'Are You Serious?' Lawmakers Spar at ObamaCare Hearing


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
"Are you serious?!" Bill Pascrell asked, as if he had been stuck in a fantasy that somehow the ACA was a good law and millions of people weren't losing their insurance. "What about the millions of children with preexisting conditions, Mr. Griffin?" He exclaimed. It's as if the Democrats in congress are stuck in reverse over Obamacare. Once brimming confidence has turned into sheer desperation. They still defend it, despite the onslaught of brutal reality coming at them. Democrats once accused Republicans of shutting down the Government to kill the law, but now, they are wanting to delay it themselves. The tautological arguments are still being made by democrats on Capitol Hill "This law is working" they claim. No. It isn't. Yes, Mr. Pascrell, we're serious. You screwed up.

Fireworks erupted between New Jersey Democrat Bill Pascrell and Arkansas Republican Tim Griffin during a House Ways and Means Committee hearing on the ObamaCare rollout.

Pascrell shouted, “What are you going to do about the approximately 17 million children with pre-existing conditions who can no longer be denied health insurance coverage? You want to go back? You want to say you are no longer covered?”

Griffin responded, saying, “It’s a false choice to say it’s ObamaCare or nothing.” He then pointed to a proposal that he co-sponsored dealing with pre-existing conditions.

Pascrell blasted back, “Are you serious?! […] After what we have gone through in the last three and a half years? You can sit there and say that you had a legitimate alternative?! We’ve gone through 44 votes, 48 votes now of you trying to dismantle this legislation.”

?Are You Serious?!?: Bill Pascrell and Tim Griffin Erupt at ObamaCare Hearing | Fox News Insider
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It is typical for one party or the other to use children as a bargaining chip in a debate. But then they still do it despite millions of people losing their coverage? How low can one party go in comparison to another? Yeah, the poll don't matter anymore, this came straight from the horses mouth.
"Are you serious?!" Bill Pascrell asked, as if he had been stuck in a fantasy that somehow the ACA was a good law and millions of people weren't losing their insurance. "What about the millions of children with preexisting conditions, Mr. Griffin?" He exclaimed. It's as if the Democrats in congress are stuck in reverse over Obamacare. Once brimming confidence has turned into sheer desperation. Yet they continue to defend this disastrous piece of legislation. Yes, Mr. Pascrell, we're serious. You screwed up.

Fireworks erupted between New Jersey Democrat Bill Pascrell and Arkansas Republican Tim Griffin during a House Ways and Means Committee hearing on the ObamaCare rollout.

Pascrell shouted, “What are you going to do about the approximately 17 million children with pre-existing conditions who can no longer be denied health insurance coverage? You want to go back? You want to say you are no longer covered?”

Griffin responded, saying, “It’s a false choice to say it’s ObamaCare or nothing.” He then pointed to a proposal that he co-sponsored dealing with pre-existing conditions.

Pascrell blasted back, “Are you serious?! […] After what we have gone through in the last three and a half years? You can sit there and say that you had a legitimate alternative?! We’ve gone through 44 votes, 48 votes now of you trying to dismantle this legislation.”

?Are You Serious?!?: Bill Pascrell and Tim Griffin Erupt at ObamaCare Hearing | Fox News Insider

Where is the proof for this STATEMENT: "17 million children with pre-existing conditions who can no longer be denied health insurance coverage?"

17 million????
Please explain this then: Obama said there were 46 million uninsured.. Right???

Obama said that illegal citizens wouldn't be part of ACA right?

Then he should deduct 10 million that the Census says are not insured but are not citizens! Wouldn't that be right? Leaves 36 million "uninsured"...
SOURCE: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Do you agree then with Obama these 10 million shouldn't be counted as part of the 46 million uninsured???

Then Obama seems to be unaware when the Census asked "do you have health insurance.. 14 million said no... BUT these 14 million didn't know they were already eligible for Medicaid! So if all they need to do is register, what was the need for ACA? Better yet then why include them in the remaining 36 million???
So that leaves 22 million (14 million from 36 million leaves 22 million... seems correct right?)
SOURCE: http://coverageforall.org/pdf/BC-BS_Uninsured-America.pdf

Finally of those 22 million Obama falsely counts 18 million people that don't want health insurance.
These 18 million make over $50,000 so they can afford their employers' plans but they spend less then $1,000 a year on health services..
plus they have catastrophic insurance!

These 18 million are under 34 so they don't have a need...
YET they were falsely included in those "uninsured" category AND NOW they are being made to BUY!

Subtract 18 million from 22 million and the true valid number of those wanting and needing insurance is less then 4 million!

So where are these "17 million children with pre-existing conditions "

See what I mean THERE IS NO common sense in Congress/MSM and most people on this board!
There has NEVER been more then 4 million people that WANT but can't afford health insurance!!!
It is typical for one party or the other to use children as a bargaining chip in a debate. But then they still do it despite millions of people losing their coverage? How low can one party go in comparison to another? Yeah, the poll don't matter anymore, this came straight from the horses mouth.

and lie about those children.

children are eligible for myriad healthcare programs in ANY state - if they are not eligible for straight medicaid.

so this BS about covering the children with per-existing conditions ( which were covered long before) - is just a standard leftard LIE
It is typical for one party or the other to use children as a bargaining chip in a debate. But then they still do it despite millions of people losing their coverage? How low can one party go in comparison to another? Yeah, the poll don't matter anymore, this came straight from the horses mouth.

and lie about those children.

children are eligible for myriad healthcare programs in ANY state - if they are not eligible for straight medicaid.

so this BS about covering the children with per-existing conditions ( which were covered long before) - is just a standard leftard LIE

Here's another thing, they advocate abortion, but then say "Oh what about the children?! Don't you Republicans care about the children?!" So, they are invoking a double standard to pin guilt on another party. It's despicable.

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