Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

The whole USA should imitate Martha's Vineyard!

They used the military to deport every single illegal in less than 48 hours! :thup:

Not bad huh?

If they can do it the whole nation can do it too!
They aren't. Why lie about it? So can justify using people for political stunts?
The sanctuary city nonsense was no less a political stunt and was in defiance of immigration law on top of that. And if this incidents uses people for a political stunt, so did that one.
But the Rs shouldn't be using human beings as political pawns!


All "politics" should stay at the border, far far from places like martha's vineyard
And when you say politics should stay at the border, what you really mean is that illegal immigrants should stay in the border states. Does that about sum it up?
Show you proof will you go against Biden?
Proof of what? The flights? Sure go ahead. Please show me where the flights or bus rides, just dumped people in an area, no means of support, and did so for a political purpose and nothing more.
Yes or no?
Go against? Unlikely. Elections a re a binary thing in our nation. Right now, there is one political party available for anyone wit ha conscience....the Democratic Party.
I'm taking about impeachment.
You're talking crazy.
Proof of what? The flights? Sure go ahead. Please show me where the flights or bus rides, just dumped people in an area, no means of support, and did so for a political purpose and nothing more.

Go against? Unlikely. Elections a re a binary thing in our nation. Right now, there is one political party available for anyone wit ha conscience....the Democratic Party.

You're talking crazy.
Biden has bussed illegals all across the country, but just not in your backyard. But they are coming, you wanted them so you get them. We will see how you really feel.
Proof of what? The flights? Sure go ahead. Please show me where the flights or bus rides, just dumped people in an area, no means of support, and did so for a political purpose and nothing more.

Go against? Unlikely. Elections a re a binary thing in our nation. Right now, there is one political party available for anyone wit ha conscience....the Democratic Party.

You're talking crazy.
How did illegals cross the border into Florida? Answer me that.
You do know Biden's open border policy has killed thousands?
Thousands... really.... Wow.
You freaking out about 50 being relocated to a sanctuary city?
  1. Do bad people come across the border? Sure.
  2. Should we lock them up and administer justice? Sure.

I'm not sure how sending a bunch of people to another state for a publicity stunt and for no reason addresses #1 and #2 though
They should be prepared, but no.
Well, you're an idiot if you think that.
You're hypocrites and I hope a couple bus loads gets dumped in front of your house. Let's see how open minded you are.
Well, I live in a condo in Phoenix so I'm not too concerned. As long as you guys keep highlighting your cruelty, it's a net win politically for the Democrats.
Biden has bussed illegals all across the country, but just not in your backyard.
Earlier it was flights. Now it's buses. I'm sure next it will be horse drawn carriages or whatever your meth addled mind dreams up.
But they are coming, you wanted them so you get them. We will see how you really feel. Biden was in office, we had no illegal aliens in Phonenix.

As long as this abject cruelty and inhumanity on the part of the Republicans is highlighted, politically it's a net win for democrats.
Here is an idea if these liberal elites can't live up to the standards they set with their virture signaling bull shit maybe they should keep their big mouths shut. Here is some good advice for politicans on both sides that few if any will take if you are going to talk the talk and try and take the morale high ground on an issue you better be willing to walk the walk on it.
Someone tell Ron DooShantis that Florida ain't a border state

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