Are You Happy To Pay Current Prices For Goods & Services?

Two major problems in this country: first one is parents allowing, and even encouraging their kids to live with them into their 20's, 30's 40's and even longer. Problem two is the drug situation. The shipper at one of my former customers used to ask me if I knew anybody looking for a job. I asked why his company doesn't advertise? He told me they do. They get everybody together in the cafeteria when employees are not using it. The HR person starts off the seminar in the room of about 20 people explaining their random drug test policy, and if anybody in the room can't pass, they are wasting their time with the rest of the seminar. He said on average 16 to 18 people get up and leave the room.

another reason to get rid of the stupid pot laws and quit testing for it.
Yes, this is what happening. I went to Best Buy to buy something, and when I questioned the sales associate about some specifics - I had read about it online, but it didn’t address mt specific question - all HE did was to go online to the same page I did, scan it for the answer, not find it of course, and then say to me “my guess is that it would.”

There are no knowledgeable employees anymore. The government is paying people SO much that many decide not to work at all, and companies are hiring people with no experience. I’ve seen ads for all sorts of jobs - including computer programming - that say “no experience needed; we will train.”

They kept increasing unemployment as time went on. My neighbor was out of work during the DumBama recession. He was getting about 400 a week after taxes. He stayed on unemployment for the entire two years the state and feds were offering it. When he finally ran out, he went to work for his brother in law, something he could have done at anytime during those two years.
I was on unemployment once in my life. I stayed on it for six months to get even with my former employer who said he fired me instead of being honest and just telling unemployment he lost his largest customer (the VA) and had to reduce staff. He did that with every employee he got rid of.

Back then unemployment barely paid enough for you to live off of. A friend of mine and I used to pitch in for lottery tickets. Nothing much, just five bucks each. I stopped playing because I was no longer working and needed the money for better things. As my luck always is, he continued to play and hit for 4 million.
But now people get a lot more in unemployment, and other benefits as well.

As far as staying in UE until it expires, lots of people so that. A friend of mine was laid off in late spring, and enjoyed hanging around the pool every day that summer with no effort to find a job. She said that her employment ran out in November, so she’d start looking in September - after the pool closed.

If you look at stats, there is a BIG jump in when people find new jobs the week or two before their UE runs out. Doesn’t matter how long the term. If it’s 13 weeks, they find a job in week 11 or 12. If it’s 26 weeks, they find a job in week 24 or 25.

With jobs going begging around here to the point businesses can’t staff up, there is no excuse for a term longer than 13 weeks.
ILMAO @ "Global Inflation". Sure, it was 4.35% for 2021. Here's the USA's inflation rate:

UE length by state...

Every state but these is at 26 weeks, and the Montana is at 28 weeks.

ILMAO @ "Global Inflation". Sure, it was 4.35% for 2021. Here's the USA's inflation rate:

<a href="United States - monthly inflation rate March 2021/22 | Statista" rel="nofollow"><img src="" alt="Statistic: Monthly 12-month inflation rate in the United States from March 2021 to March 2022 | Statista" style="width: 100%; height: auto !important; max-width:1000px;-ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;"/></a><br />Find more statistics at <a href="Statista - The Statistics Portal" rel="nofollow">Statista</a>
Now combine rising prices with a plummeting stock market, and people, especially retirees, are in a tough place. The only ones in my neighborhood enjoying life care-free are the ones with government pensions.
ILMAO @ "Global Inflation". Sure, it was 4.35% for 2021. Here's the USA's inflation rate:

I just checked my stocks again….not too happy. At this rate, the people who refuse to work and are getting gobs of government assistance will be buying their food at Whole Foods, and the responsible savers will be reduced to getting their meat at Walmart.

i believe the leftists were aiming to make welfare people and responsible middle class people “equal” - and they overshot.
Yeah, this is what I want to know. When the Biden Administration now says that inflation will be under control by the end of the year, does he mean prices will continue to rise and then be stuck there, only inching up slowly with the highly inflated new prices as the benchmark?

Americans cannot afford to buy groceries or fill their gas tanks without government assistance as it is. Is the idea to keep hiking prices until the majority of voters are on supplemental government help (which would. Ironically, drive Inflation even higher) and thus be forced to vote for the party who is handing out more crumbs?
That's EXACTLY what it means. IF dems get inflation "under control" that means that it will be back down in the 2% - 4% range, meaning that we will be paying today's prices plus and extra 2% - 4% every year after that. And, of course, their solution will be to raise wages in any way they can in order to keep up with inflation while businesses everywhere will have increased labor costs and have to raise their prices to combat the rising wages.
I just checked my stocks again….not too happy. At this rate, the people who refuse to work and are getting gobs of government assistance will be buying their food at Whole Foods, and the responsible savers will be reduced to getting their meat at Walmart.

i believe the leftists were aiming to make welfare people and responsible middle class people “equal” - and they overshot.

Yeah, my stuff is about 91% what is was one month ago, and the lowest its been since I started tracking it aug. last year.

High inflation
Bear market
War in Europe
China winning

You'd think we had a Democrat POTUS and congress - oh wait.
But now people get a lot more in unemployment, and other benefits as well.

As far as staying in UE until it expires, lots of people so that. A friend of mine was laid off in late spring, and enjoyed hanging around the pool every day that summer with no effort to find a job. She said that her employment ran out in November, so she’d start looking in September - after the pool closed.

If you look at stats, there is a BIG jump in when people find new jobs the week or two before their UE runs out. Doesn’t matter how long the term. If it’s 13 weeks, they find a job in week 11 or 12. If it’s 26 weeks, they find a job in week 24 or 25.

With jobs going begging around here to the point businesses can’t staff up, there is no excuse for a term longer than 13 weeks.

Actually it killed me to stay on unemployment that long. But I knew the longer I collected. the higher his unemployment insurance premiums would be. I was going stir crazy in less than two weeks.

When Dementia added the fed addition to unemployment, our bean counters in the state ran the numbers. Their claim is that people collecting UE were making the same income as working people with a 57K year job when all the taxes are figured in. I don't blame the people. They were doing the smart thing by not working. I blame the Democrats for encouraging people to stay home instead of work. it's part of the mess we'll be dealing with perhaps until the end of the year.
another reason to get rid of the stupid pot laws and quit testing for it.

To some point I agree but getting rid of the laws don't affect private industry.

By now I'm sure you realize this country is ran by insurance companies. It's why we have seat belt laws, a national .08 BAL to be considered drunk, and cheaper workman's compensation rates for companies that do drug screenings. If you live in Colorado that doesn't stop any company from having a drug screening policy.

As far as I'm concerned, as long as you're not intoxicated on the job, I could care less if you use fentanyl, pot, or a number of other recreational narcotics. I worked at a place where people were allowed to work intoxicated. It was no fun. I got the hell out of that place; drunks playing dodgem with tow motors. But if you smoked a joint yesterday, I have no problem working with you in the same place today.

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