Are you for school choice, or do you want to brain wash other people's children?

Actually, I am a product of parochial Schools.

And I think School Choice is an awful idea, because it will end up taking money out of the public schools and subsidizing people who are already sending their kids to private schools.

Here's the thing. Because my parents were paying to have the nuns and priests torture me for 12 years, they were actually committed to me doing my homework and making progress.

You can't give an uncommitted parent a voucher and expect that they will suddenly become involved.
Why do you demand that low and middle-income workers cannot have the same choice of where their kids go to school as upper-income workers?

If the child is not going to the government school, why should they get taxpayer money for NOT educating a student?
Why do you demand that low and middle-income workers cannot have the same choice of where their kids go to school as upper-income workers?

If the child is not going to the government school, why should they get taxpayer money for NOT educating a student?
Because it is a pillar of society that all property owners fund, for lack of a better idea to fund it.

Nobody is happy with the destination of every tax dollar. Some are not so stupid as to go after public education, in this regard.

And many just ARE that stupid, with roughly 99% of them (you) knowing less than nothing about public schools, save for what their favorite white wing dumbass spoonfeeds to them.
I'm not a fan of charter schools. I think they detract from needed resources elsewhere.

The thing is, you can build more cars, you can't "build" more teachers.

Now, as I said, I was a product of parochial schools. But there's more. My late mother was an art teacher at the school I went to. My sister works as an office administrator at a Catholic Parish. My niece was a teacher for a time, but she quickly got burned out.

The parochial schools pay A LOT LESS than unionized public school teachers. Most of the people who work there do so because they are committed to that religion. You can't create more of those people.

The problem with private enterprise schools is that their first goal will be making profits for their investors, NOT educating kids. This will lead to all sorts of cost cutting, depending on what state and federal mandates they can get exempted from.

Milwaukee's attempt to impose school choice is telling. 25% of the kids did better than a public school, 25% did worse, and 50% did about the same. On balance, no real improvement.

Where I live, private school teachers are paid more than public schools, plus they get to teach.

Why should the kids who want to learn to be held back by other kids with disciplinary problems? Bring back reform schools.

Please show us your reliable source and working links supporting your allegation that 25% of students going to a private school did worse than in a government school.
Did you think that through
Dumbest idea typed today.

No, they want the tax dollars they pay for their children's education to go to the school they choose to send their children to.
And people make that choice when they buy property.
Closing all public schools ASAP is how we end the madness.
Simple answers for simple, binary minds. Sad what the right wing has brought this country to. They've weaponized the word "woke". Now it's "grooming". When nothing of the sort goes on. It's just another excuse to knock the legs out from underneath public education. What does "school choice" even mean to you shallow thinkers? Lots of people don't have a "choice" of where to go to school. I know what's behind the OP's post. I'm just waiting to see if someone will utter the quiet part out loud.
Liberalism has been exposed. Now time to destroy it.
I'm sure there are, and if you want to discuss them, that's fine, bit, this post is in context of public schools, and what the teachers are telling the students. It's my view that a teachers personal life and politics have no business being in the classroom. Yet, we are seeing stories pop up of teachers who are trying to do just that.

So, if the original context of this post is that nothing is going on "behind closed doors", then you should have no problem with parents being able to police that.
Where are those "stories"?
Why do you demand that low and middle-income workers cannot have the same choice of where their kids go to school as upper-income workers?

If the child is not going to the government school, why should they get taxpayer money for NOT educating a student?
So...getting a boutique education with someone else paying for it?
School choice means getting credit for your school tax dollars to be credited toward a real education for your children instead of being indoctrinated by the teacher's unions in the holding pens called public schools. Without school choice we pay school taxes AND pay very expensive tuition. That is simply unfair.

A public school in small town South Dakota is preferable to a private school in San Francisco.

Believe that.

Where I live, private school teachers are paid more than public schools, plus they get to teach.

Why should the kids who want to learn to be held back by other kids with disciplinary problems? Bring back reform schools.

Please show us your reliable source and working links supporting your allegation that 25% of students going to a private school did worse than in a government school.
My brother's kids were home schooled and are doing great.

Where I live, private school teachers are paid more than public schools, plus they get to teach.

Why should the kids who want to learn to be held back by other kids with disciplinary problems? Bring back reform schools.

Please show us your reliable source and working links supporting your allegation that 25% of students going to a private school did worse than in a government school.

I'm a public school teacher who is in favor of school choice. Here's the thing though. If a private school takes federal dollars they are going to have to live with federal rules. That means taking ALL THE CHILDREN--and then your private schools might not look how they did before. And then you might learn that not *everything* is the fault of the teachers.

So private schools will need to pick their poison: take vouchers and take difficult schools or remain entirely private.
Simple answers for simple, binary minds. Sad what the right wing has brought this country to. They've weaponized the word "woke". Now it's "grooming". When nothing of the sort goes on. It's just another excuse to knock the legs out from underneath public education. What does "school choice" even mean to you shallow thinkers? Lots of people don't have a "choice" of where to go to school. I know what's behind the OP's post. I'm just waiting to see if someone will utter the quiet part out loud.

The Right is doing to education what you folks did to the police.

Maybe you could tell them honestly how that REALLY worked out for you--in the real world--with crime, and politically. I am trying but they have the glassy-eyed fervor of A Cause about them.
The federal school system needs to go. That way the states can decide on what is taught.

Agreed. Local govt 100%. State and then truly at the local level--local school board. Then you have "public" schools but the "public" are your true neighbors--people you see out walking, in the grocery stores, etc. Then if some San Fran school wants to teach all the gender stuff that's a shock and a terrible shame for those children, but the parents chose it. Your community can teach YOUR children as you see it. And if you don't like it, change it! Run for office. Etc.

This is the best situation and how it's supposed to work.

ETA: and then your community attracts the teachers whose viewpoints align with theirs. Believe me, I interviewed and found jobs in three different districts in my nearly 30 years of teaching. I turned down job offers in places whose views did not align with mine.
They need to move to another country. Everyone pays for schools.
You need to move to another country. No law says we have to do it your way. Only insolent progs like you say parents can't take their school money with them.

You're just a shill for the teacher's union, or perhaps you're a teacher yourself.
The Right is doing to education what you folks did to the police.

Maybe you could tell them honestly how that REALLY worked out for you--in the real world--with crime, and politically. I am trying but they have the glassy-eyed fervor of A Cause about them.
The right isn't doing a thing to education. Progs are the ones who have been fucking it for the last 50 years.
Agreed. Local govt 100%. State and then truly at the local level--local school board. Then you have "public" schools but the "public" are your true neighbors--people you see out walking, in the grocery stores, etc. Then if some San Fran school wants to teach all the gender stuff that's a shock and a terrible shame for those children, but the parents chose it. Your community can teach YOUR children as you see it. And if you don't like it, change it! Run for office. Etc.

This is the best situation and how it's supposed to work.

ETA: and then your community attracts the teachers whose viewpoints align with theirs. Believe me, I interviewed and found jobs in three different districts in my nearly 30 years of teaching. I turned down job offers in places whose views did not align with mine.
The community can also vote for vouchers. Tough shit if you don't like it. That's my idea of true change.

Democracy sucks, doesn't it?

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