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He wanted the stimulus, not the unemployment extension.

Nothing in there about him wanting less UE time.

Just this....Trump said he wants Congress to increase the amount in the stimulus checks to $2,000 for individuals or $4,000 for couples, instead of the “ridiculously low” $600 for individuals that is in the bill.

We really need to clamp down on all the redistribution. Between food stamps, Medicaid, rent subsidies, and unemployment ”pay,”, nobody wants to work anymore.….even low-skilled jobs paying close to $20 an hour.

And the people who choose to stay on the dole feel no shame in it, when there are millions of jobs going begging.
We really need to clamp down on all the redistribution. Between food stamps, Medicaid, rent subsidies, and unemployment ”pay,”, nobody wants to work anymore.….even low-skilled jobs paying close to $20 an hour.

And the people who choose to stay on the dole feel no shame in it, when there are millions of jobs going begging.

Two major problems in this country: first one is parents allowing, and even encouraging their kids to live with them into their 20's, 30's 40's and even longer. Problem two is the drug situation. The shipper at one of my former customers used to ask me if I knew anybody looking for a job. I asked why his company doesn't advertise? He told me they do. They get everybody together in the cafeteria when employees are not using it. The HR person starts off the seminar in the room of about 20 people explaining their random drug test policy, and if anybody in the room can't pass, they are wasting their time with the rest of the seminar. He said on average 16 to 18 people get up and leave the room.
We really need to clamp down on all the redistribution. Between food stamps, Medicaid, rent subsidies, and unemployment ”pay,”, nobody wants to work anymore.….even low-skilled jobs paying close to $20 an hour.

And the people who choose to stay on the dole feel no shame in it, when there are millions of jobs going begging.
We have 3.6 percent unemployment

Obviously people are working. They just don‘t want to work low wage jobs.

Time to start treating your workers better
We have 3.6 percent unemployment

Obviously people are working. They just don‘t want to work low wage jobs.

Time to start treating your workers better
That doesn’t mean they’re working. That just shows that very few people who WANT work can’t find it. The problem is the government test-suckers don’t want to look for work. Too much money Is being redistributed their way.

Time to stop giving people the equivalent of a $50,000 salary.
That doesn’t mean they’re working. That just shows that very few people who WANT work can’t find it. The problem is the government test-suckers don’t want to look for work. Too much money Is being redistributed their way.

People are working and salaries are increasing

Those who insist on enforcing the old wage and benefit rates are hurting for employees

Sucks being them
Considering the entire world has inflation I guess you guys should bitch about their leadership also.

Inflation Global

But since late 2020, the global inflation rate has risen sharply to over 6 percent due to unprecedented policy support for inflation, the release of pent-up demand, persistent supply disruptions, and surging commodity prices.Apr 5, 2022

Is high inflation here to stay? - Brookings​ › blog › 2022/04/05 › is-high...

Search for: Inflation Global

Considering the entire world has Covid I guess you guys( especially your media wing) should bitch about their leadership also.
People are working and salaries are increasing

Those who insist on enforcing the old wage and benefit rates are hurting for employees

Sucks being them
Nothing to do with wages. People are getting the equivalent of a $50,000 salary via government handouts. You think Walmart needs to pay the people stocking shelves or MACYs needs to lay their cashiers $50,000 a year?

Those are jobs that require a high school diploma and no experience. So what happens to the college grad with a B.S. in Accounting who gets a job paying $65,000 - just a bit over the high school grad running items through a scanner? Do we need to raise his pay to $80k?

So then what about the Accounting Suoervisor, who was earning $90k? Does he now get $110k?

And so and and so on, up the ladder, until compensation costs are so crippling that prices are increased even MORE (as if inflation isn’t bad enough as it is) or they are all driven out of business.

What are we left with? A few gigantic corporations, beholden to the government, and everything else “governmentalized.” A disaster! They couldn’t even put together a website after four years to prepare!

P.S. you were a fed. You are CLUELESS about balance sheets and economics.
Then it's up to each individual to make themselves worth more than low wage jobs offer.
Wrong again

Those workers are telling employers to go fuk themselves
Until employers start paying reasonable wages and treat employees with respect, they can remain closed
Wrong again

Those workers are telling employers to go fuk themselves
Until employers start paying reasonable wages and treat employees with respect, they can remain closed
Oh please….you worked for the government, where they can overpay mediocre workers because there’s no pressure to make a profit, or even operate without a loss. Just raise taxes.

That‘s not the real world.
Wrong again

Those workers are telling employers to go fuk themselves
Until employers start paying reasonable wages and treat employees with respect, they can remain closed

It's not up to an employer to make somebody worth X amount of money, it's up to the individual to do that. Correct, employees are telling employers to F themselves, in turn employers had to increase wages. Now we have the worst inflation in 40 years. Congrats, you got exactly what you wanted. But don't complain when voters express their anger at the voting booth this November.
It's not up to an employer to make somebody worth X amount of money, it's up to the individual to do that. Correct, employees are telling employers to F themselves, in turn employers had to increase wages. Now we have the worst inflation in 40 years. Congrats, you got exactly what you wanted. But don't complain when voters express their anger at the voting booth this November.

He won't grasp it
It's not up to an employer to make somebody worth X amount of money, it's up to the individual to do that. Correct, employees are telling employers to F themselves, in turn employers had to increase wages. Now we have the worst inflation in 40 years. Congrats, you got exactly what you wanted. But don't complain when voters express their anger at the voting booth this November.
And the reason employees can afford to tell employees to F themselves is because they know that, without a job, they will get rent subsidies, food stamps, free health care, free cell phone service, extended unemployment compensation, and so forth.

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