Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

There are several listed here, but doubtless there are a few more. I love the smell of hypocrisy in the afternoon!

• They pretend they care but only want them on your doorstep, not theirs. A clear case of NIMBY. What, other far less wealthy communities can handle illegals but one of the wealthiest enclaves in America can't?

• The left used it as a photo-op. But what they did next made them look like clowns.

• It was only 50, deal with it as others are forced to deal with it. Communities all across America are forced to deal with it by Biden when he sends late-night flights all over America packed with illegals.

• It is now okay to use the military to remove illegals from our communities. What? Only wealthy Democrat enclaves can do this and call their Governor who calls up the NG to remove them? Not the message they sent to America.
New York should offer free bus transportation for homeless folk who might want to relocate to Florida where it’s nice and warm all winter.
Lets see…

Martha’sVineyard has no facilities to feed and house an influx of homeless immigrants

Maybe DeSantis should have checked that out before sending them to their doorstep
And small border towns without the money of Martha’s Vineyard are expected to handle a LOT more than 50 illegals. All you can do is spin and deflect from YOUR side’s blatant hypocrisy and racism here. They claimed they would welcome illegals, but when push came to shove, they cried about it.
There are several listed here, but doubtless there are a few more. I love the smell of hypocrisy in the afternoon!

• They pretend they care but only want them on your doorstep, not theirs. A clear case of NIMBY. What, other far less wealthy communities can handle illegals but one of the wealthiest enclaves in America can't?

• The left used it as a photo-op. But what they did next made them look like clowns.

• It was only 50, deal with it as others are forced to deal with it. Communities all across America are forced to deal with it by Biden when he sends late-night flights all over America packed with illegals.

• It is now okay to use the military to remove illegals from our communities. What? Only wealthy Democrat enclaves can do this and call their Governor who calls up the NG to remove them? Not the message they sent to America.
I guess they could have stuck them in a hotel if they were not booked or occupied. Can't see them shutting down a school to use the gym as a shelter. The State providing quarters at a National Guard training base is a pretty good solution, far better than sticking them in tents on some resort island. They get used during unexpected situations and emergencies, having lots of barracks, showers, mess halls, etc. I don't know, but doubt there is a National Guard Armory, even on Martha's Vinyard.
There are several listed here, but doubtless there are a few more. I love the smell of hypocrisy in the afternoon!

• They pretend they care but only want them on your doorstep, not theirs. A clear case of NIMBY. What, other far less wealthy communities can handle illegals but one of the wealthiest enclaves in America can't?

• The left used it as a photo-op. But what they did next made them look like clowns.

• It was only 50, deal with it as others are forced to deal with it. Communities all across America are forced to deal with it by Biden when he sends late-night flights all over America packed with illegals.

• It is now okay to use the military to remove illegals from our communities. What? Only wealthy Democrat enclaves can do this and call their Governor who calls up the NG to remove them? Not the message they sent to America.

The more that Texas, AZ and Florida send, the more the hypocrisy is exposed and the more voters from BOTH sides see this hypocrisy and realize what is at stake. There hasn't been one good argument about their own refusal to deal with the issue that has burdened Texas and others.

The GOP may count their lucky stars and owe a debt of gratitude to the southern states who keep sending the buses and planes up north because it will motivate their base while ensuring even the most hardened, loyal, passive DEM voters see these illegals in their states and ask themselves "how does the increasing of poor, unskilled workers help this country as we have to address so many challenges"?

It's was a major winning issue for Trump and it can be for GOP if they actually learn to defend their nations sovereignty.
New York should offer free bus transportation for homeless folk who might want to relocate to Florida where it’s nice and warm all winter.

Good. The alligators are hungry that time of year.

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The hypocrisy exhibited by the dems in all the blue states over the illegals is doing them a lot of damage.

Then you have Cumswalla and Little Miss Scissors Me Timbers trying to claim that the border is secure.

They done fucked-up big time as nothing they have to say on the subject is even remotely believable.
Ron Desantis has sent a shipment of illegals to Martha's Vineyard, and the MSM and Democrats are once again suddenly horrified, just as they were when Abbot sent them to Chicago and NYC.

I say if you talk to talk, you should walk the walk. If people in NYC/DC/Elitist northern states are going to slander border states as "racist" and "xenophobic" for not taking in illegal immigrants while being exposed to none of the negative consequences, then they should lead by example and not only accept but actively harbor illegal immigrants to show how virtuous they are.

As we've seen, northern cities have cried afoul and declared states of emergency after mere dozens of illegals are shipped to their doorstep.

Does anyone here actually think it's wrong for Republicans to call out the Democrats here and merely involve them in the process?
Hell, yeah. The left would bitch and gripe if we sent them back over the border so we'll just do what the left wants us to do and send them to the places where leftists are for illegals, particularly the sanctuary cities and states.
Lets see…

Martha’sVineyard has no facilities to feed and house an influx of homeless immigrants

Maybe DeSantis should have checked that out before sending them to their doorstep

Bulshit. What, do the lower-class and middle-class communities have that ability?
And small border towns without the money of Martha’s Vineyard are expected to handle a LOT more than 50 illegals. All you can do is spin and deflect from YOUR side’s blatant hypocrisy and racism here. They claimed they would welcome illegals, but when push came to shove, they cried about it.

He is one sicko. Just a demented troll.
Right, and we knew this. And we know and understand that this is why our nation is done: you would rather have indigent law breakers here than fellow Americans with whom you disagree.

You can't reconcile with that. It's over.
No one wants illegal immigrants. We want Congress to do their job and update the laws. You can't reconcile with liars.
Ahhh, the good old days when trump could separate migrant children from their parents forever if possible. His base would go wild with joy. Biden's such a wimp in comparison. Actually treats migrants like human beings.
Yup. The Republicans embraced child abuse as a method to deal with the immigration issue.
• It was only 50, deal with it as others are forced to deal with it. Communities all across America are forced to deal with it by Biden when he sends late-night flights all over America packed with illegals.

That sounds like the country having to deal with waves of criminality. Cities burned, police attacked. So on January 6th they send just a few thousand people to irk the liberals by sending them to the very symbol of the top of the privileged class. The halls of congress to see how they would react to what the rest of the country had to deal with.

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