Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

Thousands... really.... Wow.

  1. Do bad people come across the border? Sure.
  2. Should we lock them up and administer justice? Sure.

I'm not sure how sending a bunch of people to another state for a publicity stunt and for no reason addresses #1 and #2 though

Well, you're an idiot if you think that.

Well, I live in a condo in Phoenix so I'm not too concerned. As long as you guys keep highlighting your cruelty, it's a net win politically for the Democrats.
Actually your cruelty towards the 50 brown people that got a plane ride there, and you refused them. Proves a point, tell me. Are this cruel to all brown people?
Earlier it was flights. Now it's buses. I'm sure next it will be horse drawn carriages or whatever your meth addled mind dreams up. Biden was in office, we had no illegal aliens in Phonenix.

As long as this abject cruelty and inhumanity on the part of the Republicans is highlighted, politically it's a net win for democrats.
Biden has made sure illegals were relocated across America. So did DeSantis, so fuck off.
Really Sue?

He shipped them to an abandoned for winter, island, that takes A ferry to get to the rest of Massachusetts and state services and non profit charities....did he tell them that? Did he tell the refugee seekers they were being sent to an isolated island with no reasonable way to get off it and no notification to the island receiving them.

Please spare us the excuses for his lying, inhumane, and unchristianlike tactics not even fit for animals.

He sent them to Martha's Vineyard in MALICE.....

He's a creep!
I smell butthurt. :p

Hey - everything - and I do mean EVERYTHING - the libs have done against Trump has been in malice. Malicious libtards throw Molotovs at the cops in residential neighborhoods, and other malicious libtards let them go without even so much as a slap on the wrist.
I smell butthurt. :p

Hey - everything - and I do mean EVERYTHING - the libs have done against Trump has been in malice. Malicious libtards throw Molotovs at the cops in residential neighborhoods, and other malicious libtards let them go without even so much as a slap on the wrist.
But let 50 brown people into that community, cannot be tolerated.
hmmm....most were asylum seekers who were released pending their hearing. That means their status is legal.

Consent: they were lied to to get them to board transport that did not take them where they were promised. You think that is legal? Or does it even matter to you? These are human lives you are playing with.

The term "consent" is highly questionable.

Oh please.

90% of these people don't show up for their hearings.

Spare us the faux outrage.
I smell butthurt. :p

Hey - everything - and I do mean EVERYTHING - the libs have done against Trump has been in malice. Malicious libtards throw Molotovs at the cops in residential neighborhoods, and other malicious libtards let them go without even so much as a slap on the wrist.
His own DOJ investigated him and found his confederates guilty and put them in prison.... The libs didn't do it.

Sorry to burst your bubble.
I'd like our government to completely shut down the border (to immigration) until a reasonable immigration policy is put in place.

While the border is closed, round up as many illegal invaders as possible and ship their illegal asses home. That includes the "asylum seekers." Hell, all these illegal mofos are being coached to say they're seeking asylum when their illegal asses are caught.

The gov has to get us out of those asylum agreements. We're getting buried by these lying illegal assholes.

Finally, our country should make it clear that WE have the right to CHOOSE the people we allow into our country.

SHIP THE INVADERS HOME. Then keep their asses out. We need a Congress full of people who will work to do this.
Proof of what? The flights? Sure go ahead. Please show me where the flights or bus rides, just dumped people in an area, no means of support, and did so for a political purpose and nothing more.

Go against? Unlikely. Elections a re a binary thing in our nation. Right now, there is one political party available for anyone wit ha conscience....the Democratic Party.

You're talking crazy.

Right now, there is one political party available for anyone wit ha conscience....the Democratic Party.

Would that be the party that has hundreds of illegals sleeping on the streets with no food, water or bathrooms? Oh right, it is.

As long as this abject cruelty and inhumanity on the part of the Republicans is highlighted, politically it's a net win for democrats.

Hypocrisy is in the favor of Republicans. Your dementia patient is bringing them in by the millions and expecting everybody else to figure out how to deal with them. When we object, we are called heartless, anti-Christian and racists. Now the curtain has been lifted. You commies can't stand to have 50 of them for one day yet alone figure out how to feed them, clothe them, house them or educate them. Ship them to some military base somewhere and then talk about how cruel Republicans are.

You people make real Americans sick to their stomach.
What you did was dump them. Without resources, contacts or preparation or protection. That's on you. Stay in Mexico - your policy - they are forced to remain in one of the most violent and lawless parts of Mexico as they wait (and of course no extra judges to speed the process) - kidnappings, rape, murder and human trafficking are rife in that region. So don't pretend you are concerned about trafficking.

Anyone who resorts to adolescent "KKK" spellings is not worth taking seriously.

Oh please. It was Trump that created the new asylum process of applying at a US embassy in your own country. That stopped all those people from taking the deadly trip to the US border, and if you decided to do it anyway, you had to stay in Mexico, but that was a choice they made.

When Dementia brought back catch and release, they started flooding our borders once again knowing that they will be released into the general public likely never to be seen again. This encouraged more people to make the trip resulting in more deaths, more kids getting raped repeatedly, and more human trafficking.

Another Trump policy is if you were offered asylum from any other country you crossed along the way and refused it, it was automatic disqualification for US asylum.
Oh please. It was Trump that created the new asylum process of applying at a US embassy in your own country. That stopped all those people from taking the deadly trip to the US border, and if you decided to do it anyway, you had to stay in Mexico, but that was a choice they made.

When Dementia brought back catch and release, they started flooding our borders once again knowing that they will be released into the general public likely never to be seen again. This encouraged more people to make the trip resulting in more deaths, more kids getting raped repeatedly, and more human trafficking.

Another Trump policy is if you were offered asylum from any other country you crossed along the way and refused it, it was automatic disqualification for US asylum.

Thanks for your good posts

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