Are you in favor of getting rid of the filibuster once and for all?

Get rid of the filibuster

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My kneejerk response is no, because it increases the likelihood that we'll see wild swings in legislation. Good idea for a thread, though.
My kneejerk response is no, because it increases the likelihood that we'll see wild swings in legislation. Good idea for a thread, though.

Thanks. Most of my threads are shit.
Question is, will it still be 66 votes to overcome a veto?
Not me. I want it hard to pass legislation.
My first instinct is like yours I would say no. However, we both know full well if there were 50 dems in the senate last year we would have Garland on the SC right now because the dems would have used the nuke option.

Knowing that it means us sticking to those rules will only screw us because the dems won't hesitate. So I say nuke it now while we have the numbers.
Not me. I want it hard to pass legislation.
My first instinct is like yours I would say no. However, we both know full well if there were 50 dems in the senate last year we would have Garland on the SC right now because the dems would have used the nuke option.

Knowing that it means us sticking to those rules will only screw us because the dems won't hesitate. So I say nuke it now while we have the numbers.
True, but the republicans won't be in power forever. No filibuster insures more partisan legislation getting passed for years to come. But to your point maybe we have reached the point of no return
Not me. I want it hard to pass legislation.
My first instinct is like yours I would say no. However, we both know full well if there were 50 dems in the senate last year we would have Garland on the SC right now because the dems would have used the nuke option.

Knowing that it means us sticking to those rules will only screw us because the dems won't hesitate. So I say nuke it now while we have the numbers.
True, but the republicans won't be in power forever. No filibuster insures more partisan legislation getting passed for years to come. But to your point maybe we have reached the point of no return
I think we are. If we keep the 60 vote rule now it will only mean we get nothing and when the dems get the majority the first thing they will do is get rid of it and shove all of their people through. We're wasting time if we don't just blow it up now and do what we want. There's never been a better opportunity to tilt the SC back to constitutionalism and we better take full advantage of it.
I absolutely am for invoking the Reid Rule for all matters...for the sole reason that we know absolutely that the Bolsheviks will invoke it anyway just as soon as they have control of the Senate.

We may as get the benefit of it on behalf of Sane Government for as long as we can.

That's the next objective of Repubs; going back to pre-women's suffrage and slavery will be back before you know it! :badgrin:

Not me. I want it hard to pass legislation.
My first instinct is like yours I would say no. However, we both know full well if there were 50 dems in the senate last year we would have Garland on the SC right now because the dems would have used the nuke option.

Knowing that it means us sticking to those rules will only screw us because the dems won't hesitate. So I say nuke it now while we have the numbers.
True, but the republicans won't be in power forever. No filibuster insures more partisan legislation getting passed for years to come. But to your point maybe we have reached the point of no return

The point of no return is upon us. You nailed it!
Does not matter, since neither Dems nor Pubs are principled.

It's going to happen.
Get rid of it and I'll be enjoying single payer in 2021 when the democrats take back the government. ;)
I say keep the filibuster, but go back to the old rules of doing it. Someone must be talking to keep it going as in Mr. Smith goes to washington.

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