Are You Happy To Pay Current Prices For Goods & Services?

Think about it. Food for thought. If tomorrow inflation miraculously collapsed to a 0% annual rate, you would still be paying the same prices as you are paying today for goods and services. Would you be happy with that? Would you congratulate Democrats for getting us to the point where we would continue paying today's prices for everything? Both the administration and the media would be telling us what a great job they did. And, that's not even a plausible scenario. Inflation is not going to come in at 0%. So, realistically, the best they could probably achieve is an inflation rate of between 2% and 4%. So, would you be happy if you had to pay 2% to 4% more for goods and services than you are paying today?

What is it with rightwingers and constant day dreaming?

Economic problems are what they are and they don't get wished away.
It's funny because of what happened to my neighbor last week. Our birthdays are pretty close and we both needed our new license plate tags. For mine it was $65.00. For hers it was $165.00 and she is pissed. I told her that's what they have to charge when you own a hybrid vehicle because you are paying less road taxes since you're using less gasoline to travel. She said F that. She's putting it up for sale next week.

Your neighbor is a dumb fuck then. She will spend an extra hundred buck on gasoline in just a couple of months and then still have to buy more of it the rest of the year.

People are so fucking stupid
What is it with rightwingers and constant day dreaming?

Economic problems are what they are and they don't get wished away.
LOL. Yeah, I can picture you saying that same thing and defending Trump if Trump were still president. NOT.
Your neighbor is a dumb fuck then. She will spend an extra hundred buck on gasoline in just a couple of months and then still have to buy more of it the rest of the year.

People are so fucking stupid
You Progs are making nothing but excuses up. You blistered Trump and his family, Even the youngest child. The press conferences were nothing but attack dogs from day 1. Most were there to destroy his administration. You had all the answers. You told us. You being the Progs. There are people now being forced out of apartments because of price increases. There are people on fixed incomes and elderly in this group. You...the Progs lied.
People got EXACTLY what they voted for...
Maybe thy won't be as stupid in November and in 2024...
To be fair Dems LIE through their teeth to the people then knife the people in the back after the elections. Thank God president Trump gave the people something to contrast to these shit Dem policies. Things were great under Trump vs this Dem shit show. Hopefully that will cut through the Dem's lies in the next couple of elections.
Not sure what you’re talking about. They just raised food stamp amounts due to inflation, and the amount is quite generous.
SNAP used to cover 70 percent of family food costs. They've raised it to cover 100 percent, so it's no longer "supplemental" but complete.
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What economic problem got voted away by electing Trump?

We really didn't have any major economic problems like we do today. But Trump lowered our taxes, got rid of commie care fines, and we hit a new record in median household income.

IMO the economy wasn't what got Trump elected at the time, it was our porous border and his promise to stop the illegals from entering our country.
Your neighbor is a dumb fuck then. She will spend an extra hundred buck on gasoline in just a couple of months and then still have to buy more of it the rest of the year.

People are so fucking stupid

What she's doing is expressing her anger. She doesn't follow politics very much and had no idea there were extra costs involved when buying such a vehicle.

It's kind of like payroll taxes. People don't really pay attention to them very much. All most people do is look at their net pay. Now if we had no payroll deductions and you were sent a bill every quarter to pay those taxes, people would be outraged at what they are actually paying.

Same thing here. These are road taxes included in gasoline, but like payroll taxes, not many consider it. it's included in the price. All people care about is paying the least amount they can for gasoline.
We really didn't have any major economic problems like we do today. But Trump lowered our taxes, got rid of commie care fines, and we hit a new record in median household income.

IMO the economy wasn't what got Trump elected at the time, it was our porous border and his promise to stop the illegals from entering our country.

Did someone drop you on your head and you lost your 2020 memories?

No major economic problems...except a historic recession? You sound out of your mind.

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