Are you part of the Climate cult?

Whatever the 5 topics are to you, they will be your issues that make up your political divide.

And the political divide in America is the basis on which Americans will murder other Americans in the event of the hate escalating to the critical point.

What are yours?
Here's some popular suggestions:
1. Racism
2. abortion
3. gun control
4. ..............................
5. .............................

( issues vary but the first three seem to be decided.

So what are yours?
Do you really think we need a Canadian to tell us what America's problems are?

Especially one that thinks Americans will murder other Americans over disagreements over racism, abortion and gun control. Are you seeing a lot of that in Canada? Because I'm not really seeing that here. Which actually makes you part of the problem and not part of the solution. Over dramatize, over sensationalize, over emotionalize all in an attempt to incite others. That's your posting pattern.
Do you really think we need a Canadian to tell us what America's problems are?

Especially one that thinks Americans will murder other Americans over disagreements over racism, abortion and gun control. Are you seeing a lot of that in Canada? Because I'm not really seeing that here. Which actually makes you part of the problem and not part of the solution. Over dramatize, over sensationalize, over emotionalize all in an attempt to incite others. That's your posting pattern.

Nobody cares about Canada

Since Covid

An entire nation decided to get on their hands and knees and put their asses in the air... :bye1:

We influence (not control) everything else, why not the climate? Also, climate is a lagging indicator, ocean temps tell the story.

Yeah ... this is true ... using the word "control" is just New Speak ... like saying we "control" oil in the oceans by accidentally spilling it ... or we "control" the orbits of planets by using gravity assist for our space probes ... a 100 kg probe slows the Earth 0.000000000000000000000000016 % ... woot ...

Warmer means wetter ... both are good for plants, the things that eat plants, AND the things that eat the things that eat plants ... and that's us ...

That's an interesting concept ... "climate is a lagging indicator" ... do you know of any scientific studies concerning this? ... definitely something that needs researched ... because it takes a very long time to warm the oceans ... 4 joules of energy per gram of water per degree Celsius ... the gradient runs up to 1,360 joules per second per square meter ... what's math say? ...
Yeah ... this is true ... using the word "control" is just New Speak ... like saying we "control" oil in the oceans by accidentally spilling it ... or we "control" the orbits of planets by using gravity assist for our space probes ... a 100 kg probe slows the Earth 0.000000000000000000000000016 % ... woot ...

Warmer means wetter ... both are good for plants, the things that eat plants, AND the things that eat the things that eat plants ... and that's us ...

That's an interesting concept ... "climate is a lagging indicator" ... do you know of any scientific studies concerning this? ... definitely something that needs researched ... because it takes a very long time to warm the oceans ... 4 joules of energy per gram of water per degree Celsius ... the gradient runs up to 1,360 joules per second per square meter ... what's math say? ...
My thought (from the cheap seats) is that as the ocean warms over time it influences the weather, and over time new weather patterns will influence the climate. Of course I could be wrong.
My thought (from the cheap seats) is that as the ocean warms over time it influences the weather, and over time new weather patterns will influence the climate. Of course I could be wrong.

You're not wrong ... ocean temperatures are very important to global weather ... and this is one reason for my claims that climate isn't changing ... because the world's oceans are a gigantic heat sink keeping surface temperatures the same ... or a tiny difference like what we see today ...

+1ºC doesn't change the weather, it doesn't change weather averages, so it doesn't change climate ... || ...
You're not wrong ... ocean temperatures are very important to global weather ... and this is one reason for my claims that climate isn't changing ... because the world's oceans are a gigantic heat sink keeping surface temperatures the same ... or a tiny difference like what we see today ...

+1ºC doesn't change the weather, it doesn't change weather averages, so it doesn't change climate ... || ...
How about +2degrees C?
How about +2degrees C?

1030 mb pressure, 8% humidity, winds calm, no clouds ... would 86ºF be different form 90ºF ... I say no ... it's a beautiful sunny day at both temperatures ...

Both of us could tell the difference one day to the next ... easy ... but how about a year later? ... would you know it's warmer today than a year ago without a thermometer? ... how about ten years ... all other meteorological parameters are exactly the same ... why wouldn't climate be exactly the same? ...

+2ºC is a century ... neither of us will live that long ... see IPCC AR5 1WG fig 12-5 and associated text ...
1030 mb pressure, 8% humidity, winds calm, no clouds ... would 86ºF be different form 90ºF ... I say no ... it's a beautiful sunny day at both temperatures ...

Both of us could tell the difference one day to the next ... easy ... but how about a year later? ... would you know it's warmer today than a year ago without a thermometer? ... how about ten years ... all other meteorological parameters are exactly the same ... why wouldn't climate be exactly the same? ...

+2ºC is a century ... neither of us will live that long ... see IPCC AR5 1WG fig 12-5 and associated text ...
True, I'll be long gone. :(
I am adding to the 5 existing topics where I join others in calling BS to the Climate alarmists.
My would't it be cool to join the cult that claims man controls climate? What you ask? Who claims man controls climate? The alarmists claim man controls climate. And they keep making statements blaming man for climate.
Note from me. Folks, honestly, if I believed you control climate, or can do that, and due to acts by you, climate will be our ruin, I would happily join the alarmists. I do not think for even a fraction of a second that humans can control climate.
So let's check the other side.

The alarmist's Messiah Flint Lockwood has a lot to answer for.
I might be a dumb redneck farmer, but i can tell when someone's pissin' down my back.....~S~
If the TV keeps repeating it, you believe it...

When they blamed the Co2 FRAUD for the Maui fire, did you agree...???
Look what survived the fire at Maui!!!


Ever check the temperature records from Hawaii?

Not only has Hawaii not warmed, but 2023 was not even a warmer than normal year....

The Global Warming "Maui Fire" melted tires - that's 1100F... the media is not credible on this issue, and what happened on Maui was deliberate intentional mass murder with full knowledge that Chris Wray would accept "Global Warming" as the cause...
Whatever the 5 topics are to you, they will be your issues that make up your political divide.

And the political divide in America is the basis on which Americans will murder other Americans in the event of the hate escalating to the critical point.

What are yours?
Here's some popular suggestions:
1. Racism
2. abortion
3. gun control
4. ..............................
5. .............................

( issues vary but the first three seem to be decided.

So what are yours?
Not yours of course. I am holding firm to the discussion about climate.
Ever check the temperature records from Hawaii?

Not only has Hawaii not warmed, but 2023 was not even a warmer than normal year....

The Global Warming "Maui Fire" melted tires - that's 1100F... the media is not credible on this issue, and what happened on Maui was deliberate intentional mass murder with full knowledge that Chris Wray would accept "Global Warming" as the cause...
I was there when the fires took place. I was not at Maui but was at Kauai. Frankly it caused me to look again at the grasses growing at Kauai and how they claim they keep mowing them down.
Fortunately for me and my family at Kauai we did not have such fires happening there at the time.
It's hot right now but I think it's a longshot to make the cut. The reason: no extremist commitment on account of doubts.
Among the most extreme things I can imagine is man is in charge of taking care of climate changes.
Among the most extreme things I can imagine is man is in charge of taking care of climate changes.
is man is, or whatever, the political divide coming to a head is going to be over issues that Americans will kill each other over.

I don't think the right owns denial completely and nor does the left in America completely own AGW and climate change.

Compared to: the root of all causes that could start the murder, which is the 'racism' issue that Trump created.

Actually, if I had to bet, I would go with government defusing the trouble coming with violence against the criminal element and perhaps their leader.
is man is, or whatever, the political divide coming to a head is going to be over issues that Americans will kill each other over.

I don't think the right owns denial completely and nor does the left in America completely own AGW and climate change.

Compared to: the root of all causes that could start the murder, which is the 'racism' issue that Trump created.

Actually, if I had to bet, I would go with government defusing the trouble coming with violence against the criminal element and perhaps their leader.
Sticking to Climate now, why do you think Americans will kill each other over climate? So you believe Trump is racisms father? What made you arrive at that far away conclusion?

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