Are you supporting Kim Davis for defending her faith?

Do you support Kim Davis for standing up for her Christian faith?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 24 66.7%

  • Total voters
During the civil right struggle, blacks sat down at lunch counters and asked to be served. They were refused.

Gays walked in to a county clerk office and asked to be served. They were refused. The situations would be similar only if the gays had sat down in the clerks office and refused to leave. The appropriate comparison between the two situations would be that Kim fulfilled the same role as the waitresses who refused to serve the blacks.

Not even a close comparison at all.
Race rights are not the same as personal gratification of 2 individuals.
The 1st is a human right and not a sin, the 2nd is sin, just like abortion is a sin.
Those who want to sin have a right to do so, as long as it does not force religious people to go along with that sin.

I waiting for you to start a campaign of morality against all heterosexual couples who engage in oral sex.....

What part of those who want to sin have a right did you miss?
Nothing in the Bible says that oral sex is a sin within marriage of a man and woman.

My mistake, Peach. I thought that you were obsessed with things that went on in everyone's bedroom. I see, now, that you are only obsessed with what goes on in gay's bedrooms.

You really can't read can you?
During the civil right struggle, blacks sat down at lunch counters and asked to be served. They were refused.

Gays walked in to a county clerk office and asked to be served. They were refused. The situations would be similar only if the gays had sat down in the clerks office and refused to leave. The appropriate comparison between the two situations would be that Kim fulfilled the same role as the waitresses who refused to serve the blacks.

Not even a close comparison at all.
Race rights are not the same as personal gratification of 2 individuals.
The 1st is a human right and not a sin, the 2nd is sin, just like abortion is a sin.
Those who want to sin have a right to do so, as long as it does not force religious people to go along with that sin.

I waiting for you to start a campaign of morality against all heterosexual couples who engage in oral sex.....

What part of those who want to sin have a right did you miss?
Nothing in the Bible says that oral sex is a sin within marriage of a man and woman.

My mistake, Peach. I thought that you were obsessed with things that went on in everyone's bedroom. I see, now, that you are only obsessed with what goes on in gay's bedrooms.

You really can't read can you?

You really can't think for yourself, can you?
Are you supporting Kim Davis for her faith and for defending the laws of Kentucky? For any who are not aware of who Kim Davis is, she is the clerk who was put in jail for refusing to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple. In the State of Kentucky marriage is between a man and a woman. Are you supporting Kim Davis for standing up for her faith in Jesus Christ? Yes or no?


Nope. She is violating State and Federal law and imposing her will on others in violation of the Constitution of the USA.

SHE is what our Founding Fathers warned us about.

We have had sodomy laws since before and the beginning of our Nation and up until the courts ruling in 2003.
There needs to be a compromise between the rights of both sides.
She has the right to protest and stand up for her 1st amendment rights just like gays have done under the 14th amendment.

Yes, she does. She does NOT however have the right to impose her will through her power as an agent of the government. That is the very definition of tyranny.

Same as the minority is imposing theirs right now onto the many.
One person objects and the many have to bow.
Not even a close comparison at all.
Race rights are not the same as personal gratification of 2 individuals.
The 1st is a human right and not a sin, the 2nd is sin, just like abortion is a sin.
Those who want to sin have a right to do so, as long as it does not force religious people to go along with that sin.

I waiting for you to start a campaign of morality against all heterosexual couples who engage in oral sex.....

What part of those who want to sin have a right did you miss?
Nothing in the Bible says that oral sex is a sin within marriage of a man and woman.

My mistake, Peach. I thought that you were obsessed with things that went on in everyone's bedroom. I see, now, that you are only obsessed with what goes on in gay's bedrooms.

You really can't read can you?

You really can't think for yourself, can you?

I can.
Can you?
Are you supporting Kim Davis for her faith and for defending the laws of Kentucky? For any who are not aware of who Kim Davis is, she is the clerk who was put in jail for refusing to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple. In the State of Kentucky marriage is between a man and a woman. Are you supporting Kim Davis for standing up for her faith in Jesus Christ? Yes or no?


Nope. She is violating State and Federal law and imposing her will on others in violation of the Constitution of the USA.

SHE is what our Founding Fathers warned us about.

We have had sodomy laws since before and the beginning of our Nation and up until the courts ruling in 2003.
There needs to be a compromise between the rights of both sides.
She has the right to protest and stand up for her 1st amendment rights just like gays have done under the 14th amendment.

Yes, she does. She does NOT however have the right to impose her will through her power as an agent of the government. That is the very definition of tyranny.

Same as the minority is imposing theirs right now onto the many.
One person objects and the many have to bow.

How can that be? Even Huckabee says that Kim won!
Vote, still under 35% in favor of Kim. Westboro must be attending a funeral somewhere.

Opps! I forgot! The don't support Kim, either. They say that god hates her for her divorces!
Are you supporting Kim Davis for her faith and for defending the laws of Kentucky? For any who are not aware of who Kim Davis is, she is the clerk who was put in jail for refusing to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple. In the State of Kentucky marriage is between a man and a woman. Are you supporting Kim Davis for standing up for her faith in Jesus Christ? Yes or no?


Nope. She is violating State and Federal law and imposing her will on others in violation of the Constitution of the USA.

SHE is what our Founding Fathers warned us about.

We have had sodomy laws since before and the beginning of our Nation and up until the courts ruling in 2003.
There needs to be a compromise between the rights of both sides.
She has the right to protest and stand up for her 1st amendment rights just like gays have done under the 14th amendment.

Yes, she does. She does NOT however have the right to impose her will through her power as an agent of the government. That is the very definition of tyranny.

Same as the minority is imposing theirs right now onto the many.
One person objects and the many have to bow.

That's how this country was founded. To give as much protection to the minority as possible. Minority rule WAS the goal of the Founders. They realized that mob rule was the natural result of a pure Democracy, that's why they chose a Constitutional Republic for our governmental system. You are seeing that wonderful insight in action right now.
Marriage is not a RIGHT. I cannot marry my sister if we wanted to. I cannot marry my mother if we wanted to. I cannot marry my dog, and Lord know he'd do anything... The Supreme Court is NOT SUPREME! They are manipulative and are now trying to play God. This is an ugly time to raise children. I could not even imagine half of what goes on today openly and without any sense of modesty, so much less for shame.

There is a GOD and HE WILL do something and allow something ---------------- and it will not be good. While Israel did what they were supposed to do, the nation was prosperous and free. I really do not want the Supreme Court to throw it all away for the sexual frivolity of a few.

Opinions are not facts.
If she was genuinely defending her faith, yes.
There is no way for me to tell, because (1) I don't know her and (2) I can't trust what the press has to say about it.

It's between her and God. We are not the judge.
Seems like the "christians" are all sinning all over the place so they think everyone else is too.

I don't sin. I don't harm others. I try to be a good person and yet, according to the "christians", I'm a bad person because ... WHAT? Adam ate an apple given to him by a talking snake who was created by an invisible and imaginary super being who, on a whim, just up and destroys all that he "created"? No to mention that, just for craps and giggles, he gives little newborn babies every kind of horrendous handicaps he can think up.

All the excuses and rationalizations are impossible to keep track of and while they're making all these wacko demands, I'm also supposed to dismiss my country's constitution, just so I can get into an imaginary "heaven" where weird little fantasy creatures sit on clouds playing harps?

Luddly, I have never told you that are a bad person. Haven't I told you time and again I believe you are very compassionate, very caring for animals, children, injustices done to children - we do not agree on many things but on other things we do. I see many good things in you and try to tell you. I do not know why you are in such a state over this - we agree about the Duggars - they shouldn't be on TV - we agree about Josh Duggar - we agree about the responsibility of the Duggar parents to put their daughters first - that there should have been a police report - we do not agree about God and yet I have told you I do not believe God loves me any more than he loves you. We don't agree on Kim Davis - I believe she has the right to refuse to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple and you don't. I do not believe anyone has the right to mock them, call them names, verbally or physically mistreat them. But refuse to participate in helping them get married? As a Christian? Kim Davis has that right.
not to answer for Luddly, but why do you think that she has the right to ignore her oath of office and deny services the people of her county are entitled to?

She requested not to be a part of it due to her Christian faith. Her request should be honored. I do not think you were answering for Luddly. You are just asking a simple question.

You see, the ruling for gay marriage by the Supreme Court was illegal to begin with. It was not their job to decide that same sex marriage should be made legal. I believe that the Supreme Court decision should be thrown out and the decision of the people of America who voted marriage is between a man and a woman - should remain in place - what we have is a Supreme Court who over stepped their authority. Kim Davis took an oath of office when the law of the land was marriage was between a man and a woman. She has upheld that oath. To the fullest. imo.

"... the ruling for gay marriage by the Supreme Court was illegal to begin with. It was not their job to decide that same sex marriage should be made legal. I believe that the Supreme Court decision should be thrown out ...we have is a Supreme Court who over stepped their authority."

As we all learned in 6th grade civics class, it is exactly the "job" of SCOTUS to decide what is constitutional and legal in the US.

Except for those who believe against their ruling in Citizens United. :)

Did any Civil Servant refuse to implement Citizens United?
Seems like the "christians" are all sinning all over the place so they think everyone else is too.

I don't sin. I don't harm others. I try to be a good person and yet, according to the "christians", I'm a bad person because ... WHAT? Adam ate an apple given to him by a talking snake who was created by an invisible and imaginary super being who, on a whim, just up and destroys all that he "created"? No to mention that, just for craps and giggles, he gives little newborn babies every kind of horrendous handicaps he can think up.

All the excuses and rationalizations are impossible to keep track of and while they're making all these wacko demands, I'm also supposed to dismiss my country's constitution, just so I can get into an imaginary "heaven" where weird little fantasy creatures sit on clouds playing harps?

Luddly, I have never told you that are a bad person. Haven't I told you time and again I believe you are very compassionate, very caring for animals, children, injustices done to children - we do not agree on many things but on other things we do. I see many good things in you and try to tell you. I do not know why you are in such a state over this - we agree about the Duggars - they shouldn't be on TV - we agree about Josh Duggar - we agree about the responsibility of the Duggar parents to put their daughters first - that there should have been a police report - we do not agree about God and yet I have told you I do not believe God loves me any more than he loves you. We don't agree on Kim Davis - I believe she has the right to refuse to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple and you don't. I do not believe anyone has the right to mock them, call them names, verbally or physically mistreat them. But refuse to participate in helping them get married? As a Christian? Kim Davis has that right.
not to answer for Luddly, but why do you think that she has the right to ignore her oath of office and deny services the people of her county are entitled to?

She requested not to be a part of it due to her Christian faith. Her request should be honored. I do not think you were answering for Luddly. You are just asking a simple question.

You see, the ruling for gay marriage by the Supreme Court was illegal to begin with. It was not their job to decide that same sex marriage should be made legal. I believe that the Supreme Court decision should be thrown out and the decision of the people of America who voted marriage is between a man and a woman - should remain in place - what we have is a Supreme Court who over stepped their authority. Kim Davis took an oath of office when the law of the land was marriage was between a man and a woman. She has upheld that oath. To the fullest. imo.

"... the ruling for gay marriage by the Supreme Court was illegal to begin with. It was not their job to decide that same sex marriage should be made legal. I believe that the Supreme Court decision should be thrown out ...we have is a Supreme Court who over stepped their authority."

As we all learned in 6th grade civics class, it is exactly the "job" of SCOTUS to decide what is constitutional and legal in the US.

Except for those who believe against their ruling in Citizens United. :)


It doesn't matter whether you agree with SCOTUS rulings. They ARE the ultimate law of the land.

Seriously, WHY don't US citizens know this?
Are you supporting Kim Davis for her faith and for defending the laws of Kentucky? For any who are not aware of who Kim Davis is, she is the clerk who was put in jail for refusing to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple. In the State of Kentucky marriage is between a man and a woman. Are you supporting Kim Davis for standing up for her faith in Jesus Christ? Yes or no?


Nope. She is violating State and Federal law and imposing her will on others in violation of the Constitution of the USA.

SHE is what our Founding Fathers warned us about.

We have had sodomy laws since before and the beginning of our Nation and up until the courts ruling in 2003.
There needs to be a compromise between the rights of both sides.
She has the right to protest and stand up for her 1st amendment rights just like gays have done under the 14th amendment.

Yes, she does. She does NOT however have the right to impose her will through her power as an agent of the government. That is the very definition of tyranny.

Same as the minority is imposing theirs right now onto the many.
One person objects and the many have to bow.

That's how this country was founded. To give as much protection to the minority as possible. Minority rule WAS the goal of the Founders. They realized that mob rule was the natural result of a pure Democracy, that's why they chose a Constitutional Republic for our governmental system. You are seeing that wonderful insight in action right now.

Not one voice ruling the majority.
The majority of our votes win not the minority.
Minority has their rights also but not to oppresses the many.
With the Constitution, they chose a mix of Authoritarian, Oligarchical, and Republican forms of government in the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches, respectively. This design was to prevent a majority of political power. They DID NOT INCLUDE DEMOCRACY because they saw it led to a rule by the majority, among other problems.
Like I keep saying there needed to be a compromise and that is what just happened with the Judge on Kim Davis.
Luddly, I have never told you that are a bad person. Haven't I told you time and again I believe you are very compassionate, very caring for animals, children, injustices done to children - we do not agree on many things but on other things we do. I see many good things in you and try to tell you. I do not know why you are in such a state over this - we agree about the Duggars - they shouldn't be on TV - we agree about Josh Duggar - we agree about the responsibility of the Duggar parents to put their daughters first - that there should have been a police report - we do not agree about God and yet I have told you I do not believe God loves me any more than he loves you. We don't agree on Kim Davis - I believe she has the right to refuse to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple and you don't. I do not believe anyone has the right to mock them, call them names, verbally or physically mistreat them. But refuse to participate in helping them get married? As a Christian? Kim Davis has that right.
not to answer for Luddly, but why do you think that she has the right to ignore her oath of office and deny services the people of her county are entitled to?

She requested not to be a part of it due to her Christian faith. Her request should be honored. I do not think you were answering for Luddly. You are just asking a simple question.

You see, the ruling for gay marriage by the Supreme Court was illegal to begin with. It was not their job to decide that same sex marriage should be made legal. I believe that the Supreme Court decision should be thrown out and the decision of the people of America who voted marriage is between a man and a woman - should remain in place - what we have is a Supreme Court who over stepped their authority. Kim Davis took an oath of office when the law of the land was marriage was between a man and a woman. She has upheld that oath. To the fullest. imo.

"... the ruling for gay marriage by the Supreme Court was illegal to begin with. It was not their job to decide that same sex marriage should be made legal. I believe that the Supreme Court decision should be thrown out ...we have is a Supreme Court who over stepped their authority."

As we all learned in 6th grade civics class, it is exactly the "job" of SCOTUS to decide what is constitutional and legal in the US.

Except for those who believe against their ruling in Citizens United. :)

Did any Civil Servant refuse to implement Citizens United?

The protest against it is the same.
Luddly, I have never told you that are a bad person. Haven't I told you time and again I believe you are very compassionate, very caring for animals, children, injustices done to children - we do not agree on many things but on other things we do. I see many good things in you and try to tell you. I do not know why you are in such a state over this - we agree about the Duggars - they shouldn't be on TV - we agree about Josh Duggar - we agree about the responsibility of the Duggar parents to put their daughters first - that there should have been a police report - we do not agree about God and yet I have told you I do not believe God loves me any more than he loves you. We don't agree on Kim Davis - I believe she has the right to refuse to issue a marriage license to a same sex couple and you don't. I do not believe anyone has the right to mock them, call them names, verbally or physically mistreat them. But refuse to participate in helping them get married? As a Christian? Kim Davis has that right.
not to answer for Luddly, but why do you think that she has the right to ignore her oath of office and deny services the people of her county are entitled to?

She requested not to be a part of it due to her Christian faith. Her request should be honored. I do not think you were answering for Luddly. You are just asking a simple question.

You see, the ruling for gay marriage by the Supreme Court was illegal to begin with. It was not their job to decide that same sex marriage should be made legal. I believe that the Supreme Court decision should be thrown out and the decision of the people of America who voted marriage is between a man and a woman - should remain in place - what we have is a Supreme Court who over stepped their authority. Kim Davis took an oath of office when the law of the land was marriage was between a man and a woman. She has upheld that oath. To the fullest. imo.

"... the ruling for gay marriage by the Supreme Court was illegal to begin with. It was not their job to decide that same sex marriage should be made legal. I believe that the Supreme Court decision should be thrown out ...we have is a Supreme Court who over stepped their authority."

As we all learned in 6th grade civics class, it is exactly the "job" of SCOTUS to decide what is constitutional and legal in the US.

Except for those who believe against their ruling in Citizens United. :)


It doesn't matter whether you agree with SCOTUS rulings. They ARE the ultimate law of the land.

Seriously, WHY don't US citizens know this?

And those who are against Citizens United have the right to protest against that ruling and to try and get it overturned.

Nope. She is violating State and Federal law and imposing her will on others in violation of the Constitution of the USA.

SHE is what our Founding Fathers warned us about.

We have had sodomy laws since before and the beginning of our Nation and up until the courts ruling in 2003.
There needs to be a compromise between the rights of both sides.
She has the right to protest and stand up for her 1st amendment rights just like gays have done under the 14th amendment.

Yes, she does. She does NOT however have the right to impose her will through her power as an agent of the government. That is the very definition of tyranny.

Same as the minority is imposing theirs right now onto the many.
One person objects and the many have to bow.

That's how this country was founded. To give as much protection to the minority as possible. Minority rule WAS the goal of the Founders. They realized that mob rule was the natural result of a pure Democracy, that's why they chose a Constitutional Republic for our governmental system. You are seeing that wonderful insight in action right now.

Not one voice ruling the majority.
The majority of our votes win not the minority.
Minority has their rights also but not to oppresses the many.
With the Constitution, they chose a mix of Authoritarian, Oligarchical, and Republican forms of government in the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches, respectively. This design was to prevent a majority of political power. They DID NOT INCLUDE DEMOCRACY because they saw it led to a rule by the majority, among other problems.
Like I keep saying there needed to be a compromise and that is what just happened with the Judge on Kim Davis.

Works for me. She will no longer interfere with government functions, and he let her out of jail. Jesus is happy, too, because her name no longer appears on the license. She is happy, because her name still appears on her paycheck. The citizens of her county are happy, because they are a bunch of drooling hillbillies. God apparently is happy, because the stock market is up, and as Pat Robertson told us, it originally dropped because god was unhappy about Planned Parenthood. I'm not sure why god changed his mind about that....
not to answer for Luddly, but why do you think that she has the right to ignore her oath of office and deny services the people of her county are entitled to?

She requested not to be a part of it due to her Christian faith. Her request should be honored. I do not think you were answering for Luddly. You are just asking a simple question.

You see, the ruling for gay marriage by the Supreme Court was illegal to begin with. It was not their job to decide that same sex marriage should be made legal. I believe that the Supreme Court decision should be thrown out and the decision of the people of America who voted marriage is between a man and a woman - should remain in place - what we have is a Supreme Court who over stepped their authority. Kim Davis took an oath of office when the law of the land was marriage was between a man and a woman. She has upheld that oath. To the fullest. imo.

"... the ruling for gay marriage by the Supreme Court was illegal to begin with. It was not their job to decide that same sex marriage should be made legal. I believe that the Supreme Court decision should be thrown out ...we have is a Supreme Court who over stepped their authority."

As we all learned in 6th grade civics class, it is exactly the "job" of SCOTUS to decide what is constitutional and legal in the US.

Except for those who believe against their ruling in Citizens United. :)

Did any Civil Servant refuse to implement Citizens United?

The protest against it is the same.

No its not

You have a first amendment right to protest
There is a first amendment ban on the government establishing religion....Kim Davis is breaking that ban
not to answer for Luddly, but why do you think that she has the right to ignore her oath of office and deny services the people of her county are entitled to?

She requested not to be a part of it due to her Christian faith. Her request should be honored. I do not think you were answering for Luddly. You are just asking a simple question.

You see, the ruling for gay marriage by the Supreme Court was illegal to begin with. It was not their job to decide that same sex marriage should be made legal. I believe that the Supreme Court decision should be thrown out and the decision of the people of America who voted marriage is between a man and a woman - should remain in place - what we have is a Supreme Court who over stepped their authority. Kim Davis took an oath of office when the law of the land was marriage was between a man and a woman. She has upheld that oath. To the fullest. imo.

"... the ruling for gay marriage by the Supreme Court was illegal to begin with. It was not their job to decide that same sex marriage should be made legal. I believe that the Supreme Court decision should be thrown out ...we have is a Supreme Court who over stepped their authority."

As we all learned in 6th grade civics class, it is exactly the "job" of SCOTUS to decide what is constitutional and legal in the US.

Except for those who believe against their ruling in Citizens United. :)


It doesn't matter whether you agree with SCOTUS rulings. They ARE the ultimate law of the land.

Seriously, WHY don't US citizens know this?

And those who are against Citizens United have the right to protest against that ruling and to try and get it overturned.

Kim Davis has that same right to protest and try to get it overturned

She does not have a right to use her government position to establish religion

Nope. She is violating State and Federal law and imposing her will on others in violation of the Constitution of the USA.

SHE is what our Founding Fathers warned us about.

We have had sodomy laws since before and the beginning of our Nation and up until the courts ruling in 2003.
There needs to be a compromise between the rights of both sides.
She has the right to protest and stand up for her 1st amendment rights just like gays have done under the 14th amendment.

Yes, she does. She does NOT however have the right to impose her will through her power as an agent of the government. That is the very definition of tyranny.

Same as the minority is imposing theirs right now onto the many.
One person objects and the many have to bow.

That's how this country was founded. To give as much protection to the minority as possible. Minority rule WAS the goal of the Founders. They realized that mob rule was the natural result of a pure Democracy, that's why they chose a Constitutional Republic for our governmental system. You are seeing that wonderful insight in action right now.

Not one voice ruling the majority.
The majority of our votes win not the minority.
Minority has their rights also but not to oppresses the many.
With the Constitution, they chose a mix of Authoritarian, Oligarchical, and Republican forms of government in the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative branches, respectively. This design was to prevent a majority of political power. They DID NOT INCLUDE DEMOCRACY because they saw it led to a rule by the majority, among other problems.
Like I keep saying there needed to be a compromise and that is what just happened with the Judge on Kim Davis.

She's not ruling over the majority. She is one voice trying to control a very small minority, gay people.
not to answer for Luddly, but why do you think that she has the right to ignore her oath of office and deny services the people of her county are entitled to?

She requested not to be a part of it due to her Christian faith. Her request should be honored. I do not think you were answering for Luddly. You are just asking a simple question.

You see, the ruling for gay marriage by the Supreme Court was illegal to begin with. It was not their job to decide that same sex marriage should be made legal. I believe that the Supreme Court decision should be thrown out and the decision of the people of America who voted marriage is between a man and a woman - should remain in place - what we have is a Supreme Court who over stepped their authority. Kim Davis took an oath of office when the law of the land was marriage was between a man and a woman. She has upheld that oath. To the fullest. imo.

"... the ruling for gay marriage by the Supreme Court was illegal to begin with. It was not their job to decide that same sex marriage should be made legal. I believe that the Supreme Court decision should be thrown out ...we have is a Supreme Court who over stepped their authority."

As we all learned in 6th grade civics class, it is exactly the "job" of SCOTUS to decide what is constitutional and legal in the US.

Except for those who believe against their ruling in Citizens United. :)


It doesn't matter whether you agree with SCOTUS rulings. They ARE the ultimate law of the land.

Seriously, WHY don't US citizens know this?

And those who are against Citizens United have the right to protest against that ruling and to try and get it overturned.

So does she. She is not allowed to use her governmental power to impose HER will in defiance of the Courts. Period.

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