Are you liberal or conservative?

Conservative or Liberal?

  • Total voters
I didn't vote.

you only gave 2 choices.

If you can't vote, I'll vote for you.

Jack, hj, reiny, dog, ehm, orange, boiler, west, independent, there4iam, world, auld

12 people can't vote. I bet every one of them leans right. If you ask USMB Liberals, they'd say they were conservatives, or Republicans. Interchangable terms if you ask me.

So 22 conservatives have either voted or chimed in, 10 liberals proudly voted.

22 to 10. This site is overrun by conservatives just as I suspected.
55% patriotic Americans
45% useful idiots
so far.
Hey! You finally grew a pair and voted. Good for you. The first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem. LOL.

I'm still counting about 10 "patriotic" Americans who are too ashamed or stupid to know/admit they are conservatives. Those are the useful idiots. At least you and I know and admit where we stand. I can't wait for November.
If you can't vote, I'll vote for you.

Jack, hj, reiny, dog, ehm, orange, boiler, west, independent, there4iam, world, auld

12 people can't vote. I bet every one of them leans right. If you ask USMB Liberals, they'd say they were conservatives, or Republicans. Interchangable terms if you ask me.

So 22 conservatives have either voted or chimed in, 10 liberals proudly voted.

22 to 10. This site is overrun by conservatives just as I suspected.
and since they didn't vote in your silly little poll, you're going to vote for them.

how liberal of you.
Hey! You finally grew a pair and voted. Good for you. The first step in recovery is admitting you have a problem. LOL.

I'm still counting about 10 "patriotic" Americans who are too ashamed or stupid to know/admit they are conservatives. Those are the useful idiots. At least you and I know and admit where we stand. I can't wait for November.
Meh, I'll throw the troll thread a bone now and then.
I'm really opposed to whichever ideology is most trying to corral my liberty.
That used to be the conservatives, 40 years ago.
Now it's the liberal government boot-lickers.
and since they didn't vote in your silly little poll, you're going to vote for them.

how liberal of you.
I voted. I was the first to vote. I'm just saying I will add up anyone who feels like commenting but can't pick a side, and unless I know them as a fellow liberal, I'll know they are conservatives. If you voted for Trump, don't believe in global warming, stuff like that, you probably lean right. It isn't hard to figure out. I can go into your history and see what you've said.

Another thing I notice is conservatives block people from seeing their post history. Because otherwise I could go prove they were wrong by digging up their old posts. When they say "prove I said that" I can if they'll allow me to.

Labeled a NeoConservative way back in the 1970s as a teen after an article I had written titled In Defense of American Interventionism got a lot of notice. I do not 100% agree with the definition above.
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Meh, I'll throw the troll thread a bone now and then.
I'm really opposed to whichever ideology is most trying to corral my liberty.
That used to be the conservatives, 40 years ago.
Now it's the liberal government boot-lickers.

Cheney voted against Trump's positions about 7% of the time​

Already did, dipshit.

And liberal is the wrong term to use for modern leftists, they are no longer classical liberals.

They are progressives.

And Conservative is the wrong term to vote for modern righties, they are not Conservatives they are populist at best
And Conservative is the wrong term to vote for modern righties, they are not Conservatives they are populist at best

Depends on the Conservative.

Current populists want to maintain or get back what they have/had, how is that not conservative?
And Conservative is the wrong term to vote for modern righties, they are not Conservatives they are populist at best
Yea but we all know. Do you side more with Mitch or Nancy? Hillary or Donald Trump? It's really very simple. I find it fascinating so many conservatives can't get themselves to vote conservative. At least 10. Add 10 to the number of people who voted conservative. Cowards.
Depends on the Conservative.

Current populists want to maintain or get back what they have/had, how is that not conservative?

Conservative used to mean small government, more freedom, less spending, fiscal responsibility. Now it means none of those things it is just a few social issues
Depends on the Conservative.

Current populists want to maintain or get back what they have/had, how is that not conservative?
Hey you kind of made a good point. I always thought of conservatives who want to preserve the status quo. And liberals wanted to be progressive and change the status quo.

But today it's Democrats who want to conserve the environment, energy, unions, social safety nets. And it's the Republicans trying to fundamentally change the country from what us liberals have supposedly turned it into.
Yea but we all know. Do you side more with Mitch or Nancy? Hillary or Donald Trump? It's really very simple. I find it fascinating so many conservatives can't get themselves to vote conservative. At least 10. Add 10 to the number of people who voted conservative. Cowards.

Mitch and Nancy are basically the same person and have the same values.

Between Trump and Hillary I agree with about 10% each of them supports, but it is not the same 10% for each of them.
See my sig.

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