Are You Happy To Pay Current Prices For Goods & Services?

Thanks to lockdowns in China.
We could have continued the process started by Trump of slowly returning manufacturing and production here. But Progs said, "We ain't doing that shit"! So now we are back to being more and more dependent on other nations with China the most growing beneficiary. And we all know OPEC is a powerhouse again as we beg them. This is what we are now. All of those mothers having to go through a wringer to get baby formula that is even overpriced.
Think about it. Food for thought. If tomorrow inflation miraculously collapsed to a 0% annual rate, you would still be paying the same prices as you are paying today for goods and services. Would you be happy with that? Would you congratulate Democrats for getting us to the point where we would continue paying today's prices for everything? Both the administration and the media would be telling us what a great job they did. And, that's not even a plausible scenario. Inflation is not going to come in at 0%. So, realistically, the best they could probably achieve is an inflation rate of between 2% and 4%. So, would you be happy if you had to pay 2% to 4% more for goods and services than you are paying today?
Blowjobs and ironing have maintained the dollar value for 15 years. I't all good, man
We had that when he was in office also.

You must be living in your own little world. We had none of that. The border was much more secure, inflation was at it's normal 2% range, gasoline was cheap and never even hit $3.00 a gallon during our most prosperous times, we were preparing to exit Afghanistan safely instead of killing 13 US solders, Putin didn't dream about pulling a stunt like Ukraine under President Trump, and hell with no vaccines and little knowledge of this new virus, we had less US covid deaths than under Dementia with three vaccines.

No matter how you slice it or dice it, our country was in fantastic shape under President Trump compared this clown show we have today. So again, what problem do we have that the Communists took responsibility for? Nothing.
Actually I don't turn my heat down. I didn't work all my life to be cold in my own home. :mad:

I did just buy a 'new' used car, for $7000. The way I figure it I saved at least $23,000 over buying a new one. That said I paid $1000 over market for the used one, but it is CHERRY! :)

I also have an ongoing program to lower my food costs. Right now they stand at $125/month. My goal is $120/month which I hope to attain within the next two weeks.

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Mabye, but that's going to be short lived once this fertilizer shortage hits this country. The only other option is to grow one hell of a garden.
inflation is the price you pay to exist, do you plan on whining your entire life?
I plan on blaming the democrats for throwing gasoline on the fire, making it far worse than it could have been. And, I'm not alone. If you look at the polls, most Americans are blaming Biden and the democrats. Their excuse of, "Putin and Trump did it" isn't being believed.
No, I'd prefer to pay 1940 prices.

Just think, in 1957 Elvis paid $102,000 for Graceland. I am paying more than 3 times that for my house being built right now that is just over 1/5 the square feet and no land but the yard.

Lets all go back to 1957 prices
Nobody forced the banks to make bad loans
It was their greed

For banks to sell off the loans they make, they must abide to F&F standards set forth by the government (HUD). Banks cared less about the security of those loans because they were going to dump them anyway. Banks like any industry compete against each other, and the housing bubble was the perfect time to capitalize on the market. Banks make their money processing the loans, not keeping them. So they needed to make the same offers as all the other banks.

If left to the financial industry alone, none of them would have made bad loans, but..........that would have left out a lot of minorities that couldn't meet the standards for prime loans. It's why they changed all the standards in the first place.

Those of us that lived through the Carter stagflation years realize that nothing lasts forever; but when you are going through it, it seems like forever.
Yet, it lasts for too many years. Just is the nature of that beast.
May the middle class live long and eventually prosper, again.
Think about it. Food for thought. If tomorrow inflation miraculously collapsed to a 0% annual rate, you would still be paying the same prices as you are paying today for goods and services. Would you be happy with that? Would you congratulate Democrats for getting us to the point where we would continue paying today's prices for everything? Both the administration and the media would be telling us what a great job they did. And, that's not even a plausible scenario. Inflation is not going to come in at 0%. So, realistically, the best they could probably achieve is an inflation rate of between 2% and 4%. So, would you be happy if you had to pay 2% to 4% more for goods and services than you are paying today?
Nope I miss the days I could get pop out the machine for a dime. Miss being that young also. Got old I guess it ibeats the alternative.

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