Are you Shy???

Shattered said:
**sigh** Nobody understands me. :cry:

Hey girly I'll tell you that in any given situation I would be delighted to have you on my side of things. :beer:
Believe it or not, I used to be extremely shy, introverted and demure. I had problems with self-esteem up until the eighth grade.
Then kids started picking on me, and my sister refused to defend me. She made me take courses in self-defense and positive self-worth.

So yeah, it's her fault. :teeth:
I guess it depends on the situation. :dunno:

People can be shy in person, but quite bold when they have on-line anonymity.
Kathianne said:
I'm a mix. If I'm at a gathering that should be 'relaxed', ie., social, I'm shy-really quiet. If the topics should turn 'political' I open up. :laugh:

At school, where I know more than most, I'm pretty up front and no problems talking. It's the reason I was chosen last year to give an inservice institute and this year am giving 3, 1 for my school, 1 for the 'region' schools, and 1 for the diocese.

In university setting, much like school. When I 'know' that I'm on target, I'm outspoken. In a gathering of professors, I'm more careful.

In my own classroom, I'm sure you will all be shocked, but I'm in control, with lots of discussion from the 'floor.'

Politics your passion? I would have never guessed :funnyface
I'm bery shy in new situations or around people I don't know. But once I feel comfortable, I'm pretty talkative. I think I'm the kind of person who just blends in; I don't stand out much.
No...and thats why I probably get chewed out in here from time to time...not shy in person either........... :sleep: <<< get sleepy in here from time to time too!.....LOL

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