Are you supporting Kim Davis for defending her faith?

Do you support Kim Davis for standing up for her Christian faith?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 24 66.7%

  • Total voters
You have a very warped view of God. Adam sided with Satan, and as a result became separated from God. We deserve eternal separation but GOD reached down to man and set into motion HIS plan to redeem humanity. GOD makes it possible to again commune with GOD. However, without GOD we can only achieve eternal separation and utter darkness.

Hey I do not deserve such a thing at the contrary I need kindness and support not alienation... but am I not a "child of God".... Hey Dad cut me some slack......
yo why all the threats and stuff....

Seems like the "christians" are all sinning all over the place so they think everyone else is too.

I don't sin. I don't harm others. I try to be a good person and yet, according to the "christians", I'm a bad person because ... WHAT? Adam ate an apple given to him by a talking snake who was created by an invisible and imaginary super being who, on a whim, just up and destroys all that he "created"? No to mention that, just for craps and giggles, he gives little newborn babies every kind of horrendous handicaps he can think up.

All the excuses and rationalizations are impossible to keep track of and while they're making all these wacko demands, I'm also supposed to dismiss my country's constitution, just so I can get into an imaginary "heaven" where weird little fantasy creatures sit on clouds playing harps?

Luddly, I have never told you that are a bad person. Haven't I told you time and again I believe you are very compassionate, very caring for animals, children, injustices done to children - we do not agree on many things but on other things we do. I see many good things in you and try to tell you. I do not know why you are in such a state over this - we agree about the Duggars - they shouldn't be on TV - we agree about Josh Duggar - we agree about the responsibility of the Duggar parents to put their daughters first - that there should have been a police report - we do not agree about God and yet I have told you I do not believe God loves me any more than he loves you. We don't agree on Kim Davis - I believe she has the right to refuse to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple and you don't. I do not believe anyone has the right to mock them, call them names, verbally or physically mistreat them. But refuse to participate in helping them get married? As a Christian? Kim Davis has that right.
not to answer for Luddly, but why do you think that she has the right to ignore her oath of office and deny services the people of her county are entitled to?
And order others that work for her to do the same. How about their rights?

This entire thing is a side show and short fart in history. We as a country aren't going back as history has shown with issues like desegregation . Like it or not the yahoos are going to be dragged into the 21st century when it comes to public life. Why is it areas of the county that sound like they came off the set of Hee haw that America has the trouble with?
To Kim Davis

Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway
Don’t block up the hall
For she that gets hurt
Will be she who has stalled
There’s a battle outside and it is ragin’
It’ll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin’

Kim Davis is not going to heed any call from a slave of Satan.

Did you know that Bob Dylan sold his soul to Satan? If you have ever wondered why he is such a sad man - wonder no longer. I feel very sad for Bob Dylan. I wish I could share Jesus with him and tell him that Jesus can still save him, he could still change his mind and come to Jesus Christ I believe. If he doesn't what an awful fate awaits him. Very sad situation.

Once Bob Dylan got mixed up in the fundy kooks stuff , but regained his senses and returned to Judaism where he is today
If she doesn't let here clerks follow their job duties her lard ass will be back in the graybar hotel
To Kim Davis

Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway
Don’t block up the hall
For she that gets hurt
Will be she who has stalled
There’s a battle outside and it is ragin’
It’ll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin’

Kim Davis is not going to heed any call from a slave of Satan.

Did you know that Bob Dylan sold his soul to Satan? If you have ever wondered why he is such a sad man - wonder no longer. I feel very sad for Bob Dylan. I wish I could share Jesus with him and tell him that Jesus can still save him, he could still change his mind and come to Jesus Christ I believe. If he doesn't what an awful fate awaits him. Very sad situation.

Once Bob Dylan got mixed up in the fundy kooks stuff , but regained his senses and returned to Judaism where he is today

He was serving Satan - he sold his soul to Satan and you say he returned to Judaism? He was never a fundamentalist Christian either that I am aware of. Do you have a link or a source for that, Guno? First I have heard of it.
If she doesn't let here clerks follow their job duties her lard ass will be back in the graybar hotel

She wanted her name removed and she didn't want to have any part of it personally as she is a Christian, Guno. She won. God gave her the victory.
As Kim Davis is now free, this thread is finished. Thank you everyone for your participation and sharing your thoughts. USMB has a very diverse group of people!
If she doesn't let here clerks follow their job duties her lard ass will be back in the graybar hotel

She wanted her name removed and she didn't want to have any part of it personally as she is a Christian, Guno. She won. God gave her the victory.

No if she interferes she goes back where she belongs, as per her release
If she doesn't let here clerks follow their job duties her lard ass will be back in the graybar hotel

She wanted her name removed and she didn't want to have any part of it personally as she is a Christian, Guno. She won. God gave her the victory.

No if she interferes she goes back where she belongs, as per her release
I'm looking forward to her being locked up again more than I enjoyed it the last time. Her 50th birthday will be spent in jail. Couldn't happen to a more deserving person...
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It's already been to the Supreme Court, from Kim Davis!

They declined to hear the case.
I don't think so. There's a number of courts to go through before it gets to the SCROTUS.
Holy shit. And you wonder why we call you FOXNEWS consumers uninformed.

Supreme Court Rules Against Clerk in Gay Marriage Case

Look at the date - last week!
Holy shit's ass. If she appeals it has to go through channels. Ask a lawyer. Fox News has nothing to do with it.
Oh, fer fuck's sake! You cannot appeal a Supreme Court ruling, you dumb motherfucker!

Goddamn, you conservatives are stupid.
I don't have to be all these dumb motherfuckers, Ace. Don't do it again.
The woman is free and the judge ate crow as I said last night. FYI an appeal can be made to a Supreme Court decision if it becomes a Constitutional issue. I asked a friend of mine on the Appeals Court in Louisiana.
You have no business posting on this site. You should be down at the local bar talking to the other dumbasses.

The Constitutional issue was already decided by the Supreme Court. She defied it, asked the Supreme Court to hear her case, they refused. IT'S OVER. There are no appeals to a Supreme Court decision. There is no higher authority.

The fact that you do not know this forces me to call you a dumb motherfucker, because you're just an ignorant teabagger. Ignorant of the law, of recent news, of the Supremacy Clause, of how the SCOTUS works, and reality.

So fuck you very much.
Judge Bunning issued a release order that spells out conditions that must be met ...if not she will be put back in the cooler........
If she violates court orders again it will likely be considered criminal contempt of court, and that's a hell of a lot longer than 5 days.
If she doesn't let here clerks follow their job duties her lard ass will be back in the graybar hotel

She wanted her name removed and she didn't want to have any part of it personally as she is a Christian, Guno. She won. God gave her the victory.
Her name has not been removed. She hasn't won anything except for temporary freedom.
You have a very warped view of God. Adam sided with Satan, and as a result became separated from God. We deserve eternal separation but GOD reached down to man and set into motion HIS plan to redeem humanity. GOD makes it possible to again commune with GOD. However, without GOD we can only achieve eternal separation and utter darkness.

Hey I do not deserve such a thing at the contrary I need kindness and support not alienation... but am I not a "child of God".... Hey Dad cut me some slack......
yo why all the threats and stuff....

Seems like the "christians" are all sinning all over the place so they think everyone else is too.

I don't sin. I don't harm others. I try to be a good person and yet, according to the "christians", I'm a bad person because ... WHAT? Adam ate an apple given to him by a talking snake who was created by an invisible and imaginary super being who, on a whim, just up and destroys all that he "created"? No to mention that, just for craps and giggles, he gives little newborn babies every kind of horrendous handicaps he can think up.

All the excuses and rationalizations are impossible to keep track of and while they're making all these wacko demands, I'm also supposed to dismiss my country's constitution, just so I can get into an imaginary "heaven" where weird little fantasy creatures sit on clouds playing harps?

Luddly Neddite , the LORD placed you on my heart this morning. I must tell you that as you say you do not sin you have deceived yourself and the truth is not in you. You see the bible states that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. There is not one that is perfect and that is why we needed a Savior. Jesus Christ.

It is written:
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
1 John 1:8

If you were to keep the law perfectly and miss it in telling a single lie (which you've already done here in your post) and you faced the judgment without having received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you could not enter into the Kingdom of heaven. That is how great the power of the cross is to redeem you. Without it? You won't make it.

Another thing the LORD put on my heart to tell is that when a person defends homosexuality, abortion and their right to do whatever they want even when it is against God's Commandments? You are wicked. When you call evil good and good evil? You are wicked and need to repent of your sins. If you do not repent for your sins you will be destroyed and there will be no hope for you. Now God showed me great mercy and saved my soul when I was very lost and on my way to hell and what He has done for me He will do for you if you will ask Him.

But if you persist in rejecting His offer of Salvation you have only a fiery judgment to look toward. You need to come to Jesus Christ when the Holy Spirit is convicting your heart and dealing with you. You do not come to Jesus when you feel like it. You come when He is calling you. It's time. It's your time and today is the day of Salvation. TODAY. Not tomorrow. Not next week. Today is the day of salvation.

One final word - Rebellion is witchcraft. Those in rebellion against God are enemies of God.
As Kim Davis is now free, this thread is finished. Thank you everyone for your participation and sharing your thoughts. USMB has a very diverse group of people!
The hell it is!

If you want to keep discussing Kim Davis, go right on. I do not see the point as God has answered the prayers of His people and she is no longer in jail.
So why doesn't god answer the people who have cancer and are praying?
As Kim Davis is now free, this thread is finished. Thank you everyone for your participation and sharing your thoughts. USMB has a very diverse group of people!
The hell it is!

If you want to keep discussing Kim Davis, go right on. I do not see the point as God has answered the prayers of His people and she is no longer in jail.
So why doesn't god answer the people who have cancer and are praying?
One word "outsourcing".........
Are you supporting Kim Davis for her faith and for defending the laws of Kentucky? For any who are not aware of who Kim Davis is, she is the clerk who was put in jail for refusing to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple. In the State of Kentucky marriage is between a man and a woman. Are you supporting Kim Davis for standing up for her faith in Jesus Christ? Yes or no?


Nope. She is violating State and Federal law and imposing her will on others in violation of the Constitution of the USA.

SHE is what our Founding Fathers warned us about.

We have had sodomy laws since before and the beginning of our Nation and up until the courts ruling in 2003.
There needs to be a compromise between the rights of both sides.
She has the right to protest and stand up for her 1st amendment rights just like gays have done under the 14th amendment.

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