Are you preparing for what is coming?

Is this really a discussion thread or just regular reconnaissance routine?
It's more rightwing idiocy – known as the conservative 'gloom and doom' misery offensive.

Conservatives contrive and try to propagate lies about how 'terrible' everything is in the hope to realize some perceived partisan gain.

This thread's variation on that theme is the moronic canard that conservatives are 'victims' of some mythical 'persecution.'
Actually, everyone is tired of the lame, delusional lies and idiocy coming from the ridiculous right – this moronic thread premise being one of many examples.
I cannot wait till people like you get what is coming. I really cannot wait.
You are not going to do anything except whine.
How's the establishment boys doing Fakey............Is little Rubio gonna take it all............They spent a bunch of money down here and lost.


Do they now pay thugs with the DNC to get out the violent protest.

Actually, everyone is tired of the lame, delusional lies and idiocy coming from the ridiculous right – this moronic thread premise being one of many examples.
I cannot wait till people like you get what is coming. I really cannot wait.
You are not going to do anything except whine.
How's the establishment boys doing Fakey............Is little Rubio gonna take it all............They spent a bunch of money down here and lost. LOLDo they now pay thugs with the DNC to get out the violent protest. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

We will see how well the thuggery pays of for Trump in OH and FL. Internal puling in OH shows Kasich pulling away. If he can do that, it gives the RNC more cover for changing convention rules so that nominations on ballot one can be open.
Actually, everyone is tired of the lame, delusional lies and idiocy coming from the ridiculous right – this moronic thread premise being one of many examples.
I cannot wait till people like you get what is coming. I really cannot wait.
You are not going to do anything except whine.
How's the establishment boys doing Fakey............Is little Rubio gonna take it all............They spent a bunch of money down here and lost. LOLDo they now pay thugs with the DNC to get out the violent protest. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

We will see how well the thuggery pays of for Trump in OH and FL. Internal puling in OH shows Kasich pulling away. If he can do that, it gives the RNC more cover for changing convention rules so that nominations on ballot one can be open.
Yes we will see.................It's easy to prod you like into your true intentions...................

A brokered Convention to steal the election.................Have you put your Hillary bumper sticker on yet......

By prodding I mean.......

The coming civil war is upon us folks. Like every single marxist revolution that the left are advocating for day and night always ends in mass genocide.

Are you ready?

The blacklivesmatter is nothing more than a version of the brown shirts. The rise of khmer rouge. The rise of the bolsheviks. On and on and on and on.

Organized thugs beating down anyone with speech they deem as a threat to their movement. They lie about everything, and they are the dangerous ones. Deadly and scary dangerous.

Read your history.

Make no mistake. This is what this is.
The Civil War will have wait. Real Former Wives of Donald Trump is on and the new iPhone is due out soon. We're simply too busy, try again later maybe...
The coming civil war is upon us folks. Like every single marxist revolution that the left are advocating for day and night always ends in mass genocide.

Are you ready?

The blacklivesmatter is nothing more than a version of the brown shirts. The rise of khmer rouge. The rise of the bolsheviks. On and on and on and on.

Organized thugs beating down anyone with speech they deem as a threat to their movement. They lie about everything, and they are the dangerous ones. Deadly and scary dangerous.

Read your history.

Make no mistake. This is what this is.
I've got all the shit tickets I can safely store away...
Is this really a discussion thread or just regular reconnaissance routine?
It's more rightwing idiocy – known as the conservative 'gloom and doom' misery offensive.

Conservatives contrive and try to propagate lies about how 'terrible' everything is in the hope to realize some perceived partisan gain.

This thread's variation on that theme is the moronic canard that conservatives are 'victims' of some mythical 'persecution.'

I understand.

I would just add the word "wannabe" before your use of the word "conservatives".

That behavior ain't really politics so it shouldn't be confused with true politics, in my honest opinion.

I have no disagreement, however, in relation to the expression "rightwing" as serving for that apolitical or pseudo/faux political purpose you have clearly outlined for me.

We need a political opposition to the left. If we can have a real opposition,the democracy can balance out and we can avoid war.

As things stand, the so called conservative parties in the West gav up decades ago and put our nations up for sale.
You need to pursue sound, responsible governance, advocate for meaningful public policy, and respect the Constitution and its case law – and stop trying to demonize the mythical 'left' because the republican agenda and conservative dogma are bankrupt of new ideas and completely devoid of merit.

Last edited:


Hide your wives. Hide your children.. Hide your illegals.
Actually, everyone is tired of the lame, delusional lies and idiocy coming from the ridiculous right – this moronic thread premise being one of many examples.

I cannot wait till people like you get what is coming. I really cannot wait.
Don't worry. He'll be right back. He's trying to remember what work boots look like.

Claytons work boots.....
View attachment 67064
I new he was a bitch and a whore.

:gay: How much does he charge.............

Actually, everyone is tired of the lame, delusional lies and idiocy coming from the ridiculous right – this moronic thread premise being one of many examples.

I cannot wait till people like you get what is coming. I really cannot wait.
Don't worry. He'll be right back. He's trying to remember what work boots look like.

Claytons work boots.....
View attachment 67064
I new he was a bitch and a whore.

:gay: How much does he charge.............


It's gonna be tough to hide the EBT card under those things.
Actually, everyone is tired of the lame, delusional lies and idiocy coming from the ridiculous right – this moronic thread premise being one of many examples.

I cannot wait till people like you get what is coming. I really cannot wait.
Don't worry. He'll be right back. He's trying to remember what work boots look like.

Claytons work boots.....
View attachment 67064
I new he was a bitch and a whore.

:gay: How much does he charge.............

Actually, everyone is tired of the lame, delusional lies and idiocy coming from the ridiculous right – this moronic thread premise being one of many examples.
I cannot wait till people like you get what is coming. I really cannot wait.
You are not going to do anything except whine.
How's the establishment boys doing Fakey............Is little Rubio gonna take it all............They spent a bunch of money down here and lost. LOLDo they now pay thugs with the DNC to get out the violent protest. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

We will see how well the thuggery pays of for Trump in OH and FL. Internal puling in OH shows Kasich pulling away. If he can do that, it gives the RNC more cover for changing convention rules so that nominations on ballot one can be open.
Yes we will see.................It's easy to prod you like into your true intentions...................

A brokered Convention to steal the election.................Have you put your Hillary bumper sticker on yet......

By prodding I mean.......

The Rules Committee has the right by party rules and by law to alter how the first ballot is done.

Trump cannot beat HRC. In a hundred lifetimes, he can't do it.

Kasich can.
I cannot wait till people like you get what is coming. I really cannot wait.
You are not going to do anything except whine.
How's the establishment boys doing Fakey............Is little Rubio gonna take it all............They spent a bunch of money down here and lost. LOLDo they now pay thugs with the DNC to get out the violent protest. :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

We will see how well the thuggery pays of for Trump in OH and FL. Internal puling in OH shows Kasich pulling away. If he can do that, it gives the RNC more cover for changing convention rules so that nominations on ballot one can be open.
Yes we will see.................It's easy to prod you like into your true intentions...................

A brokered Convention to steal the election.................Have you put your Hillary bumper sticker on yet......

By prodding I mean.......

The Rules Committee has the right by party rules and by law to alter how the first ballot is done.

Trump cannot beat HRC. In a hundred lifetimes, he can't do it.

Kasich can.
Actually, everyone is tired of the lame, delusional lies and idiocy coming from the ridiculous right – this moronic thread premise being one of many examples.

I cannot wait till people like you get what is coming. I really cannot wait.
Don't worry. He'll be right back. He's trying to remember what work boots look like.

Claytons work boots.....
View attachment 67064
I new he was a bitch and a whore.

:gay: How much does he charge.............

Stay with the movies, Eagle, because you clearly cannot handle real life.

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