Are you okay with Border States Sending Illegal Immigrants to NYC, DC, and Martha's Vineyard?

I, for one, am sick and tired of the double standards and double-speak the left now simply marinates in. I’m done with their race-obsessed hatred and manipulation. Divide to conquer works, generally on dumb people, but when you’ve controlled the education system in major cities across the country for generations you’d stopped educating and turned those schools into moron factories.
“Tormenting”? Jesus Christ, could this idiot be any more melodramatic?

These people were bussed and flown to another part of the country, that’s it. No one was kidnapped, tormented, tortured, beaten, starved, drugged, trafficked or even inconvenienced.

If you don’t agree with their actions, I get that. But what is this penchant you people have for taking the most innocuous things and making it sound like a page out of Revelations?
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“Tormenting”? Jesus Christ, could this idiot be any more melodramatic?

These people were bussed and flown to another part of the country, that’s it. No one was kidnapped, tormented, tortured, beaten, starved, drugged, trafficked or even inconvenienced.

If you don’t agree with their actions, I get that. But what is this penchant you people have for taking something where no one’s been hurt and making it sound like a page out of Revelations?

CandyCornhole is not known for her intelligence
“Tormenting”? Jesus Christ, could this idiot be any more melodramatic?

These people were bussed and flown to another part of the country, that’s it. No one was kidnapped, tormented, tortured, beaten, starved, drugged, trafficked or even inconvenienced.

If you don’t agree with their actions, I get that. But what is this penchant you people have for taking something where no one’s been hurt and making it sound like a page out of Revelations?

I guess you have this veil of ignorance you're wearing proudly.

Do you think that any of these folks who were shipped up to Martha's Vineyard spoke English very well?
Okay...are you aware that the areas they came from were likely heavily bilingual (English/Spanish)?
So there is this language barrier from the get-go. What do you think that does to someone to not be able to communicate?

Then there is the economics of it. I would imagine that they are not affluent. Martha's Vineyard is one of the most expensive places in the nation.
What do you think that does to someone who cannot afford to buy a meal and has no friends or family for support?

I know you don't care about these people. You're a trump supporter so it's a given that you have to be this disgusting, nasty, half-human scumbag that you've relished becoming most of your miserable life. If you don't agree with my assessment, I get that. But what is this penchant you have for causing misery and anguish to folks who have not harmed you in any way shape or form?
I guess you have this veil of ignorance you're wearing proudly.

Do you think that any of these folks who were shipped up to Martha's Vineyard spoke English very well?
Okay...are you aware that the areas they came from were likely heavily bilingual (English/Spanish)?
So there is this language barrier from the get-go. What do you think that does to someone to not be able to communicate?

Then there is the economics of it. I would imagine that they are not affluent. Martha's Vineyard is one of the most expensive places in the nation.
What do you think that does to someone who cannot afford to buy a meal and has no friends or family for support?

I know you don't care about these people. You're a trump supporter so it's a given that you have to be this disgusting, nasty, half-human scumbag that you've relished becoming most of your miserable life. If you don't agree with my assessment, I get that. But what is this penchant you have for causing misery and anguish to folks who have not harmed you in any way shape or form?

Ladies and gentlemen I give you one seriously brainwashed individual
I guess you have this veil of ignorance you're wearing proudly.

Do you think that any of these folks who were shipped up to Martha's Vineyard spoke English very well?
Okay...are you aware that the areas they came from were likely heavily bilingual (English/Spanish)?
So there is this language barrier from the get-go. What do you think that does to someone to not be able to communicate?

Then there is the economics of it. I would imagine that they are not affluent. Martha's Vineyard is one of the most expensive places in the nation.
What do you think that does to someone who cannot afford to buy a meal and has no friends or family for support?

I know you don't care about these people. You're a trump supporter so it's a given that you have to be this disgusting, nasty, half-human scumbag that you've relished becoming most of your miserable life. If you don't agree with my assessment, I get that. But what is this penchant you have for causing misery and anguish to folks who have not harmed you in any way shape or form?

You can't have a country with this.

It's over.
Hypocrisy is in the favor of Republicans. Your dementia patient is bringing them in by the millions and expecting everybody else to figure out how to deal with them. When we object, we are called heartless, anti-Christian and racists. Now the curtain has been lifted. You commies can't stand to have 50 of them for one day yet alone figure out how to feed them, clothe them, house them or educate them. Ship them to some military base somewhere and then talk about how cruel Republicans are.

You people make real Americans sick to their stomach.

As long as these illegals disappear into Americas poorest neighborhoods, they're happy as clams. What are the poors to them, after all?
I know you don't care about these people. You're a trump supporter so it's a given that you have to be this disgusting, nasty, half-human scumbag that you've relished becoming most of your miserable life. If you don't agree with my assessment, I get that. But what is this penchant you have for causing misery and anguish to folks who have not harmed you in any way shape or form?
I (and probably all of us) know the point they're trying to make here. I do get it. I agree with parts of it. But sometimes we have to find a bottom to our behaviors. Sometimes we need to just not do something because we want to be better than that. There is no "we tried everything". That's lazy-minded bullshit.

Since we know that the folks on this board are more and more representative of the base of the party, and we regularly see these tragically desperate brown people referred to here as things like subhuman and cockroaches (examples would not be hard to find), we know that the base has just lost its fundamental humanity.

They feel that they have "lost their country" and now are willing to "fight" until we're rubble. What they don't want to face is the possibility that the reason they've "lost" (not true) is that they failed to convince. Why? Because they have been reduced to incurious, manipulated, angry souls who only know to spout shallow talk radio platitudes rather than communicate effectively.

We all lose when a wheel falls off the bike. All of us.
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It was a form of kidnapping. They lied to these people and tricked them, telling them they would have jobs and homes supplied to them upon arrival, and that they were going to Boston and a bunch of other lies. Martha's vineyard was not even notified by the governors, so the non profits could be ready for their arrival, These people were flown across state lines....based on lies they told them, that is kidnapping, from what I've heard on the news.

18 U.S. Code § 1201 - Kidnapping​

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(a)Whoever unlawfully seizes, confines, inveigles, decoys, kidnaps, abducts, or carries away and holds for ransom or reward or otherwise any person, except in the case of a minor by the parent thereof, when—


inveigles (third person present)
  1. persuade (someone) to do something by means of deception or flattery:
    "we cannot inveigle him into putting pen to paper"
    cajole · wheedle · coax · persuade · convince · talk · tempt · lure · allure · entice · ensnare · seduce · flatter · beguile · dupe · fool · blandish

Though, there seems to be the "for ransome" part missing imo.

Any proof? No.
I (and probably all of us) know the point they're trying to make here. I do get it. I even agree with parts of it. But sometimes we have to find a bottom to our behaviors. Sometimes we need to just not do something because we want to be better than that. There is no "we tried everything". That's bullshit.
Since we know that the folks on this board are more and more representative of the base of the party, and we regularly see these tragically desperate brown people referred to here as things like subhuman and cockroaches (examples would not be hard to find), we know that the base has just lost its fundamental humanity.
They feel that they have "lost their country" and now are willing to "fight" until we're rubble.
What they don't want to face is the possibility that the reason they've "lost" (not true) is that they failed to convince. Why? Because they have been reduced to incurious, manipulated, angry souls who only know to spout shallow talk radio platitudes rather than communicate effectively.

We all lose when a wheel falls off the bike. All of us.
Two things about this...

We had an election. The right wing lost the White House. Ever since then, they have been in "burn it all down" mode. I didn't put them there. Biden didn't put them there. Nobody put them there from the is an internal suicide pact they have formed with themselves. As you stated...sometimes you have to find a bottom. I may be optimistic but the sub-human scumbags who are cheering for this type of exploitation may be a bridge too far for what few thinking persons are still in the GOP. Either they will get with the program or they won't. The nation is moving forward with or without them. The downside of having part of the nation with this fanatical need to bring the world down with them is a small price to pay in my view for the day of reckoning that is coming to the GOP. In 2012 they had a post-mortem that reported the truth...that they aren't generating enough angry white people. That hasn't changed. They've won 1 popular vote this century.

As for the Democratic party side of the coin, the burden is even greater when you have to be the only grown-up in the room.
I (and probably all of us) know the point they're trying to make here. I do get it. I agree with parts of it. But sometimes we have to find a bottom to our behaviors. Sometimes we need to just not do something because we want to be better than that. There is no "we tried everything". That's lazy-minded bullshit.

Since we know that the folks on this board are more and more representative of the base of the party, and we regularly see these tragically desperate brown people referred to here as things like subhuman and cockroaches (examples would not be hard to find), we know that the base has just lost its fundamental humanity.

They feel that they have "lost their country" and now are willing to "fight" until we're rubble. What they don't want to face is the possibility that the reason they've "lost" (not true) is that they failed to convince. Why? Because they have been reduced to incurious, manipulated, angry souls who only know to spout shallow talk radio platitudes rather than communicate effectively.

We all lose when a wheel falls off the bike. All of us.

It's already over Mac.


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