Are You Happy To Pay Current Prices For Goods & Services?

Think about it. Food for thought. If tomorrow inflation miraculously collapsed to a 0% annual rate, you would still be paying the same prices as you are paying today for goods and services. Would you be happy with that? Would you congratulate Democrats for getting us to the point where we would continue paying today's prices for everything? Both the administration and the media would be telling us what a great job they did. And, that's not even a plausible scenario. Inflation is not going to come in at 0%. So, realistically, the best they could probably achieve is an inflation rate of between 2% and 4%. So, would you be happy if you had to pay 2% to 4% more for goods and services than you are paying today?
No, I'd still not be happy. I'm also old enough to remember living through the last time we had runaway inflation back in the late 70's/early 80's and how depressing it was especially for parents to realize every paycheck they got was worth less and how it was getting harder and harder to even provide the basics for their kids.

Of course that was long before I pads and Cell phones and parents being pressure to spend a thousand dollars or more every year so their kids can have the latest, greatest, and best of everything.
Death might be better than what is coming…

If I get another chance to escape I am going!
Yep, things are pretty crazy right now. I always seem to land on my feet eventually no matter what happens though. I was in a world of shit five years ago but got things turned around. Iam not going to worry to much. What happens happens. Not much the world can throw at me I haven't seen before.
3rd world electric reliability and skyrocketing electrical prices here we come.

Our grid can't handle the current load where they hell are we going to find the extra terawatts necessary to move the country to EV's in the short term?

You know how Democrats are, worry about the problems they create later on. Their plan now is to move lowlifes into nice safe suburbs. When they turn into ghettos, worry about that later on. When they started with forced busing, people with money moved out of the city into the burbs and country, and that left only the people with no kids in the school system and people with no money, worry about it later on. If they disarm law abiding citizens, only the police and criminals will have the guns making the rest of us victims which of course will have a dramatic increase in crime, worry about that later on.
You know how Democrats are, worry about the problems they create later on. Their plan now is to move lowlifes into nice safe suburbs. When they turn into ghettos, worry about that later on. When they started with forced busing, people with money moved out of the city into the burbs and country, and that left only the people with no kids in the school system and people with no money, worry about it later on. If they disarm law abiding citizens, only the police and criminals will have the guns making the rest of us victims which of course will have a dramatic increase in crime, worry about that later on.
They aren't worried because they already have a ready made solution just waiting on justification such as the kind of crisis that would create.

Their solution will be for the gov't to take over as the provider of electricity for us all.

Take a look at how poorly that's worked out for California over the last thirty years and multiply by fifty and you'll start to get an idea of just how bad that would be for the entire country.
They aren't worried because they already have a ready made solution just waiting on justification such as the kind of crisis that would create.

Their solution will be for the gov't to take over as the provider of electricity for us all.

Take a look at how poorly that's worked out for California over the last thirty years and multiply by fifty and you'll start to get an idea of just how bad that would be for the entire country.

It's funny because of what happened to my neighbor last week. Our birthdays are pretty close and we both needed our new license plate tags. For mine it was $65.00. For hers it was $165.00 and she is pissed. I told her that's what they have to charge when you own a hybrid vehicle because you are paying less road taxes since you're using less gasoline to travel. She said F that. She's putting it up for sale next week.
Your food stamps will buy continually less each week as well and you can't ask the boss for overtime to get more of them.
The problem is the leftists will just increase the food stamp amount to people who won’t work, so they don’t fill the impact of the higher prices. It’s we self-supporting middle class who are feeling the pinch.
The problem is the leftists will just increase the food stamp amount to people who won’t work, so they don’t fill the impact of the higher prices. It’s we self-supporting middle class who are feeling the pinch.
He's going to get awfully hungry before that happens.
It's funny because of what happened to my neighbor last week. Our birthdays are pretty close and we both needed our new license plate tags. For mine it was $65.00. For hers it was $165.00 and she is pissed. I told her that's what they have to charge when you own a hybrid vehicle because you are paying less road taxes since you're using less gasoline to travel. She said F that. She's putting it up for sale next week.
That's something that hasn't even addressed at all at the federal level which will have to be. There were proposals of and on for the last few decades about making people pay based not on how much fuel they use, because with ever more efficient cars the fuel taxes were less and less effective, to a system where you are taxed for every mile driven.

Of course that'll require a huge expansion of the bureaucracy to handle accounting and billing so it's a perfect solution for democrats.
No, I'd still not be happy. I'm also old enough to remember living through the last time we had runaway inflation back in the late 70's/early 80's and how depressing it was especially for parents to realize every paycheck they got was worth less and how it was getting harder and harder to even provide the basics for their kids.

Of course that was long before I pads and Cell phones and parents being pressure to spend a thousand dollars or more every year so their kids can have the latest, greatest, and best of everything.
Well, since Democrats recently took over, paychecks are paying for less and less. Rising wages aren't keeping up with rising inflation and democrats just can't figure out that they never will.
Ummmmmmmm, since the early 80's inflation has pretty much been under control. That's decades.
Inflation rates pretty well got under control by 82 but there was still high unemployment and interest rates eating holes in our savings and paychecks till around 1990.

The Misery Index is a pretty good measure of how the economy and monetary policy are affecting average Americans.

It's a good one to follow for people that don't have the time to dig through all of the different economic indicators constantly for themselves.
Well, since Democrats recently took over, paychecks are paying for less and less. Rising wages aren't keeping up with rising inflation and democrats just can't figure out that they never will.
Don't worry, it's probably going to be used as a justification for more free money to be printed and sent directly to our bank accounts before election day.

And to think buying votes used to be illegal and really frowned upon.
That's something that hasn't even addressed at all at the federal level which will have to be. There were proposals of and on for the last few decades about making people pay based not on how much fuel they use, because with ever more efficient cars the fuel taxes were less and less effective, to a system where you are taxed for every mile driven.

Of course that'll require a huge expansion of the bureaucracy to handle accounting and billing so it's a perfect solution for democrats.

Now that they are ushering all these illegals, and we will need much more land for alternative fuel, where do they expect to get all this land from? Will Rogers said it best many years ago "Buy land, God ain't making any more of it."

The cost for housing today is out of this world, so to the point many can't afford a house today. Much of that cost is the price of land. The more we use, the higher it's going to go.
Now that they are ushering all these illegals, and we will need much more land for alternative fuel, where do they expect to get all this land from? Will Rogers said it best many years ago "Buy land, God ain't making any more of it."

The cost for housing today is out of this world, so to the point many can't afford a house today. Much of that cost is the price of land. The more we use, the higher it's going to go.
I recently sold a piece of land we bought for 220.00/ac in 1990 for 6,500/ac.

That 360 ac parcel was so profitable we bought 1,500 more ac further west.

My granddad taught us the same thing.

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