Are You Happy To Pay Current Prices For Goods & Services?

Few complained when the government pumped billions of $$ into the economy to bail out those that "needed" it during the pandemic.
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Wrong again

Those workers are telling employers to go fuk themselves
Until employers start paying reasonable wages and treat employees with respect, they can remain closed
I don't see a lot of places closed up for lack of help so when those people get hungry enough they'll come apply.
I really don't get how you can constantly post blatant partisan bullshit like this and then look yourself in the mirror. I guess if takes certain amount of intelligence to have shame.

Trump IN FACT signed unemployment benefits extensions along with trillions of other Covid stimulus.

Which tapered off rapidly as the vaccines came out and businesses started to reopen.
Few complained when the government pumped billions of $$ into the economy to bail out those that "needed" it during the pandemic.

Find me the person(s) that are actually unhappy getting money they never worked for. Money is money, but free money is the best.
I don't see a lot of places closed up for lack of help so when those people get hungry enough they'll come apply.
But they won’t be getting hungry. The government is handing out such a generous allotment of food stamps that some families are eating better than when they had to earn money to eat for themselves. Add in Medicaid, rent subsidies, and long periods of unemployment compensation, and people are in no hurry to work.

That‘s the problem. The Dems are removing the incentive - the necessity - to get a job.
Which tapered off rapidly as the vaccines came out and businesses started to reopen.
We need to go back to 13 weeks of unemployment. Where I live, there are long lines everywhere because businesses can‘t get workers - even at $18 an hour for running items through a scanner. There’s no excuse for people to be on unemployment for six months while jobs go begging.
I don't see a lot of places closed up for lack of help so when those people get hungry enough they'll come apply.

What I see are more places being open for limited hours and closing one or two days a week

Also, staffing is severely limited. I was in Home Depot the other day where I used to constantly be pestered in every department asking if I needed help
I had a question and couldn’t find a single associate
Which tapered off rapidly as the vaccines came out and businesses started to reopen.

Horsecrap. People used that money to buy up things and deplete inventories that down the line could not get refilled fast enough to keep up with the demand.

3 Trillion doesn't just "taper off" into nowhere.
What I see are more places being open for limited hours and closing one or two days a week

Also, staffing is severely limited. I was in Home Depot the other day where I used to constantly be pestered in every department asking if I needed help
I had a question and couldn’t find a single associate
That’s because the government is giving people so much free money that nobody has to take a job, even unskilled ones who have raised their rates to $18 an hour.

I went into Panera, yesterday at 10:00 a.m., and on a Sunday morning when they know they have crowds, they had only one person taking orders. The line went out the door. High school graduates now won’t take a job that doesn’t pay $50,000 a year - except for people who have pride and don’t want to be on the government dole.

It‘s so bad that a family man with no education will turn down a basic job overpaying him even at $60k. That’s because they calculate that they will lose their subsidized rent, food stamps, Medicaid, and even have to start paying for their own cell phones, and figure that an extra $10k isn’t worth it once you factor in overpriced gas.

The Democrats are collapsing the economy and moving as many people onto government assistance as they can.
Think about it. Food for thought. If tomorrow inflation miraculously collapsed to a 0% annual rate, you would still be paying the same prices as you are paying today for goods and services. Would you be happy with that? Would you congratulate Democrats for getting us to the point where we would continue paying today's prices for everything? Both the administration and the media would be telling us what a great job they did. And, that's not even a plausible scenario. Inflation is not going to come in at 0%. So, realistically, the best they could probably achieve is an inflation rate of between 2% and 4%. So, would you be happy if you had to pay 2% to 4% more for goods and services than you are paying today?

Thanks Joe . ....
81 million ? Just no way ...
Think about it. Food for thought. If tomorrow inflation miraculously collapsed to a 0% annual rate, you would still be paying the same prices as you are paying today for goods and services. Would you be happy with that? Would you congratulate Democrats for getting us to the point where we would continue paying today's prices for everything? Both the administration and the media would be telling us what a great job they did. And, that's not even a plausible scenario. Inflation is not going to come in at 0%. So, realistically, the best they could probably achieve is an inflation rate of between 2% and 4%. So, would you be happy if you had to pay 2% to 4% more for goods and services than you are paying today?
Yeah, this is what I want to know. When the Biden Administration now says that inflation will be under control by the end of the year, does he mean prices will continue to rise and then be stuck there, only inching up slowly with the highly inflated new prices as the benchmark?

Americans cannot afford to buy groceries or fill their gas tanks without government assistance as it is. Is the idea to keep hiking prices until the majority of voters are on supplemental government help (which would. Ironically, drive Inflation even higher) and thus be forced to vote for the party who is handing out more crumbs?
What I see are more places being open for limited hours and closing one or two days a week

Also, staffing is severely limited. I was in Home Depot the other day where I used to constantly be pestered in every department asking if I needed help
I had a question and couldn’t find a single associate

That has little to do with covid. It was going on before we knew what it was, at least over here.

Home Depot got rid of their professionals; retired plumbers, carpenters, remodelers and so on. They hired low wage workers who don't know a thing about the products in the store. Like any other lower wage job, they go through a lot of employees.

Yesterday I was replacing a toilet. The flange was broken so my tenant went to Home Depot and I told him to get a flange repair kit. The guy at Home Depot never heard of it before. I ended up going to our local hardware store and picking one up. The first few years after they opened up, you got to talk with a retired plumber or a plumber that just wanted to do something different. He would have known exactly what my tenant was talking about.
We need to go back to 13 weeks of unemployment. Where I live, there are long lines everywhere because businesses can‘t get workers - even at $18 an hour for running items through a scanner. There’s no excuse for people to be on unemployment for six months while jobs go begging.

I was on unemployment once in my life. I stayed on it for six months to get even with my former employer who said he fired me instead of being honest and just telling unemployment he lost his largest customer (the VA) and had to reduce staff. He did that with every employee he got rid of.

Back then unemployment barely paid enough for you to live off of. A friend of mine and I used to pitch in for lottery tickets. Nothing much, just five bucks each. I stopped playing because I was no longer working and needed the money for better things. As my luck always is, he continued to play and hit for 4 million.
That has little to do with covid. It was going on before we knew what it was, at least over here.

Home Depot got rid of their professionals; retired plumbers, carpenters, remodelers and so on. They hired low wage workers who don't know a thing about the products in the store. Like any other lower wage job, they go through a lot of employees.

Yesterday I was replacing a toilet. The flange was broken so my tenant went to Home Depot and I told him to get a flange repair kit. The guy at Home Depot never heard of it before. I ended up going to our local hardware store and picking one up. The first few years after they opened up, you got to talk with a retired plumber or a plumber that just wanted to do something different. He would have known exactly what my tenant was talking about.
Yes, this is what happening. I went to Best Buy to buy something, and when I questioned the sales associate about some specifics - I had read about it online, but it didn’t address mt specific question - all HE did was to go online to the same page I did, scan it for the answer, not find it of course, and then say to me “my guess is that it would.”

There are no knowledgeable employees anymore. The government is paying people SO much that many decide not to work at all, and companies are hiring people with no experience. I’ve seen ads for all sorts of jobs - including computer programming - that say “no experience needed; we will train.”

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