Are you supporting Kim Davis for defending her faith?

Do you support Kim Davis for standing up for her Christian faith?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 24 66.7%

  • Total voters
Hoss, I have been getting PM's from Westboro Baptist Church. They have been looking for you. they say that you are behind on your tything....
BTW, I'm not a Christian, FYI. I believe in God's laws and the laws of nature.
A Deist?
Yeah I am.
I support her. She isnt persecuting homosexuals. She doesnt want to endorse homosexual marriages. By having her name on the certificate...thats exactly what she would be doing!
Marriage was completely redefined...cant something be put in place for a civil servant to still do thier job effectively, stay true to their beliefs and have the rights of the public served?
I know some people nearly wet their pants with excitement at some people not agreeing with this new definition...just seems there is some compromise to be found somewhere.

Maybe she could have looked for another job, but that doesnt seem quite right either. Bottom line ...dont work for the government!
We shall see. I want to see this issue wind up in the SCOTUS.

It's already been to the Supreme Court, from Kim Davis!

They declined to hear the case.
I don't think so. There's a number of courts to go through before it gets to the SCROTUS.
Holy shit. And you wonder why we call you FOXNEWS consumers uninformed.

Supreme Court Rules Against Clerk in Gay Marriage Case

Look at the date - last week!
Holy shit's ass. If she appeals it has to go through channels. Ask a lawyer. Fox News has nothing to do with it.
Oh, fer fuck's sake! You cannot appeal a Supreme Court ruling, you dumb motherfucker!

Goddamn, you conservatives are stupid.
I don't have to be all these dumb motherfuckers, Ace. Don't do it again.
The woman is free and the judge ate crow as I said last night. FYI an appeal can be made to a Supreme Court decision if it becomes a Constitutional issue. I asked a friend of mine on the Appeals Court in Louisiana.
You have a very warped view of God. Adam sided with Satan, and as a result became separated from God. We deserve eternal separation but GOD reached down to man and set into motion HIS plan to redeem humanity. GOD makes it possible to again commune with GOD. However, without GOD we can only achieve eternal separation and utter darkness.

Church services are at 11 AM, Sunday morning....
You have a very warped view of God. Adam sided with Satan, and as a result became separated from God. We deserve eternal separation but GOD reached down to man and set into motion HIS plan to redeem humanity. GOD makes it possible to again commune with GOD. However, without GOD we can only achieve eternal separation and utter darkness.

Hey I do not deserve such a thing at the contrary I need kindness and support not alienation... but am I not a "child of God".... Hey Dad cut me some slack......
yo why all the threats and stuff....
You have a very warped view of God. Adam sided with Satan, and as a result became separated from God. We deserve eternal separation but GOD reached down to man and set into motion HIS plan to redeem humanity. GOD makes it possible to again commune with GOD. However, without GOD we can only achieve eternal separation and utter darkness.

I thought God was every where ...if so how can I be separated from God....? God ain't worried about who is getting married take my word for it.........

... cuz god is so petty, he just loves jerking around the gullible?
I'm not that concerned with Leviticus. Jesus didn't say a thing about governments allowing or disallowing gay marriage.

Kim Davis should have just quit instead of doing this protest thing.

Jesus made it clear that marriage was between a man and a woman. From the beginning. See Genesis and understand that Jesus Christ is the Word. The same Word that became flesh and dwelt among men in the Gospel of John, Asterism.

But he never said anything about gay marriage. That says a lot. No matter, civil marriage is a secular construct. The government is not and should not be in the position of dictating religious morals. Gay people getting married as absolutely no affect on the Holy Sacrament of Marriage. It also has no affect on Kim Davis' three marriages (Jesus was quite clear to speak against divorce and adultery).

Funny how she gets a pass on that.
You have a very warped view of God. Adam sided with Satan, and as a result became separated from God. We deserve eternal separation but GOD reached down to man and set into motion HIS plan to redeem humanity. GOD makes it possible to again commune with GOD. However, without GOD we can only achieve eternal separation and utter darkness.

I thought God was every where ...if so how can I be separated from God....? God ain't worried about who is getting married take my word for it.........

... cuz god is so petty, he just loves jerking around the gullible?
Actually that was a poster putting a frame around me so the poster could; feel superior ....and blaming God........
I support her. She isnt persecuting homosexuals. She doesnt want to endorse homosexual marriages. By having her name on the certificate...thats exactly what she would be doing!
Marriage was completely redefined...cant something be put in place for a civil servant to still do thier job effectively, stay true to their beliefs and have the rights of the public served?
I know some people nearly wet their pants with excitement at some people not agreeing with this new definition...just seems there is some compromise to be found somewhere.

Maybe she could have looked for another job, but that doesnt seem quite right either. Bottom line ...dont work for the government!


The bottom line is, don't lie to get a $80K a year job, don't be a hypocrite who sleeps around, births bastards, commits several crimes/sins that her own bible says she should be stoned for.

Do the job you said you would do or go find a different job.
Judge Bunning issued a release order that spells out conditions that must be met ...if not she will be put back in the cooler........
You have a very warped view of God. Adam sided with Satan, and as a result became separated from God. We deserve eternal separation but GOD reached down to man and set into motion HIS plan to redeem humanity. GOD makes it possible to again commune with GOD. However, without GOD we can only achieve eternal separation and utter darkness.

Hey I do not deserve such a thing at the contrary I need kindness and support not alienation... but am I not a "child of God".... Hey Dad cut me some slack......
yo why all the threats and stuff....

Seems like the "christians" are all sinning all over the place so they think everyone else is too.

I don't sin. I don't harm others. I try to be a good person and yet, according to the "christians", I'm a bad person because ... WHAT? Adam ate an apple given to him by a talking snake who was created by an invisible and imaginary super being who, on a whim, just up and destroys all that he "created"? No to mention that, just for craps and giggles, he gives little newborn babies every kind of horrendous handicaps he can think up.

All the excuses and rationalizations are impossible to keep track of and while they're making all these wacko demands, I'm also supposed to dismiss my country's constitution, just so I can get into an imaginary "heaven" where weird little fantasy creatures sit on clouds playing harps?
You have a very warped view of God. Adam sided with Satan, and as a result became separated from God. We deserve eternal separation but GOD reached down to man and set into motion HIS plan to redeem humanity. GOD makes it possible to again commune with GOD. However, without GOD we can only achieve eternal separation and utter darkness.

Hey I do not deserve such a thing at the contrary I need kindness and support not alienation... but am I not a "child of God".... Hey Dad cut me some slack......
yo why all the threats and stuff....

Seems like the "christians" are all sinning all over the place so they think everyone else is too.

I don't sin. I don't harm others. I try to be a good person and yet, according to the "christians", I'm a bad person because ... WHAT? Adam ate an apple given to him by a talking snake who was created by an invisible and imaginary super being who, on a whim, just up and destroys all that he "created"? No to mention that, just for craps and giggles, he gives little newborn babies every kind of horrendous handicaps he can think up.

All the excuses and rationalizations are impossible to keep track of and while they're making all these wacko demands, I'm also supposed to dismiss my country's constitution, just so I can get into an imaginary "heaven" where weird little fantasy creatures sit on clouds playing harps?
Its a real life "Matrix wide" Harper Valley PTA come alive....wild wild stuff
To Kim Davis

Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway
Don’t block up the hall
For she that gets hurt
Will be she who has stalled
There’s a battle outside and it is ragin’
It’ll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin’

You have a very warped view of God. Adam sided with Satan, and as a result became separated from God. We deserve eternal separation but GOD reached down to man and set into motion HIS plan to redeem humanity. GOD makes it possible to again commune with GOD. However, without GOD we can only achieve eternal separation and utter darkness.

Hey I do not deserve such a thing at the contrary I need kindness and support not alienation... but am I not a "child of God".... Hey Dad cut me some slack......
yo why all the threats and stuff....

Seems like the "christians" are all sinning all over the place so they think everyone else is too.

I don't sin. I don't harm others. I try to be a good person and yet, according to the "christians", I'm a bad person because ... WHAT? Adam ate an apple given to him by a talking snake who was created by an invisible and imaginary super being who, on a whim, just up and destroys all that he "created"? No to mention that, just for craps and giggles, he gives little newborn babies every kind of horrendous handicaps he can think up.

All the excuses and rationalizations are impossible to keep track of and while they're making all these wacko demands, I'm also supposed to dismiss my country's constitution, just so I can get into an imaginary "heaven" where weird little fantasy creatures sit on clouds playing harps?

Luddly, I have never told you that are a bad person. Haven't I told you time and again I believe you are very compassionate, very caring for animals, children, injustices done to children - we do not agree on many things but on other things we do. I see many good things in you and try to tell you. I do not know why you are in such a state over this - we agree about the Duggars - they shouldn't be on TV - we agree about Josh Duggar - we agree about the responsibility of the Duggar parents to put their daughters first - that there should have been a police report - we do not agree about God and yet I have told you I do not believe God loves me any more than he loves you. We don't agree on Kim Davis - I believe she has the right to refuse to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple and you don't. I do not believe anyone has the right to mock them, call them names, verbally or physically mistreat them. But refuse to participate in helping them get married? As a Christian? Kim Davis has that right.
You have a very warped view of God. Adam sided with Satan, and as a result became separated from God. We deserve eternal separation but GOD reached down to man and set into motion HIS plan to redeem humanity. GOD makes it possible to again commune with GOD. However, without GOD we can only achieve eternal separation and utter darkness.

Hey I do not deserve such a thing at the contrary I need kindness and support not alienation... but am I not a "child of God".... Hey Dad cut me some slack......
yo why all the threats and stuff....

Seems like the "christians" are all sinning all over the place so they think everyone else is too.

I don't sin. I don't harm others. I try to be a good person and yet, according to the "christians", I'm a bad person because ... WHAT? Adam ate an apple given to him by a talking snake who was created by an invisible and imaginary super being who, on a whim, just up and destroys all that he "created"? No to mention that, just for craps and giggles, he gives little newborn babies every kind of horrendous handicaps he can think up.

All the excuses and rationalizations are impossible to keep track of and while they're making all these wacko demands, I'm also supposed to dismiss my country's constitution, just so I can get into an imaginary "heaven" where weird little fantasy creatures sit on clouds playing harps?

Luddly, I have never told you that are a bad person. Haven't I told you time and again I believe you are very compassionate, very caring for animals, children, injustices done to children - we do not agree on many things but on other things we do. I see many good things in you and try to tell you. I do not know why you are in such a state over this - we agree about the Duggars - they shouldn't be on TV - we agree about Josh Duggar - we agree about the responsibility of the Duggar parents to put their daughters first - that there should have been a police report - we do not agree about God and yet I have told you I do not believe God loves me any more than he loves you. We don't agree on Kim Davis - I believe she has the right to refuse to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple and you don't. I do not believe anyone has the right to mock them, call them names, verbally or physically mistreat them. But refuse to participate in helping them get married? As a Christian? Kim Davis has that right.
not to answer for Luddly, but why do you think that she has the right to ignore her oath of office and deny services the people of her county are entitled to?
You have a very warped view of God. Adam sided with Satan, and as a result became separated from God. We deserve eternal separation but GOD reached down to man and set into motion HIS plan to redeem humanity. GOD makes it possible to again commune with GOD. However, without GOD we can only achieve eternal separation and utter darkness.

Hey I do not deserve such a thing at the contrary I need kindness and support not alienation... but am I not a "child of God".... Hey Dad cut me some slack......
yo why all the threats and stuff....

Seems like the "christians" are all sinning all over the place so they think everyone else is too.

I don't sin. I don't harm others. I try to be a good person and yet, according to the "christians", I'm a bad person because ... WHAT? Adam ate an apple given to him by a talking snake who was created by an invisible and imaginary super being who, on a whim, just up and destroys all that he "created"? No to mention that, just for craps and giggles, he gives little newborn babies every kind of horrendous handicaps he can think up.

All the excuses and rationalizations are impossible to keep track of and while they're making all these wacko demands, I'm also supposed to dismiss my country's constitution, just so I can get into an imaginary "heaven" where weird little fantasy creatures sit on clouds playing harps?

Luddly, I have never told you that are a bad person. Haven't I told you time and again I believe you are very compassionate, very caring for animals, children, injustices done to children - we do not agree on many things but on other things we do. I see many good things in you and try to tell you. I do not know why you are in such a state over this - we agree about the Duggars - they shouldn't be on TV - we agree about Josh Duggar - we agree about the responsibility of the Duggar parents to put their daughters first - that there should have been a police report - we do not agree about God and yet I have told you I do not believe God loves me any more than he loves you. We don't agree on Kim Davis - I believe she has the right to refuse to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple and you don't. I do not believe anyone has the right to mock them, call them names, verbally or physically mistreat them. But refuse to participate in helping them get married? As a Christian? Kim Davis has that right.
not to answer for Luddly, but why do you think that she has the right to ignore her oath of office and deny services the people of her county are entitled to?

She requested not to be a part of it due to her Christian faith. Her request should be honored. I do not think you were answering for Luddly. You are just asking a simple question.

You see, the ruling for gay marriage by the Supreme Court was illegal to begin with. It was not their job to decide that same sex marriage should be made legal. I believe that the Supreme Court decision should be thrown out and the decision of the people of America who voted marriage is between a man and a woman - should remain in place - what we have is a Supreme Court who over stepped their authority. Kim Davis took an oath of office when the law of the land was marriage was between a man and a woman. She has upheld that oath. To the fullest. imo.
To Kim Davis

Please heed the call
Don’t stand in the doorway
Don’t block up the hall
For she that gets hurt
Will be she who has stalled
There’s a battle outside and it is ragin’
It’ll soon shake your windows and rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin’

Kim Davis is not going to heed any call from a slave of Satan.

Did you know that Bob Dylan sold his soul to Satan? If you have ever wondered why he is such a sad man - wonder no longer. I feel very sad for Bob Dylan. I wish I could share Jesus with him and tell him that Jesus can still save him, he could still change his mind and come to Jesus Christ I believe. If he doesn't what an awful fate awaits him. Very sad situation.

Judge Bunning issued a release order that spells out conditions that must be met ...if not she will be put back in the cooler........

And, fake christian Kimmy has said she will not obey.

Her choice and her consequences.

Had she not upheld the oath she took when she took office - which was to uphold the law of marriage between a man and a woman - she'd be a fake. She stood up for her faith and upheld the oath she took and in that her faith is looking straight as an arrow.

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