Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

At some point, the GOP nominee in 2024 will be asked about these sick, disgusting actions by GOP governors. Moderates will be paying attention to the answer. Either you "betray" the rabid-dog faction of the GOP party whose numbers are growing or you have to side with them which will help cost them the election. Politically, this is a win/win for the Democrats. Much like when you guys shut down the government.

So I assume you equally condemn Biden and his Administration dumping thousands of illegals around the Country in the dead on night?

Cornhole, you really are an idiot. :(
Wrong? Wrong> How about illegal as hell. It's called kidnapping bordering on human trafficing. What the Norther Guvs and Mayors need to do is to find at least one person that was treated this way that didn't wish it to happen and then bring charges on the Texas and Florida Governors. This is another case of you and your bunch of criminals committing felonies. and you think it's a good thing as long as it happens to the other side.
Wrong as Hell on your part!
The only "illegal" here is these people entering our country without permission or documentation, etc.

Only felonies here are those whom allow this illegal entry and human trafficing and support, encourage, and enable those foreign aliens whom do such law breaking(felonies) in the first place.

You care so much for them, how about YOU house a few dozen in your home, on your property, feed and shelter them and support them in the five year path to legal citizenship.
Here is the Dept of Homeland Security definition of human trafficking:

Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Every year, millions of men, women, and children are trafficked worldwide – including right here in the United States.

So of course you are wrong. They weren't brought for "labor or commercial sex act". They broke in to our nation--ILLEGALLY-- and consented to MV.

hmmm....most were asylum seekers who were released pending their hearing. That means their status is legal.

Consent: they were lied to to get them to board transport that did not take them where they were promised. You think that is legal? Or does it even matter to you? These are human lives you are playing with.

Moving people from place to place--with their consent--is not trafficking.
The term "consent" is highly questionable.
Ron Desantis has sent a shipment of illegals to Martha's Vineyard, and the MSM and Democrats are once again suddenly horrified, just as they were when Abbot sent them to Chicago and NYC.

I say if you talk to talk, you should walk the walk. If people in NYC/DC/Elitist northern states are going to slander border states as "racist" and "xenophobic" for not taking in illegal immigrants while being exposed to none of the negative consequences, then they should lead by example and not only accept but actively harbor illegal immigrants to show how virtuous they are.

As we've seen, northern cities have cried afoul and declared states of emergency after mere dozens of illegals are shipped to their doorstep.

Does anyone here actually think it's wrong for Republicans to call out the Democrats here and merely involve them in the process?
But the Rs shouldn't be using human beings as political pawns!


All "politics" should stay at the border, far far from places like martha's vineyard
Not even close, if you use your brain. :)

The feds do not trick them or inveigle them when sent to other states. These people sent to Martha's Vinyard, were tricked, lied to....
They can't seem to understand the difference. Or the difference between organizing it with the appropriate departments amongst the states so they aren't just literally dumped in front of a politicians house with nothing but their clothes and maybe a ziplock bag of belongings

They are treating people like cattle for political gain. It's not their first rodeo - southern conservatives pulled that stunt before attacking the "hypocrisy" of northern liberals, and with the same callous disregard of the people they were using.

So I assume you equally condemn Biden and his Administration dumping thousands of illegals around the Country in the dead on night?

Cornhole, you really are an idiot. :(
They weren't dumped. They were being moved to various government centers, mostly in day time flights and most were unattended minors. You think they should just stay massed at the overcrowded border facilities? Isn't that what you've been complaining about? Unlike the current stunts, these flights were coordinated with the relevant agencies, with places for them to go and their needs met. You do know Trump did that too right?
They are treating people like cattle for political gain

Thats what Democrats are doing by allowing them to illegally cross the border, and the DemoKKKrat party of slavery and Jim Crow is also enabling many of the girls who cross to be sold into slavery. Biden = Human Trafficking

You are your party are the evil doers on this issue. All we did was send them where your rich white liberal elitists live so they could have a taste of the democrat socialist hypocrite good life.
But the Rs shouldn't be using human beings as political pawns!


All "politics" should stay at the border, far far from places like martha's vineyard
Biden is destroying Texas and other border states. You don't seem bothered by that.
Thats what Democrats are doing by allowing them to illegally cross the border, and the DemoKKKrat party of slavery and Jim Crow is also enabling many of the girls who cross to be sold into slavery. Biden = Human Trafficking

You are your party are the evil doers on this issue. All we did was send them where your rich white liberal elitists live so they could have a taste of the democrat socialist hypocrite good life.
What you did was dump them. Without resources, contacts or preparation or protection. That's on you. Stay in Mexico - your policy - they are forced to remain in one of the most violent and lawless parts of Mexico as they wait (and of course no extra judges to speed the process) - kidnappings, rape, murder and human trafficking are rife in that region. So don't pretend you are concerned about trafficking.

Anyone who resorts to adolescent "KKK" spellings is not worth taking seriously.
So you did the same thing these people in Martha's Vineyard are doing yet you call them elitists and you cheer these people who are tricked into boarding a plane or bus that literally dumps them somewhere, with nothing.
And you cheer them being physically removed from Martha's Vineyard BY THE MILITARY.

You snooty racist prog scum are beneath loathsome.
It's no worse than commie virtue signaling, all the while lying their asses off.
View attachment 697405
I guess you're only welcome if you're a millionaire or a servant.

First of all you have to be a real sicko Moon Bat to put up a sign as disgusting woke as that.

Second of all you have to be a real Libtard hypocrite to not mean it.
Wrong as Hell on your part!
The only "illegal" here is these people entering our country without permission or documentation, etc.

Only felonies here are those whom allow this illegal entry and human trafficing and support, encourage, and enable those foreign aliens whom do such law breaking(felonies) in the first place.

You care so much for them, how about YOU house a few dozen in your home, on your property, feed and shelter them and support them in the five year path to legal citizenship.

Then why don't you have the Southern Governors line up the illegals and have the National Guard and State Police mow them down. Make sure you have the illegals in front of a deep trench where they can conveniently fall into it.

The Border has a lot of problems. Mostly, it's a shortage of courts, lawyers and judges to expedite the potential immigrants cases. At that point, we can get them either into the US or bus them back to Mexico. THAT is the way to fix the problem and it's done on the Border itself.
Never has the heartlessness of the right wing been on more vibrant display than during this sad chapter of gubenatorial publicity stunts. Everytime you guys try something like this it backfires.

Try again boot licker. DeSantis just exposed your racist virtue signaling twats for who you truly are.
Then why don't you have the Southern Governors line up the illegals and have the National Guard and State Police mow them down. Make sure you have the illegals in front of a deep trench where they can conveniently fall into it.
Its easy to see what Vrenn wants to do to trump voters

But he cant say that so he pretends to worry about illegals

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