Are you preparing for what is coming?

The coming civil war is upon us folks. Like every single marxist revolution that the left are advocating for day and night always ends in mass genocide.

Are you ready?

The blacklivesmatter is nothing more than a version of the brown shirts. The rise of khmer rouge. The rise of the bolsheviks. On and on and on and on.

Organized thugs beating down anyone with speech they deem as a threat to their movement. They lie about everything, and they are the dangerous ones. Deadly and scary dangerous.

Read your history.

Make no mistake. This is what this is.

For Another dipshit post by you?

I'm prepared!!
Stay with the movies, Eagle, because you clearly cannot handle real life.
"Are you preparing for what is coming?"

Most on the right should be preparing for mental health treatment.
No.......I want all that FREE SHIT YOU GUYS TALK ABOUT.

I want to FEEL THE BERN......................GIMMIE GIMMIE

The liberal call sign.........

It's like when animals mate...............GIMMIE GIMMIE......YOU SO SEXY.
blues, the dems rocked in 2006, 2008, 2012, and we rocked in 2010 and 2014.

Let's be honest, please.

Do understand we most likely will lose the Senate to the Dems this year.
It's not liberals, it's Jews who won't tolerate losing power. This is why they brought in all these latino's and why they try sponsoring African Americans. So just in case there is a revolution, they will herd all of them like sheep into attacking revolutionaries. If we don't expose the Jews for who they are, and something chaotic occurs, it will be hard to get it under control quickly.

Do you notice all these 'whites' crashing Trump rallies with signs written with 'Embrace Diversity'? That's codeword for white people will keep and dying out and we will make sure it happens. Those are Jews, not whites. They are wanting to enforce their disgusting and vile agenda on us. Trump will expose it and foil it once he's president.
he blacklivesmatter is nothing more than a version of the brown shirts. The rise of khmer rouge. The rise of the bolsheviks. On and on and on and on.
"On CNN last night, Stuart Stevens, a former Romney strategist, said of Trump’s campaign, 'There aren’t enough white people who are mad at people who aren’t white to win in a general election.'"
Donald Trump, Chicago, and the Lessons of 1968 - The New Yorker
Maybe Pol Pott's ghost can help you round up a few more angry white people before Bernie buries your rich bitch next November?
It's not liberals, it's Jews who won't tolerate losing power. This is why they brought in all these latino's and why they try sponsoring African Americans. So just in case there is a revolution, they will herd all of them like sheep into attacking revolutionaries. If we don't expose the Jews for who they are, and something chaotic occurs, it will be hard to get it under control quickly.

Do you notice all these 'whites' crashing Trump rallies with signs written with 'Embrace Diversity'? That's codeword for white people will keep and dying out and we will make sure it happens. Those are Jews, not whites. They are wanting to enforce their disgusting and vile agenda on us. Trump will expose it and foil it once he's president.
Bond and his buddy.


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