. Whenever a voucher proposal gets on the ballot, the outspend the supporters by 10-1. They don't want a voucher demonstration to ever get approved because the inferiority of government schools will become obvious.
Never heard of it. Is that really supposed to be a response to my post?
Quite the opposite. It was about inner city kids trying to get out of their local hellhole schools into magnet schools at either inner city Chicago or NYC I forget. Your note on urban sprayed that in my head.
Good but ill bet there will be nothing to prove anything changes. You are a liars and love socialism
Well, that is certainly a great argument against vouchers . . . . NOT!

Are implying that vouchers are socialism, but government schools are not?
How is it a subsidy if you’re using your own tax money for education?

If you are a parent, what you are paying in doesn't cover what you are getting out, unless you own a mansion and only have one kid. That's why they need to tax everyone to support the schools.

I have no problem supporting public schools, but you ask me to violate the separation of Church and State to subsidize religious schools, I'm going to have an issue.
When Wisconsin was considering a school choice option it came to light that the Milwaukee public schools sent all their problem students to private schools to make their stats look better. Reality is just the opposite of what dumbass progs like you believe.

I'd ask if you had a link to that, but I know you don't.

The real problem with the Milwaukee program was that a bunch of fly-by nighters came in and set up schools, 41% of which failed to meet even the low standards of the public schools.

Examining data for every private school that participated in the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program (MPCP) between years 1991 and 2015, analysts find that 41 percent of the 247 schools that participated for at least one year failed—meaning that they were terminated via regulatory action or else voluntarily shut their doors. Another 11 percent either merged with another school or converted to a charter school. The analysis includes information on both the likelihood of leaving the program and the risk of failing.

Start-up voucher schools and those unaffiliated with a religious institution have comparatively higher risks of failure over time. Simply being a start-up increases the risk of failure by 332 percent, and the risk of leaving MPCP for any reason increases it by about 218 percent. (The average time to reach failure for a failed start-up is 4.3 years, compared to 8.7 for existing schools.) On average, start-up MPCP schools enroll 90 percent of their students via vouchers.
I don't follow your argument. What does it mean to use their vouchers from A and C? You don't get vouchers from a school. You get them from the government and then use them at the school you choose. If none of the parents choose B, then it goes out of business. Where's the problem?
How about you discuss the situation without name calling.

School A, B , C are all rural schools that each have let’s say 3,000 students each and each school district has Elementary, MS and HS. And each school is full to capacity.

If 50% of the students in District A and 50% of the students from District C want to take there voucher to School B, which is already full.

How is that gonna work, logistically?
They want the government to pay for their privilege of sending their children to the schools they choose.
Well, their tax dollars are going to be spent somewhere, is it so bad that people want to be able to, who have the option, choose where their kids and those dollars go?

I mean, really, this probably won't affect that many people anyway as the number of people who live near only 1 school is probably significant, and, of those that have more than one school nearby, most of them probably won't want to drive their kids to school unless it's on the way to work.

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